Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 674: Steal divinity


The Hell Embryo felt the great threat, and instantly bloomed infinite spiritual power.

But Lu Xin didn't hesitate, so he violently raised his palm and cut it off toward the surface of the **** embryo.

He really hasn’t mastered the use of black particles very well, but after the baptism of the nightmare of the gods, his control has increased a bit, so at this time, he did his best to concentrate the black particles on his left hand, and then The palm is upright.

The black particles that can destroy everything are concentrated on the edge of the palm, which is the scalpel.

what is this?

This is at the most critical juncture, and I have not forgotten to pay tribute to the friend below who was seriously injured and lying on the stretcher!


In the endless spiritual power blooming from the embryo of hell, Lu Xin cut it down.

The palm of the hand that concentrated the black particles easily broke through the layers of mental power surging on the surface of the **** embryo, and then cut directly to the surface of the **** embryo, the sharp palm edge slid its surface, and little by little Drag down...


It was a series of white chains, broken sound in response.

Neither the mental power fluctuations emitted by the **** embryo itself nor the white chains entwined around it can't stop it. .


When a hole was cut on the surface of the **** embryo, a huge sense of fear emerged.

It made an unusually harsh sound.

The sound was so strong, like an invisible blade, cutting the surrounding air.

Lu Xin's eardrums were punctured in an instant, blood flowed out of the ear holes on both sides, and the skin on his body suddenly opened up with **** mouths, like open lips, but the blood on his face The smile is thicker, and the attack is more ruthless.

Around the stadium, even the entire Tinder City, heard the screams of **** embryos.

No matter which side of the mysterious organization, no matter which department of Tinder, they heard this scream.

His mind was robbed for a while, and he looked up suddenly.

In the next moment, their pupils had changed, and suddenly they rushed towards the stadium as if they were desperate.

They knew what this scream was, it was an unformed hell, and they were calling for help.


But facing the turbulent people and abilities that flowed around, the father and sister immediately stepped forward to help.

My sister crawled on the human-shaped spider web quickly. The spider web, which had been half as small a moment ago, shrank under the pull of her strength. Layers of human-shaped spider webs surrounded the entire stadium, everywhere you could see. It's a human body that's hooked up.

No matter who it is, they cannot easily pass through the layers of human-shaped spider webs and enter the stadium.

My father's shadow spread to the surroundings, and I don't know how much of the spiritual power that came in was swallowed.

Under the protection of the two of them, Lu Xin seemed to hide in the safest lair, doing his own surgical operation seriously.



"What happened? What happened?"

In the underground base, the **** designer's eyes turned black, shouting feebly.

Due to the influence of too strong mental power, the monitoring system that Tinder specially built for this plan has also failed, and there is only darkness on the screen. They arranged there in advance, and the personnel specializing in process observation have not reported for a long time.

As a result, they, who are in the control center, don't even know how the plan is going...

In the last picture, that person, a mysterious and powerful guy, stepped on the human ladder and rushed into the sea of ​​spirit created by the fanatics in the stadium. I don’t know what kind of power he used, and what kind of power he used for that. What did the spiritual core do.

All I know is that it has already reached 95% of the process just now, and it has dropped to 70% in an instant.

Soon, the monitoring system failed, and they didn't even know where it ended up.

No one responded in the meeting room because they didn't know what to say.

What exactly happened?

"Release the Hell Umbrella missile, quickly release the Hell Umbrella missile..."

The **** designer was silent for a while, and suddenly slapped the table and yelled: "This is the only way..."

"The Hell Umbrella missile will not affect the creatures that have crossed life and death... It will not cause too much impact..."

"At least not directly fail our plan..."

"But those invaders can't bear the power of the **** umbrella... at least, there will be a large number of intruders who can't bear it..."

"So, yes, so the release of the Hell Umbrella missile is already the last chance to save the plan!"


In his cold sweat and screaming, everyone around him was a little flustered, but he still reacted quickly.

However, immediately followed by a desperate message: "Can't launch..."

"The intruder who broke into the underground base just now destroyed our core system. The engineers are working hard to repair it, but if you want to repair the core system of the Hell Umbrella missile, at least... it will take ten minutes at least, so US……"



The **** designer looked up blankly, with endless fear and frustration on his face.

