Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 703: The eyes of heaven, literally

The head is big.

This is the feeling of Mr. Su and Minister Shen.

They originally thought that it was a good thing for the individual soldier to ask the Qinggang Special Clearance Department to do a medical examination for him, and they were also excited because the test report was finally released. With excitement, they came to Professor Bai's office, looking forward to seeing the individual test report.

And I think that after reading the report, maybe many unsolved questions can be answered at this time.

But in fact, they suddenly discovered that instead of disappearing, their doubts have increased.

Tyrants, sisters, fathers, pale hands, unknown changes in an unknown period of time, the causes and consequences of all this...

In the office, there was a long silence. .

Everyone thought about this from different angles and forgot to comment.


Professor Bai rubbed his face, relaxed a little, and said, "Of course, these are not the only problems."

"There are still many mysterious phenomena in individual soldiers that are difficult to explain."

"Even if so many abilities of him are detected this time, it is still impossible to fully explain some of the things that happened to him."

"For example, Chen Jing was in danger with a single soldier, but was saved by a single soldier."

"That time you saw him exert an unprecedented power of thought, blocking a large number of multi-barreled revolver bullets."

"For example, some agents under the hands of Old Shen died mysteriously because they spied on the actions of individual soldiers..."

"For example, who taught a single soldier to build a parasitic object as big as an old building..."

"For example, if I remember correctly, Shan Bing once admitted that in his imagination, there are not only father and sister..."

"What is the ability codenamed'Mom'?"



Both Mr. Su and Minister Shen nodded in cooperation.

In fact, this is obviously a very curious thing, but they can no longer show shock.

It's numb.

They already feel subconsciously, no matter what strange things are discovered on Lu Xin, it is all reasonable.

On the contrary, Chen Jing played out the necessity of sitting in this office.

After thinking for a while, she said: "I think, maybe the problem lies in the changes that Professor Bai said before."

"If the single soldier was originally the child code-named'tyrant', then he himself is incapable and has no feelings. Such a person can't work in a small company for so long in peace, but he has no There are any problems."

"It is also impossible that after being recruited by us, he suddenly showed so many incomprehensible abilities..."


After a pause, she curiously asked: "What made him have such a change?"

Professor Bai listened and nodded approvingly.

It is still necessary for professional people to discuss the problem to grasp the key points. Look at Minister Shen and Mr. Su... alas!

"Two possibilities."

Professor Bai said: "In that confidential document, when the soldier left the institute, the above-mentioned changes had not occurred."

"Then, his current changes are most likely after the escaped laboratory incident."

"In other words, the escaped laboratory, or the former director of the Red Moon Orphanage, was caused by some method."

"But the orphanage ended with an explosion again, which seems to indicate that the experiment failed..."


"Another possibility..."

He groaned slightly, he said: "Have you noticed that the Red Moon Orphanage explosion incident and the individual soldiers really started to enter our field of vision? In addition, during the retrospective investigation, there is still a big gap that cannot be determined. What happened..."

Chen Jing heard the words and immediately nodded gently.

Before recruiting an individual soldier, she was responsible for investigating the individual's past and analyzing his risk of losing control.

Through investigation, they found out the four-year experience of a single soldier working in such a small company.

It was also found that the single soldier had studied in the high school of Satellite City 2, and even the relatively ordinary report card was found.

But the strange thing is that some traces of that period of time can be found, but the key things are not.

In normal times, there is a lot of weirdness that can't be guessed.

For example, after the explosion of the orphanage, there is still a gap of more than three years before the individual goes to high school.

Where did the individual soldiers go during that time?

For another example, even if the high school in Satellite City No. 2 passes the basic exam, you can go to school, and the tuition is basically free, but in the chaotic social order, there is no stable family and visionary vision, no one will Let the children go to school.

Moreover, for the sake of disorder, although there is such a policy, the actual operation is difficult.

Frankly speaking, without the protection and signature of adults, or even donations, it would be difficult for individual soldiers to enter high school.

Who sent him there?

There have been investigations in this regard, but the investigation failed.

Because of the chaotic management, a large amount of information was lost in that high school, and there was no clue at all.

Of course, this is a common phenomenon after the Red Moon Incident. Not to mention schools and the Guard Department have lost a lot of information.

However, it has to be doubted if it is related to individual soldiers.

Was the loss of this information accidental or deliberate?

Chen Jing looked up at Professor Bai.

The matter is already obvious. For these matters, either individual soldiers need to be asked individually, or the Special Clearance Department must approve the investigation.

In the past, the Special Clearance Department stopped investigations in this area.

If you want to know the answer now, it's not just a restart, but also people with the ability to participate in this investigation.

"Let's do a psychological evaluation test for him first!"

Professor Bai said softly, and then looked at Mr. Su: "If even the individual soldiers can't explain these incidents, then we need our Special Clearance Department to set up a special investigation team to dig deeper. Of course, we need to do it in advance. What is good to be prepared is that some old things that are long ago and obviously have traces of deliberately erased are unearthed, and they often signify the coming of danger."

