Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 676: Tibetan stickman

Looking at her mother's somewhat tangled hair, the slight excitement on her face, and the confident and meaningful expression on her face, Lu Xin couldn't help but get a little excited. For the question her mother asked, in fact, he is still... clear.

But in any case, he also heard a few keywords and understood what his mother did.

No wonder, after seeing the test paper given to her by the old dean before, she quickly left her side.

She passed the test paper, what did she see and worried that she could not make it through?

All the arrangements, even such a big round, are for improving one's own strength?

In order to achieve this effect, she even did not hesitate to make herself so embarrassed...

In Lu Xin's heart, there were countless warm currents faintly surging.

He didn't know what to say, he just looked at his mother fixedly for a long time, then nodded gently.

Sometimes I don’t know how to express my emotions because I’m too strong. On the contrary, I’m particularly calm.

But it seems that there is no need for Lu Xin to say anything special. Mom can understand his mood. She quietly looked at Lu Xin's right hand, pretending to be nothing wrong, and said with a smile: "You have to protect this well in the future. It's a silver coin, it's not a small backing..."

"This was'borrowed' from the tortured mother..."

"Only such a nail can keep this palm on your body."


"The tortured mother?"

Lu Xin was slightly surprised. He had also heard this name, and it seemed to be one of the thirteen ultimates.

Mom actually went to her to take out this nail?

Looking down at the palm of his hand, he found that the nail couldn't tell whether it was real or illusory.

In his own field of vision, it clearly passed through his palm, where it passed, and even had **** wounds.

Severe pain has been coming from the palm of his hand.

But apart from this pain, there is no other impact on the palm of the hand.

If you feel it carefully, you will clearly feel that there is another mental body that is not your own, which has been nailed in the palm of your hand.

The nail of the tortured mother...

Lu Xin faintly felt that this nail seemed to be at the same level as Mom's scissors.

What is the mother tortured like? Why is she willing to lend herself the nail?

Why did the mother come out of the dead **** embryo?

There are a lot of questions I want to ask, but my mother has turned around and whispered, "There are other things to deal with."

Lu Xin was suddenly alert and turned around.

The Hell Embryo has completely collapsed, and the twisted and depressed atmosphere around it is quickly disappearing.

The fanatics in the stadium below also suddenly became silent.

Before they knew it, there seemed to be no trace of mental power in their bodies.

All became vegetative.

The father and sister were also standing not far away. What happened just now was too abrupt. The two of them were injured in the process of fighting against the pale hand, so that they didn't even dare to come over immediately. , Like two people eating melon watching by the side.

Until then, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and my sister moved over in small steps.

He looked at Lu Xin with vigilance and worry, until Lu Xin took the initiative to hold her hand, and then relaxed slightly.

Then the little arm crooked and looked at the mother next to him.

Mom was gently tidying up her clothes. Her slender fingers gently stroked Lu Xin's shoulders. The blood stains on her body disappeared little by little, her hair became delicate and tidy, and she took it out of the waste embryo shell. I took a shoe and gently put it on my foot.

After finishing this way, the sense of refinement has returned.

She looked at her sister's graceful smile, and nodded slightly to her father. The father was bold enough to come over.

The family stood side by side, quietly looking at a place.

In Tinder City, suddenly there was a sound of crashing iron chains dragging across the ground, which was unusually clear.

He was slightly alert, turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and immediately discovered that the sound seemed to be everywhere.

Around, the entire Tinder City suddenly became silent.

It seems that all the sounds are suppressed by the dragging sound of the iron chain, and the two sides are not at the same level.

The fire remnants fighting around the stadium as well as investigators and spies from various forces also suddenly stopped their hands.

They all heard the dragging sound of the iron chain, their mental power was shaken, and a deep fear and awe were born in their hearts.

That is a strong sense of oppression that stems from the difference in the level of life.

A kind of fear and awe from the physical level.

There were even a lot of remnants of firearms, and his heart twitched at this time, and he lowered his head subconsciously.

They dare not look up, worrying that their gaze will bring disrespect to a certain existence.

Many of the members of the club looked around curiously as if nothing had happened.

This physical awe seems to have little effect on them.


Another voice faintly sounded.

It was the rapid contraction of a large amount of mental power, and it sounded like a stream of water swiftly passing through a small hole.

In the distance, the Hell Legion suddenly disappeared, and the bloated body and the chaotic flow of people also calmed down.

The three replicas of No. 2 all had a sense at this moment, stopped fighting, raised their heads slightly, and looked upwards.

Following them, Lu Xin saw three black chains locked in their spine.

Following the three chains, he saw more chains.

Roots were hanging down from the mid-air, as if the sea surface was floating upside down in the sky, and black algae dropped.

These algae are densely packed, and each end is tied to the remnant armed forces and some residents of Tinder City. It looks like there is some existence, holding them like a shepherd. It's the reins for herding them...

