Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 477: Qinggang Heavenly Kingdom Project (4000 words)

  Chapter 484 Qinggang Heavenly Kingdom Project (4,000 words)

  Han Bing led Lu Xin in front and took the elevator to the east side of the fourth floor of the Special Clearance Department.

  Through a long corridor to a heavily guarded office.

During   , I also passed several gates with detectors. Every time I passed through a gate, the machine rang wildly. .

  Han Bing explained to the staff guarding the detector over and over again:

   "It's okay, this is Mr. Single Soldier."


  After listening to Han Bing’s introduction, these staff members only took a deep look at Lu Xin’s black bag, and then let them go.

This makes people feel very strange, probably because others are not allowed to bring guns when they enter this conference room, but for a single soldier, if he brings a gun, it seems safer, so as soon as he heard it was him, Just let him go?

After    explained several times, she finally entered a fully enclosed office at the end of the passage, and the black door slowly closed behind her.

  Lu Xin saw that this is a conference room that can accommodate hundreds of people. The decoration is heavy. The lights only turn on the front row. There is a huge screen in the front with a chairing table. In such a large conference room, there were only a few dozen people in the front row.

  And those people, who seem to be not young, looked forward from behind, and a row of bald heads shone slightly under the light of the screen.

   "Mr. Single Soldier is here."

  Han Bing said softly, and the bald head in the front row suddenly turned around a lot.

"Hello everyone…"

  Lu Xin nodded to the bald and few people who had lost their heads, and sat down in front of them under the sign of Han Bing's eyes.

  Professor Chen is sitting next to him, and Professor Bai is in front of him.

  Professor Bai was next to Mr. Su with a round face. He turned around and shook his hands gently with Lu Xin.

   "Hello, solo soldier, I have always wanted to talk to you since the last incident in the sea country."

   "Unexpectedly, I never got the chance..."


  Lu Xin had no choice but to shook hands with him politely, and said, "I have a chance in the future. I was too busy some time ago."

  Mr. Su smiled and nodded, then turned around.

  Han Bing, who sat behind Lu Xin, had a strange expression on his face.

  After Lu Xin sat down, he swept his eyes lightly, and he saw that there was a lot of battle in this conference room.

  Almost all of the six madnesses he has seen in Qinggang are here.

  In addition, there are Mr. Su, Minister Shen, Professor Bai, Chen Jing and so on.

  In addition, there are a few new faces that I have never seen before, but those who can sit with these people are probably not low-profile.

  Especially, I can clearly notice that after I came in, many people were secretly looking at themselves.

  Lu Xin had to smile at them and greet them softly.

  Those who caught his gaze, or smiled awkwardly, withdrew his gaze.

  Or slap back your gaze, like a thief.



   "Well, Mr. Shan Soldier has arrived, then our meeting officially begins."

  This meeting is very simple, there is not even a meeting host, and there is no formal opening warning.

Professor Bai just looked at it and saw that everyone had arrived, so he took the initiative to get up, walked to the stage, and said: "This meeting is mainly to report the results of the Happy Town incident to everyone present, and make a plan. solicit opinions."

  He didn’t sell anything, and didn’t prepare any materials, so he preached straightforwardly:

   "Up to now, the Qinggang Special Clearance Department has reached a preliminary stable relationship with Happy Town."

   "During the period when the queen was weakest, we gained her great kindness."

   "And it has been confirmed through observation and testing that this goodwill should last a long time."

   "Of course, the real negotiation will have to wait for a while. We are already working out the conditions of Qinggang."

  "This matter belongs to a separate project, and detailed information has been prepared, so I won’t repeat it here."

   "What I want to tell you today is the problem exposed in this mission."

  "In this happy town incident, due to the emergence of the technology church, our Qinggang was insufficiently prepared, and the casualties were extremely heavy."

