Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 695: Supper for 2 people

The office was very quiet, with only the voice of Lu Xin talking softly.

He slowed down his intonation as much as possible and described it accurately, but he was still not sure if Mr. Xiaolu understood it.

Teacher Xiaolu's face had an expression of trying to understand, but confused.

She was struggling to understand, and this Lu Xin was not surprised. He could see that Teacher Xiaolu was still waiting for him so late. First, he was worried about whether he could come back safely when he went out with the eighth. It was also because she seemed to I want to have a good chat with myself.

Lu Xin didn't plan to lie to Teacher Xiaolu, so he told his feelings as accurately as possible.

But looking at her expression, I guessed that she actually couldn't understand it.


Teacher Xiaolu seemed to be entangled for a moment, still raised his head slightly, and said: "I don't seem to understand this feeling..."

When she said this, a disappointed expression appeared on her face.

It was disappointment in myself, mixed with deep self-blame and discouragement.

But Lu Xin listened to her, and after a moment of silence, a gentle smile appeared on his face and said, "It's okay."

"This feeling is something that few people can understand."

As he said, something serious appeared in his eyes and said: "You don't understand, it's good, this is a kind of luck."

Teacher Xiaolu looked at Lu Xin's smile and could feel the sincere comfort in his words.

However, her mood did not improve at all because of this comfort. She slowly lowered her head, her fingers tangled together vigorously. It seemed that she was tired and depressed, and she was not as optimistic as before. With a lively appearance, Lu Xin looked at her now and suddenly thought, could it be that the optimism and liveliness of the former teacher Xiaolu in front of him also came from the performance?

Because I didn't understand it before, I couldn't tell.

I understand now, so I noticed it?

What is this?

Are two people who desperately perform to each other whenever they meet?

When Lu Xin was thinking about these strange questions, Teacher Xiaolu seemed to have gone through deep thoughts, slowly raised his head to look at Lu Xin, gestured lightly, and said, "Then, what you said now is better, then Again, what kind of feeling?"

Lu Xin still didn't want to lie in front of Teacher Xiaolu.

He thought about it seriously, and gently pinched the fingers of his left hand together, and then pinched the fingers of his right hand together.

The two hands seemed to be holding a line separately, gently pulling in the air, and slowly approaching.

"It's like two lines with different wavelengths, you can see each other, but you can't understand each other. This line is the world, and this line is me. Originally, I would never be able to fit into this world because the wavelengths are different. , Even if I please it again, it is of no use, but gradually, my wavelength is changing, the world is also changing, it starts to like me..."


Teacher Xiaolu worked hard to understand, and said anxiously: "Will it really merge together?"

Seeing the anxiety, concern, and true joy in Teacher Xiaolu's eyes, Lu Xin's movements stopped.

He knew that if he said yes, Mr. Deer would believe it.

However, he did not want to lie.

So after he was silent for a while, he put down his palm and said softly: "I hope so."

"But I don't know."

"Because this part is beyond my control."


The joy on Teacher Xiaolu's face was startled, and his expression was also slightly stiff.


She was silent for a long time, then looked up at Lu Xin and said, "Are you still not the same you were before?"

Lu Xin was asked this question, and he was silent for a long time.

In fact, I can feel that my current self is different from before, but this is different from what Teacher Xiaolu thought.

The self in her impression was only when she was in the orphanage, she could not feel herself in this world, but she regarded herself as a gentle and kind person at that time. She remembered the way she gave her chocolate, but I don’t know that I was looking at her curiously behind her, thinking about why this girl is so weak but so strong...

Thinking about why she can run so fast.

Also thinking, if she can't run away, would she still have the guts to provoke those little monsters...

Her misunderstanding of herself, from the orphanage to the present.

It's a pity that the self in her heart has always been false...

She is changing in a good direction, but she thinks she is farther and farther away from before...

Human thinking is really interesting.

But for this question she asked...

Lu Xin was silent for a long time, and he also thought of many questions, including his recent experience, and the eighth.

Then he answered slowly: "I have always been me."

"It's just that my perception of my surroundings is different, so the choices I make are also different."

"But I am still me, this has not changed."


Teacher Xiaolu suddenly raised her head, her expression was clearly confused, puzzled, and fearful.

Perhaps what she wants to hear is that she did something before, not herself?

Lu Xin can clearly understand what Xiaolu teacher wants to hear at this time, but he still doesn't want to lie, so he can only slowly say: "I don't know what I look like in the eyes of others, but in my feelings , I haven't changed. Whether it was me when I was about to escape... or later..., I have always been the same me, but I have reacted differently..."

"Maybe the eighth is right. Some things have changed, but some things will never..."


Teacher Xiaolu was silent.

She seemed to be anxious, worried, and unwilling.

She tried to look up at Lu Xin, but because of Lu Xin's silence, she panicked. She didn't know what to say.

What should I say?

Lu Xin was deeply entangled.

Maybe the eighth is right, I should study hard at that time, otherwise I wouldn't be unable to express this feeling.

I am still myself.

So, how can you tell Teacher Xiaolu that you have changed while acknowledging this?

