Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 678: Step 5


What is different from Qinggang is the fire at this time. When the strange swaying sound of iron chains and the weird and barbaric mental power suddenly flooded the city, every resident in Tinder, including the Tinder Arms around the stadium and the members of the Red Moon Club, felt it. A kind of panic and despair similar to the level of life. Like being swept and submerged by a wave of fate.

At this moment, they can't even develop the ability to resist.

Because in their eyes, they can’t even see the appearance of the enemy, and they can only feel the strange spirit power swiftly smearing in this city, and then rolling in a big wave to the front, driving the people in this city. Every living thing is instantly polluted...

This is a source of pollution with autonomous consciousness.

The cleanup of every pollution source requires a lot of investigation, analysis, and preparation.

Now that there are so many all at once, how to clean it up?

Also when their panic was involuntarily emerging, they suddenly heard a huge and dull voice. .

Like the steel bar being pulled by a huge force, it made an overwhelming groan, and it was mixed with a huge object falling from a height, and the air was squeezed, and the strong wind caused when it spread out in all directions. Voice.

The mud is filled with dust, and the wind is hunting.

They spread out subconsciously, and raised their hands to cover their eyes.

After a while, when they felt the wind around them disappear and opened their eyes, they suddenly saw an amazing scene.

Next to the stadium, there is a neat asphalt road. Just because of this battle between the capable people, the pits and dust have been tortured, there are broken road faults and traces of plasma bombs, and the wreckage of twisted vehicles is thrown away. On the side of the road.

But now, the traces of this piece are no longer visible.

Because a lonely old building suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, dust was still falling around.

There are seven floors in the old building and it doesn't look high.

The floor is dilapidated, there are dry creepers, and graffiti painted by a kid who doesn't know what to do with chalk.

The windows in each room are intact, but they are tightly closed and the lights are not turned on.

So from the outside, there was nothing but pitch black and quiet, and there seemed to be no one inside.

This weird scene made everyone around him stunned.

He couldn't even take care of the weird spiritual power that came from a distance, just staring at the old building blankly.

What's happening here?

Why is there an old building suddenly appearing here?

A sense of astonishment that seriously violates reality, makes them feel that their cognition has been torn apart.

The next moment, in their astonishment, some of the spirit monsters rolling in from a distance have come close. Even if they can't see it, they can feel the slippery feeling close to the skin, and the sharpness is so shabby. The upright minions waved.

But also at this time, the old building suddenly changed.


A light came on, illuminating this desperate night.

Soon, another one.

Behind the dark windows, the lights came on.

Neatly arranged in rows, warm and bright.

Accompanied by the light, the windows were pushed aside, revealing the empty windows, as if they were open mouths.

I can't see anyone inside, but the feeling that all the windows are being pushed open at the same time reveals a kind of anxiety and tension.

It is as if there are enthusiastic hosts in the building, welcoming guests happily...

Immediately afterwards, in the feelings of these people, the masses of spiritual power that came up seemed to have been subjected to a great tearing force, or enthusiasm. In the desperate struggle and distortion, they were ripped apart. Entered this old building that appeared abruptly.

Finally, there was a chewing sound that was so clear that it was hairy in the old building.

Everyone in Tinder City has a crazy and weird illusion. They feel like they are between two constantly impacting tides. The surrounding fine water is colliding, biting, swallowing, and swallowing. They feel that there are countless invisible spiritual monsters fighting around them, and they seem to be in the middle of countless huge nightmares, and they can only involuntarily follow the crowd.


Lu Xin was taken aback by this scene.

At the beginning, he didn't even think that he could really pull the old building over.

It wasn't until Lao Lou successfully appeared next to the stadium that he looked at his right hand with some surprise.

The feeling of being pierced by a nail doesn't hurt anymore.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of another important question...

I can actually pull the old building to another city, so the housing prices in the central city are so expensive, so...

…After a second thought, he shook his head helplessly, who doesn’t know the ownership of this house!

Although he was slightly distracted because of this incident, he looked intently, and the old building gave him a big surprise immediately.

He clearly saw that dense clusters of spiritual monsters like a flood rushed to the front of the stadium, but they were blocked by the old building. Then, the lights came on, the windows were pushed open, and one weird palm. And the tentacles poked out from inside.

Densely dense, an old building, but almost has a kind of overwhelming feeling.

This reminded him of the scene he saw in his memory when he first encountered the memory hourglass, which was very similar.

