Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 708: The secret of this lesson

This question made Lu Xin startled on the spot.

There are many pictures of previous memories flashing in my mind, and there is that clear touch.

For example, in the orphanage, the feeling of being incomprehensible to everything, the first time I feel pain, the first time I feel guilt, because I am afraid, I work hard to learn from others, and I work hard to survive the depression and confusion years, slowly With a clear perception...

"The question of the strength of others is how to break the limit and enter the fifth step."

Professor Bai Wenyan warned, and said: "And you are already on the fifth step, and even have something beyond the fifth step. Therefore, you only need to make yourself understand the fifth step better. Build your own spiritual core."

"You need to know that everyone has their own spiritual core."

"As long as your mental core is strong enough and firm enough, then you will never collapse and you can master more powerful power."

"The spiritual core is the only reliance on fighting pollution..."

"And divinity is also a kind of pollution."


He smiled and patted Lu Xin's shoulder lightly, his eyes showed encouraging light: "Never be afraid, don't be afraid that a stronger divinity will ruin your life, and don't be afraid that you will one day Become a stranger to yourself, let alone worry about your pursuit of divinity, which will make you lose your hard-won, clear humanity..."

"Humanity and divinity do not go from one to the other, they complement each other."

"Only greater humanity can carry the never-ending divine power..."



Professor Bai's words caused Lu Xin to feel endless confusion in his heart, and immediately felt a sense of realization.

He gave birth to a strange feeling.

Professor Bai seemed to really see through his own heart and saw the confusion deep in his heart. There are some problems. Even if it was himself, he could not see so thoroughly before, but at this moment, he slowly dialed his words because of his words. Open all the fog...

Is it really that simple?


There are some problems that I don't understand.

But when others tell me, I immediately understand that it is indeed the case.

The wrong answer will not resonate with me.

When Professor Bai patted his shoulder lightly and cast a look of encouragement at him, Lu Xin was even touched like never before. It was as if he had been working hard and finally got the affirmation of others. He has not been able to The distress and perplexity of telling others, I finally met a person who can understand, and laughed and discussed with myself...

At this moment, his eyes are slightly moist.

"Everyone, this time, I invite everyone to come over. That's all I have to say."

In Lu Xin's touch and uncontrollable thoughts, Professor Bai walked back to the podium again and looked up at the people in the auditorium. He nodded slightly and said, "I also know that these things, maybe It will cause you to fall into a certain amount of panic, or confusion, or doubt about your self-worth, but I hope that you can make adjustments as soon as possible to find the truth under the red moon."

"The three prophecies left by the genius researcher stated that God will not let the rest of the people go. That is because once some changes begin, they can no longer be terminated, just like the flood will not change because of the prayers of ants. Your own flow..."

"But I want everyone to understand that before the flood, we will never give in early, even for a second..."

"I believe that our distorted world under the red moon will surely usher in the ultimate hope."

"For this, we are willing to give everything."


Having said this, he closed the handout on the podium gently.

Then, he turned his head and glanced at Lu Xin, nodded gently, then turned around and walked out of the auditorium slowly.

Until his figure completely disappeared outside the auditorium. In this turbulent auditorium, someone suddenly understood.

Some excitement stood up, and bowed gently towards the entrance of the auditorium.

Soon more people understood, got up and bowed to the door.

Even what he said is depressing.

Even if he simply pointed out the essence of a few problems.

But these researchers understand the value of the content shared in this class just now.

Quietly, quietly...

Among the people bowing, Lu Xin also suddenly reacted.

He stood up abruptly, but did not bow. Instead, in his mind, he kept thinking about the words Professor Bai said to him, the manner in which he said those words to himself, and the encouraging look at him. When the warm and admiring eyes.

"Professor Bai..."

He suddenly trembled and said, "Professor Bai usually smokes?"

His voice was louder and attracted a lot of people at once, all looking at him in confusion.


Someone reacted, it was Han Bing, and hurriedly replied to Lu Xin: "Occasionally, he uses a pipe to smoke specially made shredded cigar tobacco."

"No, it's not a pipe..."

Lu Xin said anxiously: "It's the kind of ordinary, inferior cigarettes..."

His anxious expression and the questions he asked made many people confused.

Many people followed and shook their heads: "No, Professor Bai's life style has always been very particular..."

