Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 737: The weakest one is Lu Xin

"Is this a person or a torture instrument?"

"Or, is it someone born as a torture instrument?"

Seeing the sneaky and creepy things crawling out of the abyss, Lu Xin felt strange for the first time.

Because he has seen all kinds of spiritual monsters, but this is the first time he has seen such a strange one.

Other spirit monsters, although weird in appearance, are all characterized by living creatures anyway.

But the monsters that I see now, what I see from them is the symbol of the dead...

But in a blink of an eye, Lu Xin understood.

It makes sense...

Isn't all of these things specially created by humans and specially used to deal with humans?

So it’s normal to appear in the spiritual world...



"Midnight Court, try all sins..."

Once again, there was a huge sound, which rang from the black building behind the sword bearer, aroused the resonance of the spiritual power of the sword bearer, and looked at the tall sword bearer abruptly, which would make people appear as if they were The dizzy feeling was as if countless faces appeared on the body of the sword-bearer. At the same time, he shouted in a hysterical voice following the voice:

"Midnight Court, try all sins..."


And when this voice yelled, a huge roar echoed above the wilderness.

Where the sword-bearer's eyes were shrouded, everything began to become distorted, showing a pale sense of unreality.

Hula la...

Next to Lu Xin, the monsters that had his face, but looked completely different from him, felt dazzling at the same time. .

They even showed obvious panic, raising their hands one after another, blocking the gaze of the sword-bearer, and the bodies of some monsters, under the gaze of this gaze, began to melt a little bit, as if burned by the flames. The burning snow...

Pieces of executors, as if being called, gradually showed a fanatical expression on their normally sensible and calm faces, and then they gathered towards Lu Xin and their position like flowing water, moving faster and faster, like flowing water. General shock.

Under the red moon, the black shadow seemed to set off a wave of waves in the wilderness.


The surrounding ground trembles unceasingly, and a huge gallows rises up around it.

Some of these gallows are rooted in the earth, and some are rooted in the void.

On each gallows, there are countless spiritual bodies hanging from above, falling from above like ripe fruit.

The fallen spirit body is a threat, and those vacant ropes are also a threat.They fall from the sky quickly like flexible and vicious snakes, one by one toward Lu Xin and the necks of the family. Entangled...

It seems that this is the real power of the sword holder.

An overwhelming power that almost covered the red moon in the sky.

When the ultimate pollution power is completely released, what he faces is not a battle at all.

It's a war.

Looking at this scene, Lu Xin couldn't help taking a deep breath: Fortunately, he is also an army...



"A bunch of waste..."

When Lu Xin thought about these questions, his father's roar sounded first:

"I can swallow a piece of waste like you..."

Accompanied by his roar, the black shadow on the wilderness, like a huge wave, is set off one after another, like a high wall.

And in the shadow, those executors who had been polluted by him before rushed to them like flowing water.

A huge crash sounded, and the executors collided with father's butcher army in the restaurant industry. Compared with the densely packed butcher army in the wilderness, the number of butcher army that was polluted and transformed by his father was obviously still in number. Some are missing, but driven by their father's shadow, they formed a huge circle, bearing repeated shocks from the executors.

"He was scared..."

Facing the gallows like a dark forest, a smile appeared on his mother's face.

"Because I was scared, I made such a big movement..."

While smiling, she explained softly, the scissors twirled briskly on her fingers.


A dull wind sounded on the scissors spinning between her fingers. Immediately, this turning sound became stronger and louder. Lu Xin's pupils suddenly shrank slightly. He had already discovered something terrifying. The scissors spinning in the mother's palm looked like a silver shadow in her palm, but the sharpness of the scissors was everywhere in the surrounding air.

"K", "K", "K"

Countless shadows of scissors suddenly appeared around at the same time.

It's looming, it doesn't seem to be true, but the sharpness is unusually clear.


Just like when they rushed out just before, the ropes on the gallows that fell from the air, and even the spiritual body that fell from the gallows, have not landed, and have not yet approached, they are in the air, lightly changed into Several cuts.

The appearance of hanging is really terrifying, but the ending is extremely relaxed.

Lu Xin couldn't help being slightly surprised, his mother's ability was really scary...

It seems that her way of solving problems is always so boring and tasteless.

Because whether the opponent is a silk thread or this kind of overwhelming gallows, the scissors are just opened and closed.



"Don't worry, no one will disturb you..."

Mom turned around and smiled at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin nodded heavily, took a deep breath, and looked forward.

The gaze of the sword bearer made all the spiritual creatures in the surrounding area feel an unprecedented pressure.

Even those "evil-minded Lu Xin" seem to be somewhat powerless under this kind of gaze.

At the same time, the countless "human-shaped torture instruments" have gathered in groups like crabs climbing up in the ocean.

Densely climbed to their side, bumping into each other.


A chain, with "handcuffs" growing on both ends, with ten fingers flicking on the ground, dashing over.

