Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 758: Security-the horror king

"The Great Demon King of Terror?"

When Chen Jing heard Lu Xin's words, she almost fell the cup in shock.

It stands to reason that in the face of such a mysterious Lu Xin, it is reasonable to ask "Who is the horror king"?

But in fact, she already knew about the horror king.

Qinggang didn't know what happened in Black Marsh City. The detailed information was already in his hands.

Just because Lu Xin said that it had nothing to do with him, Qinggang also tacitly pretended not to know...

But now, Lu Xin actually wants to bring this great devil to Qinggang?

It is also thanks to Chen Jing's mind that can accept new things, a broad mind, and a strong heart.

So, she forced herself to calm down.

It also took ten seconds to analyze whether Lu Xin might contaminate the entire base.

The answer is no. .

If Lu Xin wants to make trouble in this base, he doesn't need to be so troublesome...

In addition, it should not be for stealing the research results of the Midnight Court in the base. After all, he seized the Midnight Court. If he wants to monopolize it, there is no need to hand it over in the first place.

What's more, Qinggang has long considered the hidden dangers in this area, so it has decided to let the single soldier become a member of the base as a partner, and keep this research data at the same time as Qinggang...

So, after ruling out all possibilities, Lu Xin introduced this great demon to come here, really for the purpose of security?

In other words, get more wages?

"Isn't it normal to ask for three wages for one job and one salary for three jobs?"

Facing Chen Jing's surprised eyes, Lu Xin showed a calm expression.

I don’t want to do security work anymore. After all, I’m a college student worth hundreds of millions...

But my father is also idle when he is at home.

My mother has already come out to earn consulting fees. Is it unreasonable for my father to come out as a security guard?

After making eye contact, Chen Jing soon discovered that her guess was true.

She was a little confused.

After a while, I weighed various factors, and then asked Lu Xin in a low voice:

Please be such a security guard, what should I pay attention to?

What needs to be paid attention to?

Lu Xin felt somewhat unprofessional that the always-professional leader Chen Jing asked this question.

Although the money is directly paid to yourself, of course you need to be careful not to be in arrears...

Father's temper is not very good.

After careful research, Chen Jing finally agreed to hire this security guard in the name of the Special Clearance Department.

"What did I do..."

Chen Jing watched Lu Xin leave, and then thought anxiously.

She still remembers that when she first recruited the individual soldiers, she learned about the status of the individual soldiers. Some people said privately that the recruitment of Team Leader Chen this time was very successful. He obviously only recruited one, but he came. Four people work...

I didn’t expect that this joke would come true one day...

However, it seems that there is still one that hasn't come out.

Is it because you are young and have not met the job requirements?


Helplessly, Chen Jing still wrote an application and explanation, and asked the secretary to send it to Professor Bai.

He knocked on the table and seriously told him that he was wearing a pink suit and Scottish plaid skirt next to the desk: "After sending it this time, please pull him a bit and let him know that you are there and then give it to him. And asked him to watch on the spot..."

"Otherwise, as you did before, you just send it there and leave, they always can't remember this thing..."


The hideaway on one side was standing aggrievedly holding a cup of tea.

Lu Xin had obviously poured tea just now, but he left without drinking it.

Hearing Chen Jing's instructions, he nodded hurriedly and seriously, waving his little tentacles as a guarantee.

Looking at this little pink thing, Chen Jing suddenly felt a lot of pressure dissipated.

"What? You asked me to protect that base?"

Finally, through Team Leader Chen, he found a job for his father, but he was a little dissatisfied, and his anger suddenly rose.


Lu Xin replied: "Now is a special time for Qinggang, and everyone needs to do their part."

"Although you don't have Qinggang ID, you have lived here for so many years..."


"Ha ha…"

Father slanted Lu Xin: "Why don't you do it yourself?"

Lu Xin was a little embarrassed and explained: "We have to do theoretical research, we can't get away..."

"Haha, research how to search for more money?"

Father sneered, his voice turned slightly, and then said: "Then tell me, how to protect them?"

"Can deep pollution?"



Lu Xin said in surprise: "Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is a difference."

The father sneered and said: "If it can be deeply polluted, then I will be their master, relying on their spiritual power to support me."

"If the pollution cannot be deep, then I will be their security guard and consume my strength to protect them."


Lu Xin suddenly realized that he didn't like his father's caress. After the family has lived for so long, his mental consciousness is still so low, but now after all, he has to ask his father, so he persuades him: "In fact, there is no need to care about so many things. Anyway, your current strength is enough. From this fight against the sword bearer, you can see that you have a lot of wealth..."

