Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 476: Highest level of confidentiality

The house matter was a big problem for Lu Xin.

Now it was so smoothly done, even when he woke up in the morning, he thought it was a bit unreal.

Such a big house, earned with my own hands, it feels...

…I’m so amazing!

And Han Bing seems to have brought good luck to himself. When he came to the company again and started running for these projects, he had already been transferred to his staff. Brother Zhang and Sister Sun, who started running errands for him, quietly put a thick The thick envelope was placed on his desk. When Lu Xin opened the envelope, he was completely dumbfounded. Such a thick stack would cost tens of thousands of dollars?

Suddenly I felt a little sorry for Vice President Xiao.

But faintly, there is a sense of unexpected joy. How about so many rebates for these projects?

At first, I complained a little bit, and I gave myself too many projects at once.

Now I understand that the old saying about how much you pay and how much you pay back is really true!

The ancients are not deceived by me!

This made him burst out of great enthusiasm for work.

On the same day, I took the initiative to work overtime and studied these projects carefully, and left Brother Zhang and Sister Sun for a small meeting.

Only then did he understand that these items on hand are so valuable. .

For some reason, he who always hated working overtime suddenly had the urge to keep everyone behind to work overtime...

But in the end it didn't. After all, being a human being can't cross the river so quickly and tear down the bridge.

This kind of life is rare and lasts for a period of time. I devote myself to the work with enthusiasm every day, and then waited for Han Bing to help me through the procedures, and went to my little villa to take a look. I have to say, this way Lu Xin's life has a dull but very charming feeling, and Lu Xin even has a faint feeling, if he can live like this forever, it would be fine.

However, about a week later, he suddenly received another call from Chen Jing.

"How does it feel to be on vacation during this time?"

Faced with Chen Jing’s question, Lu Xin replied sincerely: "Very good."

Chen Jing was a little surprised, and smiled: "You can hear it, you are really happy."

"But your vacation will be over tomorrow, and you need to come to the main city."


Lu Xin asked hurriedly, "What's the matter?"

"There is a lot to discuss."

Chen Jing smiled and said: "Some things in Happy Town, the follow-up to the incident in Central City, and some things in the Sea Country, of course, there are also the backlogs during this period of time, and your comments on these recent missions. , And remuneration matters..."

Lu Xin's mood suddenly became better.

Chen Jing smiled and said, "Of course, there is another very important meeting waiting for you to attend."

"This meeting is related to a plan that Qinggang has prepared for a long time."

"Other things can actually be operated remotely. The reason why you must come here is because of this meeting."


Her voice was very relaxed, but Lu Xin faintly heard a solemn feeling.

So he also got serious: "Well, I'll be there early in the morning."

For this past report work, Lu Xin actually had already prepared for it.

The related task report has been sent, and the things that I need to organize and prepare have also been prepared.

To be honest, this time he was able to get a vacation of almost half a month, which was already beyond his expectation.

Because he originally thought that he would rest for two or three days at most, and he would return to the busy work of the Special Clearance Department.

The happy town, the sea country, and the central city are all very important things, not to mention there is a planned meeting.

Lu Xin knew the importance, so even if he was busy with the work at hand, he decided to ask for leave.

"Go, Xiao Lu, go directly."

Director Liu took the company's humane management to the extreme and threw a request for leave in front of Lu Xin.

"Fill it out by yourself, approve it yourself, don't worry, no salary deduction."


Lu Xin felt relieved and loved life even more.

After I asked for a leave, I went to the guard hall after get off work. One was to return the small pink electric car, and the other was to confirm with the guards what time they would come tomorrow and ask them to take the helicopter. Get ready, let's have dinner again.

In the evening, in order to avoid delaying work the next day, he also rested early.

It's just that even he feels that the atmosphere at home seems to have changed a bit recently, to be precise, it's his mother.

There was a quiet smile on her face, but it was the first time that she had stood by the window for a long time without making a phone call.

There seemed to be a strong sense of expectation on her face.


The helicopter landed on the roof of the Special Clearance Department building in the main city of Qinggang. Lu Xin walked out with a black bag. On the edge of the building, Han Bing wore a medium gray professional suit. He looked capable and straight with a smile. Standing next to the building, waiting for him.


Lu Xin didn't expect that Han Bing would come to pick him up. He immediately became energetic when he was dozing off in the helicopter just now.

"I didn't expect to meet again so soon..."

He hurriedly bent over and walked out of the propeller's range, and stretched out his hand from a distance.

His smile has not changed the slightest from the previous meeting, but he still looks very enthusiastic and somewhat polite.

"Mr. Shan Bing thinks I see you too frequently?"

