Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 677: Hell is coming, 0 ghosts in the night

"So many chains?"

When Lu Xin saw this scene, his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

The black particles in his eyes have the confidence to clash with the iron chain.

But what was unexpected was that the black shadow could throw so many iron chains into reality.

At least compared to this amount, I was completely crushed...

But fortunately, I still have my family.

When seeing the endless iron chain thrown down, one illusory shadow suddenly appeared on the mother's body.

In a short period of time, this shadow surrounded the entire stadium, even the air.

The unclear iron chain crossed the sky like a giant python, rushing towards Lu Xin from all angles, but was stopped by his mother. .


Click, click...

The weird sound of friction sounded, like a long fingernail scratching a blackboard, violent friction between the pig iron.

It was the sound of mother's scissors cutting on the iron chain.

But undoubtedly, even mothers are a little struggling.

Lu Xin had seen her mother use scissors many times, but each time it was easy. The sharp scissors seemed to cut everything.

Only this time, from the harsh sound, Lu Xin heard a faint hint of reluctance.


But finally, in the time that his mother bought, Lu Xin heard a crisp sound in his hand.

It was the iron chain that represented dominance, which was finally corroded with rust in his palm.

When the rust reached its extreme, it suddenly fell apart.

This is a victory in a confrontation of spiritual power.

Lu Xin even felt that when he smashed this iron chain, the black particles in his body suddenly solidified a bit.

But he didn't have time to experience this feeling carefully. He saw his mother next to him fighting against the iron chains in the sky, and immediately raised his head, while holding his sister's small hand tightly with his palm, he had to use the ability of the spider system to rush forward. To help mother solve the problem. "elder brother…"

The younger sister with good eyes suddenly called out to Lu Xin in a low voice: "You will become more powerful in the future, don't you leave me alone?"

Lu Xin was startled.

Cooperating with my sister has gone through countless things, but now, I feel that my sister's mood seems not right.

He didn't even want to answer: "Never."

When he said this sentence, he also glanced at his father, seeming to be answering two people in one sentence.

At the same time, when his sister's eyes became slightly bright, he rushed out quickly.

He wandered around the edge of the stadium flexibly, like a ghost. Sometimes he needed to rush into the air. When he subconsciously reached out and pressed it, there was a human ladder **** around him that reached the air like a centipede, becoming what he wanted. Steps.

The shadow around him also became more and more dense, and black particles were injected into it.

At this time, my father seemed to talk very little, just silently helping.

"Titicaca Titicaca..."

There were countless crisp sounds. It seems that at the same time, the iron chains were cut off by the shadows filled with black particles, or bounced around, and the surroundings became clean. Together with the shadows recovered by his mother, Lu Xin, Gently landed on the "cobweb".

The family teamed up to easily solve the endless chains of the Tibetan stickman.

At this moment, the red moon seemed to have grown several times larger.

A huge light and shadow looked down on the world, cutting the shadows of Lu Xin, his father, mother, and sister very clearly.



The Tibetan stickman seemed to be angry, and the countless iron chains kept trembling, making a crisp and ear-piercing sound.

With a cold gaze across several layers of space, he stared at Lu Xin's body firmly.

Then, the spirit monsters around him who can only see a silhouette also roar forward at the same time.

In the next moment, a strange induction rose into the sky from everywhere in the fire.

The black lock iron that has fallen into reality is constantly flying above the Tinder City, and there is a crisp and abrupt sound of glass breaking everywhere, and one after another weird and twisted cracks appear in the air, as if forcibly broken by an iron chain. There are barriers everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red tentacle suddenly came out from the crack.

The mental monster, strong enough to cause ripples of air in reality, emerged from the crack.

Then there was another one.

Another one.

The indescribable noise rushed into the ears of every resident of Tinder City, stirring people's heads like steel needles.

The countless spirit monsters behind the stickman rushed towards reality.

Like an army of spiritual monsters.

They are greedy and weird, twisting their bodies, wriggling their flesh and blood, squeezing through the gaps one after another, following the iron chains hanging from another space to reality, and then immediately let out a weird roar, and rushed towards Lu Xin. .

Densely dense, it can almost cover the entire Tinder City.

At the same time, even in Tinder City, many of the Tinder City priests who had been killed in battle before, and some strange things were pulled back to reality by the hanging iron chains, and joined this group. The army of spirit monsters rushed.

The boundary between life and death has been broken, and the entire fire has become a sea of ​​spiritual monsters.

Groups of demons danced wildly, Hundred Ghosts walked in the night, and fire seemed to have become a real hell.

"How come there are so many?"

Seeing this scene, even Lu Xin couldn't help but trembled in his heart.

He had seen the spiritual monsters in the abyss come to reality, but they were only one or two.

