Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 687: People who cannot be recorded

A group of mental patients come to the party, what will happen?

The answer is really just attending a party, and then separated.

On the day of the party, the atmosphere was indeed harmonious. Everyone gathered together, and the cafeteria of this high-end hotel was really horrible. After eating and drinking, they all went away, and they locked the door very responsibly.

As for the issue of checkout, everyone ignored it.

Sister Dracula said that she was all in charge, so of course everyone just followed over and left for a free meal.

Lu Xin knew that Dracula had a habit of using counterfeit money, so he stared at it.

Then he was relieved that Dracula didn't use counterfeit money.

After all, the hotel’s service has been cleaned up early, and she doesn’t even have to check out...

...Not to mention the buffet, even the hotel room is picked up by everyone, and you can sleep when you open the door. .



The first day passed, and the next day everyone was going to leave.

The first Clockwork Orange that left was sent to school, and then Madman Wang. According to him, he forgot to ask for leave this time. I don’t know what the attending doctor is worried about. Now I have to go back quickly. Okay. Apologize.

Lu Xin didn't tell him that now his attending physician has eagerly mobilized the armed forces of the world to find him.

Then came the red dancing shoes. She disappeared the next day without even saying hello.

Only on the mirror in my room, I wrote the words goodbye in lipstick and painted a smiling face.

Everyone expressed their understanding: after all, it is an artist, and it is normal that the brain circuit is not normal.

Then Hydra also left. Before leaving, he respectfully visited Lu Xin's room and left a business card.

The night owl was not very happy, after all, Lu Xin did not go to the massage with him.

Until Lu Xin promised him, when he came to Qinggang, he introduced a little massage expert named Gecko to him.

The last ones are Lu Xin and Dracula, after all, there are still some business matters unclear.

At the same time, the two of them looked at the members of the Red Moon Club, and they just said that and left. None of them considered other things. Both of them also showed deep relief smiles and felt very affection for this group of members. They are on a big step soon, and the other thing is that although the two of them stayed a little longer, they tacitly did not mention this matter...



Finally, Tinder City was quiet.

I don't know if it is an illusion. As these club members leave, the sun is shining brighter.

However, I can feel that there is a faint undercurrent under this glamour.

This is easy to understand, the fire problem is too much trouble.

An event involving the ultimate, and not just an ultimate special pollution incident.

Even Lu Xin, thinking of this incident, felt a little scared.

This world is already different.

In other words, the world is gradually revealing the truth.

It's as if I have met several members of the Red Moon Club, only to know that there are still capable people who can be strong to this degree.

When he was at the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute before, Dr. An told himself that the black table created a "god" that could enter the third step, and he thought he had done an amazing thing, but in fact, they In the eyes of this world, there are not many people with third-level strength or potential. She let herself join the Red Moon Club, probably also has this consideration.

However, this does not mean that the black table has done useless work.

The achievements of Heitai Table at that time, even the research institute, are very important.

Because in this world, it is not difficult to enter the third step.

There are even many mysterious creatures in the restricted area that stood on the third step from the beginning.

However, how to go from the third step to the fourth step is difficult, and it is even more difficult to move from the fourth step to the fifth step.

Being able to get through all levels and walk up all the way is called a step.

If not, it is the level.

Steps can be walked up step by step, but levels cannot be crossed.

In the process of creating "God", the black table has made great achievements, but it has not been made public and no one has discussed it.

But no one can deny its effect.

The success of the Qinggang Heavenly Kingdom Project, and Wawa stepped onto the stage of a spiritual lord, benefited from some information.

And those data may not have the experimental data of the black table.

For Qinggang, Wawa becoming a spiritual lord is a great leapfrog success.

But in the same way, it also opened a door to this world.

Because of the dissemination of some key information, more and more people began to try.

Even if there are no successful cases in front of them, there will be countless lunatics experimenting desperately, not to mention successful cases?

Tinder's crazy plan is one of them.

When someone starts to co-operate and trade with "God" without scruples, what will the people behind do?

Lu Xin couldn't help but think of the "Tibetan Stickman" power that was taken away by the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute and the Science and Technology Church, and sighed slightly.

Who knows?

There has never been a lack of courageous people in this world.



Regarding the handling of Tinder, Lu Xin communicated with Xia Chong in the middle and learned that they were negotiating with Tinder senior.

