Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 686: The strongest title of the Red Moon Club

Tinder city seven-star hotel, high-end buffet restaurant.

With the arrangement of Sister Draculad, and seeing the fireworks display specially prepared by the night owl for the party, everyone was very happy.

While enjoying these cheap foods, while frequently holding different wines, beer, Erguotou mineral water, Baihua snake grass water and other liquids to toast, or holding plates in hand, shuttle back and forth in the cafeteria, chatting with different people Wait for the sky.

Introduce yourself, leave a contact information, and discuss some topics in depth. Lu Xin saw with his own eyes the night owl and the madman Pharaoh, where the mankind will go after the red moon, and how the universe is vast. He breathed a sigh of relief I talked about how to be a weak individual in this boring world to stay positive and optimistic to discover the true meaning of life...

After all, isn’t that the way the party is?

Bragging to show your depth, expand your contacts, book a few meals in other cities that may never be achieved, and so on. Of course, the most important thing is to see what kind of birds look like these people who usually hide behind the communicator...

However, it is probably because such a gathering is so normal, it makes people feel abnormal.

For example, Hydra, who is rational and normal, is constantly suspicious...

"Why does such a crazy gathering seem so normal to me?"

"Why do I feel that it makes people feel more reasonable when they just wanted to demolish the entire Tinder City?"

"Everyone in this room doesn't seem to have the right idea..."

…The only person with nine snake heads, looked at a room of people with abnormal heads, and fell into deep thought.

"Brother, what occupation do you do?"

Others enjoy the party so much, and Lu Xin is no exception. He has left contact information with many people and warmly invited them to come to Qinggang when they are free in the future, and promised that as long as everyone abides by the law, Qinggang People are very enthusiastic to the outside world. .

The only one he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with was the Clockwork Orange father and son with Pikachu headgear on their heads.

I don't know why, Lu Xin is very fond of them and is willing to spend more time.


A Clockwork Orange was a little excited when seeing Lu Xin coming over.

While pulling off his mask to cover half of his face, he enthusiastically shook hands with Lu Xin.

It can be seen that Lu Xin is still very prestigious in the eyes of the club members after thumping the Tibetan stickman three times.

The two shook hands heavily, and then Clockwork Orange answered frankly: "I am the factory watcher."

"Can the factory look at the gate like this?"

Lu Xin was somewhat surprised.

Clockwork Orange looked around, lowered his voice and said, "There are still a few part-time jobs."

When I heard part-time job, Lu Xin almost understood.

The main business is for living, and the part-time job is for making money. Isn't everyone like this?

While nodding to express understanding, he said: "What do you do part-time?"

"Kidnapping, robbery, assassination, investigation of extramarital affairs..."

"It's always up to the missile launch code of a high wall city, and down to the answers to the final exams of elementary school students. I have no problem."

Clockwork Orange opened her mouth, and handed over a business card: "Call me if you need it."

"thanks, thanks…"

Lu Xin suddenly realized that he took it with both hands: "No wonder he can throw money in a sports car..."

Big job is capable, but also small job...

"Brother, you performed very well this time. On behalf of Tinder City and the residents of the world, I would like to express my gratitude to you..."

Dracula also leaned in when there was no one around Lu Xin. When Lu Xin's face, he quietly picked up the communicator and manipulated it a few times, and immediately there were two million in his account, Lu Xin Suddenly he looked at Dracula with surprise and joy.

"you know."

Dracula narrowed one eye and winked at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin suddenly accepted the money casually.

This belonged to the balance of the party that Dracula had agreed to at the beginning, and that one hundred million was a different matter.

If it goes well, I will earn one hundred and five million yuan this time...

…No, if you subtract the one hundred thousand promised to night owls, that would be one hundred and nine hundred thousand.

Thinking of this, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Dracula didn't know that Lu Xin had already planned to cut Hu. Seeing that Lu Xin had received the final payment satisfactorily, he also smiled happily.

The two people looked at each other and smiled amicably, shaking hands heavily, especially in a commercial atmosphere.

At this moment, someone in the distance was drunk and suddenly said, "It seems that someone mentioned a bounty of 100 million yuan before?"

Lu Xin and Dracula changed their faces at the same time, and turned their heads:

"Have it?"

"Never heard of it..."


Fortunately, this group of people didn’t seem to have delved into the 100 million things. Of course, it’s also because no one here knows the inside story and can’t inquire about it. So in the middle of the party, they discussed the "strongest ability of the Red Moon Club" one by one. The “people” incident quickly attracted everyone’s attention, and then enthusiastic discussions began. Someone wanted to vote on the spot...

