Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 757: The challenge of Qinggang

Although he had reached the level of fantasy, Lu Xin really didn't know how to use this power.

When fighting the pollution of Midnight Court before, he used the power of fantasy, and naturally, he changed the spirits of the people in Satellite City 2. However, at that time, he just wanted to do it, so he did it. How exactly? made…

...That seems to be the researcher's business?

Now that I accidentally use the power of fantasy to solve a problem that has been bothering me, it is a surprise.

In addition, he couldn’t help but think further. It seemed that he had always been like this. The ability to solve problems was either borrowed from his family, or he was forced to the extreme, just casually. Just use it. Unlike other abilities who need to improve, need to develop, and then work hard to stabilize themselves, it does not seem to have a new ability...

It's like it already exists, but just remembered it.

Following this question, I also thought of the description of the old security guard.

If what he said is true, then when I was a child, I already had the power to influence reality?


Lu Xin couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

I already know what kind of person I want to be, but the past things are still like a mess...

No matter what, don't worry too much about the communication problems between mothers and these people every time.

Although the power of fantasy will affect the surrounding equipment, it has increased the difficulty of the Qinggang research team's data collection work in the midnight court, so I cannot always use this ability, but this has little effect on the overall situation.

After all, my mother had no plans to study with them.

Just as a consultant, giving guidance on some major directions and key issues.

Of course, Lu Xin, the translator, accepted it with peace of mind.

Doing a job and receiving money for a job is also a kind of respect for the job, isn't it?

You did this job but didn't charge money. How sad is it to know the job?

Although there have been some difficult challenges and twists and turns, the research work on the Midnight Court has proceeded smoothly.

With the help of Mom and No.8, Qinggang has progressed very smoothly in the preliminary formulation of the research plan and the preservation and information collection of the Midnight Court. In only three days, several consecutive major problems have been overcome. The entire base The atmosphere is very lively.

As a translator, Lu Xin participated in this great job.

Seeing Qinggang's researchers put into work enthusiastically and happily like marrying a wife, he also had some questions.

It seems that under the guidance of Ms. Lu and Mr. Xu Jing, Qinggang can actually start work.

Then why invite other research teams to come together?

Mother seemed to see Lu Xin's doubts and explained to him with a smile: "This is the smart part of Qinggang..."

"Things of this level can be said to be the treasures of the entire real world."

"So, if Qinggang swallows this treasure alone, what will happen to others?"

"The smartest thing about this group of people is that they are both ambitious and rational."

"They know they can't swallow this project alone, they must find someone to cooperate."

"And if you only cooperate with certain research teams, the research institute is an object that Qinggang cannot refuse. Therefore, if you want to lead this research, you can only make things bigger. Therefore, they chose to open up this research project. Attracting other research institutions to check and balance each other can also prevent the research institute from coming over to compete for the dominance of this project to a certain extent."

"Of course, since we have done this, we need to meet the challenge."

"Today's Qinggang, in the real world, has already made the limelight. Whether it is the successful experiment of the Heavenly Kingdom Project, or joining hands with you to block the pollution of the Midnight Court, Qinggang has achieved a terrible strength in the eyes of others. level…"

"If it succeeds, Qinggang will become a secondary deterrent city-state second only to the Academy. This is worth fighting for."


As Lu Xin listened, he felt a little unclear.

Being a person is really complicated.

He was just a person who became a company executive at a young age and successfully obtained a university diploma...

There are so many things to learn...

However, although Lu Xin was humble, when he started studying seriously, he was actually very good at discovering certain details.

For example, after being reminded by his mother, he observed carefully and found that as more and more scientific research teams came to this temporary base, Qinggang was very enthusiastic, but under the surface of the enthusiasm, the pressure began to increase. Come bigger.

Now, it seemed that the area was too large, so the base was empty, and even seemed a bit crowded.

Researchers wearing various costumes and speaking in dialects from different regions came to Qinggang with full enthusiasm, handed in the "tickets" full of enthusiasm, and then were asked to lay down all weapons and prevent the entry of capable people. Joined the research.

How do you say this level of excitement?

Outside the barbed wire, small carts selling fried noodles began to appear...

With the arrival of more and more scientific research teams, Qinggang has also become more and more cautious.

The defensive work of the base has been strengthened time and time again, and rows of armed fighters have come around the base to establish outposts.

