Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 764: Spades Office

When Dr. An from the research institute returned to the Qinggang Spiritual Power Research Base together, it caused a great reaction.

It was late at night, but the researchers slept very little.

They never seem to care about day and night, only research work in their eyes...

…Lu Xin appreciates this attitude.

For this reason, when Dr. An led a group of researchers from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute to appear in the base, they immediately attracted countless eyes, even some bald professors who were busy researching suddenly raised their heads and looked at There seemed to be stars in this Dr. Ann's eyes. Regardless of men, women, young or old, her eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet, and she looked at her chest...

…That badge of the Lunar Eclipse Institute.

That is the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, the holy place that every researcher dreams of.

Even a woman like Dr. Ann is not as attractive in their eyes as this little breastplate.


Even late at night, still wearing an elegant old-style gentleman's suit, his beard and hair are meticulously combed, and the silver-inlaid cane in his hand is also polished brightly, and the Qinggang researchers greeted Professor Bai, who was far away towards Dr. An. He stretched out his hand: "I thought the research institute would be the first to come, but I didn't expect to come here at this time. We are eager to ask you to guide our work..."

"It was delayed because of some trivial matter."

Dr. An smiled and shook hands with Professor Bai, and said, "Hello, Professor Bai."

"I should call you brother, if you stayed in the academy back then, you will definitely be your own person now."


Professor Bai smiled and said: "Research work is only necessary, no matter where it is, it is valuable."

"For this research project, I wonder if the research institute has given any pointers and suggestions?"


When asked this sentence, other researchers around also stopped their work, pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

In this question, the essence of this research has already been involved.

"The guest will do whatever you want."

But unexpectedly, Dr. Ann just smiled and said: "We are only joining as an ordinary research team."

"Don't worry, we will hand in the research funds for the crowdfunding as well."


Upon hearing this, the surrounding researchers were slightly relieved, and their expressions were even more pleasant.

Professor Bai smiled even more. The pleats that he usually tried to cover were all revealed, and he smiled and waved: "Good, good, quick, quick."

"First arrange a place to stay for the experts of the research institute..."


"Don't be so polite..."

Dr. An smiled and said, "Just let them have a place to sleep first, as for me..."

She turned her eyes slightly and looked at Lu Xin who was following in, and said, "Tonight, I have to go to his room first."


Suddenly a group of strange eyes saw Lu Xin at the same time.

Lu Xin was also caught off guard, and gave Dr. An a little helplessly: Is it necessary to speak like this?

Under the eyes of everyone, Dr. An really went back to the room with Lu Xin.

This is a spacious aluminum leather house built temporarily. Although the construction is simple, the interior is very comfortable.

The space is much larger than a normal room, and it even separates the inside and outside rooms.

The reason was that when Lu Xin came over, he made it clear that he would come with "Ms. Lu", so Qinggang took into account the inconvenience of the two of them, so they opened the two rooms together...

"Qinggang is very good, but at some levels, it's also a bit cliché."

Dr. Ann came to this room, as if he was back at his own home, turned around and looked around, threw his bag on the canvas seat, and ate in the eyes of the person peeping outside the door. He smiled and gently closed the door.

There was even a "click" and the lock was locked.

"It will take a lot of words to explain the misunderstanding clearly..."

Lu Xin thought helplessly, then looked at Dr. An and said, "What do you say?"

"Researchers should find problems and solve them."

Dr. An smiled, took out a pack of red gummies from his pocket, and gave Lu Xin a bit while eating.

After Lu Xin waved her hand and refused, she continued: "When a character like Professor Bai began to consider these real-life struggles for power.

As a researcher, my heart is no longer pure. In fact, they worry that the research institute will affect or hinder their research, so they really think too much. The Lunar Eclipse Research Institute will not compete with anyone for these..."

"Of course…"

She changed her conversation slightly, and said with a smile: "I really want to fight, and it's true that no one has ever competed for the research institute."

"Human nature is nothing more than..."

Lu Xin didn't quite agree with what she said. He said in a low voice, then raised his head and cast an inquiring look at Dr. An.

He also wanted to know what Dr. Ann wanted to tell him.

"Hey, give you this gift first..."

Dr. Ann grinned and took out a few broken cards from the bottom of the bag containing the red gummies.

Gently thrown on the table, it immediately attracted Lu Xin's attention.

