Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 697: Qinggang saved the universe in the last life


Lu Xin was slightly startled when his sister said this sentence in a low voice and boldly.

At this moment, a strange feeling came to my heart.

A little bit because of my sister's sympathetic eyes, I felt relieved, and a little bit because of her curiosity.

Even, there is one more point, because she looked at the strange look on the top of her head and felt a slight horror...

…He suddenly thought of an interesting question.

The family in my eyes is invisible to others, but it is alive and real.

So, what is it like in the eyes of the family?

Suddenly troubled by this question in his heart, Lu Xin didn't answer his sister's words.

He was just silent, and even subconsciously touched the top of his head, not touching anything. .

When I raised my head again, I saw my sister lowered her head in fear, but still holding her hand.

The mother and father are taking back some blaming, even threatening glances.

Lu Xin's heart suddenly became slightly confused.

"Don't say anything like this in the future."

The atmosphere in the room became a bit depressing again.

A gentle smile appeared on her mother’s face. She reached out and held Lu Xin’s other palm and whispered: “There are some things that others won’t know, but family members understand. We know that you have always been Living very hard..."

"Life under such a heavy pressure."

As she said, she also took a deep look at Lu Xin, her eyes seemed to have glanced over the top of Lu Xin's head, and she sighed softly, a faint sadness flashed across her face, and she whispered: "In this world, of course There can be people who can shout to realize their dreams, or what justice and ideals are. They are all great. However, there are some people who can live healthy lives, which is very good."

"It's not easier than other people, and it's very proud."


Lu Xin's palm was held by his sister and mother, and the father opposite was a bit alone.

Looking left and right, he drank a glass of wine dullly, and said in a low voice, "I have to admit, you are a bit powerful."

It took a long time for Lu Xin to lift his head slightly.

When I looked at my sister, I saw her peeking at herself, full of worry and slight fear.

Looking at her mother, her face is full of genuine tenderness and understanding.

Looking at his father, he was covering his face, unable to see his expression...

A very complicated feeling rose in his heart.

He didn't know what he looked like in the eyes of people at home, and he didn't know what they saw in his head.

But in fact, sometimes I can clearly feel the invisible but extremely heavy pressure on my body.

Pressing on the top of the head all the time, as if it has the weight of the whole world...

This kind of feeling cannot be told, and it can be relaxed only in some special times.

It's like a monkey under the mountain, occasionally pushing the mountain away, but when it relaxes, it comes down again.

However, it has been much better recently.


At least at this moment, seeing the appearance of his family, Lu Xin felt a lot more relaxed.

"Perhaps this is indeed an effort..."

He smiled and said, "But no matter what, you can still work harder?"

"I'm really thinking whether I can take the initiative to do something to make the problem easier..."


"Try harder..."

Seeing the smile on Lu Xin's face, the family also became relaxed.

My mother thought about this question seriously, and suddenly looked at Lu Xin and said, "Why don't you hurry up and get married and have a baby?"


Lu Xin slammed his mouth so hard to save his sister from suffering.

He looked at his mother almost in horror: "What the **** is this?"

"What are you doing with such a big reaction?"

My mother glanced at Lu Xin with some complaints, and said, "This is a very reasonable suggestion. You can understand more, understand the world, and understand your life better if you get married and give birth to a child. Grasp a better state of change..."

"Besides, you are not young anymore..."


The more she talked, the happier she was, and she lightly covered her mouth and smiled: "As for the target, we also have a choice, don't we?"

"Although it's a bit silly, fortunately the identity is worthy, and the bride price is also easy to discuss..."

Lu Xin subconsciously followed his mother's words, then suddenly reacted and shook his head hurriedly.

What's all this? My career is not stable yet, what can I do to support my family?

And the look in his eyes is somewhat complaining, why can such a serious topic of mother be involved in the matter of finding a partner?

The sister and father on one side were obviously also dumbfounded, and did not comment during the whole process.

"Oh, it's a pity..."

Seeing Lu Xin's firm attitude, her mother seemed to shook her head regretfully, "If you don't agree..."

She frowned slightly, and then softly suggested: "Then go find a more professional person to help you?"

"A more professional person?"

Lu Xin listened to her mother's words, slightly strange.


Mother smiled and nodded, and said softly: "You are in the Qinggang Special Pollution Cleanup Department, don't you have a job?"

"You are still a Level 6 special talent of Qinggang. You made it clear when you signed the contract. You have the responsibility to help Qinggang solve special pollution incidents. Qinggang also pays you a commission and does everything possible to guide you. And the responsibility of promotion?"

"So, why not let them try to help you?"



Lu Xin was suddenly startled slightly.

He really never thought about it, and this method...

When he woke up the next day, Lu Xin slept for a while, and fell asleep until eight o'clock in the morning.

He even got up after lying on the bed for thirty seconds.

I thought about it for a while between going to the company to report the fakes and talking on the phone with Han Bing about other issues.

To be honest, I must have gone directly to the company before.

But now, when I was at the research institute, I had not recovered one hundred million of accounts, and I still had a lot of debts on my back.

The income of this small business company is a few thousand a month, which is really not in my eyes...

...To go again tomorrow.

