Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 733: Fantasy king's power

When the ordinary pollution logic chain begins to lose its function, there is only one way to continue pollution.

Real spiritual forces collide.

In other words, this is also the most powerful way of pollution beyond the logical chain. In addition to specific sources of pollution, only monsters beyond the third step can be displayed, a kind of "field" through mental power. To carry out pollution.

It's like an interrogation in a midnight court.

In addition to the active confession of the other party, there is another way to make him confess his guilt, that is, to force a conviction.

Outside the wilderness, the red moon looked extremely bright at this moment.

Hanging high in the air, shining on the ground, even the pair of "eyes" in the air became a bit dim. .

On the heads of countless executioners, the huge statues that seem to be true and imaginary, pulled out the heavy rusty sword inserted on the ground, and then held it with one hand, pointing far to the Qinggang-2 satellite city, and also to the Red Moon Elementary School. Lu Xin, teacher Xiaolu, and number eight.

With this action, the surrounding air seemed to have dozens of times heavier.

The fine ripples shuddered and swayed forward layer by layer.


In Lu Xin's perspective, following the rust sword pointed at him.

The earth suddenly began to roll over, and then black wooden frames broke through the soil.

Each of these wooden frames was more than a hundred meters high, and suddenly appeared on the ground in the wilderness.

On each wooden frame, there are countless ropes hanging down, and on the ropes, one after another dense "people" hangs.

Like the fruit on the top of the tree, swinging weakly in the air.

This kind of wooden frame has been drilled out of the ground, extending into a long high wall, pointing directly to the No. 2 Satellite City.

The densely packed people hanging on the wooden frame began to fall from above one by one.

Every one that fell was a spiritual body. After these spiritual bodies landed, black silk threads squirmed and entangled on their bodies, turning them into the appearance of an executor in a suit and leather. The satellite city came.

Densely dense, like the ocean.

"Those are souls that have been judged by it."

His mother appeared next to Lu Xin and explained softly: "The soul that was tried by him did not disappear, but was hung on the execution frame by it. It became part of the power it can drive, and it also became the execution. The executioner of its will."

"Just like the law requires successful cases to show its majesty."

"Midnight court also needs such a soul to ensure that the people on trial feel fear."

"Of course, just like the impact of the tide, it will always spread to all directions. The impact of the ultimate level of power will also affect everything around it. Sometimes, this collision will even destroy a city, even if its target is only in the city. one person."


Lu Xin remembered the process of seeing the trial on the 8th.

After the General Onoyama paid the price he should have paid, he also disappeared.

It turned out to be hung on the execution frame.

However, it is precisely because of this that explains where these executioners come from.

It also explained how the eighth split up when the business was busy.

No wonder these executioners are heartless.

Because most of them are tools manufactured through the duplication and bearing of memory.

Such a tool is only a serious contaminated body, of course it will not have the intention.

"As if I shouldn't be provocative..."

Lu Xin whispered.

I didn't expect that it would attract so many execution frames all at once.

The midnight court has passed countless trials and harvested countless executioners. This has led to the mental magnitude that the midnight court can drive has reached millions or even higher numbers. How can this level of mental collision? manage?

He is just an ordinary person with a mental weight of 10,000.

Mother couldn’t help taking a deep look at Lu Xin, then sighed and explained patiently: “Two ways, one is to use the power of fear to pollute the people in this city, or even the entire Qinggang, to gain The powerful spiritual force directly confronts him."

"Of course, the consequence of this is that the collision of mental power will inevitably form a collision in the brains of these people."

"There may be a little sequelae..."


Lu Xin turned his head and glanced at his mother deeply: "A little bit?"

The mother was expressionless, and said: "It is really only a little bit of confrontation with this level."

Lu Xin shook his head slightly and said, "What is the second method?"

Mother looked at Lu Xin seriously, and said, "Fantasy Kingdom."

"However, this will truly expose your secrets. The mirror in the sky has been waiting for you to fully reveal these secrets in front of her. Therefore, doing so is undoubtedly equivalent to using our own secrets to feed the future. opponent…"


Lu Xin glanced at the eyes of the sky and frowned slightly.

"That's also saved..."

He thought about it for a while and smiled: "After all, what I know now is what Qinggang taught me."


When he said this, the gallows, one after another, had already appeared around the Qinggang-2 Satellite City.

