Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 718: Executor outside the high wall

Putting down the phone, Lu Xin exhaled deeply. Then I took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and brought back the luggage from the training class that hadn't been packed in the cabinet, as well as the information that Professor Bai gave. After exchanging a glance with his family, he walked out of the old building, ate breakfast calmly, and got into the truck parked behind the building.

It was brought back from Black Marsh City at that time, and it was to be given to Red Moon Elementary School for use.

Today this opportunity is just right.

Driving a truck on the road, there is always a feeling of superiority.

The cars next to him were a head shorter than him, and a sense of superiority emerged spontaneously. .

Lu Xin really didn't understand. Why do so many people like cars when the truck is driving so prestigious?

It’s like everyone knows that when you get to the wilderness, you still have to drive a car with strong climbing ability to run, but when you enter the high wall city, the car is still more expensive. The most excessive thing is that there are people who like to drive. The kind of sports car that runs on the ground...

...Bah, I'm so embarrassed to call a sports car, you can't even run into the wilderness.


With such a superior mood, Lu Xin drove the truck all the way to the Red Moon Elementary School.

When the tall front of the car was about to hit the iron gate of Red Moon Elementary School, the security guard inside was shocked.

He hurried out, saw Lu Xin, and opened the door.

Shouted into the car: "What's the matter?"

"You came here recently, why do you change a car just once?"


The old security guard seemed to have misunderstood something, but Lu Xin couldn't help but smile on his face when he heard this.

There is no explanation.

Just aiming at this big truck, he smiled and said to the old security guard: "This is what I drove back from somewhere else before, thinking about sending it to the elementary school. After all, you usually go out to buy some food, textbooks, tables, chairs, sports goods, etc. It can be used."

The old security guard was slightly surprised, and circled the huge body.

His eyes fell on the card slots on both sides of the car body, which were specially used to place heavy weapons, and his expression was even more shocked.

"You can still put this stuff, are you worried that someone will **** our food?"


"I know a lot..."

Lu Xin glanced at the old security guard, drove the car into the elementary school, and parked at the corner of the west yard.

Then he opened the car door, walked down, let the old security guard look at the car, but walked into the security booth.

Sit down on a tattered computer chair where the old security guard usually sits, and sighed comfortably. Since moving to this villa, the treatment of the old security has also increased, even though it is a security booth. But there are tables and chairs.

There was an old radio on the table and a small bed behind it.

When I looked to the left, I was a little surprised. I saw four potted flowers standing against the wall, growing very beautifully.

... No wonder I haven't seen him these few times, because he was kept in the security booth.

"You are..."

The old security guard appeared outside the glass window and curiously looked at Lu Xin who was sitting inside.

Especially a little worried glanced at the potted flowers by the wall.

Although these potted flowers were planted after Lu Xin told him to plant them last time, it still hurts a bit.

"The security of the elementary school is still weak."

Lu Xin nodded lightly to him, and said, "So I will be watching here these days."


The old security guard was a little surprised and nervous, and smiled reluctantly: "Are you here to grab my job?"

"What do you think?"

Lu Xin glanced at him and said with a smile: "I'm here to be a teacher."

"Although I have done this job as a security guard before, but now that I have a college degree anyhow, how can I go back again?"


The old security guards were stunned for a while.

He was just joking, why does he look serious?

Besides, where did he get his college diploma?

After a while, he glanced at the direction of the small building where the class was taking place a little worriedly, opened the door and walked in. The chair was already occupied by Lu Xin, so he had to sit on the small wire bed at the back and lowered his voice: "Did you find anything?"

"I only know who it is related to."

Lu Xin shook his head, put away his smile, and said, "Basically, I know as much as you about other things."

"Then she..."

The old security guard was slightly worried, but stopped talking.

"She will be fine."

Lu Xin answered with a smile, very relaxed, but there was no room for doubt in his answer.

The old security guard fell silent and didn't ask any more.

Both the old security guard and Mr. Xiaolu were surprised, but silently accepted the fact that Lu Xin came to the elementary school to apply to be a teacher, but he never arranged for Lu Xin to attend classes. It was just that he had an extra meal during the meal. .

It's the old security guard, I don't know if it's too boring to look at Lu Xin, he always stares at his own potted flowers.

After finding some time, he carried a pile of homework and asked Lu Xin to make corrections, and at the same time looked at him with suspicious eyes.

After Lu Xin changed a few copies with a red pen, he covered the workbook and fell into deep thought.

It turns out that the most difficult thing about being a teacher is not to see if his question is right, but to think about how he counts three times three into eight...