"Of course, since the individual soldiers have expressed their trust in us, it makes us less worried."


Having said this, he paused, then smiled bitterly, and said: "As for now, we should consider another thing."

Upon hearing this, Minister Shen and Mr. Su looked up at him.

Professor Bai smiled and said: "Single soldier voluntarily cooperates with our medical examination this time, and he also has his demands..."

"He hopes that we can help him analyze his own abilities and tell him how to go the right way..."

"In short, he wants our guidance and help..."


"What the hell?"

Minister Shen almost jumped up immediately: "Does he still need guidance and help?"

Mr. Su also stunned for a moment and murmured: "So worthy of us?"

"The one who should help or the one who should help..."

Professor Bai also smiled helplessly, and sighed softly, "Who made this written in the contract?"

"Although we signed this contract at the beginning to restrain the individual soldiers, who would have thought? He actually strictly abides by the contract from beginning to end. This makes us fall into the biggest problem all of a sudden. Passive..."


Seeing the horrified expressions of Minister Shen and Mr. Su, he gently shook his head and said:

"Fortunately, we have accumulated a lot of experience in the process of the heaven project in cooperation with Wawa."

"Furthermore, isn't the individual soldier already cooperating with our testing?"

"As a researcher, it is our job to analyze and speculate on data, and perform experimental guesses, right?"

"Of course, I only hope that the last help we give can be worthy of the trust of individual soldiers."



The meeting room suddenly became a little quieter.

Even after hearing what Professor Bai said, they still felt that it was a bit weird for the Special Clearance Department to help people like single soldiers.

I don't even understand, you are already in the fifth stage. How can you trust us so much?

How can we Qinggang Ho De, get your trust...

We haven’t even figured out the fourth stage...

"Hey, you are the expert, you have enough professional knowledge, and you can be good at fooling people..."

In the end, Mr. Su sighed lowly: "So, it's up to you to decide this matter!"

"In any case, as long as it is beneficial to Qinggang and the risks can be controlled, I have no opinion."

"Since the testing of the individual soldier this time, many problems have been discovered, and he has also realized that his potential and power level far exceed our imagination. Whether we can help him or not, we cannot change the strength of the individual soldier today. Perverted facts."

"Then, what I am concerned about now is actually only one problem..."


After a pause, he raised his head and glanced up.

Above is the ceiling.

But in the office, everyone knew where he was looking up.

Minister Shen said: "If a single soldier and a doll join forces, is it possible to fight against the above thing?"

In the office, the air suddenly became a lot depressed.

Even Mr. Su and Chen Jing subconsciously glanced out the window.

As if worried about being heard by some existence.

"this problem…"

Professor Bai stopped talking, and finally gave a disappointing answer: "I don't know either."

Facing everyone's eyes, he sighed lowly and said, "Because we don't even know what it is..."

While discussing this issue, he cast a look at Chen Jing.

Chen Jing immediately understood, took another piece of information, and put it in front of Professor Bai.

Professor Bai opened it and saw that it was a very brief report. The most in the middle was a few pages of mental radiation test data, and there was even a page of sketches. The content of the sketches was a pair that looked very simple. Eyes, there is only one pair of eyes.

"We don't even know when this kind of thing appeared in the sky..."

When Professor Bai saw the report again, he couldn't help but frowned and said:

"A month ago, observers discovered for the first time some unexplained spiritual radiating power over Qinggang. I don’t know how long this power has appeared. It should be because the doll’s spiritual power is further bound to Qinggang, making The spiritual power of the residents of Qinggang became a whole, and it was only discovered after a distinct change from other spiritual powers."

"We cannot observe the whole, nor can we judge the nature of this spiritual power."

"The only material that can be seen and understood is the drawing after the doll is sensitive to that kind of mental power..."

"...These eyes!"


Professor Bai frowned and said, "From the perspective of Wawa, these eyes are in the sky, peeking at Qinggang."

"For this reason, we canceled unnecessary helicopter navigation and aerial operations, and just wanted to stay away from it."

"But in fact, what we do does not seem to have any effect on it."

"The eyes are just there, looking at Qinggang quietly, not knowing when it will start or when it will end..."


Chen Jing added: "Single soldiers have the ability to see spiritual monsters directly. UU Reading"

"But he didn't notice these eyes."


Professor Bai nodded slightly and said: "Unexpectedly, the individual soldier is not omniscient after all."

"What we can do now is to strengthen testing and various preparations to determine if these eyes are really close."

"In addition, I have asked the research institute for help, hoping to get their information support."

"As for now..."

He suddenly smiled, leaned back slightly, leaned back in the chair, and said: "I need to have a discussion with the individual soldier first."

"No matter how much we can help him, all we can do is try our best."

"Try your best to do everything well, and then prepare to sit at the gambling table with those unknowns and compete."

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