Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 761: The bottom stuff

"Do you understand what I explained earlier?"

Mother looked at Lu Xin's thoughtful look, waited patiently for a while, and then asked softly.


Lu Xin's answer was very worthy of his college degree.

And if at first, he subconsciously used the power of fantasy to break the logic chain of the Midnight Court, prevent it from trialing Mr. Deer, and also isolate its influence on the Qinggang-2 Satellite City, then, after this time After reading what his mother said in the abyss, he did understand what kind of power and level the true fantasy is...

"Then, I'm going to explain the other two levels to you..."

Mom nodded in satisfaction and said softly: "You have to listen carefully, because this is the level of the opponent you are about to face."



"The higher level beyond the fifth step is the true creation."

When it came to the sixth step, my mother's voice was also lowered slightly. This may be just an unintentional move. It seems that if the voice is too high, it will alarm an unknown existence and attract his hatred. Like the catastrophe of destruction.

"The various abilities and monsters we usually experience are mostly on the spiritual level."

Mom whispered: "This, you should know better than others."

"However, there will also be some special spiritual powers that have already begun to affect reality. Therefore, some monsters that shouldn't appear in reality and violate the common sense of physics and ordinary people's cognition have been born. Such spiritual monsters. , It is often born after the power that transcends the fifth step, a power that extends from the abyss to reality."


When Lu Xin listened, he couldn't help nodding.

He has a deep understanding of this, because he has the ability to see spirit monsters from the very beginning.

This feeling is very strange, because I can see the mental monsters, so I dealt with many pollution incidents in more aspects, but it also separates the cognition between myself and other capable people. Many times, in their eyes, it is just A group of twisted and indeterminate spiritual power, but in my own eyes, it is a group of real and terrifying, wriggling flesh **** and tentacle-like monsters.

However, this is not entirely true.

Since joining the Special Clearance Department, he has also seen several monsters with entities.

For example, the brain that played the violin made by Black Marsh City, such as the ultimate creature they later created: God.

These are all true spiritual monsters that exist in reality and can be seen by people.

"The use of the power of creation is a very dangerous thing."

Mother whispered: "The level of this power is very high. Among humans, there are few cases where humans can really control this power without losing control. However, humans can't control it. It doesn't mean that humans will not find out and try to control it. This power..."

"It's like a child playing with fire. It's our most annoying behavior."


Lu Xin suddenly reacted: Is this why my mother hated the black table experiment so much?

In addition, when encountering the experimental subjects of the black table, you can indeed find that their creation has a great influence on them.

Because they have already touched high-level power?

"The power of real creation is often extremely difficult to imagine. To a certain extent, you can even understand that it belongs to the authority of God, and it is a power that can only be mastered by creatures that are about to touch the level of'God'. , He can release the existence that only exists on the spiritual level into reality, really disrupting the order of reality and destroying the foundation of mankind."

"In short, once the power of real creation appears, there will be no possibility of confrontation in the human world."


"Is it so scary?"

Lu Xin couldn't help thinking about it in secret.

In fact, he has seen a little bit of the true creative power of the sixth step.

It's not complete, but it already shows some characteristics.

The simplest is to affect reality.

So far, at least I have seen two people who have the ability to influence reality.

One is the number two I saw in Tinder City.

The other one is myself when I was a child, or in other words, a "tyrant".

The ability of No. 2 is to turn a water cup into an apple, and a tyrant when he was a child can turn a vase into a poisonous snake.

It sounds a bit like a magician.

Another point is that every time Lu Xin thinks of this, he thinks it's a little weird.

This is not in line with the common sense of physics at all.

As mentioned in the physics textbook of elementary school, there is no such thing as turning stones into gold.

If you are your current self, you can give someone a stone to make him believe that it is gold, or you can show it to others, and make other people think that it is gold, and you can even let them test it. Then by tampering with their cognition and thinking to make them believe that the result of this detection still proves that the stone is actually a piece of gold...

But the stone is the stone.

No matter how delicate and huge the fantasy is, a fatal loophole will be found.

Perhaps it was the person who tested that one day, he suddenly discovered that there was a problem with the level of testing, or one day, he suddenly discovered that if the test result of this stone is gold, does it mean that his house and coffee table are also gold? made?

