Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 715: Countdown in the eyes

"Mr. Deer..."

When Lu Xin saw the bottom document, he even felt a little absurd.

How can it be?

If this midnight court is the one I saw at the beginning, and if the executors of this midnight court are like the eighth, and the purpose is to punished some people who deserve to be punished, why would they mark Mr. Deer?

In this world, the least ought to be marked is Teacher Xiaolu.

"This mark should have appeared for a long time."

Professor Bai seemed to understand what Lu Xin was thinking, and whispered: "However, she has not reported to the police or said anything to the guards arranged by us, so we didn't even find out at the beginning. Until, the power to mark her increased. The stronger the stronger, the clearer and clearer, and finally was discovered by the doll and told us, and then our investigation team discovered that it was her who was marked."

"Now we still don't understand what the markings are getting clearer and clearer, and what they mean..."



"It's the eighth, it must have been the last time the eighth came over."

Listening to Professor Bai's words, Lu Xin quickly remembered and realized many problems. .

If the mark is there very early, it must be before I come back.

When he came back, he had already been in Red Moon Elementary School on the 8th for two days. He had marked Mr. Deer at that time?

Why did he mark Mr. Deer?


It can be seen that Professor Bai seems to want to discuss more.

But Lu Xin's heart was already upset, and he turned his head and said to Professor Bai, "I'll go back first."

Professor Bai retracted what he had to say, nodded gently, and said: "You don't need to worry. While paying attention to the eyes in the sky, Qinggang will also assign some intelligence personnel to collect information about the midnight court. The specific information will be kept. Synchronize with you."

"After the preliminary investigation is over, you can also talk to me directly, and I will help you analyze it."



Lu Xin nodded and agreed, and took a grateful look at Professor Bai.

He knew the importance of this old man to Qinggang, so he naturally knew what he meant by analyzing and discussing with himself in person.

Without time to say anything else, Lu Xin picked up the bag and rushed to the Gaotrain station.

There happened to be a high train ready to depart, and he took it straight up, but there was no need to arrange a special trip for him.

However, even after sitting in the car, Lu Xin still thought about this in his heart, and couldn't relax for a moment.

He didn't understand, he couldn't understand the whole thing.



After getting off the bus, there was already a car waiting for him at the high train platform. The driver was a bald driver who had seen him before.

After Lu Xin got on the bus, he directly reported the address of Red Moon Elementary School and hurried over.

The anxiety and tension in his heart reached the extreme when he arrived at Red Moon Elementary School, but when he entered Red Moon Elementary School, his footsteps slowed down subconsciously, and he habitually raised his hand and slowly squeezed it. Muscle lines on his face.

He has seen teacher Xiaolu.

She is sitting in a wheelchair, taking a yard of children to physical education class.

Compared with when Lu Xin just learned the news, the scene under the sun showed two extremes.

He slowly walked outside the big iron gate and reached out his hand to support the railing.

At this time, a sharp-eyed child in the yard saw him and immediately rushed to report to Teacher Xiaolu in excitement.

Teacher Xiaolu turned the wheelchair, turned to look at Lu Xin, and seemed a little surprised.

Raised his hand happily, shook his hand to Lu Xin, motioning for him to wait for a while.

Lu Xin nodded and waved his hand to her. He didn't rush in, but stood outside the iron gate and watched.

It seems that it's normal...

Teacher Xiaolu is sitting in a wheelchair and teaching children to play football.

Both hands pushed the wheel hard, looking very hard, with a smile on his face.

As for the mark...

Lu Xin was silent for a while, first closed his eyes slightly, concentrated his attention, and looked at Teacher Xiaolu.

This is similar to habitual action.

Generally speaking, the mental monsters that you can see can be seen, and those that you cannot see can’t be seen. However, when you concentrate your attention, it does change the spiritual power around you. Intuitive perception...

Nothing seems to have been found.

As a result of observation, Lu Xin frowned slightly.

He could feel that the mental power of Teacher Xiaolu seemed to be a little confused, but there was no spiritual monster.



After the physical education class lasted forty minutes, Lu Xincai finally walked into the elementary school slowly with the sound of the bell ringing after class.

Teacher Xiaolu had already let people loose, and she washed her face in front of the water pipe. When she turned her head and looked at Lu Xin, she could see that there were water drops on her face, and several strands of wet hair hung on her forehead. , Without makeup, but the skin still looks very delicate and smooth.

However, Lu Xin noticed her eyes as soon as he approached her.