I have never seen so many and such chaotic scenes.

What's more, he could see that the stickman was not even in the abyss, but in a place deeper than the abyss.

"It's Tinder City..."

Mother explained in a low voice: "These monsters could not descend into the real world. Even if they do, they will be rejected."

"Because their spiritual magnitude is too high, they are in conflict with the current ocean of human spirit and spiritual power in the world."

"But Tinder City is different."

"They built this weird city. Although they haven't fully succeeded yet, they can already get these monsters to gain a foothold."


"Sure enough, no death is not made..."

Lu Xin gritted his teeth slightly.

He was very angry.

This anger is more than just seeing something come to reality in front of you.

More importantly, he felt a strange feeling in his heart. The stickman is hateful, and the spirit monsters are also hateful, but the huge harm they cause is that the fire people are creating suitable conditions for them and working hard. Help them...

...What's this, sell the rope to the enemy so that they can hang themselves?

"Since it's here, kill them all..."

He lowered his head fiercely, looked at the chaos in the distance, and the spirit monsters rushing towards him, Lu Xin had a hideous expression.

Those spirit monsters fell to Tinder City along the hanging iron chains, and immediately rushed towards them.

Some even polluted the people around them easily. My sister wove it before, and the human-shaped spider webs that surrounded the main roads and important buildings of Tinder City were instantly torn apart by them. The eyes of the seriously polluted people were feverish. , The body is twisted.

Under the restraint of the dominating chains, they rushed forward like a dog being led.

The people around the stadium were terrified.

Whether it is the Red Moon Club or the Tinder party, they all feel the invisible but shocking spiritual power.

It can also be seen that the residents of the entire Tinder City seem to have become madmen in the wilderness, fanatical and desperate.

In contrast, the temporary "lunatics" created by Dracula through his own ability are simply elegant like ladies.

At the same time, Lu Xin bent slightly and clenched his fists.

I have to say that the dense scenes made him feel a little frightened.

Half of me is angry, and the other half of me is subconsciously afraid. When condensed, it becomes fierce.

He didn't hesitate to kill everything ruthless.

"Why bother?"

But at this moment, Mom suddenly said softly.

Turning his head, Lu Xin saw his mother's expression. With the moonlight on his back, he looked mysterious and faintly proud:

"Faced with so many spiritual monsters, even if you can really clean them all out, your body now can't bear this kind of consumption, plus this is not in line with your identity, so why do you need to personally Do it with them..."

"Before I asked you to decorate the house..."

Mother's smile stretched out: "You shouldn't cut corners, right?"


Lu Xin couldn't help being taken aback, his eyes lit up a bit.

Then he calmly, and even nodded proudly: "Although it costs a lot, I really didn't cut corners..."

"In this case…"

Mom looked at Lu Xin's right hand that was nailing the nail, and smiled: "Why don't you bring it over?"

Lu Xin quickly understood what his mother was saying, and suddenly smiled very happily.

At the same time, Qinggang, No. 2 Satellite City, Moon Station.

The scaffolding around the old building has been removed, and the construction team has been evacuated.

Although the owner of the house was not in the city during this time, the well-known Han Bing has been personally helping with the renovation process. In addition, this construction team was originally the top engineer and the top engineer of the special weapons research and development department of the Qinggang Special Clearance Department. Executive team, so the renovation process has been smooth. As early as two days ago, it had been completed, only waiting for the final owner's acceptance.

However, although the decoration is finished, after all, this old building seems to have no changes on the surface. It has been filled with materials that are somehow more expensive than gold. In addition, this old building is too ordinary, ordinary to the door. nothing.

Therefore, the Special Clearance Department still installed cameras and special security personnel, staring here.

Not only staring, but also recording all the movements that happened in the old building.

But after waiting for two days, there was no abnormality at all, and the observers were a little slack, and it was inevitable to think:

"What is there to see, can someone stolen such a building?"

Until this day, the security guards were playing cards and knocking sunflower seeds in a nearby work shed as usual, and suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking.

They were stunned at first, and immediately thought of something, sticking out their heads from the work shed one by one with a note full of face.

Then they saw a scene that they had never thought of in the first half of their lives and they would never forget in the second half of their lives...

A pale palm, UU Reading peeked out from the depths of the air, as if it had penetrated through layers of glass walls.

The next moment, this palm straightly grabbed the old upstairs, and then quickly retracted.

The old building disappeared.

The whole disappeared, and there was only a square pit on the ground.

After seven or eight seconds, these observers immediately dialed a phone call in a hurry.

On the other end of the phone, it was Chen Jing who was awakened, but she still tried to keep her sober and rational voice: "What happened?"


The observer swallowed, and said in a horrified and worried voice: "We said that this old building was stolen..."

"Can you believe it?"

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