The small carts of fried noodles, pancakes and fruits that Lu Xin was originally interested in were not allowed to be placed.

Even so, the tension is still growing day by day.

In the post-red moon era, these independent laboratories and research teams have more than anyone thought.

And there are often countless large forces willing to accept and invest in them.

In other words, looking at these little old men who are weak, or have bright heads, or people who are not very handsome and stylish, or women who don’t know how to dress up at first sight, in fact The identity behind each is not simple.

Maybe you can pick one out at random, it's a big man with an amazing identity in a large gathering place, or a high wall city...

How can the pressure on Qinggang not be great when these extraordinary and brilliant people are invited over?

Lu Xin understands Qinggang's pressure very much and has worked hard to do what he can do.

When my mother had more researchers in this base, she seldom instructed them directly. Some minor problems were only passed on through Lu Xin, but this made Lu Xin's free time suddenly increase, and she was thinking about it. Back to Qinggang to go to the class for a while, but when I thought of the pressure of the Qinggang Special Clearance Department, it was not good for me to go, and secondly, I have to count the research team...

In short, you can't go, so you can only do some work within your ability.

So one day, after eating breakfast, he came to the base, Chen Jing's security department office.

"Team leader, I have been tired from work lately?"

When I walked in, I saw Chen Jing sitting at her desk, carefully studying the charts of the sentries.

Seeing Lu Xin coming in, Chen Jing subconsciously put the pink bear ballpoint pen into the folder layer.

Rubbing his eyebrows lightly, he said, "It's all work. How can work not be tiring?"

"Why are you here?"


"Oh oh…"

Lu Xin pretended not to see the kawaii-type ballpoint pen, and handed over the bun wrapped in a paper bag:

"I'm worried you haven't eaten, so I will bring you some."


"Let it go..."

Chen Jing's expression was a little weird, she gave Lu Xin a deep look, "You came here to deliver breakfast?"

"Not even..."

Lu Xin pulled a chair over, sat opposite Chen Jing, and said, "Just because you are under a lot of pressure, come and ask..."


Upon hearing the word pressure, Chen Jing sighed helplessly, and didn't bother to hide it in front of him.

She did not complain about the habit of hard work, but it is an objective fact that the pressure is not great.

Minister Shen needs to be responsible for Qinggang's urban defense work, and she doesn't know as much about capable people as she does, so the security work of the base naturally falls on her. However, even she has to admit that the pressure of this kind of work is simply too great. Rao is that Qinggang has formulated detailed and even strict rules and regulations, and problems in various aspects are still emerging.

Even now, the major high-wall cities and laboratories have been quite effective in the research of capable persons, but there are too many types of capable persons, and the existing instruments cannot guarantee that every ability can be used. All of them are detected.

In the base at this time, although Chen Jing had no evidence, she was sure that someone with the ability must have mixed in.

They are either special agents, or freelance intelligence agents, or they are researchers themselves, and the crowds are time bombs.

And outside the base, those research teams that cannot afford to pay, or lack qualifications, but don’t want to give up, and the mysterious personnel or creatures hidden in the dark, have also gathered more and more, and they have accumulated. A huge hidden danger, even though Chen Jing had expelled all the people within dozens of miles around the base, she still felt that there were countless prying eyes around.

What if something happens?

Among other things, a missile fell down. There are only half of the number of researchers in this world...

The pressures cannot be explained to people.

Chen Jing can't help complaining sometimes. Maybe it's because Qinggang is too ruthless in some aspects?

After all, when Mr. Su received some respectful research teams before, when others asked how Qinggang solved this special pollution incident that affected the entire world, and even captured the midnight court, he always squinted his eyes. Smile.

Quite plainly said: "It's nothing..."

"With the help of our usual preparations and research results, only a small team was dispatched to solve the problem."

"If you want to know the details, I ask the deputy captain of this team to come over and tell you..."



Lu Xin didn't know the powerless old groove in Team Leader Chen's heart. UU read but saw that her pressure was not small.

So he smiled and said his intention: "If the team leader feels it is necessary, I can recommend a security guard to you."

Chen Jing was startled, and she was suddenly overjoyed: "Are you willing to help take care of security work?"


Lu Xin shook his head hurriedly. Although he has worked as a security guard, he is already a person with a college degree...

After a slight pause, he mysteriously and earnestly said: "It's my family."

"He has another code name in Black Swamp City, his name is: The Great Demon King..."

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