Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 679: Can't let him go like this

"They are..."

Lu Xin looked at the sudden appearance of the figures and the burst of mental power, and even felt a little excited.

He did not expect such a few people to appear at all.

Before the whole person could react, he saw the woman who appeared in the center of Tinder City, above the ruins, gently turned the mirror with delicate patterns on the back in her hand, and shone towards the Tibetan stick. The spatial location where the person appears.

The weird spiritual power was released circle by circle, forming a weird and beautiful pattern arc.

Over the black and heavy Tinder City complex, there suddenly appeared a multicolored light that intertwined and refracted.


The stickman is located behind the layers of space, far away from the real world, but the light of the mirror can pass through the space. The moment the mirror is pointed at him, the stickman snorted suddenly, and his body receded slightly. Far away from the real world.

But his iron chain remained in reality, and it collapsed extremely tight in an instant. .

The next moment, I saw the woman who jumped in the air, holding a red balloon in her hand.

That was the number seven that Lu Xin had seen before in Black Marsh City.

With the impact of the motorcycle, she flew high, and actually rushed directly to the iron chain that crossed the real and unreal world like a black river, and then tied the red balloon to the iron chain. , The body fell quickly.


The moment the red balloon was tied to the iron chain, it suddenly exploded, and the strange mental turbulence covered it.

As if faintly one could hear the weird laughter of a clown spreading across the entire Tinder City.

At the same time, the iron chains that traversed half of the city broke one after another in an instant, as if the threads of their source had been lost all of a sudden, and they were scattered in the surrounding air like black giant pythons. , I weakly unfolded the body.

Immediately after that, the woman in the white coat opened the window with a smile on her face.

Lu Xin still remembered her. She was Dr. An from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute.

Facing the scattered iron chains, she lightly pinched the blank document in her hand and shook forward.

Suddenly there was a weird spiritual force pulling, and the black iron chains that fell from the body of the Tibetan rod were actually affected invisibly, as if they had come back to life, and they turned towards the blank paperwork in her hand. Wandering past, disappeared.

Regarding the size of the sight, those chains are almost half a meter long in diameter.

But after swimming towards her, they got into the blank documents one by one, and the process was weird and smooth.

Everything is suddenly but abnormally smooth, and every step is seamless.

Throughout the process, the Tibetan stickman, who had brought a huge sense of oppression to Huozhong City and Lu Xin, did not even have a chance to react.

"This is…"

Lu Xin looked at him, surprised and happy, and hurriedly turned to look at his mother.

He didn't expect these people to appear, let alone such a bizarre scene.

"In order to be safe, I found several places to cooperate."

And to Ying Lu Xin’s surprise, a gratified expression flashed on his mother’s face, and she explained softly: "Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, Black Queen, and Technology Church, like us, they don’t want to see the arrival of the Tibetan Rodman. , So we chose to cooperate."

"Our teamwork used the clown's balloon, the black queen's mirror, the nail of the tortured mother..."

As she said, she couldn't help laughing: "If we still can't let him suffer this loss, wouldn't it seem that we are too stupid?"



Lu Xin's mood suddenly fluctuated.

Because the mother's remarks contained too much information.

Since receiving the report card from the old dean, my mother left her side. She knew that she should be working on some things outside, but she did not expect that her mother had arranged this in a short period of time. Of a plan.

Not only did she set the game against the pale hand, she even set a trap for the Tibetan stickman?

Most importantly, the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, the Technology Church, and even that, the Black Queen in the Thirteen Ultimate...

How big a pit did Mom dug the Tibetan stickman?

"I told you before, it's scary."

Mom saw Lu Xin's surprise and sighed softly, explaining:

"He once swallowed the scepter of God, possessing a level of power beyond others, and he was very sinister."

"However, it was precisely because of his level that he was too strong, so it lost the first batch of opportunities to enter reality, and could only arrange his plan in a space. He originally planned to come to reality by the opportunity of the second coming, and Ambitious, build a foundation."

"He came to replace God, so of course we can't let him do what we want."

"On this point, whether it is the research institute, the technology church, or some people who have already come, the attitude is the same."

"So it only took a small price to persuade them, and after that, he and the only pale hand who was willing to help him in the Thirteen Ultimate were designed. The process is indeed a bit complicated, but in the end you have I see it."

"We succeeded..."


When she said this lightly, a happy expression suddenly appeared on her mother's face.

Especially charming.

But at this moment, Lu Xin only felt moved.

This was the first time he felt such a strong emotional impulse after experiencing the trial of consciousness in Black Marsh City.

Looking at his mother's smiling face and the exhaustion he couldn't ignore, he felt a little sore in his eyes.

"Don't be like a child."

Seeing Lu Xin's movement, her mother smiled and said, "You are the pillar of the family. Just work hard."

After speaking, he glanced to the side and said, "Those two are unreliable."

The sister and father on one side were dumbfounded, how did they come to themselves?

