Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 713: Mother's classroom

Qinggang’s advanced training courses for the mental mutation system are still continuing, but the atmosphere and content have changed a little.

Originally, this training course was only aimed at individual soldiers’ own problems, as well as sorting out some of the recent setbacks that Qinggang encountered in the advancement of the Heavenly Kingdom Project, and sharing some of the information that the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute has only recently decrypted to deepen the researchers’ understanding. understand.

However, because Professor Bai...everyone defaulted to Professor Bai, and he talked a lot of horror at the beginning. Therefore, both capable people and researchers have a faint feeling of panic, and everyone is positive. They need to sort out all these issues clearly and discuss them, and then in the end, they need to summarize a reasonable direction.

Without this direction, just what Professor Bai said would be enough to stop Qinggang's research work.

It even caused widespread panic.

In addition, the arrangement of the training courses also allows those interested to observe something interesting.

It stands to reason that this training should separate the researcher from the capable person. .

After all, at the beginning of what Professor Bai said, he mentioned the shackles faced by the capable person. No one can guarantee that the capable person will really work towards the ultimate direction and choose to hunt down their own abilities in the same group. From this point of view, people with abilities are inherently dangerous. Instead, they should further limit their understanding of mental variation and reduce risk.

But it turned out that Professor Bai did not agree to this proposal after careful consideration.

"If the fire is going to burn, you can't cover it with your hands, but it will make the fire stronger."

After meditation, Professor Bai said earnestly to the researchers at Qinggang: "The more we are at this time, the more we must be careful."

"We and the capable are not a separate group, we are just two sides of the individual."


After listening to his decision, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

It's him.

After the previous events, many people have a strong suspicion, lest the Professor Bai who is discussing with him is another person.

Now that I heard these words, I felt relieved.

This is the way Professor Bai speaks...

It always gives you a feeling that you seem to understand and find that there is no substance...



The advanced training course officially started, and even Lu Xin, who had been back to Satellite City 2 before, returned to the course.

The main body of training is naturally Professor Bai.

Even if he said before, he still knows little about "what he said at the beginning", and many are conjectures. However, his knowledge and research results are undoubtedly far higher than those of other researchers in Qinggang. Moreover, after experiencing such an incident, he seemed to understand something at once, and shared a lot of information that could not be made public due to the confidentiality agreement.

The researchers benefited greatly.

The capable people did...only average.

This kind of boring content sounds to them really strenuous, so skipping classes and sleeping in class are not uncommon.

The researchers several times expressed strong indignation at the things they snored in class, and wanted to send them out.

However, some people expressed gratification.

Discussed privately: "Although theoretically speaking, there must be no lack of careerists in this world in order to improve their abilities, abandon the bottom line of being a human, and hunt down those with the same group of abilities, but from these abilities From the mental state..."

"I always think they are more likely to play cards holding hands..."


Things changed when Lu Xin was giving a lecture.

At the beginning, Professor Bai said in the notice that there might be some problems, and asked Lu Xin to speak out as an assistant.

But because of the changes in the training class this time, Lu Xin's role has actually grown.

Therefore, when the researchers mentioned the difficulties in the further advancement of the Heavenly Kingdom project in front of them by using the boundary between the abilities described by "Professor Bai" at the beginning and the ultimate, even Professor Bai was unable to give it smoothly. When the answer was given, Professor Bai looked at Lu Xin, and then, many researchers who knew the inside story also looked at Lu Xin.

Including dolls...

...No, Wawa has been watching Lu Xin all the time.

After careful consideration, Lu Xin decided to perform his duties and took the stage to give a talk.

After an experience with his mother, he understood the importance of the spiritual core and saw the future direction.

In addition, as his understanding of himself deepened, he already understood some things.

Just like in the Black Swamp City, it seems that inadvertently, he can tell the answers to some questions.

However, when deliberately thinking about it, it is not clear.

In addition, as far as he is concerned, there is actually another important question for him to give lectures on stage.

Not very good at speaking.

There are already many things he understands, but if he wants him to speak out smoothly, it is still a difficult problem.

Fortunately, a countermeasure has been discussed.

My mother has promised herself that she will explain this part for herself.

