Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 736: Lu Xin

"The fallen god..."

The sword of judgment pierced Lu Xin's heart, but it did not affect him.

But his body was torn down by Lu Xin, and his eyes collided face to face.

The sword-holder seemed to be extremely angry, and the spiritual power under his body released a terrible tremor.

This kind of tremor triggered resonance in the surrounding air, causing various chaotic sounds, including the panic of the executives in the distance, the splashing of the surrounding rocks, and the sound of wind roaring in the air. And the chaotic voice:

"The fallen **** also needs to be judged."



Following his words, the sword of judgment suddenly lit up with a dark red light, which looked like a red soldering iron.

The location of Lu Xin's heart instantly smelled of burnt.

The spiritual power entwined on the Sword of Judgment evaporates like a terrifying heat. .

Following his wound, he was scorching his body.

Like a flame, if you want to ignite his whole person and burn it into a carbon fire, you can see Lu Xin's entire body, starting from the place where the sword of judgment penetrates, suddenly a large area of ​​rust has grown, and it spreads quickly on his body. Get up, covered piece by piece.

This is the spiritual power on the sword of judgment.

In an almost violent posture, he instantly swallowed Lu Xin's whole body and mind.

The most terrifying thing is that not only Lu Xin’s body, but also on his side, father and younger sister’s body, there is also a large amount of rust growing quickly. These rust cover the body of the younger sister with fine stitches, and even cover it. In the shadow of his father, with a thick and decadent aura, it quickly covered all the surging, energetic power in it.

Only mother, although there was a little rust on her body, it was swept away when she raised her hand.

The skinless puppies and other parasitic objects have not been corroded, but they have been frightened, shivering, and huddled together.



"This is the strength of the sword-bearer?"

Lu Xin took a deep breath and could feel the strong smell of burning rust in his mouth and nose.

Facing the sword bearer, even if it was just a projection, he felt that he could not support it.

This is not a level of suppression, but a disparity of spiritual power.

The spiritual power projected by him and the sword bearer is like the gap between a burning rusty sword and the human body.

It seems that there is almost no qualification for confrontation.

As the rust spread, Lu Xin felt that everything about him was burning.

The real burning feeling comes from perception. In addition to perception, there are emotions, desires, instincts, and memories. It seems that the whole person is close to exploding, and the already stable heart is also subjected to a strong external force at this time. Shock, some recognized thoughts and thoughts, like being torn apart by a huge force, must be torn apart, and then combined according to the opponent's thoughts.

This is a force that directly acts on the inner core of the spirit.

His own strength is indeed insufficient, because his mental magnitude is only ten thousand.

As for the sword bearer, even if it was just such a projection, its spiritual magnitude was beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"Ha ha……"

Under this intense pain, Lu Xin suddenly laughed.

The smile was so refreshing, his expression was painful to the extreme, but his eyes were full of excitement.

"You are not qualified to be tried..."

He stared at the gray eyes of the sword bearer, and said word by word.

And when he said these words, it was corroded by the power on the sword of judgment, and almost the whole body was covered with rust. Suddenly several huge openings were opened, and then one after another, it hit Lu Xin's The face and body were all kinds of monster-shaped "evil thoughts", crawling out of Lu Xin's body, and quickly climbing forward along the sword of judgment.

Lu Xin's mental weight test was only 10,000.

Professor Bai made a guess before, because ten thousand is the largest magnitude that a person can withstand.

More than ten thousand mental magnitudes will inevitably lead to changes in form.

And this one after another, the seemingly endless number of "Evil Mind Lu Xin", each one is not in the shape of a person.

simply put.

Each one is more than ten thousand.



"Shit la la la..."

As they followed the sword of judgment and quickly crawled towards the sword-bearer, the rust on the sword of judgment was also rapidly spreading along their bodies, seeming to pollute them like forcibly polluting Lu Xin, but these " "Lu Xin", but because of the spread of this kind of rust, he made a weird smile, shaking his body and shaking off the climbing rust like dust.

In the next moment, all the "evil-minded Lu Xin" jumped in the air one after another.

Some of them have countless blood vessels scattered on their bodies, and some have stretched out strange tentacles.

Some opened their mouths directly and bit on the rusty sword of judgment.

"Crack", "Crack", "Crack"

The sour voice sounded, and the broken rust flew up in the air, forming a dark red fog.

The huge sword of judgment is being eaten and bitten by the evil thoughts one by one.

The cutting edge is spotted, and the huge sword of judgment is constantly fading.