Today's Tinder has pushed all the sins on the **** designer and some mysterious organizations, and has cleaned the one that he has washed. At the same time, the armed forces of the major military regions have begun to shrink, and they seem to be ready to confront something.

And the **** designer, but he really recognized everything, it seems that he didn't mean to bury the entire fire.

However, Lu Xin, who had seen the "factory" of Tinder, understood deeply that Tinder was not innocent.

Not innocent from the beginning.

Therefore, even if he thinks he does not have the power to decide the fate of others, nor the power to judge them, Lu Xin still hopes that they can be punished.

Regarding this question, Xia Chong gave Lu Xin a reassurance when he contacted him later.

They understand the meaning of Tinder, and Tinder knows that they understand, but the high-level Tinder still refuses to give up hope.

It's just useless.

The alliance is already making preparations and will not let Tinder's senior executives get over it so easily.

After getting this answer, Lu Xin relaxed a little.

If there is a change in Tinder, my friend, the village chief, can live more happily in the future, right?

After all his worries were gone, he also honestly waited for the reward.

On the face of it, the order of Tinder has begun to be restored, shops have opened their doors on the street, and the TV has signaled.

It was also at this time that Lu Xin received a call from Han Bing.

"Mr. Soldier, your phone is finally connected, there has been no signal before."

Han Bing's tone obviously seemed a little anxious.

Lu Xin reacted for a while before he hurriedly said, "Oh oh, that should be because the cable of Tinder City was cut by someone..."


Han Bing was taken aback for a moment, before he said, "There is something I want to tell you..."

"Before, you found a strange thing in your old building..."

"Actually, under the gaze of three groups of observers, it was stolen by a big pale hand..."


Even though things have passed for several days, Han Bing still seemed a little weird when he said it.

"Stolen it?"

On the contrary, Lu Xin, after being taken aback, suddenly understood, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, this is a misunderstanding."

After a pause, he said, "I'll go back and write a report for you to explain."

"All right……"

Han Bing's tone really relaxed.

Everyone knows what Mr. Shan Bing's report looks like, but there is no need to expect it too much.

However, since he said that this matter is indeed related to him, don't worry too much about the hidden dangers behind it for the time being.

At least this ruled out Qinggang being under some unknown mysterious attack.

You know, even the baby didn't guard Lu Xin's home, so she stayed in the small villa secretly to wipe her tears...

"One more thing..."

After a sigh of relief, Han Bingcai said, "Mr. Shan Bing, there is a strange visitor from Qinggang."


Lu Xin didn't react.

Han Bing said: "Yes, a visitor who came to find you!"

Listening to her saying this, Lu Xin also became slightly curious, and said, "What visitor?"

"Is a……"

Han Bing pondered for a while before he found a suitable vocabulary: "Weirdo."

"There is one thing you might have known for a long time. Because Mr. Shan Bing, you are a special talent of Qinggang level 6, so Qinggang has always protected the Red Moon Elementary School in accordance with the treatment of the families of senior talents. There are three teams, twenty-four. Hour takes over and protects them."

"Not only the new orphanage villa, even the old site has observers staring at it."

"It is because of this that we found this person."

"He first appeared on the site of Red Moon Elementary School in Satellite City 2, where he stayed all morning."

"The observers were going to come forward and question him, but he quickly disappeared."


When Lu Xin heard this, he was slightly wary: "What about then?"

Han Bing said: "When he found his trace again, he had already arrived at the current Red Moon Elementary School. The team on duty here questioned him, but he only said that he came to the orphanage and met with the orphanage. They naturally understand."

"Mr. Shan Bing, the members of the Red Moon Orphanage in Qinggang today, besides you, there is also the little deer teacher."

"We noticed that the little deer teacher seemed a little nervous, but still met with him."

"We don't know if he is an enemy or a friend, so we can only do some investigations as much as possible, but we found some strange things."

"In the beginning we tried to take pictures of him and produce materials, but found that the camera could not capture his appearance. No matter what type of camera, the shots were only blurry light clusters. So we changed our mindset and planned to let People copied his image with sketches, but a strange thing happened. Even with three sketch experts, he couldn't draw it successfully..."

"Now, the only certainty is that this person is dangerous."

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