For a moment, he felt like there was a faint electric current flowing through his body unexpectedly.

There are heavy bloodshot eyes in Teacher Xiaolu's eyes.

This kind of bloodshot not only made her whole person look sluggish and exhausted, but also showed a weird look. In the right eye, there are two blood-colored numbers with the number "36" displayed on them, and in the left eye, The four numbers "17:48" are connected together, it is "36:17:48", weird and abrupt, and the final "48" is still beating slowly, constantly decreasing.

At first glance, Lu Xin felt surprised.

At the second glance, Lu Xin suddenly thought of what this string of numbers was.


In Teacher Xiaolu's eyes, there was a countdown of bloodshot, beating constantly! !



"How did you come?"

Teacher Xiaolu smiled hard while Lu Xin was looking at her, and said, "Should you not be at work now?"

Lu Xin nodded slightly, and did not respond to her question of trying to make the atmosphere relaxed.

After seeing the bloodshot eyes of Teacher Xiaolu deeply, he whispered: "What happened to you recently?"


Teacher Xiaolu seemed to be a little surprised, and was silent for a while, and said: "What...what are you referring to?"

Lu Xin frowned and said in a low voice: "Any aspect of discomfort, including auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, nightmares, etc..."


Lu Xin's seriousness also made Teacher Xiaolu a little nervous.

She thought hard, shook the water in her hand lightly, and whispered softly: "It seems, there is nothing..."


This answer surprised Lu Xin.

He looked at Teacher Xiaolu carefully, whether it was the bloodshot eyes in her eyes, or her pale face, it means that her recent state should be very bad, plus the bloodshot countdown in her eyes, this is already obvious. symbols of……

But she herself didn't notice it?

Lu Xin frowned and looked at Teacher Xiaolu's eyes in silence.

Teacher Xiaolu bowed his head slightly and did not stare at him.

Lu Xin suddenly reacted, she was not unaware, she was deliberately concealing it.



"You can tell me."

After a while, Lu Xin spoke in a low voice, trying to make his tone as gentle as possible, gently raised his hand, and pressed it to Teacher Xiaolu's shoulder.

Persuaded in a low voice: "If there is a problem, I will help you solve it."

"I have done such things many times, and I am still very experienced..."


He has tried to calm his attitude so as not to frighten Teacher Xiaolu.

But unexpectedly, when his palm was about to press on her shoulder, Mr. Xiaolu gently turned the wheel and took a step back.


She hung her head, and after a while, she said, "It's really nothing."


Lu Xin fell silent again, not knowing what to say for a while.

Teacher Xiaolu sat in the wheelchair quietly, did not look at herself, and did not deliberately dodge.

Sitting quietly, she looked to one side slightly. At this moment, her cheeks that were slightly flushed from the exercise were returning to their original appearance, which made her pale and youthful. Can't hide the haggard feeling.

In her, Lu Xin felt a strange peace, even calm.

So why did she become like this?

She was clearly mentally contaminated, but why did she refuse to ask for help or even cooperate?

She knows all this, and accepts it all?

"Lu Xin..."

And when Lu Xin fell silent, Teacher Xiaolu also passed for a while, barely smiling on his face.

She gently raised her hand, hesitated, and slowly held Lu Xin's palm.

"Don't worry about me, really."

She whispered: "Even if something happens one day, it should be."


Feeling the soft palm of her hand, Lu Xin trembled in his heart and exhaled, trying to calm down his emotions as much as possible.

"I still hope that you don't have an accident."

He said diligently, with anticipation in his eyes, looking at Teacher Xiaolu's face.

Teacher Xiaolu slowly showed a smile on his at Lu Xin seriously, he whispered, "Me too."

When they said this, their eyes met and saw each other's eyes.

Lu Xin felt a little confused.

Because he saw peace and calmness in the eyes of Teacher Xiaolu, as well as the firmness that the countdown number could not hide.

An even more indescribable understanding came to his mind, and there was a feeling of emptiness. Even for the first time, he had an urge to get angry with Teacher Xiaolu. He wanted her to say it quickly. What was it hiding from him? , Don't even need to help yourself?

But when the waves in his heart were undulating and surging to ask questions, Teacher Xiaolu suddenly spoke with a trembling voice.

"do not blame me……"

Her voice was haggard, and what was even more frightening was that Lu Xin suddenly saw it.

At this moment, the countdown number suddenly decreased in her eyes.

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