Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 696: Family celebration party

After eating supper, it was very late, and Lu Xin went home alone.

Wawa wanted to come back with him, but was kidnapped and taken away by several members of the nanny team.

Seeing the pitiful look in Chuchu's eyes when the doll was taken into the car, Lu Xin suddenly felt as if he had experienced some kind of old movie clip?

Damn rich people...

After sending away the doll, he drove into the jeep and passed through this sleeping city.

He didn't know whether it was because he faced himself in front of Teacher Xiaolu, or because of this dinner, he became in a good mood.

After driving downstairs to the old building, Lu Xin parked the car on the side of the road and left the car key in the car.

This car belongs to the Special Clearance Department and must be returned to them.

After all, I am also a person with three jeeps, so why do I need to be greedy for them?

Anyway, it’s the U.S. Department’s car, they will naturally send someone to pick it up, and in case a thief picks up the idea of ​​this car...

…Lu Xin will sympathize with him. .

Without rushing upstairs, Lu Xin walked around the old building and looked carefully.

I was shocked when I told Chen Jing and the others about pulling an old building to Tinder City.

But in fact, as the person involved, Lu Xin was surprised to think about it for himself.

This is a real old building.

From cement to bricks, to foundations and steel skeletons, they are all real things.

How did I go from one city to another?

In addition, if you can really move it to the central city, is the plan feasible?

Turning around the building, Lu Xin tut was amazed.

It's really strange that this building has been moved through once, but the foundation is tightly closed, and there is nothing unusual.

Normally, even if it is just an ordinary stone staying in a certain place for a long time, it will leave some traces when it is moved away and then put it back, but this old building is completely absent, and there is nothing to be seen. Traces of being moved.


Lu Xin looked down at his right hand, shook his head slightly, and sighed with emotion.

There was a slight pain in the palm of his right hand where the nail pierced. There seemed to be something nailed, and Gu Yong felt a bit.

Turning upstairs, I found that the feeling of entering the corridor was different.

I don’t know if it’s because I saw the weirdness in the old building before, the scene of the army of spiritual monsters fighting against the Tibetan stickmen. With preconceived notions, Lu Xin before entering the old building will only feel that the old building is completely dead. Generally silent.

But this time, he felt that the building was messy.

There are many things hiding in shadowed corners with no light, hiding behind doors.

When I stepped up the steps, there were countless commotions, fleeing in panic, or staring at me in fear.

He could even feel the rustling strokes and the scattered weak air currents.


When Lu Xin walked up to the fourth floor, he felt that the building was too messy and couldn't help but cough lightly.

The turbulent corridor suddenly became extremely quiet.

Lu Xin sighed softly, speeded up his pace, came to Room 401, gently pushed the door and walked in.

The warm light came on.

The coldness in the building was dissipated, and Lu Xin's eyes flickered, and he saw that his family was there.

The younger sister was holding the torn and stitched toy bear and sat comfortably on the sofa and watched TV. A yellow screaming chicken was sandwiched between two little feet. Squeeze it out of boredom from time to time.

This leads to a scream in the sound of the cartoon from time to time, and the atmosphere is very distinctive.

Father is cooking in the kitchen, and the pressure cooker is gurgling with steam.

Mother did not call, but set the table lightly, changed the tablecloth, rice and vegetables were already on the table.


Looking at the warm atmosphere, Lu Xin couldn't help being slightly startled, "Is this to celebrate?"


Mom turned her head and glanced at him, smiled and said: "Hurry up and wash your hands, I'll wait for you."

Lu Xin was suddenly embarrassed: "But I have eaten it..."


The mother at the dining table raised her head, the sister on the sofa turned her head, and the father in the kitchen poked her head out.

The eyes of the family looked at him with a little bit of resentment.

Lu Xin was slightly hairy, and said hurriedly, "I think I can eat a little more..."

The family turned their heads to work again, and the atmosphere became warm and beautiful again.

Lu Xin washed his hands, looked at the vegetables and rice on the table, and felt the wonderful life. He also thought of the weirdness of the rustling in the corridor just now, so he took a bowl of rice and put some vegetables in it. Put it on the bowl, turn around and walk out.

In the corridor, there are countless invisible things crowded and crowded.

Seemingly scrambling, he leaned into the crack of the door and looked in.


The door was suddenly opened, and bright lights poured into the dark corridor.

All the commotion and the crowded things were suddenly frightened, and they scattered suddenly and disappeared.

Lu Xin looked at the empty corridor, put the rice next to the door, turned around and walked in.

The moment the door was closed, there was a commotion in the corridor again, and it was more crowded and chaotic than before.


The door was suddenly opened again, and Lu Xin stood at the door.

The things in the corridor were stunned, and a pair of eyes that normal people could not see looked at the figure standing at the door blankly.

