Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 734: Refuse pollution

The light of the red moon seemed to be several times stronger in an instant.

Over the Qinggang-2 satellite city, there suddenly appeared a wave of air with reflections like fish scales. From the door of the Red Moon Elementary School, until the palm of the hand touched the field, the spiritual level began to change drastically.

In the office on the third floor, Teacher Xiaolu's body suddenly trembled, bloodshot surging in his sluggish eyes.

But the next moment the bloodshot surging, it was these bloodshot eyes that suddenly dissipated quickly.

The guilt that was too thick on her face was dissipating like thin ice, and the fatigue in her eyes was quickly dissipated. At this moment, the pale and desperate face began to slowly relax. , As if finally releasing the endless pressure.

The number eight, who was guarding Teacher Xiaolu, was suddenly taken aback and rushed to the window.

He yelled downwards: "Number nine, you...what are you doing?"

"I will bypass you, number eight..."

Lu Xin didn't turn his head to look at him, but just answered softly, which naturally made the eighth hear clearly.

"I want to cut off the midnight court trial, but I won't turn the world into such a false appearance forever."

"In fact, until now, I haven't felt that what you are doing is meaningless."

"You just still need to learn, and take a little further study."

"For example, find a university to study law, and then get a university diploma or something..."


Lu Xin answered while continuing the spread of mental power.

"Graduation certificate?"

The eighth stayed on the spot, only to discover that Lu Xin had not answered his own questions.

But he himself suddenly understood what Lu Xin was doing.

He could clearly feel that Teacher Xiaolu’s taut body, the convulsions in the coma, and the actual guilt were all disappearing quickly. Suddenly thinking of something, he quickly rushed to his silver suitcase. Found that folder.

Inside is teacher Xiaolu's complaint, which records her "crime".

Because of the existence of these crimes, the midnight court stubbornly caught Teacher Xiaolu, and fought against him several times and never faded away.

In fact, this is also a confession that he cannot change even as an executor, because it was originally formed by the spiritual strength of Teacher Xiaolu. He left Qinggang for a long time before, just for Change this content.

Later, he returned in despair, also because he found that he couldn't change it.

However, such a desperate confession, and now the above content is quickly disappearing.

This almost frightened No. 8 to the point where Sanguan was shaken.

Because he understands that this means that the guilt in Teacher Xiaolu's heart is disappearing. Whether it is her memory, her emotions, desires, instincts, and even memories, they are all being affected by an invisible force and changing rapidly. It is like a movie with a strong sad mood, which is being completely erased and re-edited with a powerful method...

In the blink of an eye, the struggle on Teacher Xiaolu's face disappeared, and the guilt in his heart also disappeared.

And this disappearance is just the beginning.

There is a huge field of guilt, with Teacher Xiaolu as the source, covering the entire Satellite City of No.2. In the field, countless people are suppressed by the atmosphere of desperation that blurs and pains, but it starts with Teacher Xiaolu. After the change, the entire field is also changing rapidly. The scenes of despair and pain in it are completely erased by the powerful force...

"Nine, has your strength reached this level?"

At this moment, the eighth was greatly touched in her heart, her face was pale, and she muttered to herself.

"Pollution can only be countered by pollution..."

At this moment, Lu Xin seemed to hear the murmur of the eighth, so he bypassed the eighth.

But for others, he chose to provoke a more powerful force.

With the Red Moon Elementary School as the center, the huge force field began to spread rapidly, covering the entire Satellite City on the 2nd.

As a result, everything in the entire No. 2 Star City is changing.

The residents who are repenting of their past sins have experienced a strange change in their memories and states.

They have never killed anyone in the wilderness, but happily reasoned with each other, never received red envelopes, but just and severely rejected the other party’s goods, and they did not overcharge the motorcyclist for buying vegetables... Her booth is noted.

In everyone's memory, he suddenly forgot his sins with others, and there was only peace and friendship.

If you condemn any sin, I will hide all sin.

This is exactly the method Lu Xin used to fight the Midnight Court, and it is also the simplest logic.

Borrowing teacher Xiaolu's field, he began to fantasize about this city.

So at this moment, the residents of Qinggang-2 Satellite City became what he longed for.

