Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 704: Advanced training courses

The medical examination is finally over.

Lu Xin only felt that he was tossed too hard.

Before and after, my own physical examination was carried out for more than a week.

It's not even good to ask for leave. After all, when you can't return to the company to cancel the leave, you say you went to the medical examination this week, right?

If someone else asks for a half-day leave for the medical checkup, if you really go back to the company to say that, it is estimated that the company will either think that you are lying and refuse to approve your paid leave, or you will have to suspect that you have a serious illness. …

In addition, the feeling of this physical examination is really uncomfortable.

Even though I have already made enough preparations at the beginning, I still feel uncomfortable when I actually start testing one item at a time.

Little by little, inch by inch of groping, there is a feeling of being overlooked.

And the deeper the test, the more light it will be seen by people. .

In addition, during this physical examination, the eyes of other people looking at him were really scary.

Although these researchers all claim to be doctors, they look more like butchers in their eyes...

The kind of butcher who prepares for the New Year.

Obviously, I have never been afraid when facing the ultimate, but when I was looked at by these people, I was really a little scared.

Fortunately, with the end of the last out-of-control risk test, the entire physical examination is also over.

It was the same as when I first went to the Qinggang Special Pollution Cleanup Department.

Out-of-control risk detection is actually dialogue.

Sitting face-to-face with the doctor Jia who is still gentle and elegant despite her age, and while answering a few seemingly simple questions, they talked to each other about some interesting things they experienced recently. Both of them talked. Very happy.

From time to time, there was a happy laugh in the testing room.

In the end, what Dr. Jia wrote on the test report, I don’t know for the time being, but Lu Xin seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden and was finally able to put on his own clothes, and the Special Purpose Department did not immediately let him go back. Arranged a ward for him, dressed in white gowns, and under the care of two gentle and beautiful nurses, quietly waiting for the medical report to arrive.

There are even sick meals.

The results of the test will be given to him after careful discussion by Qinggang researchers.

"With this result, you have a better understanding of yourself, right?"

Lu Xin thought about this question.

He really wanted to do his best to improve a little bit.

Perhaps this is to heal yourself really quickly.

On the other hand, it is also because the old dean’s problem will come at some point...

The trial of life, the trial of pain, the trial of desire, the trial of consciousness...

And, what I have not experienced yet:

Trial of strength.

The trial of the heart.

Trial of God.

Lu Xin was very disgusted with these trials. He had a part of it, and he was abnormally disgusted with the feeling of being manipulated.

And the other part knows that every trial that comes is a symbol of disaster.

So he has always wanted to find the old dean as soon as possible, and ask him carefully what is the ultimate goal of this trial.

And use the most gentle method to persuade him to stop these trials.

However, disgust belongs to disgust.

Knowing that this trial cannot be stopped, we still have to be prepared to face it.

It's like, every time I quarrel with my other half, shaking hands, angry heart, vowing to never come back...

…But it’s not about buying a vegetable home honestly, but also considering whether she will eat coriander or not.

It is precisely because I want to understand this truth, and I don't want to be ruined by unnecessary anger.

So when the researchers asked about the purpose of Lu Xin's sudden physical examination this time, Lu Xin also told them frankly:

Want to understand themselves more deeply, and ask them to guide their further improvement.

Of course, Lu Xin didn't know the reaction of these researchers when they heard his purpose.

Almost half of the researchers stayed on the spot: "It turns out that our Qinggang research has reached this level?"

The other half of the researchers thought: "If it breaks, you can't fish anymore and you will be eliminated..."

However, compared with the shock and worries of these ordinary researchers, Professor Bai, who is the chief researcher of Qinggang, or the mentor of all Qinggang researchers, seems to have a good idea. All the physical examination results about the individual soldiers are finally collected. In his hands.

In other words, only he knows everything about the individual soldier's status, and others can only understand part of it at best.

Following this, it was the strictest forbidden password from the Ministry of Special Clearance.

It is absolutely forbidden for everyone to discuss and record the results of this test, let alone leaks.

Once discovered, no matter how high their status or status is, they are about to face charges and life imprisonment for the entire Qinggang.

In severe cases, they may go to Group D for a while.

In addition to this series of confidentiality measures, the request for the individual soldier was also an instruction made by him personally.

So, a day later, when Lu Xin, who was wearing a hospital gown and eating a hospital meal under the care of a nurse, got the document, he just opened it and took a look. The whole person was stunned for a long time. , Said in disbelief: "Go to college?"

"Not going to college."

It was Han Bing who sent the documents and explained seriously: "It's just a tutoring class."

"The full name is the Qinggang Advanced Spiritual Theory Training Course. It is just the training location, which was chosen at Qinggang University."

"In addition, the students recruited are not just you, but many others."

"Professor Bai said that he will come to the class in person, and you should be able to find what you want from these trainings."