Those are the fragments of a few playing cards, the big one still has half a card, and the small one has less than one-third of the corners of the card.

There is still blood or other unknown sticky substances on it.

One of them is a plum blossom and the other is a square piece.

Lu Xin was surprised that he recognized for the first time that these poker cards were consistent with his J of Spades.

It looked like it was drawn from a deck of cards.

"I received a request for help from Qinggang before and learned that a pair of mysterious eyes appeared in the sky above Qinggang. In addition, the pollution from the midnight court had already appeared around Qinggang, so we rushed over from the research institute. , Ready to help."

Dr. An saw Lu Xin's curiosity and explained with a smile:

"It's just that when we arrived here, we found that the situation in Qinggang was different from what we had imagined."

"Not only was it not swept by this world-level pollution, but even happily fired a shot into the sky..."

"Therefore, we immediately changed the target and tracked down a Knight Order that participated in the attack."


"It's them."

She nodded gently to the broken playing cards on the small table: "The office of spades."

"Sure enough, it is the Spades Firm..."

Lu Xin moved slightly in his heart.

When he was in Black Swamp City, he met a capable person named Black Jack. When the opponent was dying, he asked himself to take out a **** poker card from his mind. If he had the opportunity, he would return it to a black jack The mysterious organization of Tao Office.

But I haven't encountered it since, and I almost forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, this mysterious organization appeared in this attack.

…Isn’t it here to ask for the bill?

"I wanted to capture these people alive."

At this time, Dr. An continued to explain: "However, the process was not very smooth, and it has experienced a little disturbance."

"Although these people are indeed solved, only so few playing cards are left."

"But fortunately, from these people, I found a clue that you might be more interested in."

After a slight pause, she smiled and said, "This clue is my gift to you."


Lu Xin was startled slightly, and hurriedly asked, "What?"

Dr. An smiled and said, "Have you forgotten the cooperation terms we agreed upon?"

Lu Xin was only slightly startled, and then suddenly stood up, the expression on his face also became serious at the same time.

Of course he has not forgotten.

When I met with this Dr. An in Central City, both parties have agreed that Lu Xin will help the research institute deal with some special pollution to a certain extent, and the research institute will use the power of lurkers to help him find one person…

...The old dean.

So, the research institute has...


Ying Lu Xin looked a little surprised, Dr. An said: "The mastermind of the escaped laboratory incident, the betrayer of the research institute, the master behind a series of taboo experiments and weird incidents, Professor Wang Jingyun, in this Qinggang attack. Appeared in the middle."

"It's just that now he has left with some mysterious characters, and these people are related to the office of spades..."

"More importantly, from some clues, it seems that Professor Wang Jingyun's departure was not voluntary."

"Simple understanding, you can think that he was kidnapped."



This vocabulary made Lu Xin a little startled, even a little confused.

How could the old dean be kidnapped?

However, this does show a little bit of doubt in my heart.

After each trial, the old dean seemed to leave a trace. UU reading commented on his own results.

But this time, when the trial was over, he was completely lost.

Is this because he was kidnapped?

Too much information flooded into his mind, and Lu Xin even felt a little confusion.

Can’t understand: "What the **** is going on?"

"If I'm right, someone related to the Spades Firm should have kidnapped Professor Wang Jingyun. From the clues left by Professor Wang Jingyun, it seems that he was kidnapped deliberately so that we can look at him. Point to a certain group of people."

Dr. An said a bit convoluted, and said softly: "The process of this matter is very complicated, but the conclusion is very simple."

"Behind this incident, some terrible people appeared."


Lu Xin still didn't understand, and even found it ridiculous.

Dr. An is from the research institute, but the people in the research institute feel that others are terrible?

"To explain this in detail, it takes a lot of tongue..."

Dr. An gently squeezed a corner of the card on the table and said softly: "But I have an easier way for you to understand."

"The Spades Firm is a mysterious organization, and most of the members of this organization are those of the Abyss Group."

"But what we need to understand is that the abilities of the abyss group are basically outside the thirteen abilities group, because they are not affected by the impact of mental shock and have their own abilities, including you. Including the Xia Chong who I know, they are more of a group of people with artificial ability. The Spades Office is especially obvious, just like these capable playing cards."

"Actually, this should all be part of the creation hard drive."

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