Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 714: World class S pollution incident

The training ended after a week, and everyone involved felt that they had learned a lot.

Except for geckos, bear kids, red snakes, goddesses, watchdogs, dolls, etc., people who are not serious about learning at all.

It was also because they were trained in the same auditorium, so the capable people were severely despised by the researcher. It was not just the look in the eyes of the Xueba looking at the scum, but the people who had entered the treasure, don’t hurry up. Putting it in your pocket, but sitting next to the treasure, dozing off, and even throwing the so big gold bricks into the river to float in the eyes of a fool, despising and hating!

Such a precious thing, such a rare knowledge sharing.

These people can't learn it?

Tsk tsk, it is true that just relying on these people, the world is completely hopeless, we still have to look at us...

At the end of the training, the researchers were full of confidence.

The abilities are also full of energy, looking like they are finally liberated, happier than the researchers.

Of course, Lu Xin is an exception.

He was also respected by researchers and capable people. .

The capable people looked at Lu Xin, with a little awe, and at the same time a little sympathy.

Everyone knows that those with abilities are sharpened branches, so there are some problems, but what Lu Xin said...

…The problem seems a bit big!

As for the researchers, including Professor Bai, everyone looked at Lu Xin with excitement and admiration.

Even they were so excited that they didn't know what words to use to express their gratitude to Lu Xin.

After all, looking through the notes, you can find:

The most valuable thing in this training is what the "Professor Bai" talked about at the beginning.

The most specific things are all Lu Xin talked about.

…A string of celebrity quotes, which seem to be very philosophical, come from Professor Bai.

It was precisely because he knew how valuable what Lu Xin was talking about, so when the training was about to end, they unanimously decided to give Lu Xin a special honorary professor title. And everyone agreed that in the field of spiritual power research, Lu Xin's level is definitely reached.

But Lu Xin refused.

I just want a diploma...

Especially the title with "special" and "honor" in front of it, can you take it seriously?

I know very well, how can it be so easy to be fooled.

Of course, after the researchers, especially Professor Bai and Mr. Su, who could count their words, agreed to issue themselves a formal diploma, Lu Xin said that the title of the special honorary professor they were talking about was not actually Can't ask for it.

However, this title is not for myself, but for mother.

This opportunity came only after I begged her mother, and of course she couldn’t let her come in vain...

Although Lu Xin's proposal made everyone feel a little weird, out of respect for the unknown, they still agreed.

And after earnestly inquiring about Lu Xin's mother's name, she decided the name for the first time:

"Ms. Lu!"

Ms. Lu, Special Honorary Professor of Qinggang University!

Age: unknown

Gender: Female?

Height: unknown

Origin: unknown

Race: Unknown

"The sorting out, sharing, and work assignments that should be done have been completed in this week."

"Everyone can be prepared, we have accumulated too much work to do."

At the end of this training course, Professor Bai gave a speech to everyone, and his attitude even seemed a little serious:

"Frankly speaking, the current situation is already very severe."


"Are they the eyes in the sky?"

Lu Xin asked Professor Bai curiously and looked up.

In this week, the eyes in the sky opened again, and the distance seemed to be closer by visual inspection.

Qinggang has been arranging for testing.

Even for those who need to come over to participate in training courses, they rush to the monitoring station immediately after the training.

However, Lu Xin also noticed that their testing and observation did not seem to provide many valuable clues.

Now I know that such a pair of eyes appeared in the sky, and I also know that it occasionally opens and approaches Qinggang.

The approach speed is not fast, but within ten days, it has approached three times.

Every time it approaches, the pressure in Qinggang City will increase by one point, and there is a feeling of squeezing in the air.

Because of the presence of the baby, this pressure has not yet affected Qinggang.

It's just that the news that appeared in these eyes has already come from Qinggang, which has aroused many discussions in the streets and alleys.

Qinggang couldn’t prevent other people from seeing these eyes, couldn’t prevent them from talking, and even couldn’t cope with the large number of inquiries every day, so it could only give a lie as usual, only saying that Qinggang was experimenting. A new type of projection equipment.

I don’t know how many people believe it.

"These eyes are one aspect."

Professor Bai took a few steps forward on crutches, handed a document to Lu Xin, and whispered: "We will deal with it."

"But this is the thing that needs to be told right away."


Lu Xin took the file, flipped it gently, his expression was slightly wrong.