Maybe you can push the problem to your previous self.

At that time, I was ignorant, too impulsive, too extreme, too angry and so on.

However, the last thing a person should not be too harsh on the previous self, the previous self has already worked very hard.

Compared with the previous self, the current self is just a bit more experience.

"It's not too early now, you rest early."

Thinking of this question, Lu Xin slowly stood up, the expression on his face was determined not to regret.

Teacher Xiang Xiaolu smiled and said: "In two days, I will come to see you again."


Teacher Xiaolu looked up at Lu Xin. After a long time, he could only nod his head in the end.

Lu Xin helped her take the cup in her hand, poured out the tea inside, poured another cup of hot water to her, then lifted the trash bag next to the table and walked gently out of the room. During the whole process, Teacher Xiaolu was silent and wanted to talk, but her hands were shaking. The emotions in her heart were like boiling water, and there was no moment to remain stable, which disturbed her thinking.

When the sound of his leaving footsteps disappeared in the corridor, Mr. Xiaolu slowly turned around and pushed the wheelchair to the window.

She saw Lu Xin's figure and was walking through the courtyard of the villa. Her heart seemed to twitch violently...

She whispered in an inaudible voice, "Actually, I just want to help you..."

In the yard, Lu Xin walked out of the elementary school, threw away the rubbish, then got into the jeep and sighed softly.

In fact, it can be seen that Teacher Xiaolu has a strong urge to do something for himself.

However, she has actually helped herself.

For a long time, I was not really unable to integrate into this world at all.

When I was in Red Moon Elementary School, I felt that real feeling, and only when I was here...

It's just that, I don't know if it is too urgent, or something else, now I obviously feel better.

But when I was in Red Moon Elementary School, my previous feelings became weaker and weaker. Just like today’s conversation, I understand that Teacher Xiaolu actually wants to comfort me and help myself, but in fact, this kind of conversation makes me unable to feel it. Comfortable…

The lingering shadow has always submerged the heart in it.


A faint sense of exhaustion surged in his heart, and Lu Xin slowly started the car and drove forward slowly.

But not far after walking out, the car lights suddenly illuminated a figure sitting on the railing of the road ahead. She was wearing a beautiful black skirt and holding a plastic bag in her hand. She saw Lu Xin's car coming, her face There was a happy smile on his face.

It's a doll.

Why is she still here?

Lu Xin stopped the car slightly surprised, pushed the door and walked off.

Seeing him get out of the car, Wawa's expression became even happier. She stood up lightly and raised the plastic bag in her hand.

Inside are red balls.

Seeing her happy look, Lu Xin suddenly understood that she was here waiting for herself to have dinner.

Not sure what it feels like at this moment.

Lu Xin took off from Tinder City. Apart from landing to refuel, he almost never stopped. He only ate a little on the plane. When he saw the number eight, although he invited him to a meal, he just drank two drinks because of something in his heart. It’s just a glass of beer, almost nothing to eat, and this meal, now counted, is already eight hours ago, so now I...

…Really hungry.

He smiled and beckoned, let the doll sit in the co-pilot of the jeep, and then drove her to the nearby square to stop. The two people sat on the bench next to the square, and then took the doll's hand. The plastic bag I've been holding on.

This is indeed a good thing...

Lu Xin thought. At the time, Clockwork Orange said that it was a very expensive ingredient.

While thinking about it, he opened the plastic bag and was slightly startled, blocking the hand of the doll.

In the puzzled eyes of the doll, Lu Xin retired the plastic bag and threw it into the trash can next to him.


It seems that it’s been a bit longer since I started to pack it up to now...

But what should I eat...

Looking at the pitiful eyes of the doll next to him, Lu Xin couldn't help but think that she wouldn't have been waiting for herself, right?

Could it be that she hasn't eaten for eight hours?

When I was feeling embarrassed, footsteps sounded not far away, and I saw a tall and heroic woman in uniform walking out from the dark shadow next to the square. Her figure was very oppressive, she looked at Lu Xin's eyes, but also very oppressive. She walked quickly in front of Lu Xin and Wawa, then put the two bentos in her hands in Lu Xin's arms, turned and left. NS.

Before leaving, he glared at Lu Xin.


Lu Xin watched the woman leave blankly, and was taken aback for a moment before opening the lunch box.

I saw inside a bento, there were very delicately made sandwich biscuits with beautiful patterns. UU reading

There was scrambled eggs in the other bento, but eggs were added.

Lu Xin's mood suddenly improved, and he had something to eat late at night.

In the gap of the forest-like building in the distance, you can see the red moon hanging down in the west sky, and the surrounding street lights are dim, and the shadows of the two people on the bench are drawn extremely long and merged together, which is difficult to distinguish.

The two people sitting on the bench did not speak, but ate silently, occasionally there would be a clicking sound of crunching biscuits, and the "sucking" sound of eating fried noodles.

After a long time, Lu Xin suddenly said, "Do you know me?"

With half a biscuit in her mouth, the baby thought about it for a while, and then shook her head without showing any face.

Lu Xin laughed happily: This feeling is too easy.

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