Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 725: This world is too imperfect

Regarding Lu Xin’s chaotic and disorderly chattering as if it were a dream talk, whether it was the eighth or the old security guard, the Adam’s apple couldn't help but move and felt an unprecedented sense of chaos. They watched the landing nervously. Xin, even forgot what he was arguing just now, or even the law enforcement officers outside the small building, only feeling a kind of primitive fear rising from the bottom of his heart.

Even the little deer on the sofa was attracted by Lu Xin at this time and opened his eyes weakly.

The phrase "sad" in Lu Xin's mouth fell into her ears, and suddenly made her body tremble uncontrollably.


The old security guard was holding the gun by Lu Xin and felt the shotgun in his hand, as if he was alive and uncontrolled.

Although he was quite sure that he had no malice against Lu Xin this time, he was on the same front as him.

But still couldn't help feeling the fear.

He wanted to ask something, or explain something, but when he uttered the first word, he found his voice trembling sharply. .

"What you are discussing now is so boring..."

Lu Xin held the shotgun in one hand and cast a look at them.

In response to this look, whether it was No. 8 or the old security guard, he couldn't help but tremble. This look was very shrewd and sharp. It seemed that there was a power to see through the heart, but it appeared on Lu Xin's face again. Out of place and surprised, he suddenly realized that when Lu Xin said these words, he was no longer speaking in the tone he usually speaks.

"Obviously everything is under the control of others, but you are vying to take up this responsibility..."

Lu Xin smiled slightly, his tone was full of contempt and teasing. First, he looked at Number Eight and said softly:

"Don't you know that you have always been ridiculous?"

"Including your boss, so is the guy who calls himself a swordsman."

"He has never been a judge, he just..."

While talking, he raised his other hand, pointed his head, and said, "His executioner."

"He thought he could have authority, but he didn't know that he was born incapable of being a master."


As he spoke, there was even a sneer in his eyes: "You, law enforcement officers included, have all become jokes."

"Because of what you call a trial, the source of power is not a trial."

"Everyone thinks they have the ability to judge other people's right or wrong, but in reality, it's just a kind of prejudice."

"You evaluate, you accuse, you vent, but there is no trial."

"Because you are derived from this essence, there are only two ways for you to successfully judge others."


It can be clearly seen that Lu Xin had a mocking smile on his face at this time, lightly expressing the essence of the midnight court.

"One is that if your strength is strong enough, you can pollute others with an overwhelming advantage, completely control his spirit, and then take out criminal evidence from his mouth and force him to defy the law. It's like you usually hate someone, and It happens that there is enough power to execute your hatred and disgust, erase the person you think is wrong from the world, or do harm."


"The other is that the other party actively confessed his guilt, so that he will take the initiative to accept your pollution."

"It's also because your trial is essentially a pollution, so once the contract is reached, you can't violate this result yourself. It's like your words are trying to cause harm to others, and it really pierced the pain points of those people's hearts. ."

"But it's ridiculous that those who confess guilt on the initiative, but often those who still retain kindness in their hearts and who tend to blame themselves."


His smile was suddenly full of irony: "Are you bullying honest people?"


Lu Xin's words were quick, with a sneer on his face, and his words stung the eighth like a needle.

No. 8 was originally confused and painful, and because of the changes in Lu Xin's body, he had a strange horror. But when Lu Xin quickly broke the essence of their trial in a sharp way, he still became angry. , It was a kind of anger that his beliefs were questioned, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Lu Xin hard, and exclaimed: "No, what you said is not right..."

"What we pursue is fairness, and we judge those who have escaped their sins..."

"Our job is to give the weak souls in this world a little last comfort..."

"In this world, someone needs to stand up..."

"Otherwise, I will stay in silence and darkness forever..."


"There really should be someone in this world."

The ridicule on Lu Xin's face was thicker, and he said coldly: "But unfortunately, this world is too imperfect."

"The victim is imperfect, unlike to get your perfect sympathy, and the perpetrator is imperfect and cannot bear your perfect anger."

"How can you pretend your perfect sense of justice in such an imperfect world?"

"According to your logical judgment, it was originally just a mechanical pollution, and there has never been any sin or good..."