"Regarding these eyes, we are already actively deploying, making a lot of speculations, and seeking help from other places such as the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute. This is a problem on the bright side, and the pressure and consequences it will bring. , Are all predictable."

Professor Bai whispered: "But this matter makes us even unable to predict."

When Lu Xin saw this information, he understood where Professor Bai's worries came from.

Perverted serial homicide.

In the folder that Professor Bai handed over, all the recent **** murders that occurred around Qinggang were recorded.

According to the data, the victims were mostly high-class people from various forces around Qinggang, some were the leader of the gathering point, and no matter how bad they were, they were also a high-ranking person, such as a member of the hidden knights and the captain of the wild search team. Human market managers, etc.

Most of these people went to the sidelines, and it is not surprising that they died of homicide.

The reason why Qinggang is concerned is that these people who were killed have several obvious characteristics.

One is the method of death, which is extremely **** and cruel, and most of them die from torture.

The second is that these people have left a document beside them, which records the sins they have committed, and also left their signatures.

"Number eight?"

When Lu Xin saw these incidents at first glance, he knew the truth of the matter.

Not to mention, the last photo of the first photo above was signed "Chen Jing".

"You know him?"

Professor Bai saw the change in Lu Xin's eyes and asked in a low voice.

Lu Xin nodded, but didn't say much, but looked up at Professor Bai.

Professor Bai immediately understood, and said in a low voice: "It has been happening for a while, but it has happened at various gathering points outside. No similar incident has occurred in Qinggang. It was because of the panic outside that it was reported to Qinggang. , We had to send investigators, but apart from these cards left by the deceased, we have not found any valuable findings."

"It is worth noting that such things are not only happening around Qinggang."

"I have been in contact with other high-wall cities. Many cities in the alliance, even some large gathering points, and other organizational jurisdictions, have similar privatization cases. There are not many in each place, but they add up. , It is a terrible number."

"However, the most worrying thing is another matter."

"First, through data calculations, we can see the terrible increase in the number of similar private criminal cases."

"The earliest record was a year ago, when it didn't attract attention at all."

"But as time goes by, there are more and more incidents."

"The location of its occurrence seems to be untracked, but the number of occurrences is increasing exponentially."

"Every once in a while, there is an increase in fear..."

"And this incident, in just one year, has developed from an ordinary murder case to an S-class incident."

"S-level events for the entire league, and even the entire world."


Listening to Professor Bai's words, Lu Xin suddenly understood something, and suddenly looked up at him.

There was a slight doubt in his eyes.


Professor Bai nodded gently: "If you look at him as pollution, it is spreading to the entire world at a terrifying speed."

"So many people, so many forces, and even research institutes..."

Lu Xin frowned tightly: "Is there no one to stop them?"

Professor Bai shook his head and said: "One of the elements of a pollution incident that is rated as S-level is that there is no solution."

"Today, there are very few pollution incidents that can be assessed as S-level, and this is the one recognized by all parties."

"This kind of pollution does not seem to have a fixed location or precise rules, so it is very difficult to investigate. In addition, where this kind of pollution passes, it can always get a large number of followers to support, forming a carnival effect..."

"Not to mention the ordinary high-wall city abilities, even the senior investigators of the research institute have not been able to trace their traces."

"Therefore, this incident was personally classified as an S-level pollution incident by the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute."

"The code name is: Midnight Court."


Lu Xin remembered his elegant and calm face when he saw Number 8 before, and he felt a little depressed in his heart.


Lu Xin paused for a while before asking, "The negative impact is great?"

Professor Bai was slightly surprised. From Lu Xin's inquiry, he could see his hesitation about this matter.

He seemed to want to ask something, but he didn't ask, he just nodded slightly to Lu Xin and said, "You can look at the back."

"The bottom piece of information."


Lu Xin nodded, UU reading turned over the information and looked intently, and the whole person was suddenly stunned on the spot.

Professor Bai whispered: "Although we have not caught the specific law enforcement officers, and did not think of an effective method to contain the midnight court, through the summary of the lynching cases, we have also discovered some signs before the mysterious incident in the midnight court. "

"Everyone who was executed in the midnight court had some weird mental powers around them in advance."

"It's not only a countdown, but also a kind of mark can be understood."

"And now..."

He paused and said, "This kind of mark has already appeared inside the Qinggang high wall."

Lu Xin nodded slightly.

He looked at the mark, and saw the marked person.

Teacher Xiaolu.

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