Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 759: Abyss Kingdom

"You should have also discovered that you are closely related to the world of spiritual power, but you are not a capable person."

Mother took Lu Xin's arm and walked out of the base while talking. People along the way met and quietly gave way to them. Sometimes someone smiled and nodded to Lu Xin. Lu Xin also Both nodded politely to them.

With his hands in his pockets and slightly raised arms, Lu Xin walked out of the base gate.

The guard did not stop him. After all, the sign on Lu Xin's chest had already shown his identity and authority.

Mother held Lu Xin and walked slowly in the wilderness, while quietly discussing abilities with Lu Xin.

It really looks like a pair of ordinary mother and child walking under the stars.

"This allows you to walk step by step, the path is similar to that of the capable person, but it is very different."

"The advantage is that because you have been under great mental pressure from the beginning, when you step on different steps, the mental pressure will no longer be superimposed like ordinary people. The risk of losing control has been passed this way, Compressed to the extreme."

"But the downside is that your understanding of spiritual power may not be as deep as others."

"Of course, there is a lot less temptation."


They walked slowly and came to the open space between the base and Qinggang.

There are huge crowds on the left and right.

There are ordinary people who live with peace of mind, and there are researchers who pursue all the secrets.

There are warriors who have a mission to fight against all invasions and conspiracies, and there are conspirators who come with secrets and hide their ambitions.

They are mixed in the crowd, like a complicated sea.

Mother sighed softly:

"Now, Qinggang is working hard to study the Midnight Court. They are trying to understand how high-level spiritual power exists through an ultimate spiritual temple, and you, I think, should also lead you to understand low-level spirituality. Strength..."


"Low level?"

Lu Xin thought her mother's words were a bit weird, but when she glanced at her mother, she saw that she was nodding to herself seriously.

So Lu Xin answered seriously, "Okay, how do I start?"

Mother smiled and said, "Start with your kingdom."

Under the guidance of his mother, Lu Xin took out the J of Spades playing card from the black bag.

Lu Xin didn't know how to use this parasitic item at this time, but his mother seemed to have already thought about it. She lightly took the poker card, sandwiched it between her two fingers, gently in the air in front of her, slowly. Dragging it down slowly opens a gap.

As if there was nothing in the void, a blood-red vertical eye appeared.

Mother smiled at Lu Xin, gently held him, walked into the vertical eye, and reminded:



Lu Xin understood what his mother meant, and when he entered the vertical eye, he unfolded the power of fantasy.

Mom is borrowing this poker card to let him into the abyss.

With the help of the power of the abyss, the playing card of the jack of spades allows Lu Xin to exchange positions with certain objects in reality.

However, because the J of Spades poker card can only exchange positions, it can only help Lu Xin to open the abyss for a short time in Lu Xin's hands. The next moment, he will be repelled by the power of the Black Abyss and quickly return to it. In the real world.

But this time, at the reminder of his mother, when Lu Xin entered the abyss, he began to fantasize.

As a result, it was different from each time before. Lu Xin felt that as the power of fantasy unfolded, his distorted force field was rapidly expanding, and his mental power seemed to have his own life, quickly helping. He opened up the frontiers and expanded the land, wisps and wisps expanding the radiation range, and within this radiation range, all the spiritual powers are alleviated.

The abyss is a blood-red world.

This world seems to be real, and it seems to be false, both as an objective existence and as a life with its own.

The moment Lu Xin came in, the world would wriggle instinctively, repelling Lu Xin.

However, the unfolding power of fantasy suppressed this repulsive power, allowing Lu Xin to gain a foothold in this world.

Looking up, the surrounding area became blood red.

Lu Xin could see the direction of Qinggang, and the tall city walls and forested buildings had become dilapidated.

Everything in this world seems to be covered with rust.

Looking back in the direction of the base, you can see that everything in the base is fascinating, and occasionally a terrible shadow will pass.

"It's not the first time you have entered the abyss."

Mother turned her head to Lu Xin and whispered, "But have you carefully observed the creatures in the abyss?"

Lu Xin shook his head slightly and looked around.

He entered the abyss many times, but every time there was something to be busy, so he rarely cared about what was here.

In addition, a certain essence also gave him a deeply hidden arrogant attitude.

These ordinary spirit monsters, he wouldn't pay attention to them, because these monsters could not affect him in the first place.

But then, after listening to his mother's words, he settled down and watched quietly.

Then, he saw layers of dry or fresh black palms on the ground.

Seeing the wind that was covered with rust in the distance, the dilapidated office buildings disappeared and recovered layer by layer. They were hanging upside down with extremely long monsters with their necks pulled. Pulling one end of the rope forcefully, gasping silently.

He saw a blindfolded monster wandering in the dark red city in confusion, with a smile on his face.

