Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 726: Who can judge me?

"It's time to pay your price..."

When Lu Xin turned slightly and looked at the law enforcement officers full of the courtyard, a soft voice rang.

The voice was soft, but crowded, because countless people spoke at the same time, using a rhythm that was as neat as a ruler. It's not a sound in reality, it's more like an auditory hallucination that is suddenly heard on the spiritual level.

It rushed towards the teaching building like a tide, and it trembled at the same time as the mental power of Teacher Xiaolu in all directions.

"You used to kill the children in the orphanage because of your selfishness and vanity."

"They opened their weak eyes and fell to death in a pool of blood."

"Now you can only pay the price, in exchange for their rest, and also in exchange for your inner peace..."

"Have you heard their call?"


When a piece of similar sound echoed in this small teaching building at the same time, Mr. Deer’s body was already unstoppable twitching. It was a kind of mental stress that was so great that it affected his own nervous system. Reaction. .

Her pupils were slightly enlarged, and the distant scene was reflected in her eyes.

The entire office, or the entire orphanage, appeared one after another, blurry and weird figures.

They clapped their hands, and happily jumped through the walls and windows in the air in the corridors of each floor of the teaching building.

"Little baby, play house."

"You spread the table and I arrange flowers."

"Look, see, he's here, everyone together..."


"Little Wawa, run away."

"Take that monster."

"It's bad, bad, he's angry, everyone laughs together haha..."


This seemingly true or false, as if covering a nightmare in reality.

Let everyone be born a strong depression, and there is a sad feeling of guilt in it.

Because this was originally an emotion, an emotion reflected from Teacher Xiaolu, she originally had a strong guilt about the past, which was reflected in the reality, and now she has been affected by the power of judgment and has reached the edge of losing control.

Lu Xin frowned in this layer of illusion.

Even the corners of his mouth were twitching lightly, but he resisted, motionless.

Until the old security guard was already in the illusion, staggering, rushed to the west side of the first floor, the children's dormitory.

He just breathed out softly and suddenly raised his head.


His shadow suddenly spread out from under his feet like a tide.

As if from the third floor, a black spring water appeared in an instant, and it kept pouring out, and then it flowed down the teaching building layer by layer. All the illusions disappeared wherever it passed, the child. The gibbering voice was silently swallowed.

Lu Xin turned around and saw his mother, she was walking forward lightly.

From her small shoulder bag, she slowly took out a pair of scissors.

Her shadow kept dispersing, the same grace and gentleness, but instantly appeared in different positions in the teaching building.

Some were in the corridor, some were at the door, some were in a dark room, and some appeared behind the law enforcement officers.

"Compared to the guy holding the balloon and wearing the crown, you look more like a clown..."

Countless mothers showed mocking smiles at the same time.

Click, click, click...

Then at the same time, I don't know how many scissors were opened and closed.

One after another, the law enforcement officers were wearing neat suits, ties, shiny leather shoes, and their hair was not messed up. They filled the entire yard, and they had begun to enter the teaching building from all directions, preparing to execute the trial against Mr. Deer. .

But at the same time, the body suddenly froze like a projection of unstable electric current.

Immediately afterwards, their bodies dissipated and then went out.

It's like a TV picture with a wire cut off.

In a moment, the noise of children inside and outside the teaching building, as well as the crowded law enforcement officers, all disappeared.

"The power of father and mother is still very strong..."

Lu Xin sighed in a low voice, sighed with emotion, and then saw his sister next to him.

My sister hid behind the sofa, her small body curled up into a ball, and she peeked at teacher Xiaolu.

When the kid’s hooting sounded just now, neither his mother nor his father were affected. Although Lu Xin was affected, he endured it. Compared with that, the one who was most affected was the younger sister. Her face was leaking. She shed tears and kept wiping it.

Lu Xin wanted to get out of the room, but stopped.

After a little thought, he came to his sister, touched her little head lightly, and said, "You go back first."

"Wait for me at home."


My sister's eyes widened slightly, and she looked at Lu Xin a little bit incomprehensibly.

Lu Xin nodded to her lightly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely take care of the matter."

"Trust me?"


The younger sister hesitated for a while, then nodded heavily.

