Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 692: Executioner at midnight

Midnight court, executor?

Lu Xin watched No. 8 or Xu Jing’s behavior along the way, and watched his unscrupulous use of his abilities. He came to the leader of the Xiaoyeshan gathering spot, the "General"’s bed, and did it seriously. It feels strange to prepare for the trial.

Xu Jing is a living person, and he has already proved this when shaking hands before.

But his performance is like a ghost that descends at midnight.

There were a lot of weird feelings in his heart, but Lu Xin didn't say anything, just watched quietly by the side.

Xu Jing leaned over and looked at the sleeping man lying on the bed.

This self-styled general should be drunk, sleeping while snoring loudly.

It wasn't until Xu Jing seemed to come down and looked at his face seriously that his snoring suddenly stopped. .

It was as if some kind of induction alarmed him.

A few seconds after the snoring stopped, he suddenly turned over and started, and took out a pistol from under the pillow.

With a thumb, the insurance was opened, pointed at Xu Jing's face fiercely, and shouted, "You are..."

Facing the insured, black-hole muzzle, Xu Jingmeng moved his forehead up.

His eyes were fixed on the general, and he said solemnly, "You are guilty."

Outsiders can't understand the general's mood. Originally, I had had enough wine, and then I had a meeting with the woman Hu Tianhai at the gathering point. He just kicked the woman away and fell asleep. Unexpectedly, he was suddenly awakened by an inexplicable throbbing.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw two dark shadows standing in front of his bed, one of them was still looking at him very close.

An indescribable shudder rushed into his heart, and he subconsciously pointed the gun at the past, trying to fight for a sense of security for himself.

But he didn't expect that, facing his gun, that person would directly put his forehead up.

A pair of cold eyes stared at him, saying he was guilty.

"I have your mother..."

Fear, shock, and all kinds of emotions made the general rush to his brain immediately, opening his mouth to curse and shoot.

But he just yelled out these words, hooked the fingers on the wrench, and just subconsciously wanted to use force, suddenly a strange feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, and he suddenly felt a guilty conscience. The courage disappeared instantly.

Under the gaze of those eyes, scenes of the past suddenly surged in his heart, drowning his heart.

He didn't scold him, he couldn't shook his cock, and he was so guilty that he didn't dare to speak loudly.

At this moment, Xu Jing slowly straightened up.

He glanced at the "general" indifferently, and then took out a folder from the lower level of the suitcase beside him.

Slowly opened, he lowered his head and swept away, reading carefully: "Chen Zhi, forty-two years old, the second son of the former Minister of Transportation of Beishuicheng No. 5 Satellite City, later fled Beishui City under the protection of his father due to a crime. To Western Sichuan, Black Marsh, Qinggang, and finally settled in the Xiaoyeshan gathering point outside Qinggang City. They used to be named Chen Yiguan, Wang Kun, Zhao Qiang, nicknamed General, White Bald, Luoquanju, etc..."

After reading this, he raised his head and looked at the general: "Is this person you?"

General Onoyama's face looked very strange at this time.

It seemed to be sleepwalking, but also awake, a slightly struggling expression appeared on his face, and the muscle lines were constantly twisting.

He seemed to resist in his heart, but in the end he nodded slightly.


He answered in a very dull voice.

Xu Jing heard this, nodded lightly, and continued: "Ten years ago, when you were in Beishuicheng, you were rejected for instructing Yongcheng Commercial Transportation Company to smuggle black grass for you. In the home of Zhao Changqing, general manager of Jinyongcheng Commercial Transportation, all eleven people including Zhao Changqing, his wife, father-in-law, younger brother, younger sister-in-law, cousin, nanny, etc. were killed..."

"Later, I saw that Zhao Changqing's daughter was beautiful, with a wicked heart, defiled her, and then taken away..."

"Three days later, because the incident was so violent and there was nowhere to stay, I immediately escaped from Beishui City with the help of the family, isn't it true?"


Listening to Xu Jing's tone of reciting the incident without any ups and downs, even Lu Xin was slightly surprised.

His pupils shrank slightly and looked at the General Onoyama.

I saw that his face was still confused and his brows were shaking, but after a while, he nodded: "Yes."

"very good."

Xu Jing nodded slightly and said, "You are guilty."

Before he finished his words, he suddenly freed up a hand, touched the suitcase, and grabbed a long silver dagger.

Then, without blinking his eyes, he directly pierced General Onoyama's eyebrows.

With a "poof", the sharp dagger directly penetrated the person's head, protruding a big chunk from the back of the head.


Lu Xin was slightly startled, his steps moved slightly.

"it's not finished yet……"

Xu Jing suddenly spoke, and he didn't know if he was reminding Lu Xin, or he was speaking to General Xiaoyeshan.

What's more surprising is that Lu Xin suddenly discovered that General Onoshan's head had been pierced, but he was not dead yet.

Blood has flowed out along the hilt of the knife, and a little white substance burst out of the back of his head.

But he actually sat upright, a look of fear and pain flashed across his face, and his muscles were convulsing.

But his lips were pressed tightly, and he didn't say a word, letting the blood flow down.

