Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 707: Ultimately just prey


At this moment, the atmosphere in the auditorium almost exploded.

Long before Professor Bai said the last sentence, some people had a premonition of what he was going to say, and felt an indescribable fear, and until he finally said these two words, some people were even frightened for an instant. His face turned pale.

Yes, the method of binding, even though the theory is feasible, is bound to be inadequate.

Because between people, it is impossible to achieve true understanding and cooperation.

So, how can we solve this problem?

Of course it is swallowed.

If those with destined abilities must acquire the other six abilities in the same group to reach the ultimate level, then as long as there is a way for them to swallow other abilities, countless careerists will inevitably appear. Hunting around the capable people of the same group, killing and devouring each other, and then only one of the seven people was born...

If this is the case, what will the world be like?

The battlefield where the abilities of the same group hunt and compete with each other?

Under such a red moon, how can a world that is lingering, chaotic and dilapidated withstand this kind of toss?

At this moment, I don't know how many researchers raised their hands high.

The countless raised arms represent countless questions and their worries. .

But this time, Professor Bai did not let anyone out to speak, but just said: "I understand the fear in your heart and what you are worried about, but I hope that you can be like a real researcher and not be affected by fear. ."

"Such a situation will inevitably occur, we just speculate it out in advance."

"Now, the situation of hunting each other will not appear, at least not on a large scale, but as far as I know, some organizations in the world have already done this. Human intuition when responding to disasters , Sometimes it can lead to terrifying power. Even if they have not understood the differences and problems between these different power levels, they have guessed the essence..."


As he said, he looked at a person, the tallest person in the auditorium.

It was the watchdog. He was wearing a black fur coat, a peaked cap, and a mask, wrapping himself tightly.

"Just like the experiment of trying to sew the ability, someone started to study it as early as 20 years ago. Although a large number of laboratories have been cleared in the previous blow to the taboo experiment, you really believe that there is no more. Has anyone studied this?"


This sentence made many people suddenly realize that they looked at the watchdog.

Senior researchers know the watchdog, he escaped from a taboo laboratory.

Others have only one ability, he has three.

The other two abilities were stitched to him in a cruel way.

In the eyes of everyone, the watchdog's huge body was shaking slightly, not knowing whether he was angry or fearful.

"So, this kind of hunting for each other will definitely happen."

Professor Bai on the podium continued, saying: "The reason for restricting these people and not doing this is not because of human nature or rules, but because many of them still don’t know which abilities belong to. My own group."

"Many abilities will have the characteristics of superficial approach, but in essence they belong to a completely different group, which is extremely difficult to distinguish."

"If you can't judge the nature of other people's abilities, you can't hunt."

"However, major organizations are now keen to study mental capacity models, and many people have discovered the essence of mental power, which is the different manifestations of the thirteen ultimate spiritual powers on seven levels of people, and through This model infers the general ability characteristics. Although it is not accurate enough, as the research progresses, this will definitely be studied."

"At that time, if someone else studies the secret of swallowing and stitching..."

"Hehe, then the whole world will become a hunting battlefield under the red moon, it is absolutely unavoidable!"




The whispers in the auditorium suddenly reached its limit. Everyone was discussing and asking each other's opinions.

After the discussion, the look in each of them became a little desperate.

It seems that this is really unavoidable...

The model of mental power has indeed been built and studied, and it has indeed become clearer.

If one day, such a model is speculated, and the characteristics of people with different abilities can be accurately judged.

So, who can guarantee that such a model will not leak?

If it leaks, who can guarantee that no one will hunt and kill according to this model?

As for the method of swallowing and stitching, this is of course a necessary condition.

But what makes people feel desperate is, I am afraid that such a method has long been studied, right?

Swallowing and stitching were originally the most widely pursued goals of the first batch of taboo laboratories...

Watchdog is a typical example.



"Is there only one way?"

Another person below said loudly, it was Yuan Qinqin, an expert on mysticism.