Lu Xin didn't care about this, but quietly found the night owl and transferred 100,000 yuan to him.

The night owl with his mouth full of meat was so moved that he almost cried. He shook Lu Xin's hand and said, "Thank you so much, brother."

"I must ask you to have a massage, and go after dinner..."


Lu Xin declined several times, but he insisted on pulling it away, so he had to reluctantly said, "Is it a serious massage?"

The night owl brightened his eyes when he heard it, and said solemnly, "Brother, you can rest assured, we will never look serious."

As soon as he heard that it was not serious, Lu Xin immediately rejected it.


Now what makes him more concerned about the title of "the strongest person in the Red Moon Club".

In peacetime, Lu Xin doesn't care much about this reputation.

After all, in the club, I took a screen name casually, and no one else knew it.

But now, facing a big project of 100 million yuan.

Although I have some people in Party A, the more other elements, the more guaranteed.

The strongest person in the Red Moon Club, isn't it the one who contributes the most?

This one billion, isn't it also the best contribution to get?

With this recognized title, my one hundred million is somewhat more stable...

Besides, I have indeed exerted enough effort in the matter of Tinder City, shouldn't it be a problem?

With this thought, Lu Xin looked up confidently, and saw that everyone around him coincided with each other. They all raised their hands and pointed at the madman Pharaoh who was gnawing his chicken wings, including the night owl next to him. Keep this action.

"What's the matter?"

Lu Xin couldn't help being a little confused.

The night owl tugged at him quietly: "Brother, look at the information..."

Lu Xin reacted and took out the communicator, and saw a private chat and picture message of Dracula, which read: "Become the strongest member of the Red Moon Club, basically not far from being studied. Oh, brothers and sisters, I suggest that everyone vote for the stupidest one in the group. One is that he is already being studied, and the other is because the cost of attending the party is too great..."

There is actually a wanted order for filming, which seems to have been issued by a large psychiatric research institute in the southeastern region: "Recently, an extremely dangerous mental patient escaped in our hospital. I hope the insiders can provide corresponding information and get it back as soon as possible... "

"Please note that this patient is extremely dangerous, and you must not try to catch it."

"Those who have a detailed provider and confirm it can go to our hospital to receive a high bounty..."


"High stakes?"

Lu Xin's heart moved slightly, and he immediately took a closer look at the photo that was offering a reward, and he was shocked.

The person above has messy hair, dressed in hospital gowns, squatting in the corner and smoking, isn't it the old king now?

All of a sudden, I was really shocked.

I have seen it through communication a long time ago. This time the Red Moon Club came to the party. Some were for a certain purpose, such as red dancing shoes and Hydra. They weren’t originally for the party, they just took the opportunity to do something. Some are to cheat money, such as Dracula, and some are because they are in fire, such as a Clockwork Orange, it is hard to push it if you want to push it...

He, of course, was to stop the evil plan of the Tibetan stickman.

The most funny is the night owl.

Oh, he came for money...

But what makes people never expect is the madman Pharaoh, he is the purest purpose...

He said that he was going to hit Dracula, but the result was just talking. Not only did he fail, but he was also kicked in the crotch.

The most important thing is that he even escaped from the mental hospital in order to attend this gathering...

Thinking about it so carefully, I feel a bit crazy, but vaguely, and a little touched...

Thinking of the madman Pharaoh before, he seemed to have really clamored for "the strongest title".

It can be seen that besides having to beat Dracula, he still cares more about this.

So Lu Xin also fell silent, and after a low sigh, he also raised his finger to the Madman Pharaoh.

Anyway, my only competitor is Dracula, as long as it is not her, everyone else can...

Madman Pharaoh won the title of the most capable person in the Red Moon Club.

He was so moved that he almost cried.

"Is it me? Is it really me?"

Pointing to his nose in disbelief, he chewed the chicken bones to pieces and swallowed it, moving, "I also think it should be me."

Everyone nearby applauded enthusiastically. UU reading www. uukānshu.cOM

The red shoes also put the golden paper crown on the head of this buffet, which was probably prepared for a certain child's birthday.

In an enthusiastic blessing, the madman Pharaoh was moved and blew out the candle...

"This account is settled for the two of us, right?"

Half an hour later, Dracula and the madman Pharaoh came to a remote corner, looked at Pharaoh with pride and said.

"It's over, it's over, count what I owe you..."

The madman old Wang hugged Dracula with emotion and said, "Sister De, you are so kind..."

"He said he wanted to give me the title of strongest, but he really gave me..."

"Don't worry, I will run out of the mental asylum to help you if I will be useful in the future..."

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