Therefore, after Lu Xin stepped onto the podium, his eyes lightly swept across the people in the auditorium, and he smiled and said, "I don't quite understand."

"But I found a teacher for you."

"I grew up in an orphanage, but then I got a family to take me in."

"I always call her my mother, and I always feel that she is very good and knows more than me..."


He finished speaking slowly, then turned his head slightly and looked at the door of the auditorium.


Not only him, but all the researchers, even those with abilities who were still dozing off just now, turned their heads and looked at them.

There was an indescribable tension and surprise on everyone's faces.

However, at the entrance of the auditorium, there was nothing.



Lu Xin saw her mother come in from outside the auditorium, dressed very decently, with a reserved smile on her face, and then she came to the podium with a full smile, and gently scanned the expressions underneath the auditorium. With a dull face, gently raised his hand:

"get out."

The first point is the gecko.

Gecko looked dazed, glanced at the podium blankly, shrank his head, and trot out.

The mother continued to point to the bear child who was huddled behind the computer: "You also go out."

The bear kid who was watching the gecko joke stayed for a while, closed the computer and ran out.

Then the mother pointed to the red snake and the goddess.

The two of them sat together with serious expressions, but their feet kept kicking around in secret.

"All out!"

The red snake stayed with the goddess, and got up rather unconvinced, and went out together.

Soon there was a quarrel outside the auditorium.

Mom pointed to the guard dog sitting in the middle of the auditorium, like a statue: "You too."

The watchdog looked up slightly, seemingly very opinionated.

Mother said: "I can't see you dozing off if I wear sunglasses?"

The watchdog vented a sigh of relief, got up and went out silently.

The mother's gaze swept across the timid Arhat, and the other capable people who sat aside.

When she looked at the doll, she stood up consciously.

"You can stay."

A smile suddenly appeared on her mother's face, and she nodded slightly: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just stay."

The doll was a little surprised, and sat down honestly.

"Listen to me, you guys have taken a big advantage, a very big advantage."

Mother slowly picked up the chalk on the podium, then pulled down the blackboard behind her, and whispered to the people in the auditorium who had already sat upright as if they were facing enemies: "Because I don’t intend to talk about it in general. Everything is available to you."

"The first thing I want to talk about is the relationship between religion and government."

She smiled slightly, looked at Professor Bai, and Mr. Su and others who were sitting behind, who didn't even dare to drink their saliva, said:

"There is one thing you must admit that in the face of the world after the emergence of the red moon, religion is a particularly time-saving and effective method of maintaining stability. Therefore, whether it is a technology church in the south or a mysterious organization of Tinder, it is better than You are smart."

"But what I want to add is that they are all dead ends, and the only life is yours."

"That's why I am willing to tell you these things."


In the entire auditorium, everyone listened to the sound from the podium, as if they were approaching an enemy, without saying a word.

They watched Lu Xin with a gentle smile on his face, and in a systematic and careful manner, they spoke out a lot of questions that had troubled them before and could not be answered no matter how much effort they put in. They felt like clouds were surging in their minds.

Even Han Bing became nervous.

She glanced at Linda quietly, and also saw the surprise and fear on her face.

She didn't dare to move too much, worried about being pushed out.

Even long ago, she already knew some information about Lu Xin, but she never thought that one day, Lu Xintan was calm, and exposed her side to everyone, as if Without the slightest scruples...

As a result, the people in the auditorium were divided into three parts.

Part of it was the researchers, who were attracted by what Lu Xin said, and had no time to care about the others, so they quickly recorded.

Part of it was Han Bing and others, who were felt strange and terrible.

The other part is a doll, with his chin in his hand, listening very carefully.



"Professor Bai, do you understand these... these things?"

It wasn't until a certain gap in the story that a shocked researcher quietly asked Professor Bai.

Professor Bai sat calmly on the chair and was silent for a long time before he nodded slightly and said, "Facing the unknown, don't rush to solve it."

"Just remember, the answer will come to us."


The researchers next to them were all taken aback, nodding in agreement, and then they were relieved when they turned to discuss.

"It turns out that Professor Bai doesn't understand it, it's not because our level is too low..."

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