Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 724: I don’t want to destroy this world (4000 words)

Under the red moon, Red Moon Elementary School, principal's office.

After Mr. Deer finished speaking, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and her head was weakly lowered. Her wrist, where she was cut by the paper knife, even though it had been wrapped in thick gauze. The blood was oozing again, the gauze was soaked in the red color, and it looked a bit shocking, and the dim lights in the office became blurred and miserable again.

There was a grinning laugh, if not, it rang in the office.

In the dark shadows that cannot be illuminated by the surrounding lights, mysterious and weird figures began to appear one after another, with faces familiar to all three people present, running in the dark shadows, as if running in the sun. , They were laughing and playing around, and then they got closer and closer to Teacher Xiaolu, and their little hands stretched out from the back of the sofa and grabbed teacher Xiaolu's hair.

This makes it impossible to distinguish between true and false pictures and gives people a deep sense of guilt.

It was a kind of despair...

And Lu Xin stood alone in the office, his head kept low, as if he hadn't seen this scene.

"do not want…"

But at this moment, the eighth suddenly shouted in a low voice. .

His loud voice reverberated in the office, surrounding the blur and illusion of Teacher Xiaolu, and at this moment he backed slightly.

The eighth clenched her teeth and rushed to Teacher Xiaolu to help her dispel the confusion and unreal scattered mental power around her, and reminded her loudly: "Wake up, don't be overwhelmed by this guilt, this shouldn't be you Things to carry..."

There was nothing but sadness on Teacher Xiaolu's face.

The countdown in her pupils had returned to zero and turned into a terrible blood.

And in her eyes, there was actually a fast beating picture reflected.

That is a little girl with a ponytail, always akimbo, sunny and happy. She is energetic and brings a little bit of barbarism in the wild world. She has a sense of justice, but also always brings a little willingness to help others. The little overbearing and clever decision-making...

Teacher Xiaolu looked at the girl hatefully.

She is willing to kill herself in the past so that things will not go to where it is now...

"It shouldn't be like this..."

The eighth looked at the guilt and hatred in her eyes, becoming more and more intense, feeling her mental strength disintegrating step by step, and almost desperately shouted: "It's none of your business. It's him who killed people. Teacher, the old dean at the time..."

"What I thought was to try him first, and then try the old dean..."

"But why did you become you?"

"If this matter is yours in the end, what has become of what I am after?"


He shouted in despair, and even looked at Lu Xin who stood silently beside him with some imploring words.

But Lu Xin did not respond, nor did Teacher Xiaolu.

Everything is moving towards the point of irreversibility, a little closer, towards despair.


But at this moment, suddenly the door of the office was kicked open, and a silent figure stood in the corridor. As he walked into the office step by step, he saw that the man was actually the old security guard, and he was holding him. With a shotgun, his old face was full of anger and distortion. In the blood-red eyes, it seemed to be faintly visible, the corners of the eyes were a little moist, and he had cried not long ago.

"Don't you be like this in the first place?"

The old security guard saw the people in the office, especially the deer teacher who was lying on the sofa with despair in his eyes.

The gun in his hand was not pointed at Lu Xin, but suddenly pointed at Number 8.

The voice was low, but full of anger, and he said loudly: "You were like this when you were a kid."

"You like to sue this and that, is it because of good intentions?"

"No, it's just because you like to file complaints."

"This gives you a sense of superiority, and it can also make you the best-behaved and obedient child in the eyes of teachers."

"As for now..."

He suddenly clashed, pulled the bolt of the gun, loaded the bullet, and then withstood No. 8's head, and said viciously:

"Now also..."

"These two kids are not easy to live, it's the **** you, I feel like my wings are hard..."

"Just come over and point fingers?"


The appearance of the old security made No.8 plunged into a moment of confusion.

He seemed to see a familiar shadow, gradually overlapping with the face of the old security guard in front of him.

However, he has even been unable to discern who the old security guard is.

He seemed to have been exposed by the old security guard's words, the last fig leaf, and shamefully saw himself in childhood...

His lips moved, as if he wanted to say something.

However, when the words came to my lips, I felt so weak that I could only close my eyes.

Outside the elementary school, there are buildings with shadows.

I don't know when, many figures gradually appeared in the yard.

They were wearing black suits, carrying silver boxes in their hands, and walking slowly to the iron gate of the elementary school.

It is obvious that the iron gate has been locked tightly, and it is even connected to electricity, and some strange electronic devices are arranged around the gate and the school wall, but they still pass through the iron gate silently and arrive. Inside this small campus, quietly watching.

More and more people came in and almost filled the yard.

They all kept one movement, stood downstairs in the elementary school, quietly raised their heads and looked towards the third floor.

"Quick, let them go..."

The old security guard pulled his finger on the trigger, squeezed No. 8's forehead, and yelled angrily.


Number 8 said weakly: "I can't do it..."


Listening to his words, the old security guard burst into blue veins on his forehead, and he wanted to shoot directly.

But at this moment, Lu Xin suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed his gun body, and slowly lifted it up.

At this moment, Lu Xin didn't know what to say or what to do...

Teacher Xiaolu’s confession made him have a kind of unprepared collapse...

In fact, what Teacher Xiaolu said did not make much sense to the matter itself, but had an impact on her.

This is just her self-blame, making her voluntarily take all the faults to her.

Even No. 8 did not approve of this move.

However, in her self-blame, a truth was revealed.

This truth also didn't make much sense to the matter itself, but it had an impact on Lu Xin.

There are always small things that are meaningless to the world, but they have absolute and decisive significance to individuals.

How did that happen?

