Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 760: Walk in the abyss

Lu Xin had entered the abyss several times and was even familiar with it.

But not once, it feels as kind and curious as to come in with my mother.

She took Lu Xin's arm and walked side by side with him through this dark red world, with black palms everywhere, and various ruined buildings. She saw that compared with other cities, there are obviously fewer spiritual monsters. In the second satellite city of China, I also saw that one by one. They could only hide in a dark corner, a powerful monster who wanted to show up but didn't dare to come out.

They even saw the dolls sitting quietly on the tall buildings over the ruins of Qinggang, and the chains flying around her.

Existence beyond the level of the spiritual lord will inevitably leave a shadow of its own in the abyss.

Lu Xin smiled and said hello to the doll, which caused the doll to open his eyes curiously, and gave him a delighted look.

However, under the mother's eyes, the two of them didn't say much, just said hello, and then passed by.

Mom just took him and walked quickly through the abyss.

This night, I don’t know how many people from Qinggang saw a mother and son in their sleep.

The mother took the young man's arm, from one person's dream to another's mind.

Many people in Qinggang awakened at this moment.

Some hearts were full of fear, and they never dared to fall asleep anymore, or even did not dare to release the slightest mental power. They had the idea of ​​fleeing Qinggang quickly in their minds. After some people saw it, they quickly felt fortunate. They knew what the shadow they had just passed by, so they knew that they didn't need to do anything at this time. The king can choose his own land or not...

And low-level beings can only be chosen.

The only thing that felt the most clear was the doll in the main city of Qinggang, but she just glanced at it, and then watched the TV with peace of mind.

On TV, a beautiful woman in period costume said affectionately: "I'm here to join this family..."



"If you want to truly understand the abyss, you must understand the capable."

While taking Lu Xin and walking in the abyss, his mother quietly explained to him: "For those with abilities, perhaps you have also gone through several trainings in Qinggang and have a certain understanding, but in my opinion, this kind of It’s not deep enough..."

While she was talking, she led Lu Xin to a section of a building.

The rust here keeps floating up, giving people a weird and wonderful feeling.

And in this weird face, Lu Xin saw that in the abyss, a distinctive wind was gently drifting past. In the abyss, among the countless winds intertwined with the spiritual power of different people, this wisp of wind, It seems to be more real and more agile than others. Mom looked at it lightly and said, "Look, that's a capable person, and that's his spiritual traits..."

"The emergence of the capable is actually the same as the demented person. It is because of a huge change that impacts the spiritual world. Some people’s spiritual world is completely destroyed, and they become demented people, that is, you. Known lunatic."

"Some people have a deviation in the mental structure, like a building block that has distorted its shape but has not collapsed, but has ability."

"The difference between them and the stable spiritual structure is their characteristics."

"Traits form ability."

"And these kinds of differences have formed different characteristics. This is the category of ability."


The mother explained quietly: "The first stage of the capable person, the ability awakening, is essentially that simple."

"Because the abyss has always existed, the aftermath of the great change that year has not subsided, so there will be a steady stream of people being affected and becoming new capable people. Of course, it is because there is no such violent impact. , So there are fewer people with dementia now, but you also know by reading the news that occasionally, there will be one or two."



Lu Xin nodded. What his mother said was the content of the seven-step theory, which he had already read.

Although my mother's perspective is a bit different, the essence is almost the same.

Mother continued to lead Lu Xin forward and found a shadow that was a little clearer than the previous ray of spiritual power. It was not only agile, but also a lot stronger. In the abyss, the flexible swimming, occasionally affected Other spiritual powers.

Lu Xin could feel that it could even swallow other spiritual powers to strengthen himself.

But sometimes it is swallowed, and it will quickly spit it out again, seeming to be worried that the spiritual power that is swallowed will hurt him.



"This is the second stage of the capable person, trait extension."

The mother explained quietly: "The second-stage capable person already has the ability to extend his own spiritual traits to other spiritual individuals and to assimilate them. In reality, he is contaminating another person, but On the spiritual level, he actually assimilated the other's spiritual power, so that the two, on the spiritual level, form a unified whole."

