Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 693: Eliminate 1 sin

General Onoyama is dead.

When Xu Jing swung the sword down, various instruments of torture on his body also fell to the ground.

Lu Xin can keenly feel that this person's life is finally over.

But in this end, instead of sadness and despair, there is a feeling of a bowstring that is getting tighter and tighter, and suddenly it relaxes.

At the same time, Lu Xin did not feel his mental power dissipate, but felt a strange disappearance.

That's the kind of feeling that suddenly disappeared.

Under normal circumstances, when a person dies, his spiritual power will also dissipate in the world because of the loss of its carrier. .

Unless it has undergone mental mutation, a normal person has only about ten mental magnitudes, and can't stay at all.

But General Onoyama's mental power did not dissipate, but disappeared.

This was undoubtedly done by Xu Jing.

Lu Xin even gave birth to a strange conjecture: "Does Xu Jing want to keep his spirit and consciousness and continue to torment?"

Lu Xin stood silently behind, watching Xu Jing's movements, especially the sword in his hand.

After the Red Moon incident, few saw the use of swords.

Even in the wilderness, in addition to firearms, people need some cold weapons in close proximity, but they often choose daggers or short knives.

No matter how bad it is, you can also use a solid wood to cut a spear to defend yourself.

In particular, Xu Jing's sword looked more like an art tool than a weapon, and the exquisite patterns made people dizzy.

Now those patterns were stained with blood, but Xu Jing didn't even try to clean them.

He had taken out the sword from the inside of his suit before, and it seemed that there was a bag in the suit.

Now, he actually put the **** sword back into his suit pocket and patted it.

Until then, he seemed to be slightly relieved.

Then he took out a piece of white cloth from the suitcase, and picked up the knife and torture instruments that had fallen on General Onoyama's bed one by one.

Wipe carefully, and put one back into the suitcase for each one wiped.

The movements were proficient and methodical. After a while, he had put back all the knives and instruments.

Placed one by one in the box, exuding a faint cold light, they looked very exquisite and charming.

After releasing the instruments of torture, he did one last thing.

Taking out the paper from the folder, Lu Xin could see that the paper was very thick and fine in texture.

The beautiful fonts line by line above list the crimes of General Onoyama.

The background color of the paper is the phantom of a scale, and at the bottom, there is a signature column for the law enforcement officer.

Xu Jing took out his pen and wrote his name seriously: Xu Jing.

The paper was gently placed on the body of General Onoyama, and it was soon wetted with blood, showing large patches of blood.

"wait for me."

Xu Jing seems to be doing something very ritual, and every step is very careful and focused.

After doing all this, he turned around and smiled at Lu Xin.

Then he took out a change of clothes from the other side of the suitcase, and then walked into General Onoyama’s bathroom. After a while, there was a splash of running water. The time passed quickly. About ten minutes, he Just walked out of the bathroom.

The blood stains on his body were gone, and he changed his clothes.

He smiled refreshingly to Lu Xin and said, "The work is done, shall we go?"

Lu Xin silently followed Xu Jing down, thinking quietly.

He just saw Xu Jing in the room, making a person into a certain post-modern style of art, watching his face and clothes stained with blood, and now watching him carry the box , Walking down the street clean and polite.

He has a hearty and natural temperament, and even smiled and nodded with the passersby around him.

There is a feeling of extreme division.

Xu Jing is a capable person, but Lu Xin is not sure what ability he is, and at what level.

But it can be clearly seen that he walked in this small wild mountain gathering spot and had just killed their general.

In other words, the general who tried them...

…After all, it was just a "kill" word, and it would never be able to describe the tragedy of what he did just now.

But in the entire gathering spot, no one could tell.

Lu Xin even felt that Xu Jing's most terrifying ability was not the weirdness of sneaking into the crowd and then being judged.

It was his indifferent indifference at all.

Killing someone is really just a job for him?

"This is what we are doing."

Xu Jing sighed slightly until he left the gathering point and boarded the jeep they had just parked outside.

While starting the car, he gently said to Lu Xin: "Too many sins are hidden in the world under the red moon. We can't just sit back and watch these sinful people get away with justice, and we can't help but watch those dying pairs. Desperate eyes before."

"So, we wandered under the red moon to judge these sinners."


As he said, he paused slightly, turned his head to look at Lu Xin, and said, "You have been silent, I want to hear your opinion."

Lu Xin sat in silence for a long time before whispering, "I don't know how to say it."