"Of course…"

She explained patiently, with a smile on her face, and said: "According to Professor Bai, although you are considered a student, you are also considered a visiting professor. Because there are some aspects of knowledge that even he doesn't understand, and you are born You can understand. So, you usually receive training here, but when you get to some key courses, you need to come to the podium to explain to everyone."


When Lu Xin listened, he was really confused.

Not only do I have to go to the university to attend lectures, but I even have to give lectures on the podium?

I just graduated from high school...

Because of this problem, he was shocked for a while before he suddenly reacted, lowering his voice and said: "Then participated in this..."

"...Give me a diploma?"


Han Bing said that he would ask questions for himself, and quietly told himself that there was a high probability that he would give him a specially approved graduation certificate.

But Lu Xin also expressed his attitude.

If you don't need special approval, or any honor, you need an ordinary diploma.

Probably a bachelor's degree is the only thing that has a special title, but it is not valuable?

In addition, he really did not expect that after so many years of high school graduation, he would actually have one day to go to college...

This training course will start in three days, and Lu Xin was kicked out of the ward on the same day.

It just so happened that Lu Xin had enough.

Life under the care of two young nurses is pretty good, but it’s uncomfortable to follow them when going to the bathroom...

There is no time to feel distressed and have not eaten enough sick food.

He also paid more attention to this training class, or the training class held on the campus of Qinggang University.

I returned to Satellite City 2 on the same day and asked the company for a leave.

Not only did I make up for the leave during the previous physical examination, but also the leave for the training class later.

Then it is to pack things and prepare for the trip.

"The result is not bad..."

Seeing Lu Xin's seriousness, her mother seemed to be in a good mood: "The researchers in Qinggang, or the old man who likes to wear white suits, are really a very courageous person. He dares to train you personally, which means he doesn't. Because you feel awe of the test results, you choose to draw a clear line with you, so as not to be involved in certain events that exceed the limits of his personal ability."

"Although he is not sure whether he can really help you, but having this courage is very commendable."


"Why do you listen to this, as if you are not sure if they can help me?"

Lu Xin couldn't help looking at his mother.

She was the one who made this suggestion at first, but she was also the one who avoided it during the test.

In this test, she tested almost all of her abilities, except for her.

"You are in a very strange state now, even I am not sure how to help you is correct, let alone them?"

Mom explained with a smile: "However, it is precisely because they are more vulnerable than yourself, and most of the theory is still in the guessing stage. Therefore, even if they mislead you, they will have an adverse effect on you personally. It will be weaker."


His mother's words immediately affected Lu Xin's enthusiasm slightly.

But after thinking about it, he wanted to open it.

Even if you really don’t get any help, it’s okay to get a college degree...

I have now become the youngest senior executive of the company. With a diploma, I will be able to rise to a higher position in the future.

With this thought, he packed up his things and had a meeting with his family.

First, the younger sister can't just make people into toys.

After the Red Moon incident, there were too few college students, and every one of them was a treasure.

Second, my sister can't wander around on the university campus.

I heard that college students sometimes act more impulsively, and if my sister sees something that shouldn’t be seen, she’ll lose school.

The third is for the father.

You can't come out casually and show off your prestige.

That will make your temperament look gloomy and affect your image in the eyes of college students.

When Lu Xin was ready to receive training, Professor Bai in the Qinggang Special Clearance Department was also earnestly preparing.

No one dares to despise the demands of individual soldiers.

In addition, as a researcher, he really hoped that he could give Lu Xin some guidance.

When he took the pen seriously and began to prepare for the lesson, what flashed in his mind was that Dr. Jia Mengyi, who was responsible for conducting psychological tests for Lu Xin and assessing his risk of losing control, told him separately: "Today's individual soldier is the same as the number one. It was different this time."

"Now he is obviously more cheerful than before, and his thinking logic has changed a lot compared with before."

"This shows what?"

"It shows that everything he did before was probably pretended..."

"If you have to let me describe it, then I would rather say that he used to be a severely depressed person, but he did not want to show his abnormality in front of others. Now, it seems that his condition has eased. Depressed patients are actively asking for help, so he is willing to take the initiative to expose some of his problems..."

"So, his condition improved?"

"Of course, but you can think of another situation..."

"A patient with major depression who is about to get better, once the symptoms recur, what will it be like?"


"Simply put, it is a desperation that is enough to completely submerge people, the mountains are whistling and tsunami-like..."

"In terms of cases, many patients with depression have completely lost all hope during such repetitions."




Realizing the seriousness of this problem, Professor Bai sighed slightly and put down the pen in his hand.

He wanted to give the individual soldiers the most direct guidance, but he couldn't determine what.

Because the state of the individual soldier today is too subtle, he is under greater pressure and dare not give accurate guidance at will.

But he was quite sure that individual soldiers now need some accurate, firm and effective guidance.

In this case, the only way is: "Talk about philosophy!"

Not enough professional, philosophy comes together.

Professor Bai nodded in satisfaction and prepared to write down his lecture notes.

At this moment, he heard a soft knock on the door.

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