Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 684: The Red Moon Club party officially begins

If it wasn't because the agent had to charge him three thousand dollars for tolls, surely he wouldn't get through the barrier, right?

If you don’t break through the barriers, you will come to Tinder City honestly, find a cheaper hotel to stay, and wait for the party to start. In this way, there is a high probability that you will not meet Dracula or Dracula so early. Pull, will not be chased by law enforcement teams in the city for using counterfeit money... Dracula is really shameless... If he is not chased, he will not sleep on the streets at night, right?

If you don’t sleep on the street, you won’t meet the Hell Legion. If you don’t meet the Hell Legion, you won’t encounter Xia Chong. If you don’t meet Xia Chong, you won’t enter the Tinder Building. , Won’t learn about Tinder’s plan...

…The more I think about it, the more amazing Lu Xin feels.

If you don’t understand the plan of Tinder, maybe all the ceremonies will only be regarded as the local custom of Tinder, right?

Perhaps, none of this will really happen?

Of course, with the mother's design of the Tibetan stickman and the pale hand, it is inevitable that the two sides will collide.

But at least it won't let this **** designer have such a big misunderstanding...

This logic flashed through his mind, and Lu Xin felt that it made sense. This was obviously the first hand of Tinder...

But in the enthusiastic eyes of the **** designer, he didn't say anything.

After all, it’s only three thousand yuan...

I have to face it anyway, and instinctively, I might be more embarrassed to say this.

In addition, if you think about it, the virtue of fire is not very important to the chaotic surroundings.

This is doomed to a robber-like agent system, and the robber-like agent system determines that you will be blackmailed. If you are blackmailed, you will definitely not be willing to give in. Then, the internal transportation network of the city of fire is another. destined…

…So this is the necessity contained in accident?

…The fate of Tinder has long been doomed.

But he just lightly pointed a sentence, and then thoughtfully and silently, it fell into the eyes of the **** designer, but it became another expression. .

He was a little confused at first, and then anxious, but at the end, he suddenly woke up.

With a low sigh, he said to himself with a wry smile:

"That's right, you don't have to say it all, you just need to remind me that it's enough."

"If after getting your reminder, I still don't understand where I lost, how can I be qualified to be your opponent?"


As he said, he sighed deeply and looked at Xia Chong calmly.

The appearance of being slaughtered.

"What's this all about?"

Xia Chong also obviously didn't want to understand, he glanced at Lu Xin, and then signaled to the negative zero unit.

Two people in the negative zero force immediately stepped forward and put the ability suppressor and handcuffs on the neck and hands of the **** designer. During this whole process, the **** designer did not resist at all, even the arms behind him. There is no meaning of blocking.

"Are you from the research institute?"

After seeing the **** designer being arrested, an old man in a three-piece suit with a cane on a military vehicle behind that quickly walked up. He walked in such a hurry, his body was trembling slightly, and the secretary beside him trot with him all the way, almost unable to catch up with him. Panting, came to Xia Chong and the others: "Oh, you are finally here..."

Speaking of almost weeping on his face, he drew a cane from the **** designer and said: "We were killed by fire..."

"All of this is caused by him, the leader of the cult. We have too much to say..."

After speaking, he looked at Lu Xin and deliberately asked, "Um...on our side, who is the person in charge?"

"it's me!"

Xia Chong's voice rang slightly below his head.

I saw this expressionless girl looking at him coldly, as if she was not surprised by his anxiety and words at all, and she didn't mean to follow his words, she just said blankly: "Now There is no need to rush to say these things."

"I just want to ask you, what is your current attitude towards the special pollution of Tinder City?"



The old man gave a crutches severely: "Of course I am fully cooperating with you. It is completely eliminated..."

"very good."

Xia Chong nodded majesticly, then stepped back and said to Lu Xin: "Single Captain, now I need to negotiate with Tinder's high-level staff. Although the **** plan has been blocked, I haven't received instructions on how to deal with subsequent matters. , The most urgent task is to borrow the armed forces of the Tinder Group to make the city run first, do you want to go with me?"

Lu Xin was taken aback, knowing that there would be a very complicated issue behind.

He knew that he was not good at this, so after pondering slightly, he only asked one question: "Will they be punished?"

Xia Chong let out a low sigh and said, "No one can run away."

Lu Xin immediately relieved his heart: "That's good, I still have to go to the party, so I won't pass."

Xia Chong nodded, then turned to leave.


Lu Xin suddenly remembered something, hesitated slightly, and said in a low voice.

Xia Chong immediately turned his head and looked at him.

People around him looked at him immediately, but Lu Xin was not as embarrassed to say it in front of so many people.

At this moment, suddenly his shirt was pulled, and when he turned his head, he saw that the scalpel was trying hard to wink.

Hurrying to his ears, he heard him speak a little weakly: "Don't worry, I remember the one hundred million..."

Lu Xin looked up in surprise, and when he exchanged eyes with the scalpel, he immediately understood, and he was surprised and happy.

But thinking of Dracula again, I was still a little worried.

The scalpel grabbed him again, leaned forward, and heard him say: "We are our own..."

Lu Xin's heart suddenly became clear.

The scalpel made him completely relieved, what was Dracula?

We have someone on Party A...