Lu Xin laughed and held his sister's little hand. With her sister's strength, his body suddenly became extremely flexible. He quickly got out of the window and stepped on the wall for a few steps, cleverly coming. Upon reaching the roof of the teaching building, he stood up straight.

Then he let go of his sister's hand and watched her quickly run towards the old building. I ran a long way and looked back at myself.


Lu Xin looked around after watching his sister leave.

This is a villa area, and the surrounding buildings are mostly short, and Lu Xin's vision can be opened to a large extent.

So, he happened to see that there were already many law enforcement agents that my mother eliminated just now, but now, there are countless law enforcement agencies around the villa, on the trails, on the roof of the building, even in the windows, in the glass, underground, and in the distance. The figure of the person rushed over.

It was a bright-eyed person wearing a black suit and carrying a silver suitcase.

They were densely packed, appeared from all directions, and walked towards the elementary school.

It seems that the entire Satellite City No. 2 has been filled with such law enforcement agents, and the shadows are all of them.

At the same time, he heard the noise of children playing around again.

There is also that song that sounds far away and can always touch my heart.

It seems that it is Mr. Deer downstairs. The mental strength has been increased again. He has just been eliminated by his father with the power of fear. The weird and guilt-filled illusion, like a wildfire that has not been extinguished, is slowly again. Burned up.

However, this time, it is no longer even spread to the entire elementary school, but spread to the entire Qinggang.

The misty breath enveloped the entire Qinggang, and there were such illusions everywhere.

They seemed to be all locked in a memory full of guilt.

"It is very difficult to save a person who has pleaded guilty before a conviction."

One of his mother's figures appeared next to Lu Xin, side by side with him, and looked at the dense shadows of law enforcers around him, sensing the unstable mental power of Teacher Xiaolu below, and quietly explained: "After pleading guilty, she I am a part of the source of pollution. That kind of constant guilt and self-blame will continue to torment her and affect her surroundings."

"So, it's difficult to save her without hurting her."

"This is the power of judgment."

"Other people's accusations are just someone else's business, but when you are also moved by this accusation, it becomes two people's business. A unified logic is formed between each other, and the two forces form a cycle. It makes unilateral accusations. , It has become a trial of both parties."

"You can't let a person not blame themselves."

"Kindness is a beautiful quality, but you must also admit that this is a person's greatest weakness."

"Because it often means that you are too harsh on yourself."


Lu Xin nodded and said, "I don't quite understand."

"I just want to know how to get rid of these annoying things."


Mom couldn't help laughing silently, and then said: "The power of judgment is superimposed."

"Just as you are facing now, it is a world-class S-level pollution incident by the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute."

"I can only tell you that it is almost impossible to eliminate these law enforcers by violent means, because you have no idea how many trials they have executed, and every time they execute a trial, they will harvest a mutant spirit. body."

"The trial will engulf all the souls that have been hurt by them, and make this soul a part of them..."

"This is why the Midnight Court was classified as S-level pollution."

"At the current level, you can even understand that you are fighting against half of the world..."


Lu Xin said: "It's terrible!"

Mom gave him a deep look, trying to say something, and then held back.

After a pause, he said, "But you must also know that as a person with zero ability, tolerance has always been your greatest advantage."

"Being able to carry such a terrible thing to grow up to now, others seem to worry about your vulnerability and inadequacy, but from another level, you have the strongest bearing capacity in the world, because you have indeed been able to bear it. …"

"You can live, is the greatest thing."


Lu Xin watched, those law enforcement officers had already come to the side of the elementary school, and the illusion of Teacher Xiaolu was getting bigger and bigger.

On the campus below, my father was spinning around anxiously, as if he wanted to remind the two people on the roof, but he didn't dare.

"So, UU reading finds their logical chain and destroys it by bearing?"

Lu Xin, who had received advanced training and received a diploma, quickly understood what his mother meant.

Mother nodded gently: "Be careful, this is the greatest test of your humanity."

"Just like, not everyone dares to let others evaluate their lives."

Lu Xin was silent for a while, then nodded, barely showing a smile on his face, and said, "I'm not afraid."

"After all, I am honest and diligent, work hard, obedient and responsible."

"Who can blame me?"


Mother took another deep look at him, and suddenly smiled: "Think of it this way, that's right..."

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