"A total of 28 researchers and 132 elites of the information investigation team died in this incident. In addition, in the process of clearing up the mental turbulence, there were also eleven fighters and two capable people who sacrificed. , Thirty-one people were injured..."

   "As for the consumption in this mission, it is even more of an astronomical figure."

  "Qinggang’s accumulation in the past ten years has consumed almost half of it in this mission."


He tapped on the host desk in front of him lightly, increased his voice, and said: "We can win this battle with the technology church. It is already with the help of the two abilities of individual soldiers and dolls. Strength, even so, has caused so many sacrifices and resource consumption. I wonder what do you think of this victory?"

  "Is it fortunate or fearful?"


  Suddenly hearing Professor Bai mention his name, Lu Xin was slightly shy.

  I feel that the gaze around me secretly looks at me more.

   "What I just mentioned is just some superficial loss..."

  Professor Bai continued: “Another question was raised by Mr. Su. Because of the frequent occurrence of mental pollution incidents and the intensified intensity, the various law enforcement agencies in Qinggang have already operated to their limits, even to the point of collapse...”

   "I have one sentence, not alarmist."

  "If a similar incident occurs again, Qinggang's chance of winning will not exceed 50%."

   "Even if it can win, if there is a mistake in a certain link, the internal contradiction of Qinggang will be triggered, and the probability of collapse..."

   "...more than 80%!"


  It was clearly discussing a task that had been completed, but Professor Bai’s words came to the end, but inexplicably made the participants feel a little depressed.

  Especially Lu Xin. He didn't care much about such issues. After all, he was just a small employee of Satellite City 2, but he just discussed this issue with Han Bing not long ago, but he felt more empathetic.

  It’s just that, what did Professor Bai bring up this question at this time.

  Didn’t I discuss this with Han Bing at that time, is there no good way to solve this problem?

  I have encountered special pollution, so I can’t leave it alone, right?

  Ordinary people seem too vulnerable in the face of special pollution, it is impossible not to protect them.

  Lu Xin took a bit more seriously and listened quietly to Professor Bai's words.

  He found that the expressions on the faces of the bald people sitting around, or those who were flattered, became more serious.

  Many of them should already know what this meeting will be.

  But when they heard these things, their expressions still became serious subconsciously.

  The air around him became slightly depressed, and Lu Xin suddenly felt that there was something more around him.

   subconsciously looked back and saw that there were three more people in the seat behind him.

  The little head was lazily leaning on the back of the chair, with two little feet stretched out in front, resting on Professor Chen Liqing’s younger sister.

  Elegant and exquisite, mother sitting in the chair with a big smile.

  There is also a cold expression, the father who seems to have always carried that kind of disdain...

  Behind him sat Han Bing.

  She thought she was looking at her, she showed herself a gentle smile, and her eyes motioned to continue listening to the meeting.

  She doesn’t know yet, there is already a noble lady sitting next to her.

  Family will be very concerned about this meeting?


   "I didn't say this to make you pessimistic."

Professor Bai went on to say in front of the podium: “It’s just to tell you the fact that special pollution is not as we thought before. It only happens occasionally, and will gradually disappear over time, but appears. A process of increasing intensity and gradually diversifying pollution methods is a great threat to Qinggang and even the entire human race."

  "Whether it is the pattern we have observed or the data shared by the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, it all illustrates this point."

   "Now we, can we fight this threat?"


  After talking about this question, he looked down at the people in the audience and answered by himself.

   "Yes, the sea country and happy town are proof."

  However, immediately after that, he changed his voice:

"However, the problem we are facing now is not whether we can fight it. The goal of Qinggang from the beginning of the city was to restore the order of the pre-civilization era and protect those who are willing to believe us and enter the high wall. People."

   "But every pollution will bring a lot of casualties. This is not our pursuit."

  "Our goal is not to defeat every pollution, but to minimize the threat of every pollution."

   "Even, let these pollution directly away from Qinggang!"


  Lu Xin was slightly surprised, and looked up at the old man who was talking.

