Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 685: You are just monsters

boom! boom! boom!

In Tinder City, when the fire suddenly soared into the sky, there was also a strong mental power fluctuation outside Tinder City.

It is prosperous and bright. It is like a steel forest on the ground. Outside the city of Tinder, there are large open spaces, huge factory areas and a few farmland orchards. In addition, the most eye-catching thing is that they are erected on the ground. A huge electric tower on the ground.

The red moon had fallen to the west, and the earth appeared empty and silent.

Only the stars in the sky gave out a faint light.

In the slightly dim night, Mom, the Black Queen, Dr. Ann, and the No. 7 riding a new motorcycle came here from different directions. They looked at each other's eyes, alert, scrutinized, and also All with a touch of pride.

"Sister, you succeeded..."

The Black Queen stood quietly under an electric tower, with some weird bugs appearing around her from time to time, cheering and jumping around her skirts, but she didn't bother to pay attention, only the air around her, from time to time there was a hint of coldness. ripple.

Her voice was colder than ripples, and she said indifferently: "You not only lied to the Tibetan stickman, you even lied to us..."

"When initially discussing this plan, you never said that you would give him the pale hand..."


Listening to her, Dr. Ann and No.7 next to them also looked at their mother a little coldly.

On their eyes, they all wear a kind of strange glasses, it seems that it is through them to communicate with their mother and the black queen.

In response to the faint accusation of the Black Queen, her mother just smiled slightly and said, "It's just easy."

"Furthermore, when we discussed this plan, we only said what we were going to do, but didn't we say what we were not allowed to do?"

"Don't you also discuss it, don't you plan to assign his authority to us?"


"A few chains..."

Dr. Ann next to him suddenly smiled and said: "You can be the one you want, but the origin of the stickman..."

Mother said: "I can share it with you too."


After hearing this, the expressions of the Black Queen, Number Seven, and Dr. An all changed slightly.


Mother smiled and said: "The things are in his hands, you should go find him."

The other three women, or the existence of women's images, all slightly darkened.

"The plan is just a contract. Everyone will execute it."

Mother's face also sank slightly, and she lifted her chin lightly, and said, "But it is all up to you to complete the things that are not planned. This time, not only did you prevent the second coming from appearing in advance, you also harvested so much. Domination power has already made a lot of money."

"What else is unsatisfactory?"


The surrounding atmosphere was faintly depressed, and even the red moon was a bit hazy.

On the electric tower next to it, there are faintly visible electric flowers splashing, connecting them into tiny electric snakes.

After a while, there was a chuckle that broke the silence in the room. The Black Queen grinned and said: "Sister, you are really optimistic about him, you have planned so much for him, and even you don’t hesitate to take risks. I helped him get such an important thing..."

"It's not like you before."

"For you, desperate, isn't it against your nature?"


"You also made a big bet..."

The mother looked at the Black Queen and smiled: "Otherwise, why would you be willing to work so hard to help that child build such a large spiritual palace? If it were before, the Black Queen's eyes would not have room for anyone. , But now, even I sometimes feel that you are no longer the tall black queen, but a dog in front of the child..."


The black queen's face instantly became extremely cold, and she stared at her mother: "Aren't you too?"

"Of course I am different."

My mother smiled and said: "He treats me as a relative, and he will be angry because of my affairs, and even take risks..."

Mother's smile seemed to sting the Black Queen more easily than vicious words.

The spiritual power ripples around her are getting finer and denser, and her voice is low and loud: "That's because you have been lying to him..."

"One day he knows the truth, what will you end up?"


Mother answered very calmly: "No matter how miserable, it will be better than you."

The Black Queen stopped talking, but the spiritual power around her became stronger and stronger, and she seemed to want to break with her mother now.

"Well, there is new information..."

At this moment, a self-talking sounded from the side.

I saw Dr. An from the research institute, silently took out a pen and paper from the inside of the white coat, and wrote seriously on it:

"One, built a spiritual temple for the people she chose, and it can be inferred that there is already an unidentified fantasy country in this world..."

"One, some things caused fraud to individual soldiers, the contradiction is..."


