Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 719: Laughter through time

The last time I saw Teacher Xiaolu up close was two hours ago.

At that time, the countdown in her eyes was three hours, seven minutes and forty-two seconds, and now there is more than one hour left.

So after sitting quietly in the security pavilion for about two hours, Lu Xin walked out of the security pavilion and silently smoked a cigarette outside the big iron gate of the school, then threw the cigarette **** on the ground and stamped it out. Gently moved his body, turned around and came in.

He went straight to the teaching building.

The countdown is about to return to zero, and the executor of Teacher Xiaolu is about to appear.

Of course, I must be by the side of Teacher Xiaolu at this moment.

Even for myself today, it feels like being guarded by the security booth is not much different from guarding by Mr. Xiaolu.

The teaching building was very quiet, and the children were arranged by Teacher Xiaolu to a dormitory on the first floor near the west auditorium, and they were not allowed to come out no matter what they heard. .

She herself stayed in the east office on the third floor.

It seems to be subconsciously to keep these children the furthest distance from themselves. If anything happens, it will not affect them.

If it weren't for the present Qinggang, it was under great pressure under the eyes of those eyes. Chaos might appear at any time. It would be even more unsafe to stay outside the elementary school. Teacher Xiaolu might have arranged for them to leave the school.

Lu Xin went upstairs quietly, came to the door of the office on the third floor, and knocked gently on the door.

No one answered, and Lu Xin automatically opened the door, which he took the key from the old security guard.

The office is very dim.

This elementary school was originally converted from a villa, and Mr. Xiaolu’s office was the study room of the former rich.

There is a lot of space, left and right, with many different forms of light sources installed.

But now Mr. Xiaolu only turned on the lamp on the desk.

As a result, most of the space in the office was submerged in the gloomy darkness, with only a bright spot in front of him.

She sat in a wheelchair, changed into clean clothes, with her head hanging down and a blanket on her legs.

The room looked a little cold.

When she heard Lu Xin coming in, she didn't look up, still just sitting quietly beside the desk.

Lu Xin stood at the door for a while, walked in slowly, pulled a chair, and sat in the center of the office.

It is neither too close nor too far away from Teacher Xiaolu.

Then neither of them spoke, but sat quietly while keeping this distance.

Lu Xin couldn’t get closer to see the countdown in Teacher Xiaolu’s eyes, but he had already calculated it before. Now there should be one hour left before the countdown is reset. That is to say, the time when the law enforcement officers arrive should be within one hour. Hours later.

But every time I approached Teacher Xiaolu, the countdown in her eyes would speed up.

With this calculation, the arrival time of law enforcement officials may also be advanced.

But it's okay, since it's always coming, I don't mind meeting them some time in advance.

"Lu Xin..."

I don't know how long I sat quietly, so quiet that people feel the atmosphere in the office is a bit depressing.

Teacher Xiaolu seemed to be unable to withstand such pressure. After a long silence, he raised his head gently and shouted.

"I am here."

Sitting on the chair, Lu Xin smiled and said softly.

"You really…"

Teacher Xiaolu hesitated and said, "Are you really going to guard me here?"

"Don't you worry, there will be danger?"


Lu Xin smiled quietly to Teacher Xiaolu, and said, "I am not afraid of danger."

Teacher Xiaolu looked up at him, as if he saw a familiar shadow from his calm and smiling face.

This made her body tremble, and she hugged her body slightly.

After a while, he raised his head, seeming to try to restrain his emotions, and said in a trembled voice:

"I know, you are here to protect me..."

"But, have you ever thought that I actually deserve it?"



Lu Xin felt a strong sense of guilt in Teacher Xiaolu's tone.

This makes him feel a little strange.

After a while, he said softly: "Then why don't you tell me, why do you have this idea?"


Teacher Xiaolu's lips trembled slightly, and her expression was a little desperate: "Some things may not be what you think. Some people are not as good as you think. You are a truly kind person, because you always It’s the kindness that others think, but there may be people who don’t deserve this kindness at all. No matter how good they pretend, there will always be dead souls staring at her in the corner..."

Her tone is too strange.

I don't know why, Lu Xin actually heard the feeling that his hairs were slightly erect.

He suddenly raised his head and looked into the eyes of Teacher Xiaolu.

At such a close distance, Lu Xin saw that the countdown in her eyes was decreasing at a crazy speed.

He waited to hear Teacher Xiaolu continue to speak, only to find that she fell silent.

Her face was full of tangled expressions, as if she had fallen into a painful choice, the words stuck in her throat, but she couldn't speak.

This is an extremely unbearable suffering for those who are waiting for an answer.

But Lu Xin was not in a hurry.

After advanced training on mental pollution and mutation, he has learned a lot of detailed knowledge that he hadn't mastered before.

For these people who have been mentally contaminated, their silence should be used and respected.

Faced with people who are mentally contaminated, people who don’t understand, they always wonder why they are so painful, so entangled, why they refuse to say it when they don’t understand, and don’t understand why they must not be allowed to sit on them. I don’t understand that it’s just a matter of endurance, so why can’t I bear it? We must make things worse.

It was as if Teacher Xiaolu could clearly solve his doubts in one sentence.

But Lu Xin understands that this is the norm for people who are mentally contaminated and have abnormal emotions.