At this time, even her questioning could not focus the attention of others in the auditorium on Professor Bai.

"There are."

Professor Bai spoke softly, which attracted everyone's attention at once.

Everyone even looked at Professor Bai on the podium with a look of prayer.

"There is indeed a way. The binding of those who are higher than the ability can also avoid the inhumane hunting of each other..."

Professor Bai whispered, "That is, hunt for the ultimate."


The whole auditorium presents a completely different atmosphere from just now.

Everyone felt the panic just now, but now they were suddenly stunned on the spot, blinking in confusion.

"Ultimately it is a kind of pollution, and it is currently known..."

Professor Bai paused before saying: "...the strongest pollution."

"However, the ultimate also represents power. They are the most powerful and purest power."

"So, if the ultimate can be hunted, then their power can be obtained. With their power, then any capable person may break his own mortal limit, obtain the essence that touches the ultimate level, and even This was the starting point, and he kept improving himself until he truly crossed the fifth step and became the new ultimate beyond the mortal..."


In the conference room, it was quiet, and no one spoke for a long time.

Not because they didn't understand Professor Bai's words, but because they understood.

It is precisely because I understood that I was so frightened that I couldn't speak...

Professor Bai just said, is it really hunting the ultimate?

The ultimate in spiritual power is called "God" in many contexts, right?

He wants to hunt down the gods?



"I know you all feel a little confused when you hear this question."

Professor Bai was on the stage, watching the panicked crowd in the auditorium lightly, smiled faintly, and said: "But I hope you can figure out this problem quickly. Hunting for the ultimate seems to be the most dangerous road, but In fact, it is the only path that mankind can choose. Taking a step back, even if you don't want to hunt the ultimate, will the ultimate let you go?"


Facing the questions from the room full of researchers and capable people, Professor Bai shook his head gently and made the above summary.

After talking about these two questions, he walked down from the podium, and slowly walked to Lu Xin's side with the surprised eyes of the people in the auditorium, so Lu Xin, Wawa, and Gecko looked up at the same time. He looked nervously at him who was standing.

Professor Bai was silent for a while, then suddenly said to the gecko: "You go out first."


There was a dull expression on the gecko's face.

Professor Bai said: "When I talked about such an important issue just now, you were all going to see girls..."

"……go out!"


The gecko was dumbfounded, so he stood up, straightened his chest and walked out under the gaze of the entire auditorium.

Then Professor Bai looked at the doll again.

The baby stared at Professor Bai blankly, and then suddenly reacted. He slowly got up, lowered his head and walked out.

Standing left and right outside the auditorium with the gecko, quietly stretched their heads and looked inside.

Look around, you are left.

Lu Xin hesitated, wondering if he should take the initiative to go out...

But at this moment, Professor Bai lightly pressed his shoulder and motioned him to sit down and sit down.

Whispered softly: "Do you want to know how to improve yourself?"

Lu Xin was taken aback and nodded slowly.

This time he had a physical examination, originally to solve this problem.

However, even my mother was worried before that Qinggang might not really understand how to guide himself...

"The two things I just talked about were questions about them."

Professor Bai looked at Lu Xin kindly, and said softly: "The third thing is against you."

"You are different from other people. You don't need to ascend slowly and walk through different steps like other capable people."

"You don't even have the limit of a He looked at Lu Xin slowly, as if trying to make himself clearer.

It can also be seen that when he said this answer, he was very serious and cautious: "You already have a higher level of power, so you need to recognize your own essence and source. Instead of collecting other kinds of Different abilities, or the role of developing various abilities, it is better to think about how to better grasp the essence of oneself and play its role."

Listening to what he said, Lu Xin thought of black particles in an instant.

He couldn't help being touched in his heart, and subconsciously said: "Then how can we better grasp the essence?"

"this problem……"

Professor Bai smiled and said, "Instead of asking others, it is better to ask yourself."

"In the beginning, how did you grasp the essence that others can't control at all, and carry it?"

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