Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 673: Lu Xin who loves good deeds

Obviously, there were a lot more battles in various forms and aspects around him, and there were a lot more people, but Lu Xin felt quieter.

He looked up at the heart in the center of the stadium, quietly suspended in a sea of ​​mental power.

I feel that there is no obstacle between myself and it.


The heart or embryo still beats suddenly at intervals.

With every beating, a huge amount of spiritual power radiated out and poured into the ocean of spiritual power of these mad believers below. Following a certain connection, it flooded into the entire Tinder City, still in the minds of the fanatical residents who were still fighting forcibly.

The impact was very powerful, and both the sister's spider web and the father's spiritual realm were obviously shaken. .

If it weren’t for Lu Xin’s loan of power to them, plus all the rituals and activities in Tinder City today, they have been ruined by the crazy members of the Red Moon Club... The power of an embryo is enough to make the series of fire seeds composed of different mysterious organizations, covering all levels of rituals, and being smoothly realized.

From this point of view, Tinder should indeed be superior.

He almost figured out all the possible shocks and hidden dangers, and made various arrangements.

It can be seen from the performance of father and sister alone.

At this time, both of them had already exerted their strength not weaker than the level of the spiritual lord.

An ordinary city, just a spiritual lord, can pollute all of it without any backhanding power.

But Tinder, until then, still gritted his teeth and refused to give in...

If he didn't come, this matter might be another result. Tinder will complete their plan in countless challenges.

But unfortunately, I came by myself.

So no matter how perfect their plan is, or...


Lu Xin couldn't help but shook his head. How could he have such thoughts? He sounded like a villain...


When Lu Xin didn't bother from other people and looked at the embryo seriously, the embryo that didn't know what monster was pregnant seemed to be a little nervous.

It can be clearly seen that with its huge squeezing and contraction, massive mental power is released, and its shape and the hanging chains around it are also clearly clearer, as if it is completing the transformation from illusion to reality.

When the mental power squeezed outwards, one could even vaguely see a curled up human figure through the translucent film.

"It seems to be able to continuously release spiritual power..."

"Born from spiritual power, but also with realistic attributes..."

"The chains hanging around have the ability to break the boundary between life and death..."


Lu Xin stepped on a long ladder that was connected by twisted human bodies around him, and slowly walked towards the "embryo".

As he walked, he looked and analyzed to himself.

Slowly came to the embryo, raised his hand gently, and said to himself: "So, what are you?"


The embryo seems to contract and tremble more violently.

It seems to intensify its maturity and advent through this method.

In short, it is anxious.


Around it, countless hanging chains, suddenly seemed to be alive, wrapped around Lu Xin's body.

But Lu Xin didn't even start, and the black shadow around him had separated the chains.

Father and sister were also curiously following Lu Xin, staring at it with four big eyes.

So the embryo panicked even more.

It can be seen that there are fine ripples on the surface of the embryo.

"It's useless…"

Lu Xin looked at it nervously with a smile on his face, and then slightly signaled to both sides that his father and sister could not wait a long time ago. One stretched out a small hand, and the other raised a black shadow, and a heavy shock hit the embryo. superior.

In the next moment, strange ripples appeared on the surface of this embryo, swallowing up the spiritual power covering its surface.

Neither of these two forces had any effect on it, but was absorbed by it, speeding up the gestation.


Lu Xin whispered: "On the contrary, the impact of mental power can be absorbed. Is it because its rank is inherently high?"

Thinking about this, Lu Xin's pupils shrank slightly and stretched out his palm.

Spread his fingers apart and gently stroked the embryo.

At this moment, the black particles in his eyes trembled, and traces of black particles appeared in his palm.


The embryo, feeling this power, trembled more violently.

But it had no resistance at all, and it was still successfully pressed on its surface by Lu Xin.

The next moment, there was a intensive noise, Lu Xin's palm was slightly bounced away, and the palm of his palm was numb.

Looking at the embryo again, there were slight wrinkles, but they disappeared quickly.

"Even that kind of power can bounce off?"

At this moment, Lu Xin was really surprised.

He had long discovered that there was a power in his body, but he didn't understand it deeply.

Sometimes, watching the performance of mom, dad and sister, they will regard themselves as another person when this power emerges, and sometimes they will say something like "divine nature". Number two is more direct, he said this is another self.