   Every time he encountered a special pollution incident before, even if it was resolved, he was always upset.

  Sometimes he was thinking about the reason, but now he understood it all at once.

  It is not the goal to defeat pollution.

  The purpose is to prevent pollution from harming more people.


  Sitting behind Lu Xin, the mother beside Han Bing also showed a smile on her face and applauded lightly.

  But no one heard her applause.

  Professor Bai on the stage would not know that someone was applauding for him at this time.

When it came to this question, Professor Bai's expression became even more serious. He sighed and said: "From the perspective of this goal, our Qinggang Special Clearance Department, or count other high-wall cities in the alliance. , The completion is not good."

   "Mental pollution is almost everywhere. It can be born within a high wall, or it can come from the wilderness."

   "He may be driven by people with hostile abilities, he may be manipulated by careerists, and it is impossible for us to avoid..."

"And the characteristics of mental pollution make us often need to find the signs after it has caused a certain hazard, and then investigate, stop its pollution, and then clean up the source of pollution. Finally, we are exhausted and spend countless energy... "

   "Just like today, each of us is working hard, but pollution is appearing more and more..."


  Lu Xin's eyes became a little out of focus.

  Ordinary people are too weak to resist in the face of special pollution.

  Especially, perhaps many people still don’t know the existence of the abyss, and they don’t know that the great crisis will come sooner or later.

  No one can stop the final eruption of the abyss, and no one can stop the increasing pollution.

  Even the research institute seems desperate about this problem.

"and so…"

  At this time, Professor Bai on the stage said the important point: "We have been thinking from the beginning:"

  "How can we alleviate or even solve this problem fundamentally!"



  Lu Xin raised his head in a daze, his pupils dilated slightly.

  'S expression did not keep up, so his face looked a little indifferent, but there was a slight sense of surprise in his heart.

  He is talking about solving this problem?

  Behind Lu Xin, a mysterious smile appeared on his mother's face.

  Father's eyes were cold and sharp, and he seemed to be disdainful.

younger sister…

  ...My sister was stretching her head, looking at Han Bing curiously, but she didn't hear anything on the stage.

On the stage, when Professor Bai said here, his gaze was also looking down. It was Lu Xin where his gaze fell. He seemed to want to distinguish some expressions from Lu Xin's face, but he saw that Lu Xin's face at this time only seemed calm.

  So, he can only continue to say: "This is what we have been studying, the Heavenly Plan."



  When Professor Bai uttered the four words "Plan for the Kingdom of Heaven," there was a lot of commotion in the audience.

Lu Xin wasn't sure how many people had known this plan in advance, but it could be seen that the name of this plan itself seemed to have a heavy weight, whether it was a researcher or a professor, or a look at it. Temperament, a man who is a mature politician, has a slight movement in his expression, but he can't tell whether it is excitement or worry.

  Professor Bai continued:

  "The Heavenly Plan is an idea proposed after we understand the nature of special pollution."

   "In myths and legends, there are demons in UU Reading that confuse the world, make people fall, and fall into **** forever."

   "The devil is everywhere, unpredictable, and ordinary people can't resist it."

"However, there are places in this world that the devil cannot reach, and that is the kingdom of heaven. If ordinary people do not want to be tempted by the devil, they can only enter the kingdom of heaven after death and hide under the wings of God, so that they can stay away from the devil and get eternal Joy and peace."


  Speaking of this, Professor Bai's gaze became faintly firm.

  Lu Xin hadn't seen such a firm gaze from an ordinary person's face for a long time.

  He even felt that Professor Bai’s voice became very loud at this time, as if he was about to rush to the sky:

   "We are not going to wait for peace before we die, so we have to create a heaven on earth."

   "We don't want to pray for the protection of God, so we build our own God."


  His speech slowed down, and he announced in a deep voice: "This is the core concept of Qinggang's Heavenly Kingdom Project!"

  (End of this chapter)

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