The huge black wooden frame seems to be around the second satellite city, and a black fence is erected. Above the fence is the spirit body that keeps falling, turning into one executor after another, and then countless black ropes. , Hung down from the sky.

The power of the midnight court began to penetrate the city.

No matter where the residents of Qinggang hide in an underground shelter or where, they will find a rope hanging down in front of them, and then their spiritual power will be shaken, and their hearts will involuntarily start to surge with the "bad things" they have done.

"I admit... I have killed people before, when... in the wilderness..."

Some people who ran and transported were repenting, narrating their sins constantly, and the rope began to wrap around his neck.

Every time you say a point, the rope becomes tighter.

"I admit that I have received red envelopes from many customers, and if you don't give it to me, I will get his goods..."

Someone in the company is confessing.

"I admit that when I saw the man riding a motorcycle when I was selling vegetables, I would raise the price for him..."

"Later he went too far and came in a truck..."

The aunt of the vegetable market screamed dejectedly, with a look of regret on her face.

"I also admit that every time I go to the security department to report a double meal supplement, but in fact, Mr. Mysterious Man hasn't been here for a long time..."

Running back and forth on the street to rescue the little policewoman who had not had time to enter the shelter also cried.

Lu Xin saw that there were ropes hanging from the tall gallows, entangled countless residents of Qinggang.

It seems that as long as there is no sin, you will not be entangled by this black rope.

But in fact, almost no one is completely untouched when facing this rope, and their hearts are so clean.

As a result, they were all tied around their necks by the rope, and even a little bit of them were mentioned in the air.


Lu Xin couldn't help but have a little self-doubt: "Isn't all what I learned in Qinggang considered good?"

Mother squinted to see Lu Xin, no longer willing to discuss this issue with him.

"These things are not right..."

Lu Xin was also very sensible and did not continue the discussion, but looked up at the night sky of the elementary school.

There is an invisible field, with Red Moon Elementary School as the center, spreading to the entire Satellite City on the 2nd.

This makes the entire satellite city of No. 2 surging in a kind of vague and fantasy atmosphere, and there are grinning voices everywhere.

It's the sound of children playing games happily in the sun, but this scene should be very cheerful, but it is always shrouded in a depressive and desperate mood, because if you listen carefully, you will find that these laughter, from time to time Mixed with screams.

The bottom of the sun is the walls splattered with blood and the rainy night.

This is like an editor, editing a scene of children happily playing games and having fun in the sun, and then editing the scenes of the death of these children in turn, separated from one film to another, thus forming In this weird atmosphere.

This is a sad dream, all happy pictures and desperate pictures always appear alternately.

The "criminal evidence" of Teacher Xiaolu.

Teacher Xiaolu, who was polluted by the trial, was reflected in his heart.

And because the executors all over the city and the projections of the "sword-holders" outside the city resonated and tremble with each other, the feeling of guilt and despair she felt covered the entire Satellite City No. 2 and thus formed. A unique pollution field.

All people are shrouded in this desperate field.

Lu Xin sighed softly.

The spread of pollution and the confrontation of spiritual power have their own laws.

If you want to fight against this powerful pollution invasion, the solution is at the source.

Since the pollution started with Mr. Xiaolu, it was Mr. Xiaolu who had produced the logic with the power of the Midnight Court.


Lu Xin felt the huge field and the painful heart of Teacher Xiaolu, and sighed softly.

"All this shouldn't be like this in the first place."

As he thought, he slowly raised his left hand and said in a low voice: "Then let him return to what he should be."

"What you said earlier is correct, we do have this ability."


Above the left hand, black particles began to be covered.

But this time, the black particles are different from the irritability and horror before, and they seem to be much gentler.

Lu Xin reached out and touched this "guilt field".

Because this domain is everywhere, and also when he touched this domain, the whole domain, like a giant computer network connected with a strong current, began to tremble violently, bright and dark lights appeared, and he indirectly Touched the entire No. 2 Satellite City.

The black particles trembled, and the strands of spiritual power suddenly experienced an earth-shaking change.

The fifth step of spiritual change, fantasy kingdom.

Where I am, all spiritual creatures will live as I wish.

There is no past, no future, no truth, ignoring logical loopholes, and ignoring the laws of reality.

Everything becomes what I imagined.

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