His eyes were forced to stay open, looking at Xu Jing, who was holding a folder.

"This person can feel the pain..."

"He was fatally wounded. It stands to reason that he should die immediately, or at least fall into a coma..."

"But he didn't. His vitality was locked, so he could only continue to feel the pain so clear..."


Lu Xin keenly discovered the state of General Onoshan, and he even felt a little bitter in his heart.

"The trial will continue!"

Xu Jing said calmly: "In fact, just this one thing is enough to make you pay for it with your life."

"However, it is not our principle of judgment to eliminate debts once and for all."

"So, you need to live now, and pay the due price for every sin you have ever committed..."


Speaking slowly, Xu Jing looked down at the document and continued to read: "Nine years ago, you fled to the screw market under the arrangement of the family and went to Zhao. Instead of killing him when he’s out..."

"Is it real?"


General Onoyama's blood has flowed all over his face, but he is still sitting upright and nodding slowly.

"You are guilty."

Xu Jing whispered, raising his hand to take out a slender nail from the box and inserting it straight into the heart of General Xiaoyeshan.

General Xiaoye's body trembled fiercely, his double bulging, and the blue veins on his neck burst out.

But he still didn't die, still maintaining the same posture.

Xu Jing was expressionless and continued to read: "Seven years ago, you used to partner with someone in a human business and killed them together..."

"Is it real?"


General Xiaoyeshan nodded, and Xu Jingshun picked up the saw with a beautiful pattern.



Sins, punishments, blood began to permeate this room.

Lu Xin was by the side, watching Xu Jing tell the crimes that General Xiaoyeshan had committed.

Even he had never thought that one person could commit so many crimes and kill so many people ten years ago.

Even, he can do some tragic things so skillfully.

He even wondered if the one under this person was alone...

……he is.

And he is not a capable person, in short, he is a normal person.

What also made him feel a little horrified is that Xu Jing is seriously and rigorously trying and punishing his crimes. The content on that page is almost finished. The various instruments of torture in the suitcase , Has almost run out.

As for General Onoyama, he has become indescribable...

There were countless fatal wounds on his body, but he happened to be alive, sitting upright.

Even Lu Xin felt that he was still sober.

He was just supported by a strange force and did not die, just like a beheaded person, still alive.

Live to see your body leave yourself, live to feel desperate.



Lu Xin didn't know what to say. For the first time, he felt that the smell of blood in this room was a bit heavy...

Therefore, when he saw Xu Jingnian finished his last crime, he slowly walked towards General Xiaoyeshan.

Unable to take a step forward, the palm of his hand lifted subconsciously and grabbed Xu Jing's shoulder.

He didn't know how to describe the feeling at this time. Even if General Onoshan committed all kinds of heinous crimes, such a person really shouldn't live in the world, but after seeing what Xu Jing did, Lu Xin Still faintly worried.

This scene, with a huge impact, shakes his heart.

When the palm of his hand was pressed on Xu Jing's shoulder, he stopped.

After a long while, he slowly turned around.

His face and body were covered with blood, and the white shirt was dyed red.

This made him look sad and weird under the light that came in from the window.

But his expression still seemed calm and steady.

Slowly opened his mouth and said: "Don't stop me, No. 9, I have my own principles of doing things, and how to deal with things."

"There are many such bad guys under the crimson moon, but do you know why I have to take his orders?"


He had a calm expression and even said softly: "Because of a girl named Zhao Xiaomeng."

"She is the only survivor of the massacre that this person committed in Beishui City, and she is also the daughter of Zhao Changqing."

"When she was only seven years old, she was defiled by this person and taken her away."

"Afterwards, under the arrangement of the family, he left Beishui City, and the seven-year-old girl was sold to the labor market."

"She is there, living like a puppy, living a miserable life you can't imagine."

"At the age of eleven, she was sold into the song and dance hall and became the youngest singer in the song and dance hall. Three years later, she was spotted by an 80-year-old man and became his youngest mistress. That person was already inhumane, but he had many ways to torture the girl. Fortunately, he passed away two years later. The girl sneaked out and entered the factory to work."

"She began to try to forget the past, wanting to live a life of an ordinary person, but at this moment, she became seriously ill..."

"She spent all the money she saved, but only got half a bottle of painkillers."

"After half a year, she was lying in the orphanage full of flies waiting for her death, with only one question in her mind."

"Is there any fairness in this world"


Listening to the story told by Xu Jing's calm tone, Lu Xin's palm suddenly became stiff.

In his mind, even a pair of dim and helpless eyes appeared.

"Because of this problem, she told the midnight court of her injustice while she was still dead, and we accepted her confession."

After Xu Jing finished the last sentence, he turned and walked toward General Onoshan on the bed. His palm was inserted into the inside of the suit, and he slowly pulled out a long, narrow, silver-colored slender short sword with a delicate hilt. The pattern is hooked into the shape of a scale.

"My job is to give such souls, the last point is fair..."

As he said, he held this sword, stood in front of General Onoyama, and whispered: "You are guilty!"

The next moment, he raised his sword.

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