Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 727: Trial invasion

When Lu Xin finished saying this, the black law enforcement officers had already arrived around the elementary school.

They all seem to know what happened in elementary school just now, and they also know how many companions they had. They just disappeared in this elementary school, but there is no fear or retreat on their faces. If you look closely, every one of them His expressions all seemed proud and confident, just like when Lu Xin first saw No.8, he felt that he was right, so he was fearless.

Lu Xin jumped high directly from the three-story teaching building.


Without the help of his sister, Lu Xin jumped heavily and knelt on one knee.

The father beside him couldn't help but frown.

Then... Lu Xin also squatted on the ground for a while, then slowly got up, limping towards the gate of the elementary school.

Facing the dark crowd outside the elementary school, he calmly said:


"As the temporary substitute teacher for this elementary school and the head of this building, I don't allow you to come in..."

"I now formally warn you."

"If you just want to break into here, and try to be unkind to the people inside, then I will kill you..."

"No one can save that kind!"



Even in such a tit-for-tat, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became quieter.

These executors didn't seem to expect Lu Xin's final warning, but it was...

...So reasonable.

However, it was only a little startled, and they rushed forward at the same time.

"The trial cannot be rejected..."

The movements are neat, and the mental power has affected the air, as if layer upon layer of ripples have appeared, and at the same time they are rushing towards the elementary school.

Not everyone chooses to go to the front door.

With Teacher Xiaolu as the center point, they seem to be able to access her in any way.

Whether it's reality, or the mirrors, doors and windows, or even dreams and illusions beside Teacher Xiaolu.

If you want to describe it, it is a "logical chain."

The pollution has already formed, so they can follow the logical chain and approach her in all sorts of seemingly unbelievable ways.

However, when they approached Teacher Xiaolu through various methods, the first one to take the shot was their mother.

She smiled and stood on the top of the building looking at these executors who flocked to Teacher Xiaolu in all directions. Her eyes seemed to be looking for something in this group. In the next moment, her figure appeared in various places, and some were In front of the mirror, some are at the corner of a certain staircase, some are next to the high wall of the elementary school, and some are next to Teacher Xiaolu, in a certain illusion of her.

She appeared in the logic chain of Teacher Xiaolu, blocking all the executors.

The clicking sound of the scissors cut in this Red Moon elementary school, intertwined into the sound of melodious music.

The disappearance of individual executives also made this group feel dangerous.

The road was blocked.

Only the door of the Red Moon Elementary School is left. You can enter it and get close to the person being judged.

And Lu Xin stood by the door of Red Moon Elementary School, a little further in.

He calmly watched these pouring in from outside, as if endless executors, the black particles in his eyes trembled slightly.

I am a substitute teacher in the elementary school and the head of this villa, so of course I have the right to stop them.

They insisted on breaking into the elementary school and defending themselves. What's wrong with them?

So, when he watched the executor come to the door of the elementary school without moving, and crossed that line.

He suddenly raised his head, and his left hand was covered with black particles and turned into pure black.


Reaching forward, he did not hesitate to grab the first executor who entered the Red Moon Elementary School.

The executor suddenly raised his head, as if he had made some resistance.

But Lu Xin ignored him. The moment his left hand covered with black particles touched him, he already penetrated his body, and the movement did not stop, penetrated him, and caught the second person behind him to enter elementary school. The executor of pierced the second one again, caught the third one, and then the fourth...Four people were strung on Lu Xin's arm.

In the next moment, their bodies trembled violently at the same time, and then they collapsed suddenly, turning into scattered mental power.

Another moment, Lu Xin's right hand suddenly turned pale, with a nail in his palm. He grabbed his right hand outwards and broke through the chest of one of the law enforcement officers, but when the palm was retracted, it was empty. ,nothing.

These people are heartless.


Lu Xin suddenly felt funny.

A group of heartless people are on trial, which makes him seem to have seen a joke.

Amidst the laughter, he saw that more and more executors had already squeezed into the elementary school, and the crowds were crowded.

So he suddenly turned his head and glanced at his father, then turned around again and looked at these executors.

Father had long understood that he was behind Lu Xin in an instant.

Suddenly, a piece of black shadows rose up, like a huge black cloak drifting around Lu Xin, swiftly rippling towards the surrounding like a thick night, instantly covering a large area of ​​black clothes. Law enforcement.

Like boiling water poured into the snow.

I don't know how many black law enforcement officers were engulfed in black shadows, instantly distorted, and then dissipated.

The densely packed crowd in front of me decreased sharply, and only a few people were left. They tried their best to hold the shadow and were not swept away in an instant. These are the real people among the countless black law enforcement officers, not twisted. Mental body.

They actually held up their father's power, as if they had no fear in their hearts.

Lu Xin sneered at them. In the black shadow, violently trembling black particles were instantly agitated and crushed towards them.

As a result, the people who had already supported the black shadows began to disappear one by one quickly.

The black particles quickly corroded their bodies with an absolutely terrifying posture.

At this moment, Lu Xin stood at the door of the elementary school, watching the surrounding figures melt in the black shadows.