And looking up along the chain, Lu Xin saw a black shadow.

That shadow doesn't seem to be in this world, but is separated from this world by a thick layer of glass.

Because there is too much glass, only a black shadow can be seen vaguely.

He seemed to be wearing a black robe, and he was dragging countless chains around his body.

As he was moving, these chains collided with each other, making the kind of clatter that flooded the fire.

He came over from a faraway place, faintly, you can see that his chains, holding countless spiritual bodies, possess various shapes and auras, some flying in the air, some creeping on him. Behind him, some wandered like snakes. The only thing in common is that those spiritual bodies, like the residents of Tinder City, are bound by him with iron chains, and are quietly led.

He just walked in, behind him was a sky full of spiritual body, looking at the real world with a gloomy look through the layers of glass-like barriers.

The first time he saw him, Lu Xin frowned.

He even felt that his brain was dizzy, as if being squeezed by some kind of force, and his tinnitus began to worsen.

This increased depression didn't disappear until the black particles in his eyes trembled slightly.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the shadow again calmly.

There were countless chain shadows all over his body, separated by a layer of glass, and he stared at Lu Xin.

Beside him, countless mental bodies seemed to be frantic, twisting and changing one after another, howling to Lu Xin.

And beside Lu Xin, his mother, father, and sister also stood up slightly.

The family looked at each other indifferently through the layers of glass that separated the real world from the illusory space.

At this moment, Lu Xin even felt a certain sense of crisis bursting from the bottom of his heart. The black particles in his eyes moved slowly and concentrated on his left hand, while on his right hand, the mental body was nailed by the nail of the tortured mother. He also began to wake up, and was forced to appear helplessly on his right hand, turning his right palm into a pale and weird, but equally powerful state...

The sense of confrontation is increasing, and the invisible mental power seems to have intertwined and collided in the case of isolating several spaces.

Whether it was the black shadow dragging the chain or Lu Xin, there was a faint feeling of impulse.

In the hearts of both parties, it seems that a volcano is being pressed, and it is on the verge of triggering.

In this suppressed silence, everyone felt the air as dull as solidified, breathless.

Perhaps, such a confrontation can be ended without fighting?

Just as this thought flashed through Lu Xin's heart, the black particles in his eyes suddenly trembled.


As if in his body, the other one suddenly opened his eyes.

The gaze of the black shadow in another space had already made him feel unusually dissatisfied.

At such a tense moment, he unexpectedly took the lead and cast an angry and indifferent look at the black shadow.

Facing the black shadow, he became the one who provoked first.


At the same moment, the black shadow also moved.

A black iron chain hanging around him suddenly flew high, and with a fierce bomb, it suddenly broke through the barriers of the layers of space, pierced through the layers of glass-like space walls, and went straight. The entangled Lu Xin's body.

"The chain of dominance of the Tibetan stickman..."

At this moment, mother spoke in a low voice, her voice very solemn.

With the help of certain connections and tacit understanding with his mother, as well as the professional knowledge that he usually worked hard to receive training to master, Lu Xin understood instantly.

This iron chain is the embodiment of the "dominant" power among the thirteen ultimate spiritual powers, and it is also a symbol of the power of the Tibetan stickman.

The scissors with the mother, the nails of the tortured mother, and the palm of the pale hand belong to the highest level.

Similarly, the power system represented by the Zangzhangren in the thirteen ultimates is already very obvious:



He looked at the chain, its black texture, with red rust on it.

But this seemingly ordinary chain gave him an indescribable sense of threat.

Anyone who comes into contact with this chain will be entangled and become the spiritual slave of the Tibetan stickman, and will never be able to resist.

"I come…"

Seeing this iron chain flying, Lu Xin spoke in a low voice and took a step forward.

Knowing the horror of this chain, he stood in front of his family and suddenly raised his hand to grab it.


This iron chain was firmly grasped by his left hand, the black particles in his eyes tremble suddenly, and the palm of his hand became pitch black.

He could even feel that there was a roar resembling a person on this iron chain.

After the black particles came into contact, UU Reading struggled like a python.

The dark texture and the real sense of red rust are quickly dissipating under my own contact.

A little bit has lost its color, it is close to transparent, as if it is completing the transition from real to false.

This is because black particles are eroding its power.

But also at this time, all kinds of weird feelings were produced in my body, and countless weird thoughts rose up, as if half of my will was succumbing, and I wanted to obey the black shadow and completely obey his will. …

This level of power confrontation actually depends on whether Lu Xin destroyed the iron chain first, or whether the iron chain first restrained Lu Xin.


Faintly, there was a cold snort, and several Tibetan stickmen outside of the space seemed to be slightly dissatisfied when they saw that Lu Xin had actually grabbed the iron chain.

In the cold snort, countless iron chains suddenly fell, piercing through the space, boiling and surging towards Lu Xin.

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