Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 491: Phase 2 testing

The baby will feel the hatred and hatred of these people, and therefore produce feelings of grievance and sadness. It is indeed unexpected. Not only Lu Xin did not expect it, but Professor Bai’s experimental plan and precautions did not mention this part. .

But this is also normal. An experiment will inevitably have some subtleties that don't match your imagination.

Lu Xin took a deep breath. Although he understood this, he still had some worries. . .

Can a doll who has never felt these emotions survive?

In Lu Xin's eyes, the doll pressed the corner of her mouth lightly.

In his big eyes, there was a crystal clear tear that slowly slipped down.

But her face became strong, and she had to bear the hatred and hatred in her heart from the polluted people of these maritime nations, just like a little girl who was scolded face to face, but she still endured it. My grievances, calm and gentle, toward the polluted people, said softly: "Your state is not good, get better soon..."

Her words may only be heard by Lu Xin.

However, her spiritual power transmitted this will and quickly covered it to the distance.

Lu Xin sighed heavily.


The contaminated persons in the maritime country seem to have felt the will of the doll through the still very weak spiritual power, but at this time, in the initially constructed field, the spiritual field is barely shrouded, and the power is not enough to affect them.

Therefore, their reaction at this time was even more violent.

For them, it was like being in a depressed room at this time, where there was an atmosphere of vigilance and hostility everywhere, but there was nowhere to escape, and they couldn't find the enemy, so they roared desperately. He got up, like a bull who couldn't vent his anger, running desperately and rushing around between the huge and fragmented patchwork decks.

Everyone has red eyes, but they don't know who to attack, they can only vent more and more hatred.

These hatreds were all felt by the doll.

But she just closed her eyes slightly, quietly bearing the hatred, and building her own spiritual field deeper.

"The spiritual radiation of the unit area is slowly increasing..."

"It has reached the preset value of 20%...30%...45%..."

In the command room, all the staff were nervously staring at the data on the display, their hearts beating.

The preliminary construction of the field is useless.

Only when the spiritual radiation in the field reaches a certain standard can it play a role in cleaning up.

This is a long process.

But under the insistence of the doll, the spiritual radiation in the field is still increasing steadily step by step.

The changes on the decks of the maritime nations also followed.

Those polluted people who have nowhere to vent their anger and hatred feel that the spiritual power around them is increasing. For them, it means that they are enjoying the most illusory and happiest joy in the world, but it happens at this time. , I began to have a will to interfere with myself, forcibly pulling myself out of that state of joy, forcing myself to wake up quickly.

To accurately describe it, it's just like when I was having an extremely beautiful dream with myself, I was shaking myself with one hand desperately.

So they are getting more and more angry, and they are getting more and more panic.

I was afraid that the dream was far away from me.

Finally, as the mental radiation in the field reached 60% of the preset value, crazy changes began to appear on the deck. Someone had been affected by the mental power in the field and had a feeling of disunity. They began to feel like a split. The person who was initially affected by the doll and cleaned up the special pollution, twisted his body, knelt on the ground, desperately holding his forehead against the deck.

But more often, there was a painful expression on his face, and he suddenly rushed into the sea desperately.

There was a resolute expression on their faces, and they rushed straight into the sea.

On such a night, their bodies are so weak, no matter how watery they are, once they jump into the sea, it is almost a dead end.

But no one of them cared about it. After one jumped into the sea, more people followed.

They just rushed into the sea desperately, seeming to escape from this area.

Even Lu Xin, who was standing next to the doll, saw the movement of a group of people rushing into the sea in the distance through the light of those searchlights. He was slightly startled, and he did not understand their behavior. After all, these people no longer understood their behavior. They are lazy and even starve to death, but what they pursue is happiness. They enjoy the moment that happiness comes, so they will still resist the arrival of death.

It's like when throwing food and water in Qinggang, most people still pick it up and take a few sips.

They can't taste the taste, but they still have the instinct to sustain their lives.

Thinking about this question, he compared it with the experimental materials he had seen in advance, but he quickly figured it out.

The enhancement of mental radiation in the field made them feel pressure.

They realized that their dreams might be broken, so they began to be afraid.

