Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 492: The big Qinggang, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger

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At the same time, it was naturally not a drunkard alone.

In the west of the sea country, the watchdog immediately stood up after receiving the order.

He was tall and burly, wrapped in heavy clothes and a hat, wrapped tightly around him, without revealing anything. . .

Standing in the crowd, like a little giant.

But against the dark sea and the crazy crowd, it still looked extremely small.

However, feeling the ubiquitous and increasingly powerful field around him, he suddenly burst out laughing.

Then, he violently tore off his hat, revealing a bald head with thick stitches. The next moment, he tore off his clothes directly. There was a big **** hole in his chest, and he could still see The beating heart.

"Give me back!"

He looked at the crowd on the opposite deck, frantically rushing over, and shouted loudly.

The sound was heard clearly when the tide was moving.


At the same time, the place where his head was stitched up suddenly split open, revealing a mouth with two rows of rugged teeth. In the mouth, a bright red tongue stretched out into the air. The head of this tongue was unexpectedly open again. It is in the shape of a poisonous snake.

At the same time, his heart was beating violently, and he actually got out of his body.

It was like a ball of flesh that bounced outside, and it was connected to the body with some kind of flesh and blood tissue.

The fascia represented by this heart then turned up and down and opened, revealing an eye unexpectedly.

On his back, there are countless earthworm-like bloodshots spreading out, intertwined into the air, like a big net.

The venomous snake that grew out of its head sizzled, and instantly grew to a length of tens of meters, like a giant python, rushing to the men of the sea country, biting at the chaotic spiritual power of their body, and revealing their eyes. Very greedy expression.

The earthworm-like bloodshot on the back, like a net, shrouded in all directions, preventing them from jumping into the sea.

The eyes that grew out of the heart were coldly opened, and everyone was shocked and collapsed to the ground.

In this dark sea, the watchdog instantly became more terrifying than any devil in a nightmare.

"There will be no problem with the watchdog, because he alone has three abilities."

It was also at this time that Han Bing was telling Lu Xin about the situation on the side of the watchdog.

Lu Xin was somewhat surprised: "Three abilities?"

If he remembers correctly, the capable person generally has only one ability trait, which extends three abilities.

"Yes it is."

Han Bing explained: "The watchdog itself is actually a product of a taboo experiment. It was once out of control and fainted in the wilderness waiting to die. When he saw his weird body, everyone was afraid, but he was sunk by the passing city defense department. The Minister was rescued and brought back to Qinggang for treatment. Since then, he has been grateful to Minister Shen and has been working for the Ministry of Urban Defense."

"He named himself Watchdog, which is derived from the legendary three-headed dog of hell."

"He has three abilities, just like having three heads."


Lu Xin couldn't help but be surprised, Qinggang is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

At the same time, when the goddess in the north got the order, she put down the flashlight and lipstick in her hand, picked up a bottle of water, drank half of the bottle, cleared her throat, and then picked up a blue-white one. The megaphone began to yell.

"A group of useless savage men, every day they know how to think about it..."

"Do you know if your wife ran away with someone? Don't you worry about the child calling someone a dad..."

"Think about something every day, and the thing below is rotten out, do you know?"


Her voice was amplified by the loudspeaker, and it seemed unusually clear in the roaring sea.

And when a certain power hidden in this curse, along with the field built by the doll, began to quickly extend to the sea country, it has a strong effect.

I don't know how many faces are crazy, as if they don't care about a sea country man, there is a brief, painful and tangled expression on his face.

At the end of the scolding, some people's complexion changed drastically, and they looked down.

"This one…"

When Han Bing talked about the goddess, his voice was somewhat embarrassed.

But still holding on, very professionally explained:

"The ability of the goddess is to influence the subconscious of others. In fact, it is difficult to cause substantial harm to people, but the influence is particularly great. If you have to describe her ability, it can make you have countless times. When I got upstairs, I suddenly started to worry that I didn't lock the door just now..."

In the south, there is a fat man with tattoos all over his body and even his neck covered. He was born five big and three thick, and his body was sturdy. This is a typical person eating barbecue with a grunt, and the little couple next to him will quickly leave the three tables. People.

Facing the deck of the sea country, a crowd of black and crazy people rushed towards him, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Then he was silent, silent, and suddenly began to tremble.