Both the mother and the black queen turned their heads to look at her at the same time, their eyes were a little unkind.

Because of their attitude, the surrounding air temperature seems to have dropped drastically.


But under their gaze, Dr. Ann tore off the paper from the notebook casually and handed it to his side.

Under her palm, a spiritual whirlpool appeared immediately. A short stature "lurker" wearing a black top hat appeared, took the paper, and then took off the hat, held it in front of Dr. Ann, and got her to throw it over. Of several steel pewter.

After doing this, he respectfully saluted Dr. An, mother and the Black Queen, and disappeared into the whirlpool.

I didn't pay attention to number seven.

Dr. An doesn't seem to think that he has sent this information to any greatness. If nothing happened, he looked at his mother and the Black Queen and said with a smile: "You are always so noisy, why do you have to offend our world? "

Mom took a deep look at her and said, "Since you are a researcher, you shouldn't ask this question, just as you can't control it. When you see a spiritual creature, you have a strong desire to hunt, and you can't control it. As soon as I see a potential person, I want to restrain him. This is all due to nature. In seemingly accidental things, there is inevitable hidden. Does this still need to be explained?"

The Black Queen also looked at her indifferently and arrogantly: "We didn't join hands with the Tibetan stickman. This is the greatest luck in reality."

"Otherwise, how many ultimates can the research institute block?"


"You can't join hands."

Dr. Ann's expression was weak, but what he said was tough: "The promise is what you just said, and it's due to your nature."


She paused, looked at No.7, and said, "In reality, there is ability, or in other words, the courage to resist the ultimate."

"It's not just the research institute..."


Following her words, the eyes of the three people all turned and moved Seven's body.

Number 7 is a little farther away from them.

Judging from the influence of the mental radiation emitted by each individual intertwined with each other in such a narrow space, her mental radiation is obviously much weaker than the others.

Compared with a few others, she is like a candlelight between several huge tornadoes, and if she is careless, she will be completely extinguished.

But she straddled on the motorcycle, with one foot on the ground, she still looked lazy, and even because of her weakness, she had a kind of unconvincing provocation to the strong. , Looked at her mother coldly, and said lightly:

"So, are you actually scared?"


Mom looked at Number Seven, her eyes narrowed slightly.

No. 7 directly met his mother's gaze, and said solemnly: "The dean doesn't like others to ruin his plan."

"Then he has to dare to show up."

Mom answered softly after a while, but there seemed to be unusual indifference and self-confidence in her light voice.

"He has grown up and has grown into a good child. He shouldn't continue to be another person's experiment."

My mother continued to look at Number 7, and calmly explained: "Also, when it comes to fear, I do have some."

"But what I'm afraid of is not your so-called old dean."

"What I'm afraid of is that a demigod who only wanted to grow up in peace, but has been provoked by a certain lunatic..."

"Once the final consequence turns into..."

She pursed the corner of her mouth and looked at them coldly: "Are you afraid?"

The Black Queen and Dr. An were silent and did not answer, but even the slightest smile on their faces disappeared.

"What's the use of saying this?"

The weakest number seven, facing the attention of three people, was silent for a while.

Then she raised her head, looked at these three people without fear, and said softly: "You think the dean is a madman, and sometimes I think he is a madman, but I believe in the other two points: first he does Anything about it makes sense."

"Second, he will not change because of your attitude."


She shook her head slightly, and then she looked at the three people opposite and said, "The smartest person in this world has committed suicide."

"The dean said that it was because he saw a desperate ending. UU reading"

"He saw it too, but he never thought it was really desperate, nor did he intend to believe in fate."

"As he said, there is no **** in this world."


Her pupils contracted slightly, staring at her mother and the black queen: "You are just monsters."

"One day, all of you will be wiped out!"

Her voice suddenly rose, and a powerful and suppressed anger surged in her body.

It's not as if you are speaking your own words, but using your own body to speak other people's words, so there is even a kind of majesty and firmness on her face that does not match her face: "This world will return to peace, and The research institute that has done something wrong will definitely pay a huge price!"

"This is the attitude of the dean!"

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