This loophole cannot be filled.

But after listening to my mother, after reaching the sixth step, can this loophole be hidden?

"Real creation is the most terrifying power..."

When Lu Xin was thinking about it, his mother had taken him to a strange place in the abyss.

It was like a gloomy sea, and the light of the red moon looked a little dim here, as if it had been swallowed in.

She looked at this sea area and whispered:

"I can't give a detailed explanation in words, but I can let you take a look and understand how this power is formed."


After saying this, she turned her head to look at Lu Xin, and whispered, "Are you ready?"

Lu Xin was taken aback for a moment, and she saw deep fear in her eyes, and her heart sank slightly.

What is this going to do to make my mother worry about this?

After a slight silence, Lu Xin smiled instead, smiling deliberately and relaxedly: "Okay."

Lu Xin's smile infected her mother. She took the palm of Lu Xin's arm and applied a little force. Then, under the gaze of Red Moon, the two of them slowly moved towards the "sea area" below, or in other words, a deeper one. The abyss, stepped down.

Since entering the abyss, my mother has been taking Lu Xin for a walk here.

She seems to be deliberately letting Lu Xin understand this.

But now, they are walking deeper into the abyss, so a strange experience floating in the bottom of Lu Xin's heart, he feels like he has entered a world where there is no gravity and everything is upside down, and like He was immersed in a weird and splendid dream, and the deeper and deeper in this dream, he was far away from reality, and even farther away from this dark red abyss.

It's like diving deep in the ocean.

He saw different scenes layer by layer.

When the dark red world began to blur, he saw everything around him, and it turned into darkness.

There seemed to be nothing deep in the darkness.

But when Lu Xin looked intently, he was shocked in a cold sweat.

He saw huge statues of gods, some were Buddhas with flowers and smiles, some were Tianzuns with whisks in their hands, some were heavenly fathers with sad expressions, and there were demon foxes and snake gods with forest colors. This statue exists in the boundless. In the darkness, each of them was extremely tall, and in front of them, Lu Xin felt as small as a fly, with a deep sense of powerlessness.

But these unclear statues and Buddhas are hidden in this darkness, silent.

There is a desperate sense of horror...

"Here, it's no surprise to see anything..."

Mother explained softly: "The abyss is the human heart, and everything is hidden in the human heart."

"Some were forgotten by them, and some were deliberately hidden by them."

"There are also those who will never admit it in their entire lives, but it is tangible and has always affected them."


Lu Xin remained silent, but kept walking with his mother deeper into the abyss.

He saw scenes of bizarre scenes.

I saw huge tombstones standing in the boundless darkness. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Saw the rusty trophies piled into huge mountains of garbage.

I saw the faces of beauties in various colors, skewered on the filaments like dried fish.

I saw all kinds of firearms, and I was held in my arms by a baby who was as big as a tall building and played...

It's like showing the nightmare of countless people in this world, a little bit of abstraction, into a huge exhibition, so people can truly and clearly feel all the weirdness in these desperate scenes. And desolation.

He saw the desperate forest, the flower of death, the lonely monster, and the desperate soul.

The deeper one enters, the more desperate and bizarre.

But as he went deeper and deeper into the abyss, the illusory images that Lu Xin saw, on the contrary, became fewer and fewer, only large swathes of darkness.

Like eternal loneliness and death.

Gradually, a tremor rising from the bottom of my heart surged in my heart.

He suddenly felt a low wailing, it was the jack of spades playing card, struggling desperately, seemed to feel fear.


The sound of tens of thousands of silkworms gnawing mulberry leaves sounded around, right in my ears, in front of my eyes, and in my mind.

"That is…"

Even Lu Xin suddenly felt unusually nervous.

"It's okay, you just need to see..."

His mother's voice rang beside him, and her face was full of determination.

And on her body, I don't know when, a large area of ​​wounds and blood have already begun to appear on her body, but her face is suddenly firm and even determined.

"In order to let you see this, it's worth taking the big risk..."

I like to start with the red moon, please collect it: () The fastest update from the red moon.

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