Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 571: Promoted Summer Worm

  Chapter 578 The Promoted Summer Worm

  Look, this helped someone...

  A man with a dream can always communicate so directly to his heart.

After Lu Xin's in-depth exchanges and encouragement with his own personal experience, Yinmao gradually recovered from the decadence of his career collapse, and even immediately began to plan how he should make people all over the world eat it. Of course, there are many difficulties to get to the stinky tofu and salt water beer in Kuronuma City. For example, he has only enough money to buy two stinky tofu...

  When talking about money, Lu Xin went back to his desk.

  After all, as an encouragement, the most important thing for him is to ignite his fighting spirit, and everything else is false. .


  When he returned to his table, Lu Xin found that Lord Qun and Red Snake had disappeared.

Han Bing explained to Lu Xin in a low voice, "We are always leaving, and Red Snake can't always use her ability to influence the masters. If before, she only had to leave quietly. After a long time, the people affected by her will naturally wake up. But this time the situation is different. The Lord Qun himself is experiencing the pain of bereavement. He regards the Red Snake as his only emotional sustenance. If he untied it rashly, Lord Qun might collapse."

  Lu Xin listened, his expression was a little concerned, and said: "Then what are they going to do?"

  "I discussed with Red Snake."

Han Bing said: "She decided to give him some hints before unraveling the influence to make him aware of the flaws in the relationship between the two. In this way, Qun Ye himself will have a certain degree of self-doubt, which will cause him to fall into one. In this confusion, maybe reason and emotion will exist in him at the same time, so that even if the red snake leaves, he can support it for a longer time..."

   "Maybe, as long as he wants to, he will always treat Red Snake as a daughter."


  Lu Xin heard the main point in Han Bing’s words: only if he wants to.

   sighed helplessly, and said, "This is the only way to do this?"


  Han Bing replied calmly: "The death of his relatives is a foregone conclusion. No one can change this."

"In fact, if he really has an opportunity to uproot the black grass, fight against the black marsh city, or even dedicate his life for it, it will be a comfort to him. Numacheng doesn't need him to do this anymore."

   "After all, we have to admit that not all the wrong things in this world can get the chance to regret."


   As expected of the girl who has studied with Professor Bai...

  Lu Xin thought to himself, Han Bing got serious, and the famous celebrity's words were pretty slippery.

  Think about it carefully, Qunye is indeed the case.

  What else can he do?

When he returned to a very advanced security system that was specially installed to ensure that even if an enemy finds him, he will not harm his loved one’s home, only to find that the family inside has been killed for his own reasons. Who can know that? For a moment, what was the feeling in his heart, I could only see that he seemed to be crazy, what he wanted to do, tried his best, wanted to make up for something...

  Lu Xin is happy to help others, but he also knows that this kind of thing cannot help.

  Mom said that he has learned some things on his own, but it is actually very simple, that is, some things are done well.

  He used to seldom take the initiative to do it.

  Now, he understands that to be a man, he must be brave and be himself, and he must also be brave to express himself and do something.

  Of course, this premise is to know right and wrong.

  Otherwise, if you do something wrong, you will have to pay a heavy price, such as Qunye.

  So, what else can I do?

Turning his head and looking, the gecko is already chatting with a drunk brother of the group master very happily. It seems that he has come up with a topic that hits it off. The more he talks, the closer his mouth is, and he is about to get together. It seems to have been Arranged a place to stay.

  Han Bing explained to himself, while drinking water, he wrote and drew in his notebook.

  In order to stay awake at all times, even when she was relaxing like this, she only drank a glass of beer and did not touch anything else.

Lu Xin sat next to him a little bored, stretched his head and glanced at the content in her notebook, and saw that it seemed to be some details about the special pollution cleanup of Black Marsh City this time. This should be all for after-the-fact tasks. Report preparation information.

  Not only has the detailed investigation results, but also the tasks and contributions of each person in the cleaning task are written.

  Well, I am the first.

  Red Snake is second.

  Gecko Tangtang’s deputy captain, she was actually only the third one, but she didn’t rank in it...


  Looking at the deputy captain of Gecko, who was only ranked third, Lu Xin suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  It seems that something has been ignored by myself...

  He frowned, thought about it, and was relieved again.

There is nothing wrong with   .


  Looking at it this way, my work in Kuronuma City is indeed finished, right?

  Lu Xin thought quietly.

  It still seems a little imperfect, but I have tried my best...

  Thinking like this, he slowly picked up a glass of beer and moved to his mouth. When he was about to drink it, he suddenly froze slightly.

  Beside this lively occasion, on the side of the road not far away, a pair of sisters and brothers came over holding hands. Looking at them timidly, they didn't dare to come over, they were really Ye Xue brothers and sisters. The younger brother recognized Lu Xin and the others and wanted to bring her sister over, but the girl was a little worried and did not dare to approach.