More "evil thoughts of Lu Xin", even crawling forward along the sword of judgment, landed on the body of the sword bearer layer by layer, and various brutal methods were released by them, like one Only a terrifying monster gnawed the body of the sword holder.

The sword bearer also felt pain and shook his body violently.

It subconsciously wanted to retreat, but Lu Xin's heart severely locked the Sword of Judgment, making it impossible to withdraw and leave.

The pale hand was firmly grasped on the neck of the sword holder.

The pale color was starting from the place where it touched and spreading quickly to his body.

Contaminate each other, devour each other's flesh and blood...




The sword bearer seemed to feel Lu Xin's sinister intentions, and even his madness.

The pollution method of the sword bearer has always been offensive, so the opponents it encounters are often defensive. However, he did not expect that when he meets Lu Xin, the opponent will not be defensive the first time, even if it is facing. With his own sword of judgment, he also didn't defend himself. He would rather be pierced into the heart by his sword of judgment, and for the first time, he had to strangle his throat.

He did not follow his own way of fighting.

Instead, he directly chose to bear his own pollution and attacked himself at the same time.

very fair.

From the perspective of mental weight, the opponent is still weaker than himself, even with so many "evil thought Lu Xin" added, the mental weight is still weaker than himself, but I don’t know why, the sword bearer intuitively felt it. Dangerous, do not want to continue the exchange.

As a result, a cold light flashed across its gray eyes, and the huge body suddenly collapsed.


As its body collapsed, the part held by Lu Xin's pale hand suddenly bounced towards Lu Xin.

The huge power shook Lu Xin couldn't help but retreat, and the decadent sword of judgment was instantly disconnected from the middle, and the other half penetrated Lu Xin's body, like a piece of toothpick meat, under the huge force. He fell back quickly.

After retreating several tens of meters, with the help of my sister, he seemed to reluctantly stand on the ground.

In front of him, the body of the sword bearer collapsed, triggering a terrible change.

The violent tremor and the chaotic mental turbulence intertwined, causing a roar like an earthquake.

The collapse of the sword-bearer’s body also triggered the collapse of the earth. They fell piece by piece, as if they had directly penetrated the earth’s crust or the hill-like earth, falling piece by piece, turning their place into a deep look. The invisible abyss.

The dazzling flames shot up from the ground.

The body of the sword bearer was once again formed on the opposite side of Lu Xin. The black armor was condensed as real. The huge body stood under the red moon. The sword of judgment, which had been broken in half, was held weakly in his hand. The gray eyes underneath were brighter, and shot out a sharp light, but if you look closely, it still makes people feel that the eyes are as dull as a dead person.

"Midnight Court, try all sins..."

From the tall building behind the sword-bearer, a distant sound came out, like a shout from countless people at the same time.


At the moment that sound sounded, the light in the sword-holder's eyes was instantly bright to the extreme, illuminating the deep dark night.

Where the sword-bearer's eyes were shrouded, everything began to become distorted, showing a pale sense of unreality.

Behind him, at some point, a huge black building appeared, which looked like it was covering half of the night sky. Even the red moon in the sky could only hang low over the huge black building and was covered. Lived in half of the light...

Hula la...

The sword of judgment in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.

After encountering the earth, the earth suddenly became shattered. Pieces of soil collapsed downwards, and the dazzling fire light penetrated from the ground. After swirling, the huge cobweb-like cracks quickly extended to the surrounding area, even Lu Xin and the others. Such cracks also appeared in the surrounding area. It felt like the ground had become a spider web, and Lu Xin and others were in the middle of the spider web.

Rustle rustle...

In the cracks, rustling sounds suddenly sounded.

In the fissure that seemed to pass through flames and magma, countless strange creatures climbed up.

Some of them are "palm-shaped handcuffs" with two hands growing on both ends of an iron chain and climbing quickly on the ground.

Some are "human face-shaped iron balls" with countless spikes on their huge faces.

Some are "reverse bed weirdos" whose bodies are turned upside down on the with their ribs opening and closing like a restraint belt.

There are also "electric chair freaks" with countless thick cables growing out of their heads and sparks from time to time.

Some are "half-cut people" whose lower body is replaced by mechanical limbs and feet with only half of their body left.

Some are walking, groping, and there are no eyeballs in their eye sockets, only black hole "eye pickers".


Hee hee hee……


The strong smell of blood is intertwined with the smell of burning rust and the sulphur of magma.

They are like torture instruments with their own lives.

With greedy and weird eyes, surprised, excited, and excitedly crawled towards Lu Xin and the others.

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