Coincidentally, Han Bing almost pinched the point to go to work, and called, asking about the disappearance of the old building.

Lu Xin had agreed to Chen Jing before and would explain to Han Bing in detail on the phone.

"The disappearance of the old building has something to do with the ‘pale hand’ in the thirteen kinds of ultimates."

Lu Xin explained to Han Bing carefully.

On the other end of the phone, Han Bing picked up the pen seriously, preparing to make a record, but did not hear Lu Xin's voice for a while.

Can't help but curiously said: "Then what?"

"No more..."

Lu Xin said: "I just know that it is related to the pale hand, and I don't know much about anything else..."

"That's it?"

Han Bing stared at the words "Pale Hand" recorded on the paper blankly, and was dazed.

How do you feel better to let him write a report?

"However, these few days, I happen to have something else that needs your help."

Lu Xin thought about it seriously, and said to Han Bing earnestly.

Han Bing cheered up and said, "Mr. Single Soldier, just say it."

"Well, the first is related to a remuneration from the research institute."

Lu Xin explained hurriedly: "This reward is a task released by the research institute, which is related to the Tinder City **** building plan in the land of chaos. The original task of the research institute is not available to everyone, but because I and the research institute Intermediate investigator Xia Chong and the others met and learned that they needed help. So they participated in the task at their request and resolved the matter."

"Theoretically speaking, this one hundred million worth of task is considered to be done by me, and the remuneration naturally belongs to me."

"On this point, the Xia Chong investigator and the scalpel have already agreed. If necessary, please keep an eye on it for me..."


"Good detail..."

When Han Bing heard Lu Xin’s narration, he was slightly surprised, and quickly recorded a few key words in Lu Xin’s narration. At the same time, he stared at the amount of "one hundred million" and was silent for a few seconds. I made a plan in my heart...

If I remember correctly, the previous solution to the pollution incident in Black Marsh City was only a few million dollars.

Then, if the Tinder City is a hundred million...

I couldn't help but shivered slightly, and I had to report to Team Leader Chen Jing immediately and ask her to inquire quickly.

Does Tinder City still have it?

"I wrote it down, is there anything else?"

Han Bing's voice couldn't help but become more serious, a little more solemn.

"Well, there are also the two million that helped Xia Chong catch the **** messenger before, shouldn't it be time to urge him?"

Lu Xin said: "Interest is no longer necessary, it's all friends."


Han Bing seriously agreed: "I wrote it down."

Lu Xin said again: "With the money for renovation, how much is still owed, how should I give it..."

"Oh, do the math for me too, and then tell me."



Han Bing agreed, while thinking: When it comes to this issue, Mr. Shan Bing's mood is obviously depressed.

In addition, it seems that he not only owes money from the Special Clearance Department, but also owes Wawa three million...

Out of a subtle mentality, she did not remind Lu Xin of this.


Lu Xin thought about it seriously, and felt that there should be nothing to reveal, and said, "There is one more trivial matter."

Han Bing said seriously as usual: "Mr. Shan Bing, please tell me."

Lu Xin said: "I want to do a detailed physical examination at Qinggang Special Pollution Department. Can you find out how much it costs for me?"


Han Bing took a note, and suddenly the recorded action paused slightly, and said in doubt: "Physical examination?"


"What kind of physical examination?"

"How can I say it, it's the whole thing, blood pressure, heart and lungs, preferably also a little bit of brain and spirit..."


Han Bing was stunned for an instant, and could hardly believe his ears.

When she spoke again, her voice was almost trembling slightly: "Mr. Shan Soldier is willing to let the Special Purpose Department check it for you?"


Lu Xin said: "As a special talent at the Qinggang level 6, I should have the benefit of a free physical examination, right?"

"Yes, there are..."

As the information and liaison commissioner, Han Bing had no right to directly promise Lu Xin anything.

But at this moment, she couldn't help nodding her head again and again.

Once again, he quickly confirmed to Lu Xin whether he really wanted the Special Clearance Department to conduct a physical and mental examination and analysis on him. After receiving his definitive answer, he immediately hung up the phone. Then another call was dialed out.

After a long while, the entire Qinggang Special Clearance Department, the phone rang suddenly, as if on fire.


Then came the sound of countless experts and researchers in various offices hurriedly rushing to the meeting room on the roof for a meeting.

Then there was the sound of a beeping propeller rotating, and it was the leaders of some other departments also flying over.

"In Qinggang, did someone save the galaxy in the last life?"

Professor Bai presided over the discussion meeting, UU reading www.uukanshu. com even showed an expression of excitement that is completely inconsistent with usual: "For us, the secrets of a single soldier are all the unknown mysterious events and research problems accumulated by the Qingbu in the past three years, but out of the right We can’t and don’t dare to study the respect of the capable people’s own wishes and Qinggang City’s risk aversion policy..."

"Even the observation of him has been completely cancelled."

"But now, he actually asked for a physical examination for him?"



Someone tremblingly raised a question: "Should we check or not?"


Professor Bai was so excited that he even looked fierce: "Check thoroughly."

"Find out how many hairs he has on his head and the probability of giving birth to a son or a daughter in the future..."

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