Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 763: The ultimate thing was born

Believe me?

What means?

Why do I have to take me to see the thing at the bottom of the abyss when I bear so much pain and danger?

Why do I feel a strong call when I see something like that?

Lu Xin's rational thinking was recovering a little bit, but he did not feel relaxed.

Instead, more questions flooded into my mind like a tide.

His mother's words gave him a sense of division, as if he already understood something in his mind.

But most of them don't know what this means at all, and the panic and confusion in their hearts are indescribable for a while.

He was totally unwilling to end the conversation.

Gritting his teeth, shaking his head vigorously, he said: "I want to know, what is that..."

"I want to know more, what does it have to do with me?"

"Why, when I see it, there is a...strong sense of familiarity?"

"I even feel..."

After a pause, he said in a trembling voice, "I am it!"


When he said these words, his voice seemed to be mixed with a trace of cold air, it was groundless fear.

Even if he has already escaped from the abyss at this time, a cold feeling that has penetrated into the bone marrow still catches the heart from time to time.


Mother looked at Lu Xin who had gritted her teeth at this time, and sighed softly.

"It's not just you, but we also have that kind of unusual familiarity..."

The mother whispered: "Or, this is not familiarity, maybe we are born because of it?"


Lu Xin was stunned and looked at his mother blankly.

The light of the red moon shone down, casting her a layer of mystery.

My mother answered this sentence, but it was as if she hadn't answered, but it made herself even more confused.

"I once told you Thirteen Ultimate..."

Mother said softly: "The one below is also one of the thirteen ultimates, but its identity is different from other people. It belongs to the thirteen ultimates, but it is the source of other ultimates. Some of these problems are that I didn't think about it myself. Understand, some of me are restricted, I can’t say it, and the only thing I can tell you is that it is combined with the abyss that gave birth to the ultimate..."


"do you know?"

Mother said softly, and suddenly her voice slowed down, saying:

"When I saw the empty spiritual palace of the sword bearer, I felt sad."

"Because the ultimate fall of one person represents the beginning of another reincarnation."

"It's tantamount to telling us once again that the ultimate is not free."

"Our thoughts, even our birth, may be just a mistake, after all..."


She suddenly shook her head slightly: "Everything is possible to go back to the original path..."


Lu Xin was taken aback suddenly, feeling a muffled thunder echo in his mind.

He widened his eyes and looked at his mother.

Now, on the surface of my mother, various wounds have begun to heal.

However, her body is still obviously weak, probably because of her personality. She would rather let her internal injuries recover slowly, and she should first concentrate on making her surface look intact, so that she can appear mysterious and elegant. .

The wind in the wilderness blew gently and lifted her hair.

The red moon hung high in the sky, making everything in this world extremely mysterious.

Mother's words are full of fate and control. Her voice may be soft, but there are real mood swings.

Most importantly, it was the first time that Lu Xin heard her mother admit her identity.


She is also one of the ultimate.

Even though there had been speculations before, Lu Xin still felt very shocked when he heard it.

"So you are..."

He reacted after a while, and couldn't help asking immediately.

Ying Lu Xin's curious and surprised eyes, his mother looked back at him and suddenly laughed:

"I am a smart woman, so I chose to be your family..."



Just as Lu Xin wondered whether this answer was considered a serious answer, his mother stood up gently, hugged Lu Xin slowly, and said in his ear: "No matter what we face, we just have to believe in each other. , It can be broken..."



Lu Xin was startled for a moment, and all the doubts in his heart were immediately resolved.

Just because he had seen the bottom of the abyss, the heart that had been tight, also slowly relaxed.


Hasn't it been this way all the time?

Trust and support each other with your family. What problems can't be solved?

Of course he could see that his mother still had something on her mind, and she must still have something to tell herself.

However, shouldn't this be the case between family members?

Keep a little secret with each other, but they can help each other and trust each other, and cooperate seamlessly.

The red moon in the sky fell down and shone on Lu Xin and his mother who was holding him.

One is real, the other is somewhat illusory and mysterious.

But at least, this hug is real.


After a while, mother let go of Lu Xin, and turned around, gently rubbing her eyes.

"They are finally here..."

Back to Lu Xin, she whispered: "I don't know if it sensed that we went to that place, so I speeded up..."


"That is…"

Following his mother's gaze, Lu Xin turned his head and looked over, and he felt that there were countless ghosts and ghosts in the wilderness in front of him, and Hu Lala was startled, seemingly true and false, swiftly in a state of hurriedness. Fleeing, disappeared into the waist-deep grass.