There was an expression of indescribable panic on his face, and the fat was shaking gently.

"No way, so many people rushed over, are you going to jump into the sea?"

"How can there be such a terrible pollution, will it not pollute me?"

"If I stop them, they won't bite me?"

"Hey, hey, I just want to live my life well, why should I encounter such a terrible thing?"

"But I can't help but come. If I don't come, those high-level people will deal with me secretly, right?"


The more he talked, the more frightened he became, his face became pale, and his hairs seemed to explode.

Seeing his movements, he almost squatted on the ground holding his head.

However, the feelings of panic and fear are still constantly writhing from the bottom of my heart. More importantly, the panic and fear in him is spreading rapidly outward and enveloped in the field constructed by the doll. The people of the sea country.

Suddenly there was a lot of fear on the faces of those crazy people, and they looked around anxiously.

The madness towards the people around him, the dark night, the gloomy sea, and at the same time produced an indescribable fear.

This fear is so strong that it even dilutes other thoughts.

I am afraid of the people around me because I am afraid that these people will suddenly rush to hurt myself.

I'm afraid of the dark night because something weird always breeds in the darkness.

Many of them have even rushed to the edge of the deck, but their legs are so soft that they dare not jump off.

Because they don’t know if there are any monsters in this dark sea...

"The fourth person with support ability is Luo Han. He has been working with us as a researchee in the Special Qing Department before."

At this time, Han Bing also introduced the fat man with tattoos, and said: "His real name is Luo Pang, because he is afraid of ghosts, so he changed his name to Luohan. The intention is to scare them so that they don't dare to find themselves. The tattoos are all over his body. It’s because there are too many gangsters on the street, afraid that someone will come to bully him. In addition, he dare not take the elevator, afraid of the elevator falling, afraid of living in high floors, afraid of earthquakes..."

Lu Xin was dumbfounded: "Then he..."

"Yes, he has severe persecution delusions."

Han Bing said: "And his ability is to pass on his fear of being persecuted to other people."

Lu Xin felt an eye-opening feeling, and suddenly thought of something:

"If he has such a severe persecution delusion, how dare you let you do research on him?"


"Because his delusions of being persecuted to a certain extent."

Han Bing said: "So he firmly believes that Qinggang will take him with the knife and can't hide, so he took the initiative to send it to the door, hoping that Qinggang's researcher can look at his face so cooperating, and take it lightly when he cuts the knife."

"It is also based on this mentality. He is usually very obedient in tasks, whether it is a drug experiment or the second stage of intensive surgery, so..."

"His strength has improved very fast and he is also very stable!"


Lu Xin no longer knew what to say.

It can only be admitted that the world is so big that there are no surprises.

With the action of the four auxiliary personnel, the violent men on the deck of the maritime nation were immediately blocked from four aspects, unable to jump into the sea. Their anxiety became more and more serious, like a rat in a stove, in madness. Yelled.

At least more than 100,000 men survived from these maritime nations.

One hundred thousand people is an extremely terrifying number.

But now, it was completely blocked on the deck by Qinggang's five capable people.

This in itself is a picture with an abnormal visual impact.

And above the deck of the entire maritime nation, the field built by the doll is becoming more and more tight.

She had no worries about the future, so she only concentrated her attention, increasing the density of mental radiation within the field.

The density of mental power begins to increase, forming a tight cage that is invisible, intangible, and ubiquitous.


"The field is complete, and the estimated mental radiation value has reached..."

In the command center, a staff member stared at the numbers on the mental detector and shouted excitedly.


Professor Bai sitting in the jar suddenly pulled off his helmet and took a deep breath.

Then he took the walkie-talkie and announced loudly: "Start the final curse clean-up test!"

"Pap, papa..."

In an instant, in all the command rooms, the staff members flew with their fingers, struck the keyboard desperately.

Orders were passed out one by one: "All departments are preparing, UU Reading will start the final curse clean-up test..."

"Finally reached this last step?"

Lu Xin heard the sound from the temples, and took a deep breath, slowly raised his head, and looked at the doll in the air.

The dense mental power distorted the air, making her look a little fuzzy.

Infinite spiritual power is centering on her, covering all directions.

It seems that she has a mysterious and powerful queen temperament.

Faced with this mysterious curse that is enough to ruin a country, does the doll finally face it head-on?

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