It's not why, but it's impossible.

Every behavior that a person makes is supported by the logic and motivation behind it.

They seem to be unable to do this simple behavior, but in fact the logic and motivation behind the behavior are faulty.

Defects of mechanical parts and insufficient fuel will cause malfunctions.

Unfortunately, many people can understand machinery, but not the same kind.

Professor Bai mentioned during the training that Qinggang is now vigorously cultivating mental and psychological doctors and urgently needs such talents. However, in the assessment, professional skills are not even ranked first, they are ranked first. patience…

Lu Xin, who has already obtained a university diploma, has thought about whether he wants to take a test.

Not to mention, what I am facing now is Teacher Xiaolu.

And in Lu Xin’s quiet and gentle wait, it took a long time for Teacher Xiaolu to shook her head slowly, as if frustrated. She finally didn’t say the words that rushed to her throat just now, but her Emotions, but also gradually calmed down.

"Wait for me for a while."

After a while, she slowly pushed the wheelchair and walked towards the corner of the wall.

Lu Xin also stood up silently and followed her quietly.

Teacher Xiaolu stopped, with a reluctant smile on his face: "Are you going to follow me all the time?"


Lu Xin looked at the countdown in her eyes that was about to return to zero, and nodded gently.


Teacher Xiaolu was a little embarrassed, looked at the indoor door in front of him, and whispered: "I'm going to the bathroom..."


Lu Xin was slightly surprised, and then reacted again, nodding lightly: "Oh."

With that, he turned around and sat back in the chair, still waiting quietly.

Teacher Xiaolu turned around blushing, pushed the wheelchair, walked into the interior door, and turned on the light.

The bright lights temporarily eased the dim and suppressed atmosphere in this office.

But as the door closed, all the light was cut off.

Lu Xin sat quietly in the half-black and half-bright living room, half of his body was illuminated by the lamp on the desk in the distance.

In the silence, quietly listening to the surrounding movement.

In the bathroom, there was a slight shaking of the wheelchair, and after a long time, there was the sound of the faucet releasing water.

Then the voice kept going.

Lu Xin waited quietly for a while, then got up and went straight to the bathroom door.

He went to push the door, but found that the door was locked, so he paused slightly, took a step back, and kicked out.

With a "bang", the door was kicked open, and he saw the horror scene in the bathroom.

Opposite the mirror, Mr. Deer, who was sitting in a wheelchair, had already cut his wrist with a paper knife.

Hearing Lu Xin's forcibly opening the door, she turned around abruptly.

Lu Xin saw that her face was actually covered with traces of black lines.

She smiled hard, like a weird black flower.

The lips are sewn with a black silk thread. The wound on the wrist seems to have its own vitality, and it is opened to both sides forcefully, as if a person is grinning, while laughing forcefully, while there is blood on the other. It keeps splattering out.

Wherever the blood splashed, the air looked abnormally blurred.

Hee hee hee…

In Lu Xin's ears, he suddenly heard the kid's joking sound.

The voice seemed familiar from the depths of memory.

It was the orphanage when we were young, and everyone laughed when they played games in the sun. This kind of laughter passed through layers of time, and it rang in the blurred air refracted by this blood. Lu Xin could even see that there was a faint figure for an hour, looming in this blurred air. The beating.

His heart couldn't help beating faster.

The heart is as sad as being pinched by small hands.

He can only do his best not to listen to such voices, nor to chase these illusions, but to look down at Teacher Xiaolu.

Teacher Xiaolu's entire body has been penetrated by this black silk thread, and it is full of holes.

These weird silk threads grew out of her blood like plant buds and filled the entire bathroom.

It penetrated her skin and got out, then got back into her body.

Sewing up her eyes, nose, and ears layer by layer, it looks like a tattered doll.

Squirming and taut.

As if to hang her in the air like a sinner.

By her side, Lu Xin saw familiar faces, the smiling faces of children in the former orphanage.


Lu Xin stood silently at the door for a long time before slowly moving forward.

He ignored these black threads, but his expression was a little sad.

In the entanglement of countless black silk threads, he gently leaned down, took the paper cutter in Teacher Xiaolu's hand, and threw it aside.

Then he took her by the waist and hugged her up.

The tears on Teacher Xiaolu’s face seemed to be a little unclear, and he suddenly struggled hard in Lu Xin’s arms. He yelled and beat Lu Xin’s shoulders and arms hard. There were countless black silk threads. It was as if he was crazy, surging around Lu Xin's body, climbing the entire office, filling the office with a fresh smell of blood.

Teacher Xiaolu's eyes, nose, and mouth have been sewn with black silk threads.

But in the entire office, UU reading www.uukā is full of crazy laughter, crying of pain, and chaos.

The children playing games around, the happy laughter, intertwined into a weird atmosphere, crowded this spacious office, at this moment, Lu Xin even felt as if he had entered a weird and distorted memory and mood. Extremely depressed.

But he still ignored all the weirdness and craziness around him, just put Teacher Xiaolu on the sofa.

From the office, I found a medicine box for the children to treat abrasions, cleaned her wounds, and wrapped her in gauze.

He didn't straighten up slightly until he had done all this.

After sweeping through scenes of unexplainable madness around him, he took a deep breath and suddenly screamed:

"Number eight, get out and see me!"

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