One of the tallest, vaguely looked like a father.

It looks like he just hid beside him and listened secretly...

However, the other weirdness and mystery have escaped, but the honest one is left behind.

In Lu Xin's gaze, a small mental whirlpool appeared on the ground not far away, and then a head wearing a black top hat poked out from inside, showing half of his head first, and glanced at Lu Xin as if Is judging whether he is angry.

Then he walked out half of his body with confidence, took off his hat politely, and paid a gentleman's gift to Lu Xin.

"So it's you?"

Lu Xin was slightly surprised: "A useless lurker?"


Hearing what Lu Xin said, the little monster with the top hat in his hand suddenly raised his head.

There was a hypocritical smile on its face, but the corners of its mouth twitched slightly, tears squeezed out of its eyes.


Its expression made Lu Xin feel that he might have said something serious.

But after another thought, I felt that I was right.

Didn’t the previous research institute say that these lurkers would help them find the old dean?

What's more, there is no such lurker in the world that can't find it.

But in fact, after saying this, the old dean should do nothing but nothing was delayed.

But these lurkers didn't even touch a shadow...

It is true that when they were fighting against the technology church, they did help to deliver letters or something, and they also calculated their power.

But there is one thing to say, they are really nothing to boast about when it comes to finding someone...

Therefore, although Lu Xin found that he wanted to cry, he did not intend to apologize.

However, what Lu Xin did not expect was that as the first outcropping lurker showed a grieved expression, on the surrounding wasteland, more and more spiritual vortexes appeared, one after another small hats. The monster showed his head from inside.

One next to each other, evenly distributed on this wilderness.

It looks like a mushroom that only grows out of the air...

Countless pairs of eyes looked at Lu Xin, some grieved, some dull, some sniffed...


All of a sudden, Lu Xin felt that the pressure had increased.

"It's so fast..."

At the same time, my mother had stood up, her posture was graceful, with a slight pride, and she quietly looked forward.

Lu Xin suddenly reacted, and his mother was eager to restore the surface calm, just for this moment?

And following her mother's gaze, she saw a woman approaching slantingly in the wild grass in the distance.

From a distance, her posture seemed strange, with her body tall and short.

When he got close, Lu Xin realized that it was a beautiful woman in a white coat.

Dr. An from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute.

Although she was wearing a white lab coat, the legs under the white lab coat were covered with a pair of smooth black stockings and a pair of bright red high heels were worn on her feet. It is precisely because of wearing such a pair of shoes that she walked on the soft soil, and there were broken pieces everywhere. On the rocky wilderness, so I stumbled, slanted and slanted, and there were many places on both legs, which were cut out by the thorns and vines in the weeds.

"Oh, Qinggang came when I asked for help a few days ago..."

Hearing what his mother said, Dr. An hurriedly raised his head, and saw that under the red moonlight, her face was put on appropriate makeup at the same time, and her red lips were like blood. He smiled and said, "Just to give you a gift. , It was delayed for a few more days..."


Lu Xin frowned slightly, UU Reading also stood up, not knowing whether he should take the initiative to say hello at this time.

As he was thinking, he was suddenly slightly surprised and found a problem.

I did not release the power of fantasy at this time, but Dr. Ann could see his mother...

He looked up slightly, and couldn't help but fall on the rimless glasses on Dr. Ann's face, and looked carefully.

"What gift is not a gift..."

Mom didn't care what Dr. Ann said, and said indifferently: "For them, you are the one who cares more, right?"

"You can't say that..."

Dr. An pulled out his heel from the gravel, his eyes were a bit resentful: "It's good for everyone, isn't it?"

"Furthermore, for the sake of my hard work..."


"Let's go..."

Mother sighed softly, seemingly unmoved, just turned her head to look at Lu Xin, and said:

"What you want to know, maybe she will tell you part of it."

"As for how much will I tell you..."

She paused, with a cold smile on her face: "It depends on how sincere they are in the research institute..."

"Special sincerity..."

Dr. An also smiled and looked at Lu Xin, and even raised his hand lightly, as if swearing, "I will not only give you an account of the things I discussed with you, but also let me know." I will tell you as much as possible..."

"In addition, even the 100 million deposit that the research institute should pay you, I'm ready..."



Lu Xin was a little embarrassed. These people learn how to talk about money at every turn...

...How vulgar!

I like to start with the red moon, please collect it: () The fastest update from the red moon.

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