Lu Xin got the answer.

Then he understood at once, if Professor Bai could not smoke such inferior cigarettes, then when he just approached him and patted his shoulder with a smile, what was the strong and familiar smell of inferior tobacco? What's going on?

What happened to his familiar eyes and words of encouragement?


In the eyes of everyone around, Lu Xin suddenly seemed to be electrocuted, and his body suddenly became abnormally distorted, rushing out of the auditorium like a ghost.

His sister was not by his side, and he didn't have time to wait for his sister to appear, but because he was extremely anxious, his speed was even about to reach the time when his sister helped him, and he was out of the auditorium in an instant.

He flashed in front of the doll, rushed to the wall of the building next to him, stomped continuously, and quickly passed through several school buildings like a spider, came directly to the entrance of the college, and looked at the gate of the college. …

He saw that Professor Bai was sitting on the edge of the flower pond, gently beating his head.

At the same time, there was a car outside the gate of the college. It started slowly and turned into an alley.

"Papa Papa"

Lu Xin jumped down from the extremely high building, and while his feet were touching the ground, he rushed forward quickly to help with both hands. Before the gun guard at the entrance of the academy could react, he rushed out. Jumped onto the wall next to that hunyong.

However, it was empty inside, just a dead end, nothing.

Just now it was clear that a car drove in, but now it was empty, and half of it was gone.

Lu Xin stared at this alley for a while, then slowly stood down.

In the shocked eyes of the gun guard, he walked back to the academy with a little frustration and some confusion, and came to Professor Bai's side.

Professor Bai seemed to be in pain at this moment, he beat his forehead lightly, and his palms were trembling constantly.

There seemed to be more bloodshot eyes in his eyes, but the seriousness and sharpness of the lecture just now disappeared. Standing next to him, Lu Xin could even feel that his mental power was in a state of chaos, slowly Yes, it calms down a little bit.


Perceiving Lu Xin approaching him, he raised his head slightly, his voice hoarse: "Did you notice it?"

Lu Xin was in a daze, after a long time he nodded slightly, and said, "It was indeed...he who was giving a lecture just now?"


Professor Bai shook his head vigorously, and his normally combed hair seemed a little messy.

In the voice, there also seemed to be a faint fear that could not be eliminated:

"The researcher who defected from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute is also the old dean of the Red Moon Orphanage, Wang Jingyun. I did not expect that he suddenly came to Qinggang and came directly to my office, saying that it is not time to talk about philosophy. I teach this lesson..."

"And me, although I have done a lot of preparations for emergency situations, I still can't express my rejection..."


Even though he had guessed it, after hearing Professor Bai's admission, Lu Xin's heart sank fiercely.


If it weren't for the old dean, how could there be such a strong smell of inferior tobacco on his body?

If it weren't for the old dean, how could it be possible to say those words and give yourself such in-depth guidance?

If it wasn't the old dean, how could you look at yourself with that look?

But why did he suddenly appear in Qinggang?

Just to teach yourself such a lesson?

At the same time, an ordinary jeep was walking quietly along the small road on the wilderness outside Qinggang.

The one who drove was a woman with tattoos all over her body. She was wearing a navel-bearing outfit, but there was a circle of hideous scars on her waist. Behind her, on the back seat sat an old man in a tunic suit, and he gently rubbed it. Forehead, slowly took out a cigarette.

"Don't smoke."

The woman suddenly slapped the steering wheel hard, and said angrily: "The smell is very strong, don't you know?"

The old man was startled, then smiled and put the cigarette away, and carefully put it back into the box.

But his patience did not make the woman happy at all. On the contrary, he had a more angry feeling. He looked in the rearview mirror severely and gritted his teeth and said: "You ran so far, you know so much. With people and even so many monsters looking for you, at the risk of being found out, just ran over in person to teach him such a lesson?"

A quiet smile appeared on the old man's face.

After a while, he said softly: "It's worth it."


The woman almost lost control of her emotions, and said fiercely: "Are you so afraid that he won't pass the next trial?"

The old man silently looked out of the car window, over Qinggang, and said, "He is different from you, really."

"It's not easy to live with something like that to this day."

"So before the trial started, I gave him a small stove and pointed out the direction, which is also the reward he deserves."

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