His gaze was a little low, but he was also very calm, thinking slowly, and said: "I have also encountered this kind of things that I can't stand, and I have killed people. If you said this thing, I met him When it's there, maybe I can't stand idly by..."


From the corner of his eyes, he could see the corners of Xu Jing's mouth, he was already smiling, and Lu Xin went on to say:

"The way you sneak in and execute people on your own is not very used to me."

"I always feel that only a judge can determine a person's life or death."

"In addition, your unscrupulous use of force and ability also made me feel a little uncomfortable..."


After saying these words in one breath, he paused, sighed softly, and shook his head slowly.

Xu Jing drove the jeep seriously and did not speak for a long time.

It seemed to be watching the road in front of the car intently, and it seemed to be thinking seriously about Lu Xin's words.

After a while, he whispered: "Nine, I and you also understand that if it weren't for me to judge, then the demon in human skin just now would have been in this gathering spot, living like the earth emperor. life…"

"The gathering point where he is located is within the radiation range of your Qinggang, but no one of your Qinggang can control him."

"Perhaps, no one thought about managing him."


Although Lu Xin hesitated, he could only gently nod his head because this was a fact.

"As for the ability and force you said..."

Xu Jing was silent for a while, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "Ability is for use."

"I know your regulations don't allow you to use abilities casually. If you encounter a problem, even shooting is better than using abilities."

"But the reason there is such a rule is because you are afraid of losing control."

"You are afraid that the excessive use of abilities will make the capable people lose their grasp of the scale and go to extremes."

"But we won't."


He turned his head and glanced at Lu Xin, then smiled and said, "We have our own pursuits and our own principles."

"Because we know what we are doing, we never worry about losing control."


Lu Xin took a breath, as if he wanted to say something, but looking at Xu Jing's confident smile, he fell silent in the end.

Yes, Xu Jing is a pursuer.

He has been since childhood.

Because he has too many things that he can't understand, he especially likes to complain.

Dean Xiang, Teacher Xiang, and even those who occasionally show up in white coats with few expressions on their faces.

He always took the trouble to tell them that who and so did something wrong and needed management.

Even if he was always bruised and swollen because of this, he never changed.

He is like this now?


Xu Jing stopped when the jeep drove to an intersection.

Lu Xin was a little strange and turned to look at him.

"I'm leaving, number nine."

Xu Jing loosened his seat belt and smiled and turned to Lu Xin and said, "In this world, there is still a lot of business to do."

Lu Xin frowned slightly and said, "Where are you going again?"

"many places."

Xu Jing smiled and said: "Under the red moon, everyone who has experienced injustice can file a lawsuit in the midnight court."

"Then we will pass."

"Where there is injustice, where there is guilt, where the law enforcement officers in the midnight court will appear..."



Lu Xin hesitated.

He still had a lot of questions before he could ask Xu Jing, and he didn't talk a lot.

Such as the midnight court, such as law enforcement officers like him.

For example, the old dean he knew...

But what he finally asked was: "There are so many injustices in this world, can you all handle it?"


Xu Jing had already picked up his suitcase, opened the door and walked down.

At this time, the night was very dark, the dark clouds in the night sky had dispersed a lot, and the light of the red moon was brighter than before.

After Xu Jing got out of the car, several ghost images appeared on his body, and then the shadows separated slightly. Xu Jing became three people, smiling at Lu Xin at the same time, and then two of them faced the intersection in two directions. , Slowly walked over.

There was one Xu Jing left, standing in front of the car, watching Lu Xin, showing a confident smile:

"Don't worry, on the 9th, we will see you again..."

He carried the suitcase, took off his suit jacket, put it on his arms, and quietly looked at Lu Xin and smiled:

"Maybe the time to see you soon, after all, I know you are here."

Lu Xin still had something to say, but in the end he just sighed slightly. UU read and said, "Take care."

"The question you asked me today, I may tell you when I meet next time after I understand it."


Xu Jing seemed to be slightly startled when he heard Lu Xin's words.

Xuan Ji laughed heartily again, and waved to Lu Xin: "You have changed, on the 9th, you have become Lu Xin."

"However, there are always things that will never change."


After saying these words, he turned slightly and walked towards the red moon near the horizon.

Soon, his figure disappeared into the misty night.

Only Lu Xin sat quietly in the jeep, and for a long time, he heard gunshots in the direction of Xiaoyeshan's gathering point.

He sighed lowly.

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