While speaking, he looked back at the direction of the kitchen.

A row of shelves in the kitchen are full of unknown meats.

Every time my father went out to perform a task, he would always bring something back with more and less.

It's already quite impressive.

Although he was willing to consume the wealth to protect Qinggang when he was fighting against the sword bearer, Lu Xin at that time was really moved. Before the pollution of the sword bearer completely broke out, he stopped him, so his father’s In fact, the consumption of family resources is not large.


When his father saw Lu Xin glance at the kitchen, he was a little wary, and moved slightly to block the kitchen.

The tone is also a little weak: "Now it's not good for you to talk about this?"

"At that time, you had promised to help me get back the original things..."


Lu Xin nodded and said blankly, "I did say it."

Hearing that his tone was not right, his father suddenly warned: "You don't want to go wrong, do you?"

"how could be?"

Lu Xin smiled and looked at his father, and said, "But you shouldn't reject me for this job, right?"

Father stared at Lu Xin angrily for a long time, and finally agreed.

"This is the correct view of life thinking..."

Lu Xin's mood suddenly became very good, and he was deeply moved.

Before leaving with her father, she told her sister that she and her mother and father should go out to work and support the family, so that she should stay at home honestly, and she must not cause trouble.

At first, I looked at my sister's expression. It seemed that she was unhappy leaving her alone, but when she changed her mind, she didn't know what she thought of, and she agreed happily.

Seeing his sister's sinister smile, Lu Xin was slightly uneasy.

But after another glance, my sister is so sensible, what bad thoughts can she have?

Still feel relieved to leave.

When my father officially settled in the base and took charge of the security work of the entire base, everyone in the base had an unprecedented novel experience. Whether it is a hidden ability person hiding in the research team, a freelance intelligence agent with multiple identities, or a special agent with a heavy responsibility, they all heard a laugh in the middle of a sleeping night.

"Ha ha ha ha ha…"

"I can see you, I'm waiting for you..."


These people were awakened by the sudden sound, and they saw a tall figure in a raincoat in the corner of their tent.

Their throats seemed to be strangled, struggling and out of breath.

Many layers of clothes were wet with cold sweat.

When they finally woke up, they found that the searchlight outside the tent was bright and the stars in the sky were like a bucket.

Everything just now was like an unreal nightmare.

Only the clothes that were wet with cold sweat and the violent heart palpitations still hung over their heads.

On the next day, many researchers with uncertain identities voluntarily withdrew from the base.

The rest of the people have also changed obviously. They all started to line up honestly when they were serving food in the cafeteria.

"Father's ability is really powerful..."

Lu Xin was in the base and saw the changes that had taken place in the base because of his father's appearance.

He couldn't help but sighed.

If the emergence of the capable person has made many of the tactics of ordinary people useless, then the power of the father is not comparable to that of the ordinary capable person.

Qinggang’s previous worries and analysis were correct. No matter how rigorous the inspection and the rules and regulations, the ambition and greed of the various forces cannot be eliminated, but the power of the father seems to be able to do...

The secret methods and plans disappeared the moment his father appeared.

After solving the hidden dangers inside the base, his father turned his attention to the wilderness.

Outside the barbed wire, it seemed that there were only patches of weeds and an empty wilderness, but when my father's eyes were cast over, it was obvious that there was a gloomy commotion in the empty wilderness. Moving around.

It was like a wildfire that burned out insects and birds that would not normally be found.

Even if Lu Xin had mastered the power of "fantasy", he was still amazed by the effect.

"The genius who jumped from the 100-storey building of the Academy once said three predictions."

Faced with Lu Xin’s surprise, his mother whispered: “The second one is that with the emergence of spiritual mutation, the social structure and order of this world will inevitably usher in unprecedented impact. This sentence is actually One thing to remind mankind is not to have the ignorance and arrogance that you had before, but to put down your body and accept some facts, and save unnecessary resistance and sacrifice."

"Qinggang has done very well at this point."

"And after this incident, people in other places should have some understanding..."


While saying these words, UU read www.uukanshu. Com mother took the coat, walked out of the camp side by side with Lu Xin, and then gently took his arm.

"Where to go?"

Lu Xin saw that this was what his mother meant to take herself out, and asked slightly in surprise.

"You have entered the fifth step."

"The name of this step is called the fantasy kingdom. As the center of the kingdom, you are the king."


Mother explained with a smile, and then gently stroked her chest with her palm, and said gracefully:

"So, now of course I have to take our King to take a tour of our kingdom..."

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