Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 709: Spiritual power falling from the sky

"Single soldier, what just happened?"

"Professor Bai, are you okay?"


Just when Lu Xin and Professor Bai had determined the same thing, they stood next to the flower pond with different moods and were speechless. There was a sound of footsteps in the distance, but other people in the auditorium discovered the problem. , Also chased over.

The gecko and the watchdog rushed ahead, and the doll flew to Lu Xin's side lightly.

Behind, there are researchers running profusely and sweating, with soft and discolored legs...

Huh! Huh! Huh!

There was a heavy footstep, that was the armed squad that hurried over after learning of the abnormality.

These researchers, or those capable of Qinggang, are themselves smart people.

Just because they heard some amazing points of view, they subconsciously fell into thinking, but they didn’t have the mind to discover too many other details, but after a short time, they realized the weirdness of many things, such as why Professor Bai The things he talked about on this day were completely different from his usual ideas. For example, when did Professor Bai come up with such a subject?

Coupled with Lu Xin's question, and the performance of rushing out in a hurry.

Just guessing, they had already guessed the truth in general, and promptly transferred and condemned the armed forces to come over.

This reaction can already be said to be extremely fast, but when everyone rushed here, it still didn't help much. .


Seeing so many people rushing over, all eyes were shocked and terrified.

Especially for Wawa, not only did she rush over, she could even see a little guilty expression on her small face.

It seems to be blaming myself, why didn't I find the problem earlier.

Professor Bai took a deep breath, rubbed his face heavily, then stood up with the help of the person next to him, and said with a smile: "It's okay."

"Professor Bai..."

Someone's heart trembled slightly and said in a low voice: "What I taught us just now is..."

"it's me!"

Professor Bai replied in a deep voice, concluding.


The people around him suddenly seemed a little confused, and they were more surprised than hearing him say something else.

Even Lu Xin glanced at him in a daze.

"Don't worry, it was nothing just now."

Professor Bai glanced at Lu Xin without a trace, exchanged some opinions, then gently raised his hand and pressed it, indicating that everyone does not need to panic, and said with a smile: "I have been thinking too deeply about these issues these days Excited, high blood pressure almost committed..."

"The soldier only heard the sound of my heartbeat, and hurriedly chased him..."



After hearing the words, everyone hurriedly stepped forward to check.

Professor Pi Siwen, one of the six madnesses of Qinggang, looked surprised: "Didn't you just have a physical examination a few days ago?"

"Hey, I said that you can't smoke anymore."

Speaking with an angry expression, he said to the others: "Look at him from now on, and then touch the pipe to interrupt."


Professor Bai was obviously taken aback, but he didn't expect this change.

But in the worried eyes of everyone around, his lips moved twice, and he couldn't say anything to refute.

Lu Xin watched by the side, understanding why Professor Bai said that.

Or maybe, in fact, the researchers around, have guessed something, they just kept a unified voice and kept silent.

Because what is happening now is unbelievable.

Qinggang is now in the alliance's twelve high-walled city, and its strength is second only to the existence of the central city.

Even the central city does not necessarily have such a keen sense of touch and quick response as Qinggang in terms of mental pollution.

After all, there is no spiritual lord in the central city, but relying on other methods to maintain law and order.

Professor Bai is the chief expert in the field of mental mutation in Qinggang and the head of the Qinggang Special Qing Department. As a result, he is such a person, but in the main city of Qinggang, and in the eyes of all capable people and researchers. Under the influence of a mysterious outsider, if it spreads out, how big a blow will this be to the entire Qinggang, and even other places radiated by Qinggang?

Even the people present, obviously guessed, they were somewhat unwilling to believe it.

This is simply unreasonable.

Who in the world can swagger into Qinggang, and what can they do with their chief expert?

Therefore, Professor Bai denied this incident directly, but he didn't want to take credit for this training course.

Of course, because this incident lost the right to smoke a pipe, it was still unexpected.

"Ah, don't be too nervous."

With a helpless sigh, Professor Bai coughed slightly, attracting everyone's attention.

In response to the complex eyes of everyone, his face became more solemn and solemn than ever before: "I think you have all heard what was said in the training class just now. Let's sort out and analyze it as soon as possible. The work we have to do, It's too much."

Upon hearing this, the people around him suddenly became a little nervous.

