Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 572: Minus 0 force

  Chapter 579 Negative Zero Force


  Two promoted people, holding hands together, looking at each other, with serious expressions.

  It feels like a leader meeting.

  Xia Chong shook his hand, and looked at Lu Xin with no concealment in his eyes, his expression kept strained, like someone owed her money. .

  Lu Xin also looked at Xia Chong.

He naturally thought of Xia Chong, the captain of the special operations team of the Special Pollution Cleanup Department of the Central City, who had cooperated in the original Central City. Whether it was this immature little face, or the little face, it always had a cold expression. Unique discernibility.

  Furthermore, Lu Xin did remember that her ability was related to "door".

  No wonder that when she opened the door, the strange and evil feeling filled people's minds.

  As soon as she saw her, Lu Xin immediately had two feelings:

  One is, isn’t she cold while she’s still bare and her legs in such a winter?

  Secondly, she just opened the door and came in like this, so she was not afraid that someone would raise her hand and give her a beer bottle?


   "Mr. Single Soldier, I came to see you this time. I have something important to tell you."

Xia Chong is not tall, but his aura is very strong. After a solemn leadership meeting with Lu Xin, he put down his hand, looked at Lu Xin seriously, and said in a low voice, because his expression was so serious, the people around him The atmosphere seemed a bit depressed.

  Lu Xin stunned, Han Bing had already raised his head very vigilantly before he spoke.

   answered Lu Xin with a serious face: "What happened in Black Marsh City has nothing to do with us..."


  Xia Chong was stunned for a while before he came back and said, "I’m not asking about this."

   "Actually, I personally support what you did to Black Swamp City. Such a city will have to make hard decisions."


  Han Bing heard it, and was slightly startled, and said, "Thank you for your support."


  She emphasized: "This matter still has nothing to do with us."

  Xia Chong stopped talking for a while, looked at Han Bing with a weird look, and Han Bing greeted him calmly.

  An invisible spark collided.

   "This, isn't that good..."

Lu Xin looked at the situation as if something was wrong, and hurriedly became a peacemaker. He smiled and said to them: "This is the captain of the Xia Chong squad from the Central City Special Clearance Department. It seems that he has been promoted now? Captain? This is Han Bing of our Qinggang Information Analysis Department, and the information and intelligence specialist of the support team that came to Black Marsh City this time. Shall we sit down and talk?"

  Han Bing and Xia Chong nodded their heads, and at the same time stretched out their hands and shook gently: "Hello."



  Then they sat down together, but one face was like frost and the other looked wary.

  The gecko was happily watching, and forgot about the appointment with the little brother Qunye.

  Since it was Xia Chong who came to find him, Lu Xin of course had to take up the friendship of the landlord, and waited for them to sit down and said to the waiter enthusiastically:

  "Give my friend a bowl of noodles and a bottle of beer."


   Xia Chong glanced at the stinky tofu braised granular noodles that they had hardly touched on their table, and shook his head: "No need."

   "That's right, this face is really mediocre."

   Gecko immediately said enthusiastically: "Drink a bottle of beer, the wine here is pretty good..."

  While speaking, he picked up a bottle, and with a finger hook, the bottle cap flew up and handed it over graciously.

   Xia Chong glanced at him strangely, and said: "I cannot drink during the mission."


  Gecko suddenly looked regretful.

  Lu Xin recognized Xia Chong’s principle very much, and said with a smile: "What are you doing? Is it related to Black Swamp City?"

  "This is not true. In fact, we passed here because of another task."

Xia Chong looked up at him and said, "As soon as I entered the city, I knew that it was your Qinggang capable people who helped solve the special pollution incident here. Because of the confidentiality of the mission, I didn't intend to meet with you. But now, there is a problem with our mission, so I decided temporarily to come and meet with you, and I hope I can get your help..."


  Lu Xin was just when he was warm-hearted, he nodded hurriedly and said, "Okay."


  Han Bing and Xia Chong both looked at Lu Xin with weird eyes.

  Xia Chong even reacted for a while, before saying: "Aren't you asking me what the task is?"

  Lu Xin was startled, not knowing what he had done wrong.

   tentatively asked: "Then what is your mission?"

Looking at Lu Xin's expression on the side of Han Bing, Han Bing already seemed a bit resentful.

  Fuck my heart...


  After hearing Lu Xin's question, Xia Chong also fell silent for a while, as if thinking about what to say.

   After a while, she said: "It will take some time to say this, I will let them prepare for other things first."

   said, raised his hand and waved to the roof in the distance.

   Gecko caught a glimpse and quietly shook his head to Han Bing.

  In fact, the gecko had already winked at Han Bing and Lu Xin, but Han Bing understood, but Lu Xin did not respond.