Obviously, this is the only person who believes in himself, and obviously this is the best friend who has been in a relationship since he was very young.

Because she believed in herself, she had the initial motivation, little by little, she became the kind of person she wanted to become. Even afterwards, she discovered that she actually had a certain misunderstanding about herself when she was a child, but I still believe her...

Even this misunderstanding has become a kind of motivation for oneself to work hard and "cure" oneself.

Until this moment, he didn't know that it was himself who had misunderstood.

Obscure, growth without direction, so much endurance and hard work, finally proved meaningless.

Everything is just based on lies...

How can I describe my mood at this time?


Or do you want to destroy everything?

Actually none, Lu Xin just felt tired for a moment.

I was so tired that I didn't even have the idea of ​​destroying this world.

What to destroy him, just leave him there, it has nothing to do with him anyway.

The huge panic and pressure that hadn't been felt for a long time appeared again.

And this time, it seemed even bigger and more terrifying, like a dark night that was not allowed to be rejected.

Lu Xin could only stand there quietly, letting the boundless darkness drown himself.

And he couldn't even produce the strength to resist.

Perhaps not resisting is the best way to make yourself comfortable.

Lu Xin, whose entire mind was occupied by this frustration, seemed to lose interest in everything.

Including Mr. Deer who was overwhelmed with guilt, and also the angry old security guard.

Until a gentle voice rang in your ears: "Are you really going to give up everything you have been looking for so long?"

Lu Xin looked up slightly and saw his mother.

It seems that he is no longer in the office of this elementary school, but returned to the old building.

He saw the elegant and considerate mother, standing in front of him, gently stretched out his hand, holding his palm, beside her, stood the timid sister, half of her body was hidden behind her mother , But the most thing in the eyes is not fear.

It's worry.

The father stood further away, seeming to want to say something, but he didn't dare to say it.

The appearance of his family made Lu Xin's heart tremble slightly, as if a lot of things he wanted to say came out of his heart.

But in the end, he could only say very simple words: "I'm sad."

"I know."

Mother nodded lightly, her voice soft, as if she was afraid of frightening Lu Xin at this time.

The younger sister by his side also nodded and nodded vigorously.

"Everyone has a time when they feel very tired."

Mother smiled and said: "I don't want to do anything, I don't want to care about anything, of course you can have it..."

"So, if you feel sad and tired now, then we don't care about anything. We will go home now, have a good meal, take a bath, and sleep. Everything else is It has nothing to do with us. We don’t need to carry these things all the time, it’s good to live well. Why can’t we make ourselves easier?"

"This world doesn't need a sad person to save..."



His mother's words made Lu Xin even have an urge to cry.

These words hit the most desired place in his heart.

He really didn't want to do anything, didn't care about anything, and didn't have any strength at all, but when his mother said these words gently, he felt that in his empty heart, he was faint and said no more. Something clear...

Let go of all this, go home, take a bath, and sleep well. It's really good.


He was silent, his body did not move, but whether he blamed himself on the deer teacher who was on the verge of collapse, the angry security guard, and the weak and frustrated number eight, and, he walked into the elementary school and came in groups, giving The law enforcement officers who brought great pressure to the people, and the pair of unknown origin in the air, but after opening them, the eyes that brought endless pressure to Qinggang were closed.

He could even feel the spiritual power of the doll clashing with the eyes in the sky.

Feel the chaos and tension caused by several cities in Qinggang...

The idea of ​​wanting to go home and have a good night's sleep is in sharp contrast to the chaotic situation in various cities now.

So he was silent for a long time in this interweaving and surging different emotions.

He whispered to his mother: "I'm still a bit unwilling..."

When he heard these words, whether it was his sister or the father behind, they were a little nervous and their eyes lit up.

Mother's expression became brighter, and then she became more patient and whispered: "What can't you be reconciled to?"

"a lot of…"

Lu Xin thought about it carefully.

He was also thinking, why is he not reconciled?

Historically speaking, the "truth" spoken by Teacher Xiaolu meant that he didn't need to appear in the first place.

I have been denied.

Now, not paying attention to anything, going back to sleep, is what I want most.

But there is always a trace of unwillingness in my heart, like a child who is trying to restore the last bit of dignity.

His mother's caring eyes gave him the courage to say this.

With very light strength, he whispered: "Because, things shouldn't be like this..."

Mother looked at Lu Xin with relief, and after a while, she gave him a light hug, and whispered, "Very good..."

"You have begun to feel your inner core..."


While talking, she lightly walked a few steps forward, stretched out her hand, and held the gun in the hand of the old security guard.

"Since it's not right, let things go back to where he should be..."

"We have this ability."



When the shotgun in the hands of the old security guard was held, the people present suddenly turned their heads and looked at Lu Xin at the same time.

In the dimly lit office, Lu Xin lowered his head, but was silent, but he gave people a strange feeling of weirdness and dislocation. He was clearly standing there, lonely, but the air around him kept appearing vaguely. The ripples make people feel tight...

When they were stunned, UU reading's words and gasping were suppressed, and they heard a small voice coming from Lu Xin's mouth.

This voice kept changing intonation, sometimes confused, sometimes gentle, and sometimes pinched like a little girl.

Repeated all kinds of words: "Yes, let's leave it alone. Just go back and sleep for a while?"

"But I'm a bit unwilling..."

"Why not reconciled?"

"Brother, come on!"

"Kill them, kill all these idiots who don't know anything..."

"Many, there are many things that I am unwilling to do. I don’t want to give up such a good life, and I don’t want to live alone anymore. Just like before, I don’t like those people and don’t care about them, but only myself is left. At the time, in my heart..."

"...So sad!"

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