Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 728: The true trial of strength

This was the first time that Lu Xin felt the influence of such different abilities.

He has dealt with many special pollution incidents, and he has also experienced battles with people of different abilities, large and small.

But this time, it seems to be completely different from before.

For the first time, he felt a kind of power, from shallow to deep, penetrating himself little by little.

This made him suddenly think of a combination of abilities that the old dean had spoken with the help of Professor Bai in the previous training class. Combining the abilities in the same group, he could exert his strength in a unified and orderly manner, and form a combination of abilities. The power of ordinary people.

Now, is this what I have encountered?

As he thought about it, the group of law enforcement officers, in front of him, changed their combination like a dream.

Lu Xin saw them and stood in a row in front of him, with all the silver suitcases in his hand opened. . Everyone is holding a book in their hands. These books were originally blank, but when my eyes fell on the books, I saw different contents appearing on the pages of these books. On every page, a past self appeared, doing different things.

In his mind, unexpectedly out of control, he recalled his life.

From the time he was curious about everything in the orphanage, to meeting Mr. Xiaolu, pretending to be alive as a normal person, to leaving the orphanage, to taking part in the work, he felt that he was working hard and had already done so hard. It's the best I think.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a strong denial of his past.

Everything you do is wrong, right?

Why should I stay in the company to work honestly?

Why should I accept the recruitment of the Special Clearance Department?

How could I accept red envelopes so comfortably?

The influence of the power of judgment on the level of people's understanding is tortured.

Denying all the persistence and principles of oneself in the past produces deep self-blame and regret, and further denies oneself.

Under the influence of this ability, Lu Xin instantly fell into deep self-doubt.

Obviously I didn't feel there was any problem before, but now, the scenes are surging up, making myself ashamed.

As if the secret that I tried to hide was discovered.

He felt that every step he had made in the past was wrong.

My previous persistence was so ashamed and ridiculous, I should abandon the past and become a new me...

You shouldn't receive red envelopes or commissions.

The idea that I like money so much is a particularly bad habit.

If I made money that I shouldn’t make, should I return all the money...

...Should not.

Shaking his head vigorously, Lu Xin regained consciousness.

He opened his eyes abruptly and cast a hateful look at the law enforcement who had exerted the power of judgment on the face of him. His pale right hand slammed forward, holding the black nail in his hand, fiercely. Grabbed the person's heart.


But after Lu Xin took the shot, he suddenly felt severe pain in his heart.

He suddenly lowered his head, only to realize that his right hand had not caught the opposite body, but had caught his own heart.

With such force, he almost pulled out his heart.

What is this ability?

It was also at this time that the law enforcement community was also taken aback.

They didn't expect the step-by-step influence of their ability. It was originally very smooth, but unexpectedly something went wrong at this step.

What is the torture?

It made him feel a great resistance all of a sudden, and almost made the previous efforts in vain.

But fortunately, the power of the fifth level had successfully invaded Lu Xin's spirit at this moment and affected his instinct.

The influence of the power of judgment on the level of human instinct is related to the executioner.

Strong guilt and self-denial affect the deep subconscious of the individual.

One's own will to die has begun to affect the will to live, and the two severely divided are beginning to ebb and flow.

There was already a part of Lu Xin's body that wanted to kill himself.

I am fighting myself...

Lu Xin gasped deeply, gritted his teeth, kept himself awake, and paid attention to his every movement.

His power was still strong, and he looked at the law enforcers around him fiercely. The shadow around him suddenly rose up and covered the past forward, but when the shadow was about to cover the law enforcers on the opposite side, suddenly Stopped abruptly.

Father's voice sounded nervously:

"Are you crazy?"

"Why are you polluting yourself?"


It wasn't until he heard his father's voice that Lu Xin woke up suddenly.

It turned out that the black shadow was floating in front of him, almost swallowing himself.

The influence of the power of judgment on instinct has reached an incredible level, and I can't even tell whether every seemingly normal reaction has been distorted, it seems to be an attack on the opponent, but it is an impact. Own.

The world around is constantly changing, and it is no longer possible to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

Only in his own body, that kind of weird thoughts and power kept rising.

Lu Xin didn't know that at this time, he had pressed his right hand with his left hand, and stood quietly on the spot, his body trembling constantly.