Han Bing smiled as usual, came over to shake hands with Lu Xin, and smiled and joked.

"how can that be possible?"

Lu Xin held her somewhat cold little hand and smiled a little embarrassed.

"Let's go, Mr. Soldier."

Han Bing smiled, motioned to take the bag in Lu Xin's hand, and said, "The meeting will begin in half an hour."

"No need, no sink."

Lu Xin hurriedly waved his hand and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to come too. Is this meeting important?"

"As far as I know, yes."

Han Bing did not forcibly take Lu Xin’s bag, and walked downstairs with him, smiling: "However, it is also because this time is the highest level of confidentiality. Among our acquaintances, many of us attended the meeting, but Because everyone’s authority is different, and the level of understanding of this matter is different, the first principle of this meeting is that it is not allowed to discuss the content of the meeting in private."

"Oh oh."

Lu Xin repeatedly agreed, "Your authority is higher than ours..."

Han Bing glanced at him and said, "No, it's Mr. Single Soldier, your authority is higher than ours."


Lu Xin couldn't help but be stunned, I don't know anything about the authority...

Han Bing first brought Lu Xin to a lounge on the third floor, where a dozen people had already been seated.

A gecko with two legs on the table, flipping through a magazine with relish.

There was an alcoholic with a thermos cup in both hands and a silver box beside him.

There are also bear kids playing computer games with a serious face in front of their laptops, and goddesses who are applying makeup in front of the mirror.

In addition, there was a tall, tightly-wrapped watchdog sitting there, like a hill.

Someone who is long, chubby and tattooed waits.

It seems that every time a meeting, a few new faces will come.

Lu Xin entered the lounge, and suddenly no one looked at him.

Lu Xin nodded to everyone, "Good morning everyone."

Everyone nodded and greeted him, including the goddess who was serious about applying makeup and the bear children who were serious about playing games.

Only the gecko put down the magazine with a "swish", stood at attention, and said loudly:

"Hi Captain."

Lu Xin glanced at him bitterly, and wanted to tell others that he didn't know him.

After sitting down, Lu Xin was also a little strange.

This time, Qinggang seems to have gathered all the more powerful abilities.

Is this another big event going to happen?

Qinggang shouldn't be so unlucky, the things in Happy Town haven't been fully implemented yet.

I was actually very curious about this meeting, but it was not easy to take the initiative to discuss it with others.

After all, I am the person with the highest authority...

"Hey, Captain..."

Lu Xin, who originally only wanted to sit here quietly and wait for the meeting, was disturbed by the gecko.

As soon as he saw that he came in, he seemed to lose interest in the magazine. He approached him with an expression that was clearly well-intentioned but easy to provoke violence, and he used a depressing tone that happened to be enough for everyone. The voice that I heard said:

"What's going on at this meeting?"


Lu Xin glanced at him and reminded him in a low voice, "Don't discuss it in private."

Gecko didn't give up, and said: "It's all his own, let me tell you a little..."

Upon hearing this, the goddess, bear children, drunks, and watchdogs all subconsciously looked up.

Lu Xin was a little embarrassed: "I don't know either..."

Gecko's eyes suddenly narrowed: "Captain, you are not kind, right?"

The drunkard also laughed and said: "Little soldier, it's okay to reveal a little bit. My old man is also for this meeting. He even missed the exam for the third year. As a result, hehe, by now, even some meeting materials have not been posted in advance. …"

"Yes it is…"

A crisp voice took over the conversation, and it was the bear boy in front of the computer: "I also missed the exam."

What he said seemed to be a little lost, but there was an unconcealable smile on his face.

"I really don't know..."

Lu Xin looked innocent and tried to distinguish.

"Alright alright…"

Everyone nodded to him with understanding, and slowly went back to their busy schedules.

Lu Xin feels wronged...

Obviously I don't know anything, why do they all look disbelief? What's the problem?

After thinking about it, he looked at the gecko with a serious face.

Gecko met his gaze and patted his heart with a sincere and sincere expression of "Captain I stand by you".

"The meeting is about to begin. UU reading"

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Han Bing came over and knocked on the door, speaking softly.

Everyone in the conference room stood up immediately, but Han Bing hurriedly smiled and said, "No, Mr. Shan Bing will come over first."

The eyes of the people in the entire conference room looked at Lu Xin.

"After this meeting, I guess I will know..."

Lu Xin walked to the door and turned around to say something to the people in the conference room.

With a look of understanding, Gecko said to the people on the left and right: "Whether you believe it or not, I definitely believe in our captain."


Lu Xin sighed deeply and walked out of the lounge with a stubborn pace.

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