When her mood improved, she immediately waved her hand to Xia Chong, motioning her to go with confidence.

Xia Chong didn't know what they said, but thinking about asking about the scalpel later, he stopped saying more, turned and walked forward with the minus zero troop, the trainer, and the scalpel on the stretcher.

The younger sister, who was hanging on the wall next to her, looked at the scalpel, and then at the excitement of Lu Xin. She jumped off the side curiously.

"Sister, be careful..."

Lu Xin was afraid that she would hit the severely injured scalpel and immediately reminded him.

Xia Chong stopped walking, turned around slightly stiff, a little blush appeared on his face with a little fat baby.


Forcibly calmly agreed, and then strode forward.

"Did you discuss where to go?"

After solving a major event in his mind, Lu Xin relaxed a lot, and walked back with a smile.

He has great friendship with every club member, even Dracula.

After all, Dracula might not know that he was going to grab her business, right?

"Where to go?"

When a group of club members saw that Xia Chong and the others had gone with the firearms, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a warm smile on his face, and he quickly picked up the previous topic:

"This city is so chaotic, and the power of various pollution has not completely dissipated. Too many people need help, and there are many hidden pollution powers that need to be cleaned up. It is even more necessary to prevent some people from taking advantage of the chaos..."

"So, should we eat skewers or hot pot?"


"When do they still want to eat skewers and hot pot?"

Lu Xin was a little overwhelmed by their brain circuits. As a normal person with a sense of responsibility, he should...

Before the thoughts flashed, I heard Dracula say: "What kind of skewers hot pot, anyhow, they are all club elites!"

"Go, I'll take you to the hotel for buffet."


The eyes of a group of people around suddenly changed, especially the madman Pharaoh and the night owl.

Even Lu Xin swallowed back what he had just wanted to say, and silently followed and nodded.

Dracula, who took the initiative to take the responsibility of the treat, became the eldest sister again, and got into the car next to him with a flat chest, and drove forward first. It can be seen that she didn't know what order she gave, and the group of Dracula around her did not follow her.

And as she left, these Dracula lost their appearance one by one, and gradually became ordinary people. This seems to be the characteristic of her ability, and the control over the "Dracula Zombie Legion" is not permanent.

Others also cheered, and pried a few cars from the side of the road to keep up. They were particularly skilled.

Lu Xin didn't just drive the car on the side of the road like them, so he took a car that was stolen by someone else.

"Make way to give way..."

A convoy enthusiastically drove between this ruined city and the confused crowd, and happily ran to the buffet.

Not only them, but also some spies from other forces around them, as well as people who were involved in the storm for some reason, and were assigned to the Red Moon Club camp because of their position, all followed enthusiastically. Behind them.

Among them is a group of people who used laxatives and stole cables.

"Anyway, Seventh Sister hasn't finished her work yet. Let's follow the past and have a meal together. It's okay, right?"


Dracula brought them to the seven-star hotel where she had picked up Lu Xin before.

Lu Xin was very happy. He went to the underground parking lot to take a look. He was even more happy that his car had not been towed away.

The hotel is empty, with the quietness characteristic of a large-scale riot.

Dracula took them straight to the luxurious cafeteria on the seventh floor of the hotel, and slammed the door open...

"Eat whatever you want, drink whatever..."

Dracula raised his hand and pointed inward: "All the things are paid for by Sister Du!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The riot lasted for less than three hours. It was just after nightfall when the things in the hotel were displayed, and then the guests were frightened and fleeing due to the turmoil, or were polluted, so basically everything was Haven't moved.

So they rushed in with a bang, like a locust entering the rice field.

Some people brought large silver plates and feasted on them, while others had to pick up a little bit of each dish and piled them up into a hill.

Some people stuffed a whole salmon with mustard into their mouths, and some people directly took the ingredients and processed their own teppanyaki.

He even wore a chef's hat.

Of course, some people brought a glass of red wine in a lively scene, and sat down for a slow tasting elegantly.

Someone carefully selected the most expensive ingredients, secretly packed them and brought them back.

In the excitement, only the most edible night owls were absent-minded and kept looking out the window.

"To be honest, our Red Moon Club gathering this time is very meaningful..."

Sister Draculad took a glass of red wine and enthusiastically signaled to everyone: "I am really happy to see you all here..."

"Come on, let's make a toast to save Tinder City..."


Everyone raised their cups with great enthusiasm, cheering.

While clinking the glasses happily, he sighed: "The only regret is that there is a little lack of atmosphere..."

boom! boom! boom!

The words were still not over, and suddenly I saw a place just a few kilometers away, and suddenly there was a sky of fire flying upwards.

Suddenly in the dark night, a few dazzling firelights bloomed.

The flames exploded one by one, and UU Reading almost illuminated the area where they were in daylight.

Everyone suddenly turned their heads and looked over, startled slightly, showing a surprised expression...

Atmosphere, it came just as it said...


The night owl, who had been distracted, finally jumped up excitedly, slapped his thigh fiercely, and turned his head to look at Lu Xin:

"Brother, the bomb I planted finally exploded, and I checked the manual for a long time for this..."

"How is this atmosphere, brother..."


Lu Xin was completely stunned: "Are you putting all Tinder's Hell Umbrella missiles on it?"

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