"Of course, in the process, it will also be afraid."

"Because the more you assimilate, the more likely you are to be diluted and lose yourself."

"If consciousness is lost in the process of this assimilation, then it becomes an ordinary source of pollution."

"Therefore, ordinary capable people usually deliberately carry out shallow pollution."

"With the help of the mental power of other individuals, I completed my goal, and then quickly restored my original state."


Lu Xin listened carefully to these words, even if most of them already understood.

Mother took Lu Xin. She had traveled far in the abyss and finally found a place with a dark red whirlpool. Lu Xin saw that in the endless ruins ahead, an invisible monster was surging. It looked like It's a black cloud, but from time to time people's arms or faces are exposed from the cloud, roaring and crashing in despair, but they are blocked by invisible restraints.

"In reality, this is a secret laboratory of the Qinggang Special Clearance Department."

My mother explained to Lu Xin: "There is a source of pollution that has lost its will."

"If it breaks it, it will madly devour all the spiritual power around it, turning all the spiritual bodies that it will encounter into its own appearance, just like a plague spreading, and this is also a'mental plague. "The origin of the four words..."

"In terms of nature, this is just an out-of-control second-level ability person."

"But if, in this unrestricted pollution, this second-level capable person has more stable spiritual characteristics and has enough will to keep his consciousness from being overwhelmed by huge spiritual power, then, He can freely release the spiritual plague, making his own characteristics continue to expand and grow, and this is the third step, the characteristics of infinite pollution."

"Of course, the third step is very dangerous."

"Each capable person, even if his mental structure is stable and his will is strong enough, he still has his own theoretical upper limit."

"Once this limit is exceeded, he will still lose control and become a source of pollution."

"Back then, many institutions that tried to study the seven-step theory were stuck at this level and could not make progress."


Listening to his mother's explanation, Lu Xin nodded deeply.

The third step is indeed the most prone to lunatics and cause extensive damage.

The black table of the year seemed to have carried out so many horrible experiments to overcome this problem.

"The problem of the third step is almost insurmountable. It can only depend on the capable."

My mother explained slowly, as carefully as possible: "However, no matter whether it is through any taboo experiment, through its own internal factors, or lucky factors, as long as it stabilizes at the third stage, then there is always hope that further."

"This is the Spirit Lord."

"At this point, my own strong will has played the most critical role, and the spiritual palace has taken shape."

"And after having a spiritual palace, even if it's just a shadow, one's own consciousness and will are greatly guaranteed. At the same time, it also has absolute control over the surrounding spiritual power. Therefore, the spiritual lord level Those with abilities can freely adjust their high, medium, and low levels of pollution to the surrounding people, and can release or recover the pollution at will."

"You can build a spiritual field with yourself as the center."

"In this field, other invading spiritual forces are prevented and confronted, even diluted and swallowed."

"You can even recruit assistants and upgrade their abilities to help them bear the risk of losing control."

"So, the spiritual lord is the limit of mortals."

"This can already be called a **** walking in the world."



"So amazing?"

Lu Xin thought of his mother's words, couldn't help being slightly surprised, and reflecting on it.

After experiencing the events of Tinder City, did he seem to lack a little respect and respect for the spiritual lord?

"After the Spirit Lord, it is the power you have now."

Mother smiled lightly and said, "You know the power of this level. Compared with the spiritual lord, this is another level. The realm of the spiritual lord can easily penetrate and change its nature. The spiritual lord, by virtue of his traits, can distort the spiritual power of others, the power of fantasy, and can even directly change or erase the traits of the capable person."

"Of course, it is easy to erase. If you want to change to another trait, you need to have a good understanding of the other trait."


"The power of fantasy, and this use?"

Lu Xin frowned, a little confused at first, but from another angle, it became very clear.

For example, the spider gecko can actually turn him into an ordinary person, or change it into a princess?

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