The spirit monsters that only rushed in front of them were warmly invited in by the people in the old building and never came out.

Only the horrified shout that almost broke through the roof shook the whole building, and then there was a sound of cutting vegetables and meat.

…From the sound, it seems that some beings still eat sashimi.

"what is this?"

Lu Xin almost looked at his mother in surprise.

After living for so long, he didn't even know that he still had so many neighbors...


In response to Lu Xin's question, her mother answered in a low voice, and her eyes seemed to look at Lu Xin with some meaning:

"The people living in this building are all prisoners..."



"Spiritual Hall..."

It was also at this time that the members of the Red Moon Club and the remnant armed forces of Tinder finally reacted in panic.

Someone looked at the old building, feeling the process of countless spiritual power being swallowed by the old building, and only felt the indescribable tearing and unreality. Others realized something, and exclaimed fiercely: "That's a spiritual temple..."

Many eyes looked at the exclaimed man, who had nine long slender snake heads.

It is Hydra.

Seeing everyone around him looked at him, he was also startled, the snake head shrank slightly, but he still whispered:

"Only those who have truly reached the fifth step can have a spiritual palace!"

"The reason why the fantasy kingdom is called the fantasy kingdom is because in the theory of the genius researcher at that research institute, the fifth-level ability can rely on their spiritual power to influence the surroundings and form an unreal kingdom... "

"The spiritual palace is the core of this kingdom, the castle..."


As he said, he was even a little excited, or frightened: "If this is true..."

"So, this means that in reality, someone who has truly reached the fifth step has just appeared..."


I don't know how many people were disturbed by these words, and they looked at each other with weird expressions.

The real fifth step has appeared?

Although, the old building next to the stadium is quite different from the palace in imagination...


On the other side, seeing the old building devouring a large number of spiritual monsters, the spiritual monsters who climbed down along the chain have a faint sense of fear. Even if they do rush over, they can hardly escape being swallowed. Fate, the spirit trembles.

Across the layers of space barriers, the Tibetan stickman who was dragging countless black iron chains, his anger soared in an instant.

His will can make these spiritual monsters have no ability to refuse and continue to attack the old building, but it is meaningless.

He knew that he was calculated.

If it wasn't for someone to make careful arrangements, how could it be possible that the other party seemed to be prepared for the development of everything?

This made him feel endless anger.

In the cold snort, he suddenly took a step forward slowly.

He is already very close to the real world, so people can hear the drag of the chain.

And when he took this step, he was almost close to the real world.

It can even be seen that layers of cobweb-like fine cracks have appeared on the thick space barrier because of his approach.

It seems that these space barriers can no longer bear its own huge weight...


It seemed that a clear glass cracking sound could be heard.

The Tibetan stickman's movements also stopped after taking this step, and did not continue to squeeze forward.

After all, **** was not completed, and Tinder City could not withstand his pressure.


At the next moment, an unprecedented iron chain suddenly flew into the air, because there are so many iron chains, it looks like a black river, in groups, stirring up sharp and heavy mental power fluctuations. come over.

Looking at the direction of this chain, it actually flocked to the old building.

The iron chains crawled up the old building like a snake, bound them tightly, and then stretched straight.

The old building has even been dragged, dragging the ground out of deep scratches.

"He wants to take away the old building..."

At this moment, Lu Xin noticed the intention of the Tibetan stickman, and in his pupils, black particles were masterfully made.

But he hasn't even taken a shot, his shoulders have been gently supported.

Turning his head abruptly, he saw that his mother had a cold and disdainful smile on his face, and he whispered: "He was trapped..."


Lu Xin hesitated slightly, UU reading www. suddenly heard a loud explosion.

Turning his head suddenly, he saw an unimaginable scene.

The place where he is located is to the east of the old building.

And when there were countless iron chains hanging down from the Tibetan stickman and tied to the old building, a woman appeared to the west of the old building.

She wore a lavish and delicate black court dress, proudly like a queen, holding a mirror in her hand.

Immediately to the south, a motorcycle rushed out of a dozen-storey building. There was a woman sitting on the motorcycle. With her feet on the motorcycle, she bounced up in the air with a red balloon in her hand, flying fast. Hit the chain.

Then to the north, a beautiful woman in a white coat opened the window and stretched out her white palm with a smile.

In the palm of his hand is a blank contract document.

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