In the palm of his right hand, the place pierced by the nail suddenly began to bleed, and the blood kept dripping to the ground.

Then in the place where the blood dripped, filaments began to appear. These filaments grew like plant shoots, entangled from his legs, pierced into his skin, and pierced out again. , As if weaving a layer of weird plants...


Lu Xin's eyes opened suddenly, bloodshot inside, squirming constantly, as if he wanted to knit into a number.

In the distance, the black law enforcement officers have been quiet.

They lined up in a row, watching Lu Xin indifferently and solemnly, without any movement.

Under their gaze, small packets suddenly appeared on Lu Xin's skin.

It seemed that there was a hand in it, pushing it up.

Immediately, many such drum kits appeared, some even formed the shape of a small hand, as if there was one, no, it was countless little people, struggling and angry in Lu Xin's body, trying to tear him. His skin came out of his body...

Seeing this scene, all the black law enforcement officers slowly showed a smile on their faces.

The influence of the power of judgment on the level of human memory: the cage system.

The cognition has been wrong, and the self in the memory is all wrong.

Every one of me in my memory has done an unforgivable wrong, which is in sharp contrast with the self at this time.

As a result, he was trapped in a cage of memory weaving, unable to extricate himself from it.

"it's time…"

Looking at Lu Xin's body, constantly being propped up in various weird shapes, smiles appeared on the faces of these black-clothed executives.

The trial was successful.

Even if the person in front of him is like a devil, under the power of judgment, he is still successfully trapped in the memory cage.

Now, you only need to perform the last step.

One of the law enforcement officers spoke, and then all the law enforcement officers made a uniform movement.

They stretched out their hands, entered the inside of the suit, and slowly took out a sword.

Exquisite, with red gems on the hilt and fine lines on the body of the sword, like a sword of art.

They didn't do anything else, just took out the sword.

Hold it gently in your hand.

At the next moment, Lu Xin suddenly raised his head. In the blood-colored eyes, the blood vessels had changed to the extreme, and the invisible mental force field appeared. Suddenly, these swords flew up one by one and came to him. He raised his hand and held it...

Holding one handle, one handle pierced into his body.

Then the next handle, and then the next handle.

One sword after another, continuously pierced his body, piercing him like a hedgehog.

Watching this scene, the faces of the law enforcement officers were already showing triumphant smiles.

The influence of the power of judgment on the seventh level, the self, the name of the ability: the sword of judgment.

At this level of pollution, Lu Xin had already formed the strongest opposition to himself in his memory.

As a result, he began to use the swords in the hands of these law enforcement officers to pierce into the body and kill one after another in the past.

When he started to completely kill the past self, then he would completely destroy the "self".

"what are you doing…"

The father was yelling, and the shadow kept sweeping up, trying to stop Lu Xin at this time, but he was powerless to struggle.

These swords pierced Lu Xin's body, as if nailing him.

He even began to look at his mother for help, asking her to help Lu Xin at this time.

However, mother was not far away, she watched quietly, but did not stop.

"elder brother…"

There was a small figure who jumped to his mother's side, a younger sister who was not willing to leave.

She looked worriedly at Lu Xin who had pierced herself into a hedgehog, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, what will happen?"

"Before the birth of the true spiritual core, there will always be such a baptism."

The mother replied softly: "Self-denial, self-judgment, the more thorough the trial, the more clearly you can see yourself. Some people collapse completely after self-judgment, and some people can find their true self after such a trial. ."

As she said, she also sighed softly and said:

"We can take on a lot of things for him, but in the end, he still needs to bear it on his own."

"I think this is the real trial of strength..."

"The trial fails and kills humanity."

"If the trial is successful, he has truly become..."


"Yes, UU reading is the essence of the trial of strength."

It was also at this time that the old dean in the jeep got out of the car.

He vigorously looked in the direction of Qinggang, even slightly raised his hands, using gestures to express his inner excitement:

"The trial of strength is not a trial of his own strength."

"His power comes from the **** who polluted him in the first place. Who would be so boring trying to test the power of God?"

"There is no doubt about the power of God, it is inherently unlimited."

"The test we have to do is just a test of pressure..."

"See if he can withstand this pressure and truly bear his divinity..."

"This is the true meaning of the trial of strength..."

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