  Lu Xin looked at the siblings, especially Ye Xue's small faces, and suddenly knew where the regret was.

   reminded Han Bing to give her a look, and asked her to pick up the siblings. She stood up and walked quickly to the distance.

  The figure shuttled between the streets, quickly found what she was looking for, and walked back quickly.


When    came back, she saw that Han Bing had already let the siblings sit next to her and ordered them something to eat.

  Lu Xin looked at Ye Xue with a smile, smiled and handed the things he bought to her, and said, "This is for you."

  That is a brand new guitar.

  Even in Kuronuma City, which has a wide variety of goods and expensive prices, this is already considered...

  ...Mid-to-high-end price.

  The little girl, or Ye Xue, looked at this guitar and was obviously surprised, but she was afraid to pick it up, whispering:

   "Brother, do you know that my guitar broke?"



  Lu Xin brought some guilty answers: "And it has something to do with me, so this is my compensation to you."

  Ye Xue looked at this guitar and liked it a little, but he didn't dare to pick it up.

  Finally, under Han Bing’s gentle comfort, she took the guitar carefully. After thinking for a while, she mustered up the courage to look at Lu Xin and said:

   "Brother, shall I sing to you?"


  Lu Xin picked up a glass of beer, nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, I like to hear you sing."

  Ye Xue was a little scared holding the guitar, and slowly flicking it.

   Immature singing voice, soft guitar, salt water beer unique to Kuronuma City.

  This originally busy street gradually became a little quieter, a kind of gloomy, it seemed to be diluted a lot.

  Lu Xin quietly enjoyed this moment of silence, and finally relaxed.

  I really love life.

  At the same time, he also understood that his biggest dissatisfaction with the old dean, or number seven, was: if you want to fight, then fight, but what does it mean to smash a little girl’s piano?

  This money is always counted towards No.7!


   "You continue to live in the hotel we prepared for you until the order of Kuronuma City is completely stable."

After listening to a song, Han Bing said softly to Lu Xin: "When the administrative office has finished dealing with the situation in front of you, I will say hello to them and ask them to find their parents, regardless of whether they can find them. Arrange their lives."

  Lu Xin nodded, Han Bing's handling of this kind of thing is still very reassuring.

  "From the issue of the fall of a city to the placement of a pair of siblings, have you Qinggang always considered things so carefully?"

   At this moment, they suddenly had a clear voice, but their intonation was flat.

  At the same time, the black wooden high window door of the hotel was pushed open, and a figure came out from inside.


  At the moment that the figure walked out, the piercing wind suddenly rolled out, causing everyone around him to feel cold.

  "唰" "唰"

  Han Bing, who was talking to the siblings, reacted at the same time as the gecko who was hanging on his shoulders with the elder brother.

  One after another, less than half a second, while pointing the gun at the door.

  Only Lu Xin had a slower reaction. His gun was usually put in the bag. Before he could get it, he picked up a wine bottle.

   "Don't panic, it's me."

  But after that figure went out, he turned and closed the door, and the cold wind disappeared.

  The pressure around    makes people feel a little creepy, and it suddenly disappears.

Everyone looked up and looked at the girl wearing a down jacket, short skirt, and black boots. She was turning around. There were a lot of blood on her legs, disappearing little by little, while walking towards Lu Xin and the others. He raised his head blankly.

  Han Bing frowned slightly, not daring to relax, while Lu Xin seemed a bit familiar with her, and struggled to recall.

   "Ah, you are..."

   Just as Lu Xin remembered it, the gecko next to him suddenly laughed and waved his hand: "Put down the gun, put down the gun."

   Talking with enthusiasm, opened his arms to greet him: "Captain Xia Chong, long time no see..."

   "Don't call me Captain Xia Chong."

  Before Lu Xin could react, Gecko already came to Xia Chong with a look of enthusiasm, and wanted to give her a hug.

  Han Bing saw the reaction of Gecko and Lu Xin, UU reading also knew that it was not the enemy that came.

  The gun in his hand is slowly returning to the table.

  But Gecko’s hug was unsuccessful. When he arrived, Xia Chong said with a cold face and a serious expression.

  This expression shocked the gecko, did not dare to hug it, and said, "What's wrong?"

  Xia Chong's face was cold, and said: "Because I have been promoted."


  The gecko hadn't reacted yet, and Xia Chong had passed, so he had to withdraw his hand in a slanderous manner.

   "Mr. Soldier, hello."

  Xia Chong walked straight to Lu Xin's side, and stretched out his hand to him sternly, her small face full of seriousness.


  Lu Xin just reacted, got up and shook hands with her in a hurry, and said seriously: "I have also risen..."

    Get promoted, don’t you get a ticket?



  (End of this chapter)

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