With the gecko’s alertness, it has long been discovered that shortly after the appearance of Xia Chong, behind some two drunken windows on the top of the surrounding buildings, some strange people also quietly appeared. These people were very tall and dressed. The full set of armed suits of unknown material, even the helmet, is completely sealed, and the black round helmet that does not show any gaps looks very technological.

  They didn't look like living people. They quietly looked at Xia Chong and the others, as if they were surrounded by them.

  It wasn't until Xia Chong waved his hand that they left quietly, without causing any movement, as if they had just disappeared.

   "These people are with this little girl who likes to show her legs because she doesn't have long legs?"

  Lu Xin also noticed, thinking to himself, but didn't ask directly.

   "That is the negative zero force."

  After Xia Chong beckoned to them, he seemed to know that Lu Xin had been aware of it a long time ago, and said frankly.

   "Negative zero troops?"

   Gecko pretended to be a little curious, and asked: "What is it?"

   "It is a new type of weapon."

Xia Chong directly explained: "You should have heard before. In order to support the major high-wall cities in handling matters related to the restricted area, the Institute has promised to provide support for some new types of weapons, which naturally include some new types of plasma weapons. But the main thing is the negative zero unit. However, for more specific things, you need to go back and ask the relevant personnel yourself. I can't tell you directly."

"Oh oh."

  If they didn’t say anything, Lu Xin didn’t want to ask, but curiously said: “If this is the case, why don’t you come and sit down?”

  Xia Chong was taken aback when he heard it, and shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness."

   "But they are different from us, they won't come over and sit."

"It's just that they are very rigid, so even if I come to see you, they have to follow along and take a look. After confirming that you have agreed to our request, they will be relieved. I let them leave and let them do some tasks first. jobs."


   "This, haven't you agreed yet?"

  Han Bing couldn't help interrupting when he heard this.


  Xia Chong looked at Han Bing, then at Lu Xin, recalled for a moment, and said with certainty: "He has already agreed."

   "Just before asking what our mission is..."


  Han Bing didn't know what to say for a while, and gave Lu Xin a little bitterly.

   "Before I tell you this task..."

Xia Chong pondered for a while, seeming to be thinking about how to make things more complete, and then said to Lu Xin: "I want to ask you how you solved the special pollution incident in Black Marsh City before? This may be related to my task. , A certain connection was made."


  Lu Xin didn't know if it was good or not, so he subconsciously glanced at Han Bing.

  Han Bing felt a little stressed, and after thinking about it, he nodded slightly, expressing that he could speak.

   After all, Xia Chong asked about the "special pollution" of Black Marsh City, not the incident of the "Terror Demon King" that is happening now.

Lu Xin was convinced that he would not say anything wrong, so he smiled and said: "In fact, our solution is quite simple. First, our information specialist analyzed the incident in Black Marsh City, and gave a plan to investigate the situation. According to the data, it was finally inferred that the insomnia in this city was related to Black Grass, and then we... deliberately sold a flaw to attract the other party to come to us..."

"After they found us, we also found some clues from the other side, and then through the city's collective unconscious carnival, according to the characteristics of the polluted people's ability to subconsciously approach the source of pollution, we found the source of pollution that polluted the city... "

   "...and then solved it."


After    finished speaking, he looked at Xia Chong seriously and nodded, indicating that he had finished speaking.

   Xia Chong’s expression was obviously stunned for a while: "This is it?"


  Lu Xin looked at her calmly: "It's very simple, isn't it?"

   After a while, Xia Chong nodded silently, and said, "It's really simple..."

  Bi Xu and Han Bing heard what Lu Xin said, and they were somewhat confused.

  Han Bing thought to himself, compared with Mr. Shan Bing, is the mission report he prepared too complicated?

  Gecko was thinking: "It's quite simple..."

"If this scary little girl, who is not tall but has a good figure, can go deep into the monster's lair to collect information and retreat, even kidnapped a sample to come back, and when dealing with the spiritual monster, the whole family will be dispatched and suppressed in all directions. Even when the source of the spiritual pollution was finally if all the people in the city were hidden by any means..."

   "Huh? How did the captain hide all the people in the city?"

   "Forget it, it doesn't seem to matter..."


  As they each pondered, Xia Chong was also pondering.

Before speaking, she turned her head to look at Ye Xue and Ye Xiaoyu. These two brothers and sisters were immediately scared by this expressionless young lady. She quietly carried the plate and went to the next table to eat. Some wanted to take it. The flattering little brother, also inexplicably Ji Ling, left quietly.

   just frowned, and within four meters, there was no one.

  "Then, perhaps your treatment of the special pollution in Kuronuma City is indeed a little bit related to our mission."

  Xia Chong thought for a while, and then said with certainty: "In this way, it doesn't matter if I tell you our mission."

   "We are investigating a batch of things about soul trading."

   "Someone is using this method to create a real hell."

  (End of this chapter)

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