There was only a sneer on his face.




"The devil who regards human life as a game..."

Looking at the law enforcement officers who were blocking the door of the elementary school, surrounded by law enforcement officers of the same kind who kept melting, shouted in a low voice.

"You also need to be judged!"

At the same time, they opened their mouths uniformly and drank uniformly to Lu Xin.

At the same time, they squeezed forward densely with Red Moon Elementary School as the center.

Like being manipulated by a mysterious force, suddenly the body shapes are intertwined, forming an interpenetration and gathering between each other. They are clearly dressed in a uniform black suit with silver suitcases in their hands, but because of some different natures, they become Different groups.

It's like different chess pieces standing on the chessboard.

One of the groups, standing to the left of Lu Xin, stretched out his fingers neatly towards Lu Xin at the entrance of the elementary school.



At this moment, Lu Xin's vision suddenly went out of alignment, and the picture in front of him appeared instantaneously dim and bright again.

His vision is no longer complete, all he sees is a single finger.

These fingers stirred his mind with strange power, making him feel like the world is spinning.

When his vision was restored again, a ghost appeared in front of his eyes.

Those law enforcement officers one after another, shaking the same and different faces, originally gave him only an indescribable sense of disgust, and just wanted to clean them up. But when this feeling of dizziness appeared, he suddenly had an illusion.

To these people, he lost his hostility.

Originally, he hated these people, but now, he has surprisingly discovered that each of them has a special face.

I am willing to believe that they are good people just based on this first meeting.

Believe that they will not do bad things, and that they will not hurt themselves or the people around them.

This caused him to grit his teeth and slow down his mercilessly cleaning them.

How can you kill a good person?


"Why stop?"

The roar of his father awakened Lu Xin's consciousness.

Have you been influenced by others?

He quickly analyzed it, and perception is the first level of human contact with the real world.

Long-term subconscious experience will allow oneself to judge the nature of the other party.

But just now, there was a mistake in his perception of judgment.

I regard these enemies as good people and have an indescribable affection for them.

What kind of ability is this?



The influence of the invasion of trial power on the level of human perception: Department of Photographers.

Through the influence on human perception, let him see what he wants him to see, and ignore what he doesn't want him to see.

Adjust and focus on what it perceives, so that the other party’s basic perception will cause errors.

The other party thinks he has seen everything, but in fact he has already been biased.

It can make people suddenly hate a certain life, and it can also eliminate his hatred.

Another application is that you can pass in front of people without being discovered.

Originally, Lu Xin was able to dilute the impact of this level of ability quickly with his own powerful mental power. However, the number of law enforcement officers was almost endless, and the continuous misleading of Lu Xin produced a powerful force. Effect.



Before Lu Xin's analysis came to a result, another completely different feeling flooded into his heart.

In front of him, the second group opened their mouths at the same time and kept opening and closing.

No sound came out, but Lu Xin's ears suddenly filled with countless sounds.

"You are not right..."

"you are wrong……"

"It's problematic for you to think like this..."


This kind of sound was so dense that it got into my ears like a bug, stirring my mind.

Before Lu Xin's eyes, he even felt that those people were blurred.

All he could see was the mouths that kept closing, like black holes.

Because of the good feeling at that glance, he had a violent emotional reaction. He was full of anger and wanted to clean up these people, but now, this anger has disappeared, and replaced by a strong happy mood. mood.

Everything around me, all the time, no longer affects my emotions, but it is very low.

Lu Xin is now strongly affected by this emotion, but he realizes that his current emotions have been misplaced.

When I faced my opponent, I actually felt intense happiness, as if I was facing the person closest to me. I knew that I should clean up the law enforcement on the opposite side as soon as possible, but when I shot it, it looked like the opposite. Human, like a gecko...

So it took him more than a second before he started.

During the battle, more than one second of hesitation was enough to cause great problems.



The influence of the invasion of judgment power on the emotional level of people: the editor department.

This is a manifestation of the power of judgment that further pollutes the individual, which can cause his emotions to be misplaced.

It can make him furious, and it can ruin the other person's mood instantly.

The most powerful performance is to take the other party's emotions in his own hands, make him happy when he is happy, and angry when he is angry.



Affected by the two forces, Lu Xin himself was already in extreme chaos.

He gritted his teeth slightly, raised his head suddenly, and saw a strange scene.

The third group of law enforcement officers has actually come before him.

They were divided into two groups, one in their left ear and the other in their right ear.

At the same time, he raised his hand to cover his mouth, and kept instilling words in his ears.

At this moment, all kinds of weird thoughts suddenly appeared in Lu Xin's mind.

He was deeply disgusted with everything he was doing now, he was clearing the actions of these law enforcement officers, and a strong desire surged in his heart. He didn't want to stop them, but wanted to join them and follow them. Of the law.

Why is he standing on the opposite side of them?

This is simply the most shameless thing in the world.



Under the ultimate judgment, the third level of ability is the seeding system.

Turn your opinion into a seed, plant it into the other's heart, and grow quickly.

It makes the polluted people have desires and motivations that they didn't have.

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