"That guy..."

"That guy even thought of the last way I could almost die together?"

"So, he arranged for someone to come and destroy it in advance?"



"Don't resist, I'm helping you be born, shouldn't you thank me?"

At the same time, Lu Xin, who had no idea that he had completely destroyed the self-confidence of a proud person invisibly, was busy with an enthusiastic and active operation.

He had already cut an incision nearly ten centimeters away in the opponent's desperate resistance.

The black particles in the eyes are masterpieces, and they cut harder.

His face was full of blood and wounds, but his expression was unusually excited...

He could feel the fear of this guy in the embryo, so he was even more excited.

At this time, you can even vaguely see the contents of the embryo through this ten-centimeter hole.

The body is between the real and the spiritual body, with a small body and weird power fluctuations, and the surrounding chains are constantly flying up, like tentacles wrapped around oneself, but they are completely powerless to stop oneself from doing so. A passionate operation.


Finally, when the embryo was cut more than ten centimeters apart, the creature inside seemed to be suddenly desperate.

The densely packed spiritual power burst out in an instant, causing endless cracks on the surface of the embryo.

At the same time, in front of Lu Xin, the monster inside the embryo suddenly squirmed. A fist-sized eye suddenly saw Lu Xin. The two people’s eyes were intertwined, and a huge mental turbulence was instantly at the center. Broke out.


The monster inside the embryo has endless hatred and madness in its eyes.

Wherever he looked, there was a pure black chain, which spun quickly, twisting and extending outward.

But the black particles in Lu Xin's eyes were also affected by this kind of impact, beating wildly.

When the black particles jumped quickly in his eyes, Lu Xin's vision was lethal.

He once used this power to behead the scarecrow.

But even so, his gaze collided with the gaze of the monster in the embryo, and there was actually a stalemate between each other.

The pure black chain in the opponent's sight possessed unimaginable toughness and fear.

Drilling outwards fiercely, it seemed that he wanted to get into Lu Xin's eyes.

The black particles also kept trembling, annihilating the opponent piece by piece, and at the same time savagely pressing on step by step.

It seems that the nature of this black particle is to not allow others to be disrespectful to oneself, and must completely destroy the other party.

"咻" "咻" "咻"

Countless chaotic sounds that can no longer be described in words splashed scattered around.

The confrontation between these two forces made his father step aside subconsciously and pulled away his curious sister.

"what is that?"

My sister was dumbfounded and asked in surprise.

"The confrontation of the highest level of power..."

The father whispered: "Although they are not complete bodies, the essence is, after all, the highest level..."

The younger sister suddenly raised her head to look at her father: "Are you scared?"

A look of shame flashed in his father's blood-red eyes, but after a long time, he did not become angry as before.

Instead, he nodded silently: "Yes, this is not ashamed..."



"Hehe, you still can't..."

In the interweaving of huge power and the annihilation of each other, a smile gradually appeared on Lu Xin's face.

This was the first time that he felt the activity and power of the black particle so truly, and felt its rising majesty.

The most important thing is that as his own strength increased, he began to emit all his strength little by little. The thing in the embryo was no longer good. At this moment, the fear and despair displayed by the other party made him feel unprecedented. Excitement.

What is more pleasant than seeing the other person in despair?


Lu Xin's excited body was trembling, and he mobilized his entire body to suppress the opponent, enjoying the upcoming victory.


But at this moment, the sound of glass breaking suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Pala", "Pala", "Pala", "Pala"

This kind of voice rang clearly in my ears.

Next to Lu Xin, a pale palm suddenly came over.

It seems to have passed through countless levels of space. In the air is a series of holes with glass-like patterns, layered on top of each other, and connected in a line. This hand passes through these holes from a remote and unknown space. , Grabbed Lu Xin's body.

Immediately, the palm of his hand was retracted violently, holding a cloud of black particles in his hand.

It was violently pulling these black particles out of Lu Xin's body, pulling back into its space.


"what is this?"

Lu Xin didn't react at all, and the black particles in his eyes had faded a lot.

Soon he reacted, and endless irritation grew in his heart: This hand is trying to steal his own divinity...

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