There may be many explanations, but Lu Xin also knows how powerful this kind of power is.

When this kind of power is used, there are few mental bodies that can directly confront themselves, and they are all directly annihilated.

But this time, when he touched directly with his palm, he was actually bounced away.

This is not loaned to the father or sister, but directly touched with the palm of his own hand, it will actually be bounced away?

Does this mean that the level of power in the embryo is the same as yourself?

"Plop", "Plop"

At the same time, countless people stared at the face painting on the screen in the underground base of Tinder City.

Because there are many unexpected abilities involved in the battle, the monitoring system specially built by Tinder is also greatly affected under the influence of the radiation of various mental powers. Stop floating strip pattern.

On the other side, outside the meeting room, there was a huge vibration.

It seems that an intruder has invaded the underground base and is dispatching the most powerful troops and capabilities to capture it.

The **** designer can no longer take care of this, just staring at the screen.

When he saw Lu Xin touching the palm of his hand to the embryo of hell, a heart came directly to his throat.

The panic congealed in my heart, almost retching out.

I can't even imagine, what level of person is it that can directly touch that embryo?

Why hasn't he been contaminated by the fluctuations of mental power emitted by the embryo and become its most faithful puppet and guard?

It wasn't until Lu Xin's palm was bounced that he was slightly relieved, and at the same time countless surprises arose in his heart.

What kind of opponent did you encounter?

Cold-blooded, crazy, cunning, powerful, and acting beyond my expectations...

In the opponents I met in my life, this can definitely be ranked first...

I'm sure, no matter if it's a win or a loss this time, I have to find out his details and remember it firmly when I look back.

"Fortunately, he can't touch that existence either..."

"This is inevitable. As long as I expected, no one in this world can fight against that existence..."

"Because, that was originally something beyond our level, how could he..."

He said loudly, as if comforting himself, suddenly his eyes became sharp again:

"...Fuck, what is he doing?"



"You can't touch this thing?"

After Lu Xin's palm was bounced away, his father cried out in surprise.


Lu Xin honestly admitted: "It seems to have a very high level of power. Even if I put my palms on it, I can't sense what's in it, and I can't directly cause harm to it. Even, it even touches me. The palm of my hand is a little numb..."

"It feels like touching a switch..."


"Don't mention naughty things when you were a kid..."

The father was heartbroken: "But it shouldn't, why is there something you can't fight against?"

Even my sister tilted her head slightly and looked at Lu Xin very seriously.

"Maybe because this power is not pure enough..."

Lu Xin also thought about it seriously, and explained, "I never knew I had this power in my body, until I discovered it, and then I was not controlled by it... To some extent I was not controlled by it, and then I could If I control it consciously, the levels inside seem to be different. Now, for this embryo, the power I control is still too loose..."

Father said anxiously: "Then you are hardened..."

Lu Xin glanced at his father helplessly: "If you want to be hard, do you want to be hard?"

Father Yao was stunned: "When are you still playing hooligans here?"


Lu Xin was a little surprised, did he play a hooligan?


At the same time, seeing the embryo flicked off Lu Xin's palm, he was a little overjoyed and trembled violently.

It seemed to have a little more sense of security, and it was a little excited to transport mental power out, and intensify the connection with the outside world. From its tremor, Lu Xin even felt a kind of aftermath, and a touch of sarcasm. …

It seems to be laughing at its inability to do anything with it.

This is indeed the case. If you can't influence it, you can't stop its gestation and birth.

As long as it will be born, everything that everyone does will be in vain.

Looking at this **** embryo, it gradually intensified the connection with reality, and it has become completely close to the real appearance.

When both father and sister began to worry, Lu Xin looked down at his palm.

"I think, my power level now really can't stop it from coming..."

After a slight pause, UU read www.uukanshu. com suddenly smiled on his face.

At the same time, the black particles on his body slowly surging, little by little, appeared on his left hand.

The entire palm became pitch black, as if it did not belong to the real world.

At the same time, his expression suddenly smiled a little exaggerated, the corners of his mouth were pulled to the sides, he looked at the embryo carefully, and said in a low voice:

"So, shall we induce labor?"



The father was obviously dumbfounded.

While talking, Lu Xin gently approached the embryo and raised his black left palm:

"Looking at how hard you have bred, then I will help you see the sun earlier, which is considered a good thing, right?"

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