Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 755: Mom's kiss

"So serious?"

The people in the entire corridor squeezed over and asked anxiously, Lu Xin couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

I didn't expect that this incident caused such a big response all at once.

Professor Chen's series of intensive and professional questions really made him wonder how to answer.

I have the feeling of facing the teacher's questions when I go to school.

However, the more terrifying thing is these nanny squads.

Seeing their oppressive size and their aggressive eyes, Lu Xin felt a little vain inexplicably.

There was no way, but she looked at her mother as if for help. .

After all, I still have to ask my mother about this, right?

In fact, Lu Xin understood the concerns of people in Qinggang. His mother gave the child the original strength of the Tibetan stickman. This is of course a good thing, but for Qinggang, it was indeed too sudden. Under normal regulations and procedures, this should be described by submitting an application first. After a group of researchers have studied and determined that the risk is controllable, it can only be described by taking corresponding protective measures.

My mother quietly gave her this level of power, the nature of which was similar to that of secretly upgrading her nuclear bomb.

So there is one thing to say, it really has nothing to do with me...

"Ha ha…"

Seemingly aware of Lu Xin's tension, his mother slowly walked over from behind Lu Xin, her palm lightly resting on his shoulder.

Facing this series of questions, she didn't panic either.

His eyes faintly swept over Professor Chen Liqing's worried and urgent face, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

Suddenly he said sternly: "You still want to ask such a simple question?"


Professor Chen, who had originally looked worried and even wanted to complain, was stunned.

Lu Xin's reaction seemed a bit wrong.

Before he could say anything, his mother had already asked: "Did you not listen to the lecture seriously during the previous training?"


Professor Chen is even more guilty.

At this time, my mother's voice was a bit heavy and her expression was serious.

Therefore, Professor Chen didn’t know if it was a single soldier or the mysterious "Ms. Lu" who was talking to him...

The most important thing is the question she asked...

It’s hard for me to have enough energy to digest this content in such a short period of time...

He even took a nap in class.

But I collected all the classroom materials and studied them carefully...

Without waiting for Professor Chen to explain, my mother continued to preach:

"Obviously sharing these valuable knowledge with you, but not serious, is this the attitude of research?"


The anxiety on Professor Chen Liqing's face disappeared, leaving only a guilty conscience and apprehension.

"All the questions about her can be answered in the content I told you."

Mom seemed too lazy to talk to him, and said directly: "I don't understand, it's your problem."

"Now go back and review it."

"Don't be lazy, I will test you when I meet you later."


Professor Chen nodded honestly and agreed in a low voice: "Okay."


His mother gave him a white look, then looked at the babysitter team, and a group of stout women suddenly surprised slightly.

"What else do you want?"

Mom faced the nanny team, but she didn't have a good face.


Asking this sentence, the nanny team is also a bit embarrassed, wanting to say but embarrassed to say.

Then my mother suddenly showed a smile and said, "Take care of her, otherwise I won't let you go."


The nanny squad was suddenly full of surprises.

Obviously this seemed like a threat to them, but they were even more happy than they had won the lottery.

"Where is she?"

Mom let go of Lu Xin's shoulders, and then Lu Xin smiled and said, "I'll go see her."

"It's inside."

The nanny team became happy, and enthusiastically led Lu Xin to the large ward inside.

Only Professor Chen Liqing stood in the corridor and didn't know where to go. Lu Xin stopped slightly and glanced at him.

Professor Chen Liqing shivered immediately, and said, "I will check the information now."

Said anxiously and left.

Lu Xin suddenly felt surprised and proud. For the first time, he actually saw the feeling of guilty conscience in the researcher.

Mom is really amazing...

When I arrived at the sick number, I saw that the doll was wearing a black Qiuyi long trousers, sitting cross-legged on the hospital bed.

It seemed that I had heard Lu Xin's voice in the corridor a long time ago, and kept looking at the door, waiting for him to come over.

Beside her, the mental power from time to time slowly turned into a white chain, gently swaying in the room.

Some are helping her get the remote TV remote control.

Some are rolling the apples on the table onto the quilt next to them.

There is another one, stretched to the back, scratching it.

It looks a bit like a beautiful spider crouching on the bed.

"The dominance chain can still be used like this?"

Although I saw her just last night, Lu Xin still found it a little funny to see her like this.