...There is no logic at all, this is it!


Of course, come here by yourself. Changing the homework is secondary. The key point is to observe the changes in Teacher Xiaolu.

What my mother said before is correct, if it is polluted, it will definitely affect certain behaviors and emotions, and change.

Correspondingly, through changes in behavior and emotions, we can also analyze her pollution.

However, the results of the observation were not clear. Lu Xin found that Teacher Xiaolu seemed to be normal at ordinary times, but was a little haggard.

In addition, she was clearly in a bad state, but she seemed to be tireless. She helped the children in the orphanage arrange class schedules, fill in the Qinggang identity register, help every child, register information, prepare for the declaration of junior high school registration, etc. Wait……

She seems to feel that there is not enough time?

Lu Xin even saw that she was interviewing for a new teacher, and she must have a high school education or above...

Vaguely guessed what she was doing.

At the same time sneered: high school diploma, ha ha...

But Lu Xin did not stop her, nor did he ask her anything.

He had already discovered that whenever he approached her, the countdown number in her eyes would jump quickly.

Is this because once you touch her, you will increase her pollution?

Lu Xin thought helplessly.

The countdown number in her eyes was only seventeen hours and thirty-six minutes.

Lu Xin didn't know what would happen when the countdown number went to zero, but he was ready to deal with it.

Qinggang's affairs have been arranged.

Although Lu Xin could clearly feel that as those eyes from the sky descended again this week, the atmosphere in Qinggang was becoming tense bit by bit.

Those eyes from the sky have been seen by many people.

Although Qinggang tried his best to explain it, it still couldn't suppress some people's suspicions.

All kinds of rumors have already spread in the streets and alleys.

There are even some people who are already out of control and want to flee Qinggang...

A pair of eyes looking at Qinggang from the sky is enough to cause the problem of getting social order out of control.

But there are Wawa and other people, and Lu Xin believes they will take care of it.

The only change I realized was that when I drove a truck to buy vegetables, I noticed that the price of vegetables had risen a lot.

I would like to comment on it later.



Whether you are nervous or relaxed, the time for the countdown to return to zero is finally getting a little closer.

Lu Xin sat in the security pavilion in the sunset, lying crookedly on the computer chair, with his legs on the table, quietly lost in thought.

Compared with the old security guards who are homeless and restless and go around in circles, he seems extremely calm.

Looking at it from his point of view, it happened to be able to see Mr. Deer's office.

I was sitting at the desk near the window, writing something seriously, but every time I wrote it, I picked it up again, crumpled it up, and threw it into the trash basket, occasionally raising my head to the security booth. Lu Xin glanced at him, and then quickly lowered his head.

Later, she even closed the curtains.


Seeing her close the curtains, Lu Xin also slid the computer chair unconvinced, changed the other direction, and looked outside the school.

Don't watch if you don't see it, is it rare for yourself?



It was also on this day. When the sun was about to set, he was winding across the road through the wilderness. A man in a suit with neatly combed hair and a silver suitcase in his hand slowly moved from the direction of the horizon. come over.

He walked slowly to the high wall of Qinggang-2 Satellite City and stopped.

With a suit jacket on his arms, he looked up at the high wall, his eyes were bloodshot...

...It was a tired and helpless look in the eyes.

He stood quietly in front of the high wall of Qinggang, but never entered.

It seems to be hesitating.

During his hesitation, the night had come, and the dark red moon rose, looking at the world coldly in the distant sky.

Under the dim moonlight, another man came over from the wilderness road. He was also wearing a black suit and carrying a silver suitcase. He had bright leather shoes on his feet. He was straight and his face was Faint and confident expression.

He walked to the eighth side, shoulder to shoulder with him, and looked up at the high wall.

No. 8 looked back at him, trying to say something, but shut his mouth again, just cast his gaze into the distance.

Under the red moon, people in black suits and silver suitcases came over.

There are on every road, and there is more than one on every road.

It looks like they are densely I don't know if there are hundreds or thousands, coming from the road in the wilderness.

They were all confident and calm, gathered in front of the high wall of Satellite City 2, and then slowly raised their heads and looked at the high wall.

The eighth's lips trembled slightly.

He suddenly turned his head, looked at a person beside him who looked different from himself, and whispered:

"Are you coming to help me or urging me?"


"It's just that the court is afraid that you will not be able to execute the sentence..."

The countless faces around turned their heads to look at No. 8, no matter the distance, they opened their mouths uniformly: "You know..."

"Those who have pleaded guilty must be executed and tried..."

"No matter who is being tried, and no matter what kind of stop we will encounter..."

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