Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 705: 1 course to destroy all missiles in Qinggang

Lu Xin came to the campus of Qinggang University in the main city the day before the training.

Although it appears to be on the campus of Qinggang University, in fact, their dormitories and other students are not in the same area. It looks more like another small college belonging to Qinggang University. There are old buildings with creeping vines all over the wall.

The course started at 10 o'clock in the morning of the next day. Lu Xin arrived at the training auditorium at 9:30 in the morning. As soon as he opened the door, he was slightly surprised by the sight in front of him. In the auditorium of nearly a hundred people, many people have already been seated.

The one in the front, looking up at her smiling, was a girl with a ponytail, with very kind eyes.

By her side, there was a woman with a sullen expression in a red dress.

Then there was a fat man with tattoos all over his body. .

A primary school student with his head buried behind the notebook and constantly tapping on the keyboard.

A man who wore a tight black trench coat and wrapped himself tightly, sitting half a height taller than others.

There is another guy who happily waved to him when he saw him coming in...

"Good fellow..."

Although I knew before that this training was not aimed at me alone, and many capable people from Qinggang would come, but Lu Xin never expected that there were so many people coming.

There are not only people with abilities such as alcoholics, red snakes, Arhats, bear kids, watchdogs, geckos, etc., but also researchers such as Professor Chen Liqing, Dr. Jia Mengyi, Dr. Mo Yi...

Almost a third of the 100 seats in the entire auditorium were filled.

This guy, if a missile comes in, the Qinggang Special Clearance Department will be wiped out, right?

"Captain Captain..."

When Lu Xin was slightly surprised by everyone in the entire auditorium, the gecko could not help but yelled.

Only then did Lu Xin react, and greeted these people who were looking at him, then walked over to the gecko quickly, and sat down beside him, whispering: "I didn't know before. How about training so many people this time?"


Gecko whispered: "Many of them were made by phone calls last night."

"It seems that Professor Bai has made some key discoveries during this period, and he wants to share them with this internal training."


Lu Xin remembered what his mother said before, and was slightly surprised: "What's the discovery?"

The gecko shook his head solemnly: "It's not important."


Lu Xin was a little at a loss: "If it's not important, then why is it important?"

"The important thing is..."

The gecko gently pulled Lu Xin's sleeve, winked forward, and said, "Who is that?"


Lu Xin was curious, looked up, and saw Han Bing, who was with another person, turned his head to look at him, waved his hand slightly, said hello, and hurriedly smiled at her.

Immediately, he realized that the gecko shouldn't be trying to make himself look at Han Bing, his eyes immediately fell on Han Bing's side, and a tall girl wearing a gray trench coat with a somewhat indifferent temperament looked at it.

"Tie Cui?"

He suddenly remembered that he had seen this girl before.

"It's Linda..."

Gecko sternly corrected, and immediately looked excited: "I didn't even meet her here..."

Lu Xin didn't expect it either.

Han Bing and Linda are here, which means that Qinggang has not only recruited some capable people, but also researchers, and even some outstanding information analysts? If this missile falls...

Another thing that made him feel a little curious.

What exactly did Professor Bai discover, so many people were summoned?

Didn’t you say it before, is it just a training on your own guidance?

"Oh, captain, captain..."

The gecko was full of excitement: "I didn't expect Linda to come, what do you say? What should I do now?"

Obviously the problem that Gecko cares about is more practical, and Lu Xin had to help him analyze the problem first: "Have you said hello?"

"It's been beaten."

Gecko said: "As soon as I saw her coming, I hurried up to say hello and talked for three minutes."

Lu Xin was slightly surprised: "How is she?"

Gecko smiled and said, "The same enthusiasm for me as before..."

Lu Xin just nodded before reacting, "Is she enthusiastic about you before?"

Gecko said: "Not enthusiastic."

"Then this time..."

"You can understand that you are not enthusiastic about me at all as before..."

"Then how did you talk?"

"I'm talking here, where is she listening..."



Lu Xin hesitated for a while, and still very heartily persuaded Gecko: "Brother, as a person who likes to run into other people's closets to fight landlords, you are basically a serious, intelligent and principled girl like Tie Cui. Nothing is possible..."

The gecko was stunned, his eyes widened: "Why?"

Lu Xin took a deep look at him and said, "Because you don't know how to adjust, you still like to find people to fight against landlords."

"If you don't correct such a problem, how can people look at you?"


Lu Xin felt that he was very interesting, and he started to do psychological counseling for gecko.