They are deeply polluted by the "curse of the mermaid", and they just want to protect themselves, the "love that others can't see."

The act of jumping into the sea is no different from ordinary people running away with their most beloved people.

However, at this time, the concentration of mental radiation in the field has obviously not reached the level that the doll can control the behavior of these people.

So, how to solve this problem?

"Reported that because the doll field was opened too quickly, the behavior of the contaminated person changed..."

"Foreseeing the consequences, it is very likely that there will be mass deaths of contaminated people..."


While Lu Xin was considering this issue, someone in the command room hurriedly spoke and reported the situation.

But obviously, this change was within Qinggang's expectations.

Sitting in the middle of the command room, Professor Bai, who looked like an iron can, had no expression on his face, as steady as Mount Tai, and ordered in a deep voice:

"Please prepare the four support staff and start the second phase of the test immediately!"



Professor Bai's order was also transmitted to Lu Xin's channel.

He was suddenly curious and looked up at the black sea.

What role will these auxiliary abilities play?

"Yes, please prepare for the support ability. The second phase of the test will begin immediately!"

Following Professor Bai's order, the surrounding sea suddenly changed accordingly.

The first to respond was the alcoholic.

This high school girl in a black combat uniform also knew the importance of this mission, and didn't even bring a thermos.

When she got the order, she immediately picked up the box and got up. When she looked up, she saw countless people on the deck of the sea country. They were crazy. You pushed me and rushed toward the edge of the deck, and then looked like down. Dumplings jumped into the sea one after another.

So she took a deep breath and strode to the edge of the ship.

Stepping on the side of the ship, she hugged the box in her arms, then took a deep breath and yelled:

"Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong..."


No swords appeared around, not a single handle.

The drunkard just shouted out, pointed at the deck position of the sea country, and opened the box at the same time.

At this moment, with the help of the key, she connected her spiritual power with the doll through the signal tower.

Originally, the drunkard’s ability could only be within a range of ten meters, affecting other people, and the number was also limited, but at this time, her mental power actually seemed to have been infinitely improved, instantly facing her, endlessly. Spread away.

Three meters, ten meters, one hundred meters, three hundred meters, one kilometer, three kilometers...

Countless people have been affected by her ability.

These people who were rushing to the deck were shrouded in the drunkard's power, and suddenly seemed to become headless flies. They were rushing towards the edge of the deck with their heads stuffed, but they suddenly lost their sense of direction. , The movements became disorganized, and some suddenly stopped, their legs seemed to be nailed to the ground, while others turned in a circle on the spot, and rushed toward the deck again.

The scenery around them was changing, and the sense of direction appeared chaotic. Those who wanted to rush into the sea turned into a U-turn and rushed back to the deck, and those who wanted to struggle to get up despite everything were always unable to succeed because of their feet. It seems that you can't step on the ground.

Their five senses were completely distorted, and they couldn't hear the real. UU reading www.uukā couldn't see the real, and couldn't touch the real.

The whole person can only rest on the ground, struggling like mud.

There are only one or two such people, but such scenes originated from the direction the drunkard faces, and quickly spread out to the left and right, as if a huge swamp is unfolding, bringing thousands of sea nations Residents are trapped inside.

At this time, Lu Xin just stayed with the doll to prevent problems. He couldn't see the situation on the side of the four supporters, but in order to let him know the information simultaneously, Han Bing's voice sounded at the right time, telling him about other things. The status quo of the capable person.

"The drunkard has taken action and used her ability to seal the contaminated body of the sea country that the East wants to escape."

"In the previous Happy Town incident, she got the box left by the Technology Church. Now that box has become her weapon, greatly enhancing her power. From the current ability comparison, she should have been in addition to you. Apart from the doll, the strongest one, and in the field constructed by the doll at this time, she can get a substantial increase in her ability..."

"In short, this is the second application of the Heavenly Project."

"As supporters, under the influence of the doll's mental power, their abilities can at least increase by one level!"


"Can the supporter improve his abilities in the field of the spiritual lord?"

Listening to Han Bing's words, Lu Xin felt a little strange, but suddenly he felt familiar.

Where have you seen it?

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