Subconsciously didn't dare to refute, put aside his head if nothing had happened.


In these few explanations, the Tibetan stickman was cut off almost half of the iron chain, angrily unable to hold on to himself.

He suddenly slammed forward, and the huge force knocked the space barrier out of thin cracks like snowflakes.

The whole city shook slightly like an earthquake.

I don't know how many people in this city can't stand firmly, and they fall to the ground suddenly.

Even so far away, he could feel his anger and unwillingness, and his physical fear, which made people feel like a nightmare.

Everyone in Tinder City almost goes crazy...

Feeling the huge shaking sensation, mother turned her head slightly and looked at the space where the stickman was.

Elegant, but with a little coldness.

Not only she fell from mid-air and fell on a building. Although she saved her life and was not killed, she was also scratched by branches and branches. All were injured. It was also a bit difficult. He stood up and looked up.

The expression was cold, and seemed to have some disdain.

On the other side, Dr. An from the Institute smiled and put away the contract, smiling sweetly.

The Black Queen slowly put away her mirror, looking at the Tibetan stickman blankly. Although the position is with the stickman up, she is down. But her aura showed the pride and fierceness to the fullest, and her eyes were as if she was looking at an ant.

The four women represent four different camps.

In addition to them, other places in the world, such as the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute in the North, the Technological Church in the South, and even the high mountain cities in the West, as well as some places in the abyss, are all in various ways. , Looked at him quietly.

No one said anything at this time, but everyone on each side showed their own attitude.

Someone represents disdain at the level of strength.

There are also people who represent the pride and confidence of people in reality at this time.

It seems to be telling each other with this attitude that not everyone will treat you as a **** like a fire.

In the eyes of some people, you are just prey!

The stickman slammed crazy and stopped slowly.

He was angry, humiliated, and even had the urge to break the barriers and come to reality desperately.

But in response to so many gazes, he gradually calmed down. Under the black robe, there were cold gazes across the space barrier, silently sweeping across the faces of his mother, the black queen, Dr. Ann, and number two. , Finally fell on Lu Xin’s face, paused slightly, and then his gaze slowly retracted, and at the same time, the iron chains that had not been broken...

Even the fine iron chains that had been tied to many people in Tinder City before were taken back.

The entire Tinder City seemed to have a sense of ease of being torn off the reins.

Every inhabitant of Tinder City has a kind of spirit that was restrained by people very early. At this moment, the restraint suddenly disappeared, and they got a rare sense of peace. This gave them a kind of mentality that was not derived from physiology but A kind of tranquility on the ground.

"He's leaving?"

Lu Xin suddenly felt a little surprised.

"Of course he has to go."

Mother sneered slightly and said, "This time he has lost a lot."

"The power of dominance was almost taken away by half, and the spiritual slaves suffered heavy casualties. I don't know when I want to recover. Even the ultimate identity may be affected. In addition, the pale hand willing to help him is too early. Has already escaped."

"This time, he lost very badly and thoroughly. If he comes down, it will be a dead end."

"So, what else can you do except leave dingy?"


As she said, a slight expression of contempt also appeared on her face, and she whispered: "It's a pity..."

"Actually, I originally wanted him to come, at least part of it."

"In this way, part of his body can be obtained as a research sample."

"Our initial distribution was the same."

"Those iron chains that represent the power of control will be distributed by several of them, but the body taken from him belongs to us."


After talking about this, she also looked a little dumbfounded, saying:

"It's just that I didn't expect that your group of friends are too strong, and their ideas are different from normal people."

"They ruined the Tinder plan too cleanly, causing **** to be severely crippled, and on the contrary made it impossible for the Tibetan stickmen to descend."

"This is really something I didn't expect at the beginning, and it helped the Tibetan stickman invisibly."



Lu Xin was suddenly a little ashamed: "There is actually this one?"

When I think that I am also working hard in this matter, I can't help but feel a little guilty.

"It doesn't matter, we have succeeded..."

Mother saw Lu Xin's guilty conscience, but pretended not to see it, smiled and shook her head slightly, and her body shook slightly.

Just like the projection signal is unstable, a moment of illusion appears in the body. U U Reading

Is this because she suddenly relaxed, causing the harm of her previous injuries to be revealed?

Lu Xin hurriedly supported her, his expression became very serious, and said, "Is he the one who hurt you before?"

Mother was slightly curious, and looked at Lu Xin with a little doubt.

"I said I would vent your anger..."

Lu Xin didn't know what he thought of, and his expression looked a bit cold.

Whispering in a low voice, he suddenly turned his head to look at the space barrier that was far out.

The figure of the stickman is getting fainter, getting smaller and smaller, and seems to be far away in another space.

Lu Xin gritted his teeth slightly and looked at his mother seriously: "Since he hurt you, then you can't let it leave so easily..."

As he said, he suddenly turned his head and looked down, and said loudly, "Who has parasitic objects on the level of desire?"

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