Someone thought of what was said in the class just now, and their faces suddenly became heavy.

There are also people who have already guessed that it is not necessarily Professor Bai who was giving the lecture, but they still asked subconsciously:

"Professor Bai, we still don't understand a lot of what you just said..."


"I also don't understand a lot..."

Professor Bai glanced at him calmly, causing everyone around him to be surprised at the same time.

Then he sighed and said, "But it's our job to understand these problems?"


He paused, then whispered again: "At this stage of confusion, someone...has a clear direction."

"Are we still worried that we can't find the answer?"

"Now, I officially announce..."

His voice sank slightly, he couldn't tell whether it was serious, or he was expressing his inner determination: "This time the training course continues, but the topic has changed. For the time being, I will not talk about any vague philosophy, just follow him...according to what I just gave. In the several directions you talked about, you can calculate the theory clearly until we at Qinggang really understand what the latter format is."



The surrounding Qinggang capable people, researchers, pendants, nanny squad members, armed squads, and some Qinggang politicians were slightly taken aback when they heard what Professor Bai said. On his face that looked a little tired, he felt a certain emotion, and the slight commotion gradually subsided, and there seemed to be something more determined in his eyes.

Even Lu Xin, who had been caught in a great mood swing next to him, raised his head slightly.

He even felt that following Professor Bai's words, it not only attracted their attention.

There are also other things, and they cast their eyes on them all at once.


At this moment, all of them suddenly heard a loud noise.

At this moment, I only felt as if there was a huge shaking of the earth and the sky, and powerful mental power fluctuations instantly rushed down from the top of their heads. It felt like being hit head-on by a waterfall falling from the sky. There were endless auditory hallucinations.

At the same time, the doll flew up a few meters, and the umbrella in his hand was gently propped up.

It can be clearly seen that the smoothly curved umbrella surface in the doll's hand has actually been pressed into a dent.

It seemed that there was a huge power that fell on the umbrella surface at this moment.

"What just happened?"

Many researchers were taken aback, and it took a while to regain consciousness and looked up.

As for those with abilities around him, they had already reacted even earlier, and their bodies had already subconsciously dispersed.

Each was ready to fight and looked up.

Lu Xin also looked up, with obvious surprise on his face.

Just now, he also felt the sudden appearance of that kind of mental power, and he was caught off guard, as if he had been attacked by some kind of attack.

But in a flash, this feeling of discomfort and noise disappeared.

When I looked up, I saw an unimaginable scene.

In the sky, from their angle, located diagonally to the south, he actually saw a pair of eyes.

That is really a pair of eyes.

It was so abrupt and weird that appeared in the sky.

Each eye is huge, with clear pupils, and a glass body full of lights.

These eyes appeared in the sky, and there were no other facial features.

It seemed that the sky suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards Qinggang below.

It was when these eyes looked down that it caused the huge and heavy mental pressure just now.

Although to him, these eyes just disappeared in a flash.

But the indescribable feeling of shock and weirdness was deeply imprinted in his mind.

"Could it be..."

The researchers are generally low in physical fitness, and finally they wake up.

While they recovered, the senior researchers at Qinggang also thought of something for the first time, and at the same time looked at Professor Bai with a pale face, with endless worries in their eyes, as well as uncertain questions. The color.


After a long while, Professor Bai held his heart and nodded slowly.

He seemed to be answering everyone, but he looked at Lu Xin again, as if telling him specifically.

"If I'm not mistaken, it is the eyes above Qinggang, who have just gotten closer to Qinggang..."



All departments in Qinggang took action immediately, and testing from various angles began immediately.

The baby was also picked up by the nanny team and taken to the top of the unfinished building next to Qinggang headquarters.

Those who were also picked up, UU reading and Lu Xin.

It was also at this time that Lu Xin learned about the sight of these eyes over Qinggang.

He could clearly perceive that Professor Bai and others had strong hopes when they told him about this problem. It seemed that he was hoping that he could find any valuable clues through the eyes he had just seen, and help them explain this phenomenon. .

However, he glanced at the empty sky now.

Lu Xin also felt very strange.

Now, even he can't see anything.

I can only feel that the spiritual power of Qinggang seems to be a little more stressful.

It seems that those eyes just appeared and disappeared.

Let this pressure fall on the sky above Qinggang, pressing on everyone's head.

So, what exactly is that?

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