When I came into contact with the first "Evil Thought Lu Xin", that body was bloated but had two sturdy arms. Lu Xin, who liked to smash everything, raised two fists and smashed it at it, but he didn't expect it to be two. The fingers of his hand flicked to the ground and flew, like lightning, two palms firmly grasped "Lu Xin"'s wrist, not allowing him any room for struggle.

A strong man with countless iron nails growing on his chest, when he saw any spiritual creature, he went up to give a hug.

His thick arms hugged the opponent tightly, and if he didn't let go, the nails stuck into the opponent's body. When countless blood poured out, every inch of his excited muscles trembled, holding the opponent's body tighter. Desperately squeeze the opponent's blood out...

The electric chair geek with countless cables on his head grabbed the person and pressed it to his knees.

Immediately, a huge electric current passed through, convulsing the body of a certain "evil-minded Lu Xin" electricity.

In addition, there are countless kinds of monsters...

The two arms each grew into a beheading weirdo with a guillotine, slashing people with a dull head.

With only half of his body left, he raised a chainsaw from the slasher, and rushed into the crowd with a big laugh.

The eyes are huge, but there are no eyeballs inside. There are only two black-hole gouging weirdos. Red worms fly out of the eyes, consuming the eyes of every mental creature and becoming just like yourself. The monster with empty eyes...



They rushed out one by one, catching every "evil-minded Lu Xin".

Passing my own pain to these "evil-minded Lu Xin" bodies, so under all kinds of pain, those who were cruel or insidious "Lu Xin" all uttered a series of screams, mixed in between. With some excitement and joyous yelling.

This huge area is full of cheerful air.

Not far away, the skinless puppy huddled with other parasitic objects, shivering, and showing enviable eyes.

"Om" "Om" "Om"

Every time the "evil thought Lu Xin" was polluted or destroyed, a sharp pain appeared in Lu Xin's mind.

It seems that there are countless broken strings in the head, one by one breaking.

"This all belongs to the power of judgment?"

"Is this where the ultimates are really scary?"


From time to time in this sea of ​​brains, people doubted the pain of life, and felt shocked by this piece of torture world that came into view, Lu Xin actually faintly appeared in his heart, more than before. He has a clearer understanding.

"The trial, perhaps at first, was just to distinguish between right and wrong."

"But gradually, something that goes beyond the trial and only belongs to torture..."

"When a torture instrument is so terrible that it makes people only answer the answer that the executioner wants to know..."

"Is the trial still meaningful?"



"Midnight Court, try all sins..."

On the opposite side of the abyss, there were countless people shouting again, and at the same time they sounded behind the sword bearer.

In front of the sword bearer, there was already an asura field, and all kinds of misery sounded in front of him.

However, his voice was still cold and fair.

"His hiss..."

In the Xiuluo field, countless "evil thoughts Lu Xin" desperately shattered, breaking free from one torture instrument after another, but there were too many of these instruments of torture. They surrounded them one by one, broke away one by one, and three, five. Eight, ten, they can only be entangled, and amidst various punishments, they cast unwilling and hateful glances at the sword bearer on the opposite side of the abyss.

However, both the sword-bearer's gaze and the surrounding execution frame made them feel a little powerless.

This is a Shura field that will succumb to bad faith.

"Let me go!"

At this moment, Lu Xin took a deep breath, suddenly raised his head and looked at himself struggling in various torture instruments nearby.

"Since I was finally elected, of course I should face the most terrible thing..."

"Things that can't even be malicious, of course I have to let the original me face it."

"Even if I am the weakest one..."


Lu Xin spoke in a low voice, as if talking to himself, and as if communicating with himself who was trapped by the torture instrument.

On the gallows, countless "Lu Xin" turned around, with various weird expressions, and saw Lu Xin below.

Some of them are cunning, some are ferocious, and some are cold, but their eyes are just as bright at this time.

The majesty of the sword bearer has bloomed to the extreme, and the huge mental field has almost distorted the entire wilderness.

But now, it was Lu Xin, who had the smallest mental weight, stepped forward.

"Midnight court, try all sins?"

Looking at the terrifying and terrifying things in front of him, Lu Xin gritted his teeth fiercely: "I'm pooh!"

While talking he suddenly raised his hand and drew out the half of the sword of judgment that had penetrated his chest inch by inch. The sword was in the hands of the sword holder and was seventy or eighty meters high. , 20 to 30 meters wide, but in his hands, it seems to have shrunk a hundred times.

It's like a short dagger.

Lu Xin grabbed the half of the rust sword in his hand, and ignored the horror scene in front of him.

"younger sister!"

Instead, he yelled, grabbing his sister's hand, holding a half of the rusty sword, and striding forward the sword bearer rushed over.

"Papa Papa......"

His body's agility reached the extreme, quickly avoiding the impact of various torture instruments, occasionally raising his hand, and smashing one of the "torture monsters", his figure was like a small, but terrifying ant, strange and strange. Unstoppable approaching the sword holder.

The pupils shrank to the extreme, and the black particles jumped: "I will let you cry under the sun!"

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