The nanny squad next to him nervously followed and hurriedly explained in a low voice: "This is a running-in plan formulated after Professor Chen and several researchers discussed. They recommended that the doll use this ability more, but if there is any uncomfortable place, stop immediately. This way You can quickly record the pressure that this power brings to her, and if there is any hidden danger, you can also find out more quickly..."

"However, judging from the current performance, the doll has not shown any discomfort..."


"It's good for her to get familiar with it..."

Mother said with a smile, then changed her voice, and said, "But if this is to become a habit, it will be more lazy, right?"


Lu Xin and the nanny squad who followed nervously were all startled, and then suddenly realized.

In addition to activities in the room, the doll doesn't like to go anywhere else.

Of course, there have been more visits to Satellite City 2 recently.

With this chain now, it seems that in the entire room, she can get all the things she wants without having to move.

…Will not become a meatball like the little policewoman in Satellite City 2?

"not bad…"

Mom approached the doll, squeezed her face, stroked her head lightly, rolled her eyes comfortably. Then he relaxed, turned his head to look at Lu Xin, and said, "The original power that governs people is indeed a level higher than most people with abilities. The general abilities bear this kind of power, and the spirit will inevitably appear. Signs of collapse."

"This state is similar to the terrible pressure you lived before."


After that, she smiled, looked back at the doll again, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "However, this little girl is really good. Her so-called'Princess' ability belongs to the dominant group. In addition, although she is... stupid, her heart is very clean, without the distractions of ordinary people, which instead gives her the ability to withstand higher levels of power."

"Before, she was able to borrow the spiritual power of others, which is also because of her higher tolerance for spiritual power."


When Lu Xin listened, he could only nod in cooperation.

When confronted with Wawa against the technology church that started with the Queen of Happy Town, I have seen her mental strength endure the limit.

At that time, it really has reached a terrifying magnitude. If it is placed on an ordinary ability person, the ability person of the same level may not even reach one-third of her, and this is still hers. At that time, I was not too familiar with my own abilities.

Later, she learned to control her mental strength and endurance, which has greatly improved.

"Keep your simplicity..."

The mother sighed lightly, and then smiled to the baby: "Raise well, be good."

While talking, he kissed the doll's forehead.

The baby was taken aback for a moment, before reacting, facing her mother, she showed a sweet and happy smile.

Lu Xin stood aside, watching them look at each other and smile, feeling very moving.


But this scene fell in the eyes of the babysitter team at the door, as well as Han Bing and the others, but their eyes widened with surprise.

Except as in the last lecture, Lu Xin deliberately said that "Ms. Lu" would come to the lecture and showed obvious changes. Otherwise, they would not be able to distinguish Lu Xin's state. From their perspective, they only saw Lu Xin scolding Professor Chen Liqing, and carefully inspected the doll, and said to herself that there was nothing wrong with the doll. If the doll is in good condition...

The most important thing is that after the inspection, Lu Xin actually kissed the baby!

Kissed the doll!

Is the relationship so close already?

I didn't keep up for a while last night. What happened? ?

The nanny squad was surprised, curious and nervous, while Han Bing's eyes widened slightly, and his head lowered silently.

"Is it going now?"

"Would you like to sit down more?"

When preparing to leave, the leader of the nanny squad came over with a tea tray in person.

Warm invitation: "It’s almost time for dinner. It’s okay to go busy after lunch..."

"How did their attitude become so big?"

Lu Xin muttered a little, thinking that when he first went upstairs, he was still very indifferent.

However, under the hint of Han Bing’s eyes, Lu Xin knew how anxious the Special Clearance Department outside the city was, so he refused their request to stay for lunch. He just grabbed a handful of candy and stuffed it into his pocket. But they are all high-quality goods...

…You can take it home for your sister to eat.

"Look at how nice they are to you?"

Leaving the hospital, UU reading www. uukanshu. When com was about to go back to the Special Clearance Department to take a helicopter to the base outside the city, my mother seemed very interested.

Turning his head and asking Lu Xin with a smile: "Of course, if such a valuable thing is given to someone at once, it is inevitable that other women will pay more attention to it. I always think about whether we did this for any special purpose, but you What do you think?"

She smiled proudly: "What does this mean?"


Suddenly his mother asked this question, and Lu Xin also felt a little strange.

After thinking about it seriously, he tentatively said: "Don't you need to pay back the three million?"


Mom suddenly felt helpless, and sighed softly.

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