Lu Xin stood for a while, inserted a pair of chopsticks on the rice, turned around and walked in again.

The corridor was quiet for a while, and after making sure that the person would not come out again, the atmosphere immediately became as lively as the Chinese New Year.

With a satisfied smile, Lu Xin sat at the dining table.

If it was a celebration, the things in this building also contributed to the fight against the Tibetan stickman.

So, of course, we must divide them a bit, even if it is just a bowl of rice.

Mother, younger sister, and father all sat at the dining table. Although they had eaten before, Lu Xin still took up his job. It didn’t matter what he ate. The important thing was that he sat with his family and destroyed it in Tinder City. After Zangzhangren’s plan, he has been thinking about it, but communication has been delayed because of various trivial matters, as well as the discussion and analysis of the entire incident...

"Nothing to discuss."

But after hearing what Lu Xin said, his mother smiled and said, "Although this plan is a bit complicated, it is not worth paying too much attention to. There may be many things like this in the future. They may never be honest, but the advantage will always be. We are here."

"All right…"

Seeing his mother's confident smile, Lu Xin bowed his head and took a few bites of food.

This time, it really made a lot of money.

In the battle of Tinder City, the chain of control of the Tibetan Rodman seemed to have been taken away by Dr. An from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute. According to the information disclosed in his mother’s words, Dr. An should assign these things to No. 7 and the head wearer. The woman with the crown of thorns, as a reward, she didn't get it, but she was lucky in the end and got a bit of flesh and blood from the Tibetan stickman, so...


The flesh and blood of the Tibetan rod, and the palm of the pale hand, is there any greater advantage than this?

So after taking a few bites of rice in silence, Lu Xin asked softly, "Am I already very good?"


The younger sister and father on one side looked up at him curiously.

Mother smiled gracefully and tenderly, looked at Lu Xin lightly, and said, "What do you think?"

"It's better than before..."

Lu Xin nodded softly and said, "So, am I sure to fight the fifth trial of the old dean now?"

The light in the room trembles slightly as if the electric current is unstable.

Although the process is fast and the changes are light, it seems that it has also produced subtle changes in the atmosphere in the room.

Lu Xin asked very seriously.

He still remembered that at that time, his mother had lost so much energy, and even showed her lack of exquisiteness in front of others, just to help himself win the pale hand, and the purpose of winning the pale hand was not just for confrontation. The Tibetan stickman. In her first sentence, she stated her true and most real purpose, which was to increase her trump cards so as to fight against the trials that the old dean gave her.

Lu Xin didn't want to express his inner fears.

The arrival of the eighth made him feel real tension, an uncontrollable change of state of affairs.

So, what if the old dean is here?

Therefore, he felt a little anxious inside, but he actually hoped to get a positive answer from his mother.

But after listening to Lu Xin's words, my mother was silent for a while, the glass came to her mouth, but she didn't drink water.

After a while, she calmly shook her head to Lu Xin: "I don't know either."

Then a gentle smile appeared on her face: "But we did our best, so there is nothing to be afraid of, right?"

The atmosphere in the room became gentle and comforting.

It seems that both the sister and the father, whose eyes are rolling, are nodding faintly.

"The best effort?"

Lu Xin thought silently.

Mother naturally made the best effort for this family, which is very touching.

My sister works very hard, even though she is still young.

My father's words...probably, maybe, maybe, it's hard work, right?

But what about yourself?

While slowly picking up the rice grains, Lu Xin thought about it, then he put down the rice bowl in his hand and said softly:

"I met number eight."

Mother looked at him quietly and nodded lightly, as if she knew about it a long time ago.

Lu Xin continued: "He has grown up now and has become the executor of the Midnight Court. He said to come and see us by the way, so I invited him to eat a meal, and he also invited me to see him execute the trial of others. The process. …It’s **** and complicated. I have a lot to say to him, but I don’t feel confident enough to say it. The only thing I can be sure of is that I am to him..."

After a pause, he gave a precise description: "I am envious."

"Whether right or wrong, No. 8 is really a person who knows what he wants to do and what he should do..."

"Compared with him, I have just passed all these years in a muddle-headed manner, and I don't even know what I have experienced..."

"I haven't worked so hard like him, and I feel that compared to him, I am too confused..."

"Probably because I am not serious enough, UU read www.uukā, so when faced with his question, I can't give a clear answer..."


As Lu Xin said, his face was already slightly depressed.

"elder brother…"

Seeing his appearance, my sister suddenly yelled in a low voice, reaching out and grabbing Lu Xin's palm.

Her little face was full of worry and distress.

While grasping Lu Xin's palm, he carefully glanced at the top of his head.

She didn't know what she saw, but at a glance, she shrank back quickly, her voice lowered subconsciously:

"But brother, for so many years..."

"You have always lived with such a heavy burden..."

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