Seriously warned the gecko, saying: "Girls like men who are motivated, responsible, and dedicated, you have to learn..."


Gecko looked at Lu Xin in surprise.

After a long time, he snorted and said: "Captain, do you know what you said, special..."

Lu Xin was startled slightly: "Isn't it correct?"

"It's hard to say incorrectly, but it's also hard for me to follow you..."

Gecko talked around his mouth, thought for a while, and suddenly the topic changed: "How many girlfriends have you talked to?"

Lu Xin looked surprised: "Does my girlfriend count on the "one"?"

"Haha, I knew it."

"Captain, to be honest, I doubt you will find a character like you in the future..."

The gecko was laughing triumphantly. It seemed that he was brewing and was about to make a speech, but at this time, the auditorium became quiet, and it was obvious that everyone in the auditorium suddenly looked towards the door with swooshing eyes. Looked in the direction of the past.

Lu Xin also raised his head subconsciously, and the light in front of him seemed a lot brighter.

He saw a girl walking in from outside the auditorium.

She is wearing a thick black dress, a bunched umbrella in her hand, and a red hairpin in her hair.

It seems a little shy, in the eyes of everyone who is a little uncontrollable, he lowered his head slightly.

However, Yu Guang lightly traced and saw Lu Xin sitting in the corner.

A look of joy appeared on his face immediately, and he walked towards Lu Xin lightly.


Lu Xin didn't expect the baby to come.

Although she knows that she is now in a much better state, she will no longer show up casually, which will cause enthusiasm and riots, but her natural appearance and temperament will still make people unable to help but pay attention to her. She is more shy, but will subconsciously decrease. To go out.

But this training, actually called her too?

Besides, what does Wawa come over, can she understand?

I have a high school degree anyway, and Mr. Xiaolu has a primary school degree. If you are a baby...

Lu Xin suddenly became more curious about the content of this training.

The doll happily came to Lu Xin's side, looked around, and then looked at the gecko beside Lu Xin.

Lu Xin was startled for a moment before he understood the meaning of the doll.

The gecko stayed for a while, then stood up silently and came to the position in front of Lu Xin and the others.

The doll immediately smiled and sat down beside Lu Xin.

At this moment, Lu Xin felt that the eyes around him were paying more attention to him.

And it's very complicated.

Some envy, some marvel.

Among them were the dissatisfied and helpless eyes of the tall and burly baby nanny team leader at the entrance of the auditorium.

Lu Xin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and at the same time he didn't quite understand:

Obviously she took the initiative to sit here, but why is it that she has a guilty conscience?

While sighing, he cautiously poked the gecko in front of him: "What did you just want to say?"

The gecko hugged his head aggrievedly, and muttered: "I don't want to talk to you now..."

"Snap" "snap" "snap"

At this moment, calm and calm footsteps sounded again outside the auditorium. Everyone looked up at the same time and saw Professor Bai coming in from outside the auditorium, followed by Chen Jing holding the documents and the people in the auditorium. , They all sat up straight subconsciously.

Compared with Professor Bai, the other researchers in Qinggang are undoubtedly at the student level.

On this day, Professor Bai seemed to be a little different than before. His eyes were much calmer, and although he was wearing a white suit, he did not hold a cane like before. His expression was serious and he could see in his eyes. Bloodshot.

When people see him, they subconsciously feel awe, and they breathe more carefully.

Professor Bai, who walked to the podium, put his hands on the podium, and his eyes lightly scanned the people in the auditorium.

"Please remember."

After a pause, he said softly: "What I want to tell you is a very important thing."

"You are very lucky to hear this."

"Then, I also hope that you will be responsible enough to not let down such a rare opportunity."


The auditorium suddenly became extremely quiet.

Some people were surprised that as soon as Professor Bai came up, UU reading said such serious words.

Some people were slightly shocked. With Professor Bai’s rigorous attitude, he said such strong words, then...

...What does he want to tell these people?

"Being able to sit here shows that each of you has a certain foundation of spiritual strength and abilities."

Professor Bai didn't pause more, he seemed very confident that what he said just now had made everyone in the room be cautious enough.

He did not open the handout that Chen Jing handed over, so he directly picked up the microphone with the base and said, "But what I want to tell you today is to speculate from the existing information and the situation. It is very likely that it will A grim situation formed."

"Don't be too optimistic."

He looked up, looked at the people in the auditorium, and said: "Human research has already reached a dead end."

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