Seeing the monster that Guoluoli watched vigilantly at the outside world, holding a rusty knife in one hand, he kept sticking it into his body.

Seeing a monster staring at the flesh and blood of others, but didn't notice that his flesh and blood was being eaten.

I saw the monster who kept devouring things around, but didn’t know that his stomach was about to explode...

Seeing that the legs are bound, I only know the worm that wriggles forward with its body...

There are so many ghosts and ghosts Chong Chong.

They hide in every corner of the city, inconspicuous, but countless are not there.

When some saw themselves, they immediately retracted into the shadows, shivering, and refused to speak out.

Others were confused, facing their own gazes, only knowing that they had tightened their necks and covered their eyes tighter.

"You see, the abyss also has many lives."

Mom explained softly: "There is this kind of greedy hand that is the lowest and most worthless."

"There are also those who hang upside down in the office building, obviously the rope tightens their necks, but they still hold more things in their arms. The more things they hold, the tighter the rope around their necks will tighten them. Until the hanged monster is completely dead."

"There are blindfolded monsters who only know to smile around."

"There are also self-harming monsters who are hostile to all foreign creatures, but keep piercing themselves with a knife..."

"Also, those ambitious monsters that are constantly devouring things around them and are about to be crushed to death..."


Mom pointed at the monsters and saw them huddling in the city, cowering.

In the direction of the base behind him, a large shadow is rolling around like a tide, it is the father who is caring.

But even the father's breath can't let them really escape.

"The abyss is in people's hearts."

Mom explained softly: "Everything in people's hearts is also alive in the abyss."

"As long as people have all kinds of thoughts in their minds, these monsters will always exist, just like in that base, even if the power of fear has already scared away many powerful monsters, as long as the ambition is still there, these monsters will still exist. exist."

"The power of fear will only make them dormant temporarily, but will not disappear."


Lu Xin listened to his mother's words and whispered softly: "Could these monsters never be eliminated?"

"Of course not."

Mother smiled and shook her head, and said, "They are very fragile. You can wipe them out with a single thought."


Lu Xin was startled slightly before realizing that there were no spiritual monsters within the radiation range of his fantasy abilities.

In other words, these spiritual monsters, under their own fantasy ability, appear so weak, indeed, as my mother said, one thought can make them all disappear. Not only that, but I can even make them weak at will. Either they are powerful, or they can change from such a monster to another kind of monster, just as they want...

He quickly understood that this was the power of the king.

In the fantasy kingdom, the king has the same power.

In reality, one can change the spiritual power within any radiation range.

In the abyss, I have all the privileges to live and kill all spiritual monsters...

"You are really different from other capable people."

Mother smiled and said: "If you change it to someone else, it must be a stupid performance."

"The power of the fifth step is originally a kind of ultimate power of reality. You can build your kingdom at will. In this country, you are the only will. Therefore, you can let everyone in the entire kingdom treat you Become the most attractive person in the world and let everyone willing to die for you. You can make each of them believe that you are their love."

"It's their lover who reincarnated for ten generations together."

"You can make each of them remember that they grew up with you and were willing to give their lives for each other."

"You can also ask them to treat your tattered clothes as the most beautiful and fashionable clothes, let them treat your weird behavior as the most gentleman's behavior, take your noise-like singing as the sound of nature, and treat your boring words as humor. …"

"Even, treat your account with zero balance as the richest man in the world..."


Having said that, she stopped slightly and smiled to Lu Xin, "You said, how tempting is this for ordinary people?"

Lu Xin was stunned for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com just smiled and said: "It just feels like a thick skin."

After hearing these words, my mother looked a little helpless.

Lu Xin turned his head and looked around. In the dark red light and shadow, I don't know how much weirdness is hidden.

He smiled and said: "Actually, I understand what you are saying, the power of fantasy. When I first grasped it, I already understood what it was. It really allows me to have everything I want, even real. After all, When everyone’s memories, everyone’s emotions and desires become real, then, at least living in fantasy, life will be real."

He raised his finger: "It's as if I can really kill the things in these people's hearts..."

"But if I really kill all these things, won't the world seem too monotonous?"

"The abyss becomes monotonous, and the real world will no longer be so colorful, right?"


Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "Including the money we earned, through fantasy, I can indeed have a lot of money, even tearing a piece of paper, even without using paper, can make others think that I gave him it. A lot of money, but for me personally, only when he really passes the money to him, and then he willingly gives me things, the existence of money is meaningful."

Mother heard Lu Xin's exposition, although she felt a little weird, but she listened very seriously.

Finally, she smiled helplessly: "I have to say that although your spiritual core is not serious, it is quite strong..."

"However, it is precisely because of this that I can safely tell you all these things..."

"Let's go, I will show you something deeper."

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