Everyone is serious and responsible, everyone is kind-hearted, and everyone thinks about other people before doing anything. Then, this city is naturally free of sin and evil, and some is just a beautiful paradise. .


The change of the spiritual field immediately caused a devastating blow to another kind of spiritual power.

Under the guidance of the "sword bearer"'s sword of judgment, the executors flocked to Satellite City No. 2 like a tide.

There are also countless gallows standing around Satellite City 2. The black ropes on it are hanging down high, and almost all the residents of Satellite City are **** by the necks, ready to be pulled into the air. middle.

However, when the entire Satellite City No. 2 fell into Lu Xin's "indirect fantasy", everything changed.

"Papa Papa Papa Papa..."

It was a series of sounds of breaking the rope.

All the nooses hanging from the gallows were at the same time broken by these friendly, kind, positive, and fair residents of Satellite City 2 who had never done anything wrong, and fell weakly in the air.

That's not to mention, there are even many gallows, because they have **** so many kind people, they have been pulled by a huge force.


One by one, they gradually collapsed and turned into broken logs on the ground.

"not good…"

At the same time, all the executors in the entire Satellite City 2 suddenly felt a huge panic.

Some of them suddenly reacted and began to retreat quickly.

Some were unable to resist, lowered their heads helplessly, watching their bodies begin to melt like ice cubes.

There was a faint riot in the neatly aligned queue.

The existence of the executor is a mental body that has been judged, and they can only appear in an environment with a sense of guilt.

When a city is completely free of sin, it becomes an ocean that is contrary to their nature.

If they stay for one more point, their mental power will be diluted by one point.

Therefore, if they do not choose to withdraw from Satellite City 2 as soon as possible, they will only lose their tracks quickly like thin ice in the ocean. And because, at this moment, too many executors flooded into Satellite City 2. This piece of "moral perfection" to the extreme, appeared so abrupt, so when they reacted, most of them were already late.

They fell to the ground in pieces, melted, with an expression of unwillingness or relief.

"Is the trial over?"

After finishing all this, Lu Xin gently put down his palm and let out a sigh of relief.

It can be clearly felt that the field of guilt originating from Teacher Xiaolu has disappeared.

She doesn't feel guilty anymore.

Because in her and everyone's memory, she has never done the actions she regretted when she was a child.

Regardless of the facts, on the spiritual level of everyone, she is just an ordinary little girl who can't understand the suffering of the children in the orphanage and decides to help them escape from that place. She has tried her best.

At least, a child was saved.

This is the fact that Lu Xin believed before.

With this power of fantasy, he turned this fact into what everyone thinks.

This is certainly not the truth, but it is very useful.

Lu Xin missed the eighth, did not change the memory in his mind, and was not prepared to make this "truth" permanent.

But at least at this moment, this can be a good fight against the pollution of the trial.

The Midnight Court, which no one can stop, has been blocked by him outside of Satellite City 2.

The trial of Teacher Xiaolu ends here.

However, it is not over...

Looking at the huge statue outside the city, Lu Xin took a deep breath, suppressing his excitement.

Looking at the mountain, it feels like it’s very close, but it’s far away...

Lu Xin, who was thinking about this problem, quickly fell on the big truck parked by the wall of the orphanage.

So, after a while, Lu Xin reversed, turned, reversed, turned again, and finally turned the big truck out.

Driving out of the elementary school, her eyes became more determined. Mother appeared on the co-pilot next to him. Father stood on the roof of the truck. The courageous sister actually followed, she hung upside down on the truck. Looking ahead closely in the carriage.

The skinless puppy, the bloodshot mask, the mental monster turned into the hourglass of memory, honestly hugged his legs and sat in the pocket of the car.

Everyone looked firm and looked out of the city.

Oh oh oh...

When the truck started to start, UU reading rushed into a group of armed fighters in the distance, the first in line, wearing black protective clothing, holding a spear, it was the gecko, and he had a serious face. He rushed to the front, hung on the telephone pole, and shouted to Lu Xin:

"Captain, do you need help?"


Lu Xin looked up at him, shook his head and said, "No."


The gecko waved to the others: "Withdraw."

When the gecko said to withdraw, it moved faster than when it first came.

Lu Xin couldn't help but feel a little stunned. He immediately laughed, increased the throttle, and rushed forward.

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