"So your so-called pursuit of justice is just harvesting souls and satisfying a little sense of superiority by the way..."

"You are not judging those who have escaped their sins."

"You only judge people who are weaker than you, or kind people."

The more he speaks, the sharper his voice becomes, like a sword that has cut open the heart of No. 8, and he needs to shine a little bit in the sun to check the imperfect part of the heart, just like Mr. Xiaolu smashing his past. , Confess all the dark thoughts in my heart.

"Even you know that he is not the culprit of the orphanage."

"If you have to find a culprit, it is the old dean."

"However, you dare not go to the old dean. You even temporarily convinced yourself that he saved your life and saved many other children in the orphanage, so he was not so evil. Let yourself, temporarily endure the hatred for him."

"You come here first to find..."

As he said, he raised his hand again, pointed his head, and said at the same time: "It's because he is relatively weaker."

"He is weaker and possesses the power you envy, so you have to judge him first, and then seize his spiritual power."

"Only by taking away his spiritual power can you dare to think about the trial of the old dean."

"But what has become of this?"

"In order to reach another trial, this trial must be executed?"

"see it?"

"Your trial is not pure at all..."



The more he said, the thicker the smile on his face became, and he seemed to be looking at a particularly funny joke:

"Even you know it yourself?"

"Pursuing fairness in order to reach a trial, and pursuing a trial for fairness, the results are completely different."

"If you really want to be judged, then you should judge everyone equally according to a uniform standard. This is called fairness, but when you can only judge people who are weaker than you, you acquiesce in letting go of all those who are stronger than you. , And also let go of a group of people who have done wrong but never thought they were wrong. Your fairness has been compromised, and it is no longer fair..."


When he said this, his face was full of contempt and cynicism, and he whispered the answer:

"A trial that can't judge everyone, it should have been judged..."



No. 8's face has become abnormally pale, cold sweat shed layer by layer.

His face was full of reluctance to admit, and words that wanted to refute kept rushing to his throat.

However, every sentence vanished in smoke just before it was spoken.

Because he realized that these words were also powerless, and the other party's questions could not be answered at all.

He didn't know who was talking at this time.

But the other party's understanding of power seems to be different from him.


At this moment, the eyes in the air suddenly became clearer, and the blood flowed down with the light.

The entire Qinggang was shaking with tremendous spiritual power, and the glass on the windows of the teaching building suddenly appeared cracks.

In the yard, a group of law enforcement officers also raised their heads to look at the eyes in the sky, and then unified their postures, raised their wrists, and looked at the time. They all seemed to know that the countdown had already been zero, but there were still people who had not been tried. , So they could no longer wait for the eighth upstairs, but walked forward at the same time, dense ripples appeared in the air around the teaching building.

Upstairs, sensing the presence of law enforcement, Lu Xin finally smiled and gave up the torture of No. 8.

Then, he turned slightly and looked at Teacher Xiaolu.

When Mr. Xiaolu cast Lu Xin's eyes, she backed away subconsciously. Many times before, she would say that Lu Xin is not the Lu Xin she had seen before, but she knew in her heart that Lu Xin had always been Lu Xin. , He has never changed...

But at this moment, she really found that Lu Xin seemed to be a different person.

She almost blushed on her face, reluctantly explaining: "I understand..."

"I should also be judged..."

"At the beginning, I was not so kind, and... I shouldn't accept your thanks for so many years..."


Listening to her words, a smile slowly appeared on Lu Xin's face.

He whispered: "You did have some careful thoughts and small emotions back then, but I still want to thank you..."

"I didn't forget to bring... him when I ran away."


After a pause, his voice at UU Reading www.uukā also became softer, and his voice tended to change back to its original state. He whispered softly, "But you don’t have to blame yourself, even if it’s not 100% kindness, you have done something. Good things are also worthy of thanks."

"It's like if you don't hold malicious intentions, but you cause harm to others, you must be punished."


His voice became thicker and more natural. In the end, his eyes were clear and he nodded gently:

"I don't like you that much anymore."

"However, I still won't let anyone judge you, including yourself."


As he spoke, he walked slowly forward, and said the last sentence to the old security guard:

"Go and plug those children's ears."

"At a young age, you shouldn't have seen such a **** scene..."

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