Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 756: Guest Professor Ms. Lu

   Drum beep...

   Coming out of the doll, the helicopter sent by Qinggang sent Lu Xin and his mother to the outside of the city.

   Lu Xin was surprised to find that it was only overnight, outside Qinggang City, before he and the sword bearer had set up countless racks in the wilderness. The weeds inside had been shoveled away, and the three layers of barbed wire were pulled up, and a huge circle was formed around the location of the midnight court. Rows of military vehicles, like creeping monsters, were parked around the wilderness.

Rows of simple tents have been set up, and they are carefully divided into living areas and work areas. You can see many heavily armed personnel patrolling around. One after another, researchers in white coats are discussing something and fighting. Rice.

   "It's just right, I just caught up with the meal."

   Lu Xin muttered in his heart as he watched this scene.

The helicopter landed under the command of the staff on a simple apron built overnight. It can be seen that an area of ​​hundreds of square meters has been marked out, and it seems to be a larger and more convenient building. Tarmac. .

   This should be for those research teams that Qinggang is going to invite over.

  Lu Xin is very satisfied with this. The more the apron is repaired, the more prosperous the business...

  ...No, this is research that is conducive to human progress and development, not business.

   got out of the car with his mother, and walked towards the makeshift Kiri accompanied by Han Bing.

   Han Bing gave Lu Xin a document that he had prepared long ago and told him that this document had high-level authority over the entire base.

   In addition to being unable to withdraw funds at any time, everything else is very convenient.

   Lu Xin feels very fresh, and when he wears it on his chest, he feels that his identity has suddenly improved.

   took a look at the certificate and saw that its content was:

   Code: Mr. Lu

  Permission: Advanced

   Department of Record: Theoretical Research Office


   "Having a college diploma is different..."

   Lu Xin thought, he used to be in the cleaning department, and he had to fight and kill as soon as he heard it.

   Now this one is called high-end...

   "I have already said, these things will be done according to the diagrams I drew for you."

   "If you believe me, listen to my advice."

   "If you don't believe me, tell me where the prison is, I would rather walk in by myself..."


   Just when he arrived in front of a tall camp on the north side of the base, Lu Xin heard the sound of number eight ringing from inside.

   Lifted the curtain and went in, and saw Professor Bai, a group of researchers, who were being trained by No. 8 in white lab coats with a sullen face:

"I also want to know the secret of the midnight court, and I am the ability of the trial group, and have a stronger perception than you, so you ten college students are better than you on how to deconstruct and guide the power of this spiritual temple Not on me."

   When Lu Xin first came in, he happened to hear him say the three words "college student", and his brows frowned.

   What's up with college students?



   "Mr. Single Soldier is here..."

The researchers who had been irritated by the training, but were hard to say, were too obedient, when they saw Lu Xin coming in, they were all overjoyed and hurriedly greeted them. Even Professor Bai, who was standing in the innermost position, also took it. Down the pipe, smiled and nodded to Lu Xin.

When    heard the eighth, he turned around and saw Lu Xin, his face looked a little unnatural.

   nodded indifferently, and said: "Since I have promised you, wherever I can help, I will help."

   "When this is stable, I will set out to look for those people."


   Having said that, he paused slightly and said, "However, I don't mean that I forgive you."

   "It's okay to forgive me..."

   Lu Xin nodded to him, and said, "But in fact, it's quite difficult to get a college degree..."

   The eighth's face turned redder, and he turned around silently and said to everyone: "Let's talk about it, do you listen to my advice?"

  A group of researchers were silent.

Seeing a stalemate for a while, a person next to him was sweating anxiously, taking the wig off his head and using it as a fan to fan himself, Dr. Mo whispered to Lu Xin and explained: "Your friend... is your friend. Right? Came to us to surrender last night. We were overjoyed. After all, the midnight court caused such a turmoil to the whole world and disappeared overnight."

   "Now, he is the first executor found by all forces to communicate and communicate."

   "But the point is, is this person's character flawed..."


As he said, he frowned: "Obviously, he was brought to the base as an observer and interrogator and a tentative group D member, but he looks more like our own person than we are. Take a small one. I kept picking up the faults in the base..."

   "I will complain to us later that the soldiers who escorted him over are not vigilant enough and should wear an ability suppressor to him."

   "Later, I complained that the aunt in the restaurant deliberately didn't serve him meat..."

   "It's better now, just say that our research plan is not reliable..."


   Lu Xin listened to Dr. Mo's spit and sighed for a long time, the familiar feeling returned.

   groaned for a while, then shook his head slightly, and said, "The lady in the restaurant still needs to talk about the issue of cooking."

   Dr. Mo was dumbfounded.

   "But other suggestions for the eighth..."

   Lu Xin groaned slightly, looked directly at Dr. Mo, and said, "Are you a little worried that he might steal the power of the Midnight Court?"

   Dr. Mo was startled slightly, his face became a little complicated.

  As an ordinary person, he is still a little uncomfortable with Lu Xin talking about the sky so directly.

   But as a researcher, the brain circuits are not particularly like ordinary people, so he nodded directly and said, "Yes."

   "After all, he is the executor of the Midnight Court, a part of what was once a world-class pollution."

"Although... I heard from them that the sword-holders have been cleaned up, but from past experience, after being scattered to various places, there is a great possibility that serious contaminated bodies will develop and grow in their own way. Form a new source of pollution."

   "So, if he has any thoughts about the midnight court..."


"I see."

   Lu Xin saw that he was thinking well, and Qinggang really didn't believe in the eighth.

   And this kind of disbelief is also reasonable and legal.

   There was no other way but to walk forward, and the people next to him hurriedly stepped aside.

   Lu Xin pushed the arm of No. 8 and said, "What are you doing?"

   "What am I doing?"

   No. 8 frowned and looked at Lu Xin, and said, "Didn't you tell me to help Qinggang investigate?"

   Lu Xin said: "Then you can't let others listen to you..."

   No. 8 was very unconvinced, flicked his hands hard, and said, "But the investigation plan they are doing now is of no use."

   What this said, including Professor Bai, all the researchers had a bad look.

"do not talk……"

   Lu Xin hurriedly persuaded No. 8 and whispered: "Qinggang's researcher will beat people if they are anxious..."


   No. 8 lips moaned a few times, trying to say something, but still endured it.

   It can be seen that he was very unconvinced, but he didn't dare to say any more. Of course, this was definitely not because he was afraid of Qinggang's researcher.

In the face of Lu Xin, by the way, he was somewhat guilty about other things other than those in the orphanage at the time. Of course, Lu Xin didn’t plan to convince No. 8 at this moment. After all, this is His old problems grew up...

  ...It will be fun when the researcher at Qinggang can't help but hit him.

  ...Anyway, his current status, unable to use his abilities, is estimated to be unable to beat these researchers who regularly exercise.



"You finally came……"

   was also at this time, Professor Bai put aside the eighth issue and came to Lu Xin to shake hands.

   first looked at Lu Xin curiously, lowered his voice and said, "Single soldier or..."

   Lu Xin was a little embarrassed by the look in his eyes.

   He didn't like the feeling of being looked at as a neurosis before, and of course he is not quite used to it now.

   It’s just that when my sister is around, I can pretend to be invisible.

   But my mother and sister are different. When she is by her side, she is not as embarrassed to do so.

   So, he could only adjust his mentality, and first turned his head and glanced at his mother.

   Then, I saw my mother with a smile on her face, carrying a small bag, and walking forward with a smile, and gently shook hands with Professor Bai.


As soon as the sound came out, the entire tent suddenly became very quiet.

   Lu Xin sensed this embarrassment, and couldn't help scratching his head slightly, somewhat uncomfortable.

   This is just a subconscious action.

But he did not expect that when he felt this uncomfortable feeling, as he scratched his head, a faint mental radiation suddenly appeared around him. The mental detection equipment in the room and the pointer began to beat slightly. Flashing red light.

   In the entire tent, everyone at this moment felt their eyes a little dazzling.

   As if the eyes are not feeling subconsciously rubbed it.

   Then when he opened his eyes again, everyone's eyes lit up, and a surprised expression crawled onto their faces.

   They saw that beside Lu Xin, a very temperamental woman appeared next to him.

   is wearing casual clothes, but still has a touch of mystery.

   She just stood there quietly, her body trembling occasionally, like a stereo projection.

   is not real enough, but it has illuminated the entire tent.


   She smiled slightly: "Can I start working now?"

  All the researchers were there, and they couldn't even react for a while.

  Professor Bai reacted the fastest, a little panic appeared on his face first, then he hid it and put a polite smile on his face:

   "Ms. Lu, hello, thank you very much for your willingness to come and give us pointers..."




   This change made Lu Xin somewhat unprepared